The Blazing Storm (Scott McCa...

By mrshoran-payne

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Ella Yearwood thought dealing with an Alpha and fighting a Kanima was hard but she had no idea of the storm... More

3. 7
Updated S.3. Cast


135 7 0
By mrshoran-payne

When I woke up void Stiles was looking at me

"Oh good your awake."Void said with a sick smile

"What do you want with me?"I asked him

"The pain from all the people you healed."He said simply "And maybe a way to take away a Pine hunter's curse" 

"Take all the pain from me you want but I will never tell you how to undo the Pine family curse."I said

"Well, that's too bad,  if I remember correctly from your friend Stiles you got kidnapped last year right?" Void asked and I nodded not understanding where he was going with this. "That's good because I think it might be time to make you relive some memories and then maybe you will be more willing to help me."

"What do you mean by that?"I asked and the next thing I knew his hand is around my neck and I relived the most painful memories from my time kidnapped by the alpha pack.


Scotts pov

I was with Stiles at my mom's house, I walked into my old room where my mom was checking over Stiles

"Is she here?"Stiles asked sitting up a little

"Yeah."I said with a blank face

"Okay, let's do this." Stiles said causing me and my mom to share a look. "Guys we have to do this."I said 

My mom and I then helped him down to the living room where we met Mrs.Yukimura.

"Do you recognize me, hmm?"Mrs.Yukimura asked Stiles before we slowly walked closer to her

"Stop."Kira and Ezra say as they rush in

"It's okay. I'm the one who asked her to come."Stiles said

"You're the one who's going to get stabbed with swords."Ezra said

"Mom, don't do this to him."Kira begs her mom

"It's already done."Mrs. Yukimura said

Just then some Oni appears and grabs Stiles checking to see if he is really himself, after a bit, he falls down to the ground.

"Look behind his ear."Mrs.Yukimura said and we all rushed to him

"It worked."I said after seeing the marking behind his ear

"So, I'm actually me?"Stiles asked shakily sitting up

"More you than the nogitsune." Mrs.Yukimura said 

"Can the Oni find him?" Stiles asked

"Tomorrow night, it's too close to dawn."Mrs.Yukimura said

"Can they kill him?"Stiles asked as he shook his head

"It depends on how strong he is."Mrs.Yukimura said 

"What about Ella? Lydia? Why would he take them?" I asked

"He would only take them for an advantage."Mrs.Yukimura

"You mean their powers?"I asked

"The power of a Serin Fairy along with the power of a Banshee." Mrs.Yukimura said


Stiles and I went to the Sheriff's station so Stiles could see his dad

"Ah, If I could just find my keys."Sheriff Stilinski said looking for his keys in his jacket

"In your coffee cup. You always drop them in your empty cup."Stiles said as Sheriff Stilinski just looked at us and I nodded

Sheriff Stilinski then runs to hug Stiles 

"Oh!"Stiles said with a chuckle as they hugged "Hey Dad."

"Is it over?" Sheriff Stilinski asked

"Not yet."I said grabbing his keys

After telling him what was going on Sheriff got to work

"I put an APB out on Lydia's car and every unit on the road looking for them." Sheriff Stilinski said as we waited

"Is there anything else we could do? I mean the love of my life is missing for the second time in the past year along with her best friend."I said

"At this hour? No. Not really even though it kills me."Sheriff Stilinski said

"He took them for a reason, Dad. Look if we can figure out the why, then we'll figure out the where. I mean come on it's Ella and Lydia we're talking about." Stiles said

"Okay. What would a Nogitsune need with a Serin and a Banshee?" Sheriff Stilinksi asked

"I don't know, Ella's pretty good at healing people, fighting and protection, and Lydia's pretty good at finding dead bodies. Maybe he needs to find a body? And maybe he needs Ella's protection from us even though I don't think she would." Stiles said 

"Scott, you know more about this than all of us."Sheriff Stilinkski said

"Me?"I asked

"You said Ezra gave you the whole story from Noshiko?" Sheriff Stilinski  said in a questioning manner

"Yeah, but he said it happened during World War 2. Like 70 years ago." I said

"Wait what did you say?" Stiles asked 

"Well yeah Ezra said it happened 70 years ago but let me call him." I said pulling my phone out to quickly call him

(Scott-Normal, Ezra- Italics, Stiles- Bold)

"Hey, what's up?"

"I just had a quick question, where did you say Noshiko's story happened? It's kinda important."

"Oh, she said at an interment camp..."

"Okay, what is the whole story"


"There's a girl at Eichen house. Her name's Meredith. I think she might be able to help. Ezra Meet us at Ella and Scott's house as quickly as possible."

Stiles quickly hung up after getting an okay and Sheriff Stilinski quickly put the call out after Parish informed us that Meredith got moved to the closed unit due to her nonstop screaming Sheriff Stilinski went to check only to find out Meredith escaped. Apparently, Allison and Isaac found Lydia's car.

Later that day I was talking with Ezra as Stiles was taking a nap on the couch.

"Hey! " I said when I saw that Stiles was swaying back and forth after he woke up with a gasp. "You okay?"

"What happened? How long was I out?"Stiles asked after I stabilized him

"Just a couple of hours."Ezra said from his spot on the other couch

"He's right but you should sit down."I said

"Where's my dad?" Stiles asked as he shook his head

"He's at Eichen House, questioning everyone looking for Meredith. We promised him we wouldn't let you out of our sight."Ezra said while I nodded

"Okay, what about the others?"Stiles asked anxiously 

"Allison, Isaac, the twins, they're all looking for Ella and Lydia, I was too but I came home to check on you and to call Oceana to check on the twins."I said

"It's starting to feel like we're waiting for a ransom call."Stiles said

"We'll find them."I said," You alright?"I asked as Stiles put his jacket back on

"Yeah. I don't know why, I just can't seem to get warm."Stiles said 

"Maybe you should sit down. Take it easy."I said touching him when I felt a wave of pain. "You're in pain."

