Superman's Daughter (Young Ju...

By hikari46

137K 3.1K 772

A girl named Kathleen Kent is the daughter of Superman. Her powers are completely different from him except s... More

Characters of the Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Special Chapter: Valentines Day
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Author's Note
Special Chapter: Young Justice Live Show
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

1.4K 43 12
By hikari46

*Kathleen P.O.V*

I was taking care of Steve since Keith and Leah told me to watch over him

"did you buy presents for Wally?" Dick ask me

"yeah" I answer

Steve hug Dick

"good morning, brother Robin" in a cheerful tone

"good morning, Steve" he greet Steve and hug him back

"Keith and Leah told me to take care of Steve" I explain my boyfriend

"figures, how are they?" Dick ask me and Steve

"sister Leah and brother Keith are still mad of what happened" Steve told Dick in a sad tone

"Zatanna didn't mean to wear Nabu's helmet" he told Steve

"I know, I'm not blaming her. uncle told me no matter what happens, his always here" he point at where his heart is

"at least you learn in a lesson in a good way, buddy" he pat his head

"yeah!" he smile

"before I forget here" Dick tossed me a small present

"what's inside?" I ask him

he roll his eyes at me

"just open and see what's inside of it" he sigh at me

I pout and opened my gift and gasped. inside of the box is a promising ring

"your birthday is the day when you and Red Tornado got abducted" he told me

he grab the ring from my hands and noticed that Steve is taking a picture using my phone

"Kathleen Anne Kent, my first girlfriend, first kiss" I chuckled as he smile "can be dense when it comes to love and not anymore" I cried in tears of joy "I promise that I'll continue to love you, protect you and always give you happiness" kiss me on the lips

I kiss him back and pull away gently as he placed the ring on my right hand

"thank you, how did you know it will be my 12th birthday?" I ask him

"Keith happened to tell us and have a gift for you, though I'm not sure if he give you or not" he told me

"I didn't receive it yet" I answer

Steve give me back my phone and look at the picture

"is it nice?" Steve ask us

"yeah, it's nice buddy" Dick compliment Steve

they bump fist into each other and make this picture as my wallpaper

~Mount Justice~

Wally came in as everyone shout

"SURPRISE!" with a smile on our face

"what?" Wally pretend to be surprise "oh, you guys, you shouldn't have" I sigh at his silliness

"right, not like you've been hinting for days, or anything" my boyfriend told him

we let him sit as the cake is in front of him

"I made two cakes" Megan told him

"awesome! what will you, guys, eat?" Wally ask

"we'll split the cupcake" I smile "make a wish"

"way ahead of you" I roll my eyes at him

all of us are enjoying ourselves and I approach Zatanna giving her cake

"here" I give her a cake

"thanks, Kathleen" she thank me "is Keith and Leah mad at me?" she ask

"to be honest I'm not sure. I've grown up with them and change after what happened to their parents" I sigh

"I see.." she sigh and noticed something "nice ring, are you engage?" she smile mischievously

"no" I blushed and look down "Robin give me belated birthday gift when I was abducted with Red Tornado at that time" I smile nervously

"that's the worst birthday you had" she winced

"yeah, first time not celebrating... Keith and Leah will come around" I pat her shoulder

"how old are you now?" she ask

"12 years old and midget forever" I sigh

"don't say that, dad told me that when your not reach at 18, you can still grow up.. is your hair natural?" looking at my pink hair

"yeah" I smile "I have my mother's look and father's eye" I told him

"dad told me what happened to your mom, I'm sorry for your loss" in a sad tone

"it's alright, my mother is watching me in heaven" I smile and she smile back

Artemis came towards us

"should we tell him?" she ask

I look at them and shiver at Wally's flirtness

"he is the only one who doesn't know" I told him

"then, please.. allow me" I look at her

Artemis approach Wally to tell about Megan and brother are couples

"these two will be together" I whisper at Zatanna

"you seek their future?" she whispered at me

"yes and that goes for you" I wink at her

"what do you mean?" she