The Bad Boys little Fighter (...

By Burning_Embers__

2.4M 71.1K 8.4K

The Bad Boys Little Fighter Two people that seem so different, but are they really? Luka Knight, the bad boy... More

The Fight is on
New project new problems
The Bad Boy and the Visit
The Kid and the Interesting Ride
The Bad Boy and the Bitch
The Castle and the Guard Dog
Are they "Just Words"
My personal Hells
Stubborn Pain
Will you trust me?
What stopped him?
Maybe, just maybe...
Just stay frozen forever
Run away love
Get back to work
Secrets and thunder
Lights out
Scars and Kisses
The Blade and The Picture
The Game and the Chance
Anger and Surprises
Stars and Cops
Sweats and Swimsuits
Whistles and White capped waves
The Hidden Cove and The Place
The Picture and the Anger
The Fear and The Mischief
Him and His
Smoke and Kisses
Peace before The Call
Guilty Truth
Last Time
The End or Just the Beginning
Next book

His First Four

70.4K 2.2K 477
By Burning_Embers__

A/N READ THIS PLEASE OR YOU WILL BE CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so His First Four means like in a werewolf book there is the alpha beta and other commanders and your name is your rank? well the people down in the living room are Lukas first four in command. Now you may continue reading. Thank You.

Chapter 12

His first Four

We walked down the stairs and into the living room. I walked behind Luka letting go of his hand and keeping my head down. I jumped when the once silent room erupted in shouts. I flinched away from the unexpected noise. I saw Luka frown and raise his hand to silence his gang.

 "Quiet down you're scaring her. I warned you about this before we came here" he scolded. The men lowered their heads muttering apologies. I smiled at them.

 "It's o-ok" I shuddered, trying to regain control of my fear at being in a room full a men I didn't know. Day must have seen my discomfort because he stepped closer to me and nudged me with his arm. I jumped slightly but looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back. Ash stepped forward slowly, gaining my attention. I turned to look at him. His bright blue eyes shined with happiness as he stared at me.

 "We're all glad you're ok" he said. I smiled.

 "We were all worried about you" another man said. I turned to see it was the man that helped me the night Ash was shot. His dark blue hair fell into his blue eyes the same color blue as his hair. I shook my head.

 "You shouldn't worry. I don't even know you" I said. He nodded but he didn't seem to agree with me. In fact, as I looked around it seemed as if none of them agreed with me. Another man stepped forward.

 "You helped one of our own when he was seriously injured. We owe you our lives for that. In this gang family means everything, and when we learned you were hurt we wanted to help you. You may not know us but we all care about you and we want to help you" he said. His hazel eyes shined with trust and sincerity, his dark brown hair was tied back into a pony tail to keep it out of his face. He didn't seem like the kind of person to talk much, but when he did it was usually something worth listening to. Everyone in the room stared at him in wonder. He looked around before lowering his head a slight blush covering his cheeks. I saw Day watching him with curiosity and smiled. I could tell he was interesting in him. Day saw me looking and looked away a blush spreading across his face. Luka cleared his throat bring all attention back to him. He pointed to Ash.

 "You know him. He's my second in command and one of my best friends" he said. Ash bowed slightly and I gasped, knowing that had to hurt him. I walked over to him and hit him in the back of the head drawing a gasp from everyone in the room, but I ignored them.

 "What were you thinking" I asked. He shrugged.

 "I don't know" he mumbled.

 "Damn right you don't know. You weren't thinking. You could have hurt yourself even more" I scolded. He sighed and lowered his head.

 "I know I know" he said. I nodded firmly.

 "Good, now think before you do something stupid like that again" I said. He nodded. Luka chuckled.

 "This is snake" he said pointing to the man with blue hair. I nodded.

 "And this is Night" he said pointing to the man who spoke earlier. I smiled. Day and Night, that would be so cute. Day cleared his throat as he stared at me, apparently knowing where my mind had wandered. I smiled. He shook his head a soft smile on his face.

 "This is Dylan" Luka said pointing to a man who stood at the back of the room a small smile on his face. I wondered why he stood so far away, but as my eyes rested on his eyes I knew why. A scar ran across one of his brown eyes, it was foggy and not quite focused. His brown hair fell over it almost covering it up. I gasped and stepped towards him but he backed away. I raised my hands in surrender but didn't stop moving forward. I stopped in front of him and slowly moved his hair out of the way of his blind eye. He didn't flinch back but I knew he didn't like me so close to him or touching his eye. The room had gone silent but I didn't turn around, I kept my eyes on him.

 "Don't hide this" I said. His eyes widened. I frowned.

"What did you expect me to say" I asked. He shook his head.

 "I thought you would cover my eye more and tell me to hide it because it's ugly. That's what most girls do" he whispered. I glared.

 "Well I'm not most girls and if I ever see anyone do that to you they'll lose some teeth" I said. He chuckled.

 "You're so tiny, there's not much you could do" he said. I smiled. If only he knew.

 "You have no idea what I can do" I whispered before taking his hand and pulling him into the center of the living room with the rest of us. He smiled at me. I smiled back. Luka smiled at me as well. I could tell he liked that I was getting along with his first four. Maybe I could trust them with everything. Maybe Luka really could heal me.

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