chubby reader one-shots

mommy108 द्वारा

6.4K 137 62

I am a chubby person, I need more chubby one shots. I will basically do anything, Marvel, Dc, smut, cartoon... अधिक

requests: closed
[ROTG] Jack Frost x chubby reader
[BNHA] Mirio Togata x chubby reader
[BNHA] Togaru Kamakiri x chubby reader
[Rottmnt] Raph x chubby reader
[Encanto] Bruno Madrigal x chubby reader
[BHNA] Taishiro Toyomitsu x fem chubby reader
[It 2017] Richie Tozier x chubby reader

[Stranger Things] Steve Harrington x fem chubby reader

599 21 3
mommy108 द्वारा

❤︎~ Bikini ~❤︎

[angst to fluff]

The day was full of sunshine and fun. Laughing children was heard around the area, along with the sounds of splashing waters. It was a hot summer day, the perfect day for a swim.

Who wouldn't want to go for a swim? It was literally perfect. There was not a cloud in the sky, and the highest today was 97 degrees. Someone would have to be insanely crazy to not want to swim.

Or, insanely insecure.

Here, inside a dark locker room with grease licking on the sides, stood you. The sun slid through the tiny windows of the locker room, making you aware of the world outside.

You heard the sound of seagulls, a volleyball being hit over a net, children running against the sand towards the ocean, all of it was so overwhelming.

As the world outside sounded so fun, and filled with laughter, here you stood, in the dark locker room, teary eyed as you stared at yourself in the mirror.

You thought buying a bikini would make you look sexy, and at first you thought you looked good. That is, until you saw Nancy in a bikini, and Robin in a bikini, and literally every other beautiful woman in a bikini on the beach. It made you want to rip this fat off of you.

Sure, maybe the bikini matched your hair and eyes, but it did not make you feel beautiful, like you thought it would. You could see everything, all of your fat hanging out like a sore thumb. Your stretch marks crawled up your skin, being exposed to the world. You weren't sure what you were thinking before, but you regret spending even a single penny on this.

"Oh Y/n~ what's taking so long?"

You heard Robin call out, and she knocked on your stall door. "Oh— sorry! Just uh, just trying to figure this suit out." You lied. It was a bit hard to get on, but you did it in the end.

"You sure you're okay?" Nancy asked. She must've heard your voice crack. "Yup, yup, all good. Just give me a second.." you chuckled.

You turned to the mirror, having mixed feelings about the bikini. So, you just threw on your shirt and pants. You felt at piece seeing your body covered with baggy clothing. You sighed, grabbing your bag and walking out of the stall.

You saw Robin and Nancy in their bathing suits, and even though Robin's was a bit more Tom boyish, she still looked beautiful. "Hey, where's your swimsuit?" Nancy asked. "Oh, it didn't fit." You said sheepishly. "Awe man, it didn't? Why don't we run to the store real quick, it'll only take about thirty minutes." Robin suggested.

"No no, I'm okay, really. I'll just dip my feet in or something." You shrugged. Robin and Nancy looked to each other, and Robin shrugged. "Well alright, but let us know if you change your mind." She said.

You nodded, putting on a fake smile as you walked out with the girls.

"Dude, what are you staring at?" Dustin questioned. "Huh?" Steve blinked. "Uh, nothing." He said quickly. "You totally were! You're supposed to be setting up the umbrella, remember?" Dustin pointed out. Steve looked down in his hands to see the large umbrella. "Oh."

He kneeled down and lifted the umbrella up, situating it over the picnic blankets. "Okay, so, where were you staring?" Dustin asked again. "Dustin— just let go man." Steve sighed. "No— wait, I know where you were looking! The girls locker room right?"

Steve almost dropped the umbrella, but he successfully caught it. He fumbled around with it as he stated a simple, "no. Why would you even think that?" He questioned. "I don't know. You were looking that way and the girls are walking out now." Dustin stated. Steve stopped what he was doing and looked around the umbrella, raising his glasses up to get a better look.

Indeed, there were the three girls. Robin, Nancy, and, you. You weren't wearing a swimsuit though.

"Oh... I get it. Steve has a crush!" Dustin realized. "Shh— shut up." Steve shoved Dustin's side. Steve stepped away from the umbrella, finally done with it.

"Who is it? Robin?" Dustin asked. "No— no way." Steve said, remembering Dustin doesn't know she is gay. "You still have a thing for Nancy?" Dustin pushed. "No." Steve sighed. He did have feelings for her for a while, but someone else eradicated those feelings.