"It's not that bad. Just more like a dull ache."Stiles said 

"Where?"Ezra and I asked

"Sort of everywhere."Stiles said and I reached out to touch him when he pulled away and sat down

"Dude you're freezing. Tell me the truth."I said squatting down in front of him "How much does it really hurt?"

He was about to answer when Ezra's phone went off

"Sorry, it's Kira."Ezra said before stepping out of the room to answer the call only to come back in a few seconds later. "Meredith is in Coach's class we need to go now."


Meanwhile -  Ella's Short Pov

I gasped as I came back from the memories. I looked up to see a smirking Void Stiles.

"Oh good you're awake, you know Lydia's quite the talker or should I say quite the screamer."Void Stiles said with an even bigger smirk

"You can hurt me all you want but lay a finger on her and I will find a way to end you."I said 

"Oh I won't hurt her, I promise I won't lay a finger on her pretty strawberry blond head only if, and I mean if you tell me how to break the Pine family curse." Void said

"What is your obsession with breaking the curse?'I asked 

"That's for me to know and you to find out, now tell me or shall I pay your friend a visit?" Void said pointing to the door.

"Fine, you need..." I began before I head-butted him and with all my strength knocked him out

I quickly ran to where he was keeping Lydia

"OMG! Ella you're alive." Lydia said

"And you're okay, I'm gonna get you out of here."I said trying to break the lock before we heard shouting

"Ella hurry."Lydia said

"I'm trying."I said having no luck

"It's okay, Ella but you have to run, Scott, Stiles and everyone else is on their way, go and wait for them. I'll be fine but you need to run"Lydia said

"Are you sure?"I asked

"Positive. Now go."Lydia said

I nodded and took off running 


3rd Pov

After finding out where they were keeping Ella and Lydia. Scott, Stiles, Ezra,  and Isaac headed out to where they were while Allison was going to meet us.

"Hey, you okay?"Stiles asked Scott as they  drove to the old camp

"Yeah. You don't have to worry about me."Scott said

"Alright, I'll say it. You look like you're dying. You're pale, thin and you look like you're getting worse. And we're all sitting here thinking it. When we find the other you, is he gonna look like he's getting better?"Isaac said

"What happens if he gets hurt?"Scott asked 

"You mean if he dies, do I die? I don't care. Just as long as no one dies because of me. I remember everything I did, Scott  I remember pushing that sword into you, I remember twisting it. "Stiles said 

"It wasn't you." Scott said intently dissing the thought 

"Yeah, but I remember it. You guys gotta promise me. You can't let anyone get hurt because of me." Stiles said

They all quickly got out of Stiles's jeep and were met by Kira and Allison.

"We've done this before guys. A couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia, remember? That was a total stranger. This is Ella and Lydia."Scott said

"I'm here to save my best friends."Allison said

"I came to save both of mine " Scott said

"I just didn't feel like doing any homework." Isaac said before they  all walked in

"Kira, turn around and go home."Noshiko said as she was faced with Isaac,  Ezra, Kira, and Allison. "Take your friends with you."

"I can't when I looked at the game I realized who I was actually playing. You." Kira said

As Stiles and Scott went to look for Lydia Scott crashed into a smaller body

"Oh my god, Ella is that you."Scott asked helping the body up.

"Yes, thank god you're both here. Lydia needs help."  Ella said after giving both a bone-crashing hug.

They continued to run to where Lydia was while the other group was having a face-off with Noshiko. 

"What does that mean?"Isaac asked after Noshiko opened her hand and revealed black smoke

"It means there's been a change in ownership."Void Stiles said appearing before the group with the Oni. "Now they belong to me."

A huge fight broke out between everyone while Scott, Stiles, And Ella made their way to Lydia and it caused Ella and Scott to bolt into the fight after Lydia started freaking out Ella just so happened to make it first due to her being able to now teleport.

"Ezra look out. "Ella said as she helped kick off the Oni 

"How do we stop them?"Isaac asked while holding off one of the Oni

"You can't." Noshiko yelled back as an Oni slashed open Isaac's stomach 

Isaac was then getting attacked by three Oni at once just as Ezra and Allison started shooting silver arrows they both got one Oni saving Isaac but as they were celebrating killing the two Oni an Oni appeared behind Ezra and one appeared beside Allison stabbing them both in the stomach.

"Ezra! Allison!" Ella screamed for her cousin and friend  as both of them dropped to the ground

The Oni disappeared as Ella caught her cousin and Isaac caught Allison.

"No, no,no."Ella said trying to heal her cousin through tears

"E it's okay. I'm glad you're safe, did you guys find Lydia? Is she safe?"Ezra said grasping her hand

"She's okay. I can't. I  can't take your pain away."Ella said as she tried to take the pain away once she realized she couldn't heal him.

"Because it doesn't hurt." Ezra said with little air

"No."Ella said shaking her head 

"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. You have to tell Stiles it wasn't his fault and that I forgive him. You have to tell him."Ezra said gasping as he took his last breath and his arm fell to the side.

"No!"Ella screamed as she sobbed her heart out over the loss of her cousin.


A/N- I'm so sorry it literally broke my heart to write the last bit I literally cried while writing it. Also sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger (Disclaimer I do not own T.W.  All rights go to Jeff Davis, I only own Ella Yearwood Stilinski and her storyline.)

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