Hosie one-shot compilation

By ArielDowdy

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This is just a place for me to write Hosie one shots. I have a full Hosie story and other one shots you guys... More

Love song
They don't know about us
Pretty brown Eyes
Let me love you: until you learn to love yourself
Unrequited Love
Secret love
Wish you were gay
She - Jake scott
Can I be Him
We are never getting back together
Let me love you - Mario
Love in the dark
When you're ready
My Person - Spencer Crandall

Over and over again

468 24 0
By ArielDowdy

Previously on legacies, 'I just lost the love of my life and it's all my fault.'

'Jo, what are you talking about? You were in a relationship? Why didn't you tell me you know I just want you to be happy'

'Yeah well Hope and I have been- were dating for almost four months. We were keeping it a secret because I was afraid of how you'd react because of your past with Hope. It was fine until a few days ago. We started fighting and today Hope told me she couldn't do it anymore. When you saw her in the hall, she was coming from here, she broke up with me. Told me she couldn't love me in the dark anymore.'

'Jo, you know I love you, so I say this with love. You are the dumbest person I've ever met. Why would you care about what I thought? I know I can be a bitch sometimes but I'm working on it and I'd never get in the way of your happiness. Besides, I like Hope now and I always thought you two would make a cute couple.'

Josie just sits there not moving or speaking. It takes a minute for Lizzie's words to register before she screams...

'WHAT?!? You don't care about who I date? Since when? Oh my god, I just fucked up the best thing that's ever happened to me over a baseless, irrational fear. Lizzie what am I gonna do? I NEED to get Hope back. But I can't just go up to her and say "hey so apparently Lizzie doesn't give a damn about who I date so we're good." I let my co-dependency get the best of me and made it more important than our relationship.'

'Well dear sister, you're in luck because I happen to have the perfect way to win Hope back.'

'Okay, what is it? It has to be good Lizzie. I have to show her that I'm all in, that I'm willing to fight for us as much as she is.'

'Okay, well a big part of her being upset, rightfully so, was that she didn't like hiding your relationship. You have to remember Jo, that Hope isn't great at emotional stuff and that in her head she still thinks everyone she loves is either going to die or leave her. So, you not being willing to go public made it seem like you already had one foot out the door.'

'Fuck, you're right. How could I have been so blind? She was my girlfriend and best friend before that ffs. I have to fix this Lizzie, so will you please tell me what your idea is?'

'Right, so my idea is that you serenade her in the common room during free period. It's public enough to make a statement but also low key enough that she won't get overwhelmed by all the attention.'

'That, umm, wow that's uh that's actually a good idea. But there's one problem, I don't know what song to sing.'

'You needn't worry sis, I've got that part covered. You'll be singing over and over again by Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande. It's the perfect song to show Hope that you love her and that she's enough. That you're never going to leave her.'

'Yeah yeah, that really is perfect. Thank you so much Lizzie, I really fucked up so I appreciate you helping me fix it.'

'Don't mention it, that's what twins are for. I've got your back, always. Now, let's get you cleaned up so you can go get your girl back.'

After ushering Josie into the shower, Lizzie sends a text to Mg telling him to make sure Hope was in the common room during free period, which was in an hour and a half. Hope and Mg have become like brother and sister so if there's one person at school able to get Hope to do something other than Josie, it was Mg.

He replied with a thumbs up and didn't ask for an explanation. Lizzie assumes Hope told him what happened and he probably figure it was a scheme to for Josie to get Hope back. Mg was also Jo's bestie so he knew that while she could be dense sometimes, she loved Hope with everything in her. If he knows about the breakup, then he also likely knew what her text had meant.

Forty-five minutes later, Josie comes back in the room, toweling her hair and looks for something to wear. She decides to go with black ripped mom jeans, a yellow crop top and her vans. She knows Hope loves the color yellow on her and it also happens to be Jo's favorite color. After throwing on a few rings and having Lizzie do her hair, the twins were on their way to the common room.

As they walked in, they saw Hope and Mg taking on one of the couches. Mg spotted them and waved them over.

'Hey Mg'

'Hi Jo, listen I know you two need to talk so Liz and I are just gonna give you some space.'

As he said that, Mg and Lizzie found their way to a separate couch, giving the two enough room to talk.'


Hope's head was down and it was evident she had been crying, she didn't even bother using a glamor spell to cover it up.

Fuck! Josie thought again in her head. She really hurt Hope. She just hopes (no pun intended) that she's given the chance to make it up to her.

'So umm, after you left, Lizzie came in and saw me crying and we talked, she basically called me a dumbass for letting my co-dependency get in the way of my happiness, of us. She was right, the whole time I was worried about what Lizzie would think that I neglected you and our relationship and that's not right. I just hope you can give me a second chance to show you that I'm all in too. I know my words might not mean much to you right now, so I'm just gonna show you how much I'm willing to fight for us.'

Josie nods at Lizzie who out of seeming nowhere, hands Josie her guitar.

'Hey guys, if I could have your attention for a moment please. So it's been brought to my attention that I can sometimes be a dense dumbass and that caused me to lose the best thing in my life. I'm hoping this will help me get it back.'

Taking a deep breath, Josie strums out the first chord and starts singing.

'From the way you smile, to the way you look, you capture me unlike no other. From the first hello yeah that's all it took and suddenly we had each other.'

Josie knew from the first time she met Hope that they'd be in each other's lives forever. She just hadn't known how.

'So don't ever think I need more, I've got the one to live for. No one else will do and I'm telling you, just put your heart in my hands. I promise it won't get broken.'

Josie didn't mean to hurt Hope and if given a second chance, she'll never break her heart again.

'And I won't leave you, always be true. One plus one two for life. Over and over again.'

If she gets it her way, Josie will never leave Hope.

'Girl when I'm with you I lose track of time. When I'm without you you're stuck on my mind. Be all you need til the day that I die, I'll love you, over and over again.'

Still going off the adrenaline of her performance, Josie takes Hope by the face and kisses her in front of everyone.

Leaning her forehead against Hope. Josie begins to speak again.

'I love you Hope, more than anything in the world. I'm so sorry that I let my fears get in the way of us. I know you understood why it was so important for Lizzie to approve but you were right. I was using Lizzie as a shield to hide us and I won't do that anymore. I can't be without you Hope so please, tell me what I have to do to prove that I'm all in. I'll climb the clock tower in the square and scream that I'm in love with Hope Mikaelson if that's what you want. I know you don't give your heart easily but I promise if you give me another chance that I'll take good care of it this time.'

'I love you too Jo, you know that. What you just did is all I wanted. Maybe not as extreme but I'm assuming Lizzie had a hand in planning it so I'm not surprised. I just wanted you to acknowledge us in public, to not shy away from it. You're right, I don't give my heart out easily but Jo, you've had my heart since we were 12. I'm giving you one more chance, don't screw it up Saltzman.'

'I won't, I promise that I'll do everything in my power to make sure you're happy. I'm not going anywhere Hope, you're stuck with me.'

'Eh, I think I'll be okay with that, always and forever sounds pretty good to me.'

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