Y/n, you. Oh lord. Steve thought you were a literal angel. You were so compassionate and sweet, yet also being funny and smart. You would always tease him, and he's pretty sure you've flirted with him a bit, but he's never sure if you're just being nice or flirting. God, he has fallen for you, so, so hard.

"So it is then?" Dustin giggled, wiggling his eyebrows. "Hey? What about this? If you shut up, I'll give you a cookie." Steve suggested. "I have bigger expectations Steve.. and I demand cake." Dustin demanded, folding his arms together.

"Okay— okay fine. What kind of cake?" Steve asked. "The ice cream log at Dairy Queen." Steve grabbed Dustin's hand and shook it. "Deal. As long as you don't talk about.. my love life." Steve said. "Wait, you love Y/n—"

"Shut. It." Steve warned. Dustin rolled his eyes as he sat down, digging his toes into the sand.

"Hey guys!" Nancy called, walking up to the picnic blankets. "Hey." Steve greeted, pulling his sun glasses back down. "Where did everyone go?" Robin asked. "Into the water." Steve said, gesturing to the ocean.

You looked over and saw Eddie body slamming Mike into the water, Will and El trying to save him. Lucas and Max were on a tube together, doing couple stuff.

"You're not going into the water Y/n?" Dustin asked. "Hm? Oh, yeah yeah, I can't 'cause... uh," you stammered, too embarrassed to say your lie. "It didn't fit." Nancy explained for you, making you blush in embarrassment. "Oh damn, that's too bad.." Steve said honestly.

He would've loved to see you in a bathing suit. Robin smirked, seeing Steve's sad face. "Hey Nance, let's go in the water shall we?" Robin suggested. "Yeah.. yeah hold on. I need to do something real quick." Nancy explained.

Robin raised an eyebrow, before shrugging. "Alright. See you guys!" She waved, running into the water. Nancy sighed, watching her go. Nancy looked at Steve. "She's an energetic one, isn't she?" Nancy giggled. "She sure is." Steve laughed.

You watched the two laugh, feeling like you were the third wheel. Nancy sat down, really close to Steve. "Steve, I uh, need to talk to you." Nancy said. Steve blinked, nodding slowly. "Uh, sure." Steve agreed.


Nancy glanced to you and Dustin. "Yeah, of course." You said, turning around quickly and walking away. Steve watched you, a sad expression on his face. "Nancy, what is it?"

Your feet met with the hot sand, even though you were wearing flip-flops. You knew what Nancy was going to ask, she wanted to date him again didn't she? You knew her and Jonathan's relationship hasn't been doing so well, so why not go back to the really hot guy?

You knew Steve wouldn't like you back in the same way, but you still had that stupid little hood inside of you. That maybe— just maybe, you would get your happy ever after.

You sat down at a stand that served food and drinks. "Uh, I'll have some coconut water, thanks." You said, already feeling dehydrated. You wondered what Steve and Nancy were talking about. You wouldn't be surprised if they were making out right now...

"Hey, you sell alcohol?"

"Wait wait, what are you saying?" Steve questioned. "I'm saying I think Y/n is insecure of herself." Nancy repeated. "I heard you the first time, but why are you telling me? And why would you think she does?" Steve questioned.

"Because Steve, when I was thirteen I was a bit chubby too. I was insecure, and I can see all of the same signs from Y/n. Not wanting to wear revealing clothes or swimsuits, doesn't like to eat in front of people, looks sad whenever skinny, pretty women pass by. It goes on." Nancy sighed. "And, well, it's obvious you both have a crush on each other, so I thought—"

"Woah woah woah woah, a crush? No, we, we don't like each other like that." Steve denied. Nancy gave him a "are you serious I can see right through you" expression. Steve sighed and hung his head low. "How are you sure I would help? How are you sure Y/n likes me back?" Steve questioned.

"Because Steve, a girl can tell." Nancy explained.

Steve sighed again, licking his lips as he thought of what to do next. He stood up, looking around and spotting you sitting at a booth in the far distance.

"Okay, okay, I'll go talk to her.." Steve reassured. "Good, thank you again. She really needs someone to wake her up." Nancy said. Steve glanced to her, then the ground. "Yeah, she does."

Steve started to walk towards the booth, his thoughts tearing him apart. You? Insecure? Just because you're chubby? Why? Why would beautiful, wonderful, perfect you be insecure? It seemed preposterous.

Finally, he made it to the small booth, and he sat next to you. "Hey Y/n, I— woah, hey there. Are you drinking?" Steve questioned, seeing you swig down a shot of something. "Yeah, three shots of tequila. Is that such a big deal?" You asked. "Yes, it is. I don't want you getting drunk on a hot beautiful day. A hangover at the beach sounds pretty bad and—"

"Steve, I'm not going to get drunk on a couple shots. I'm my own person, I can do what I want. Besides, you're not my boyfriend, or anything.." You stated simply, taking another sip.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows, feeling his heart shatter. He grabbed the glass from you, even though you whined and tried to get it back, he kept it out of your reach.

"Steve! Give it back." You argued. "No. Please, I want to talk to you." He begged. "And I don't." You said.

"Y/n— I know why you didn't wear a swimsuit."

Those words made you stop in place. You were reaching for the cup, your chest almost bumping into his, and you just stared at him. You quickly retracted back into your seat, looking down at your hands.

"It didn't fit." You mumbled. "Nancy said it fit you perfectly when you two went shopping. There's something more to this." He said. You held your face in your hands, shaking your head back and forth.

"Why do you even care?" You let out, your voice broken. Steve's gaze softened, and he set down the drink, staring at the liquid swirling a little inside. He scooted his chair a bit towards you, sighing.

"Because I care about you, Y/n." He stated simply. You sniffled, peaking through your fingers and glancing to Steve. "Why?" You asked again, wondering how Steve could care about someone like you. "Because I..."

Steve looked to you, searching your hidden face. He wasn't sure what to say, or how to say it, especially this seems to be all so sudden.

Slowly, and gently, he moved his hands to you. He grasped onto your hands, pulling them away from your face. You only looked at Steve, confused as he turned his whole body to face you.

"I uh, I always feel so, so happy when I'm around you. You make me laugh, and you're the type of girl I could see.. well, having six nuggets with." He admitted, his face turning pink. "Would you want to, maybe, be my girlfriend?" He asked sheepishly, glancing up to you.

You felt yourself wanting to cry, or to scream in joy, your emotions were all over the place. "I'm drunk. This isn't real." You muttered. "Y/n, this is real, I'm real. Unless, well unless you don't want to be my girlfriend then uh, you know, that's fine too. But I thought— I thought maybe I would—"

He stopped his sentence, a pair of lips had flown to his. His eyes widened, but he immediately cupped your face, pressing more into the kiss. You were the one to pull away, only leaving Steve wanting more.

"You're not doing this out of pity, right? This isn't a joke, right?" You questioned, still seeming to be doubtful. "Oh— god Y/n, no." Steve felt a little annoyed that you couldn't get it, how much he loves you.

"You're perfect. You hear me? Perfect." Steve kissed your cheek, then your lips again.

You were still not sure if this was a dream, or a drunk hallucination, but hell, you were going to role with it.

• • •

You sucked in a breath of air, staring at yourself in the same mirror, and the same stall from those couple months ago. Instead of hating how your body looked, you felt good, at least a little bit.

For some reason, your rolls didn't disgust you anymore, and your fat didn't make you feel like a blob. You were loved now, loved on a deeper level. Of course you had to go through stuff yourself, but your boyfriend definitely helped.

"You ready Y/n?" Robin asked through the stall door.

"Yeah," you sighed, grabbing your stuff and walking out. "Damn! You look good Y/n!" Robin cheered. "You look nice in that." Nancy confirmed. "Thanks." You smiled sheepishly, following the girls out of the locker room.

"Steve, you're staring again." Dustin stated. "Huh? I'm allowed to stare wherever I want. I finished setting up the umbrella." Steve pointed out. "Whatever dude— damn, look at Y/n." Dustin pointed.

"Hey, don't go flirting with my girlfriend okay— wait, where?" Steve whipped his head around, looking to see Robin, Nancy and you walking towards them.

You wore a bikini, a bikini. You looked so hot.

"Steve?" You chuckled softly. Steve barely even noticed you were right in front of him, and he beamed from joy. "Y/n, come here." Steve demanded, slapping his thighs. "I better not— I might be heavy—"

"Y/n," Steve said. "Please."

You chuckled again, rolling your eyes. "Okay, but if I crush you it's not my faULT!" You squeaked when Steve grabbed your hand, pulling you down onto his lap. You sat comfortably on his lap, his arms wrapping around you as he kissed your neck.

"You look good." He whispered into your neck. "Thanks." You mumbled, embarrassed.

"Gross! Get a room!" Dustin screeched, covering his eyes. Steve scoffed, pulling you closer to him. He smiled gently as he looked down at you.

He was yours.

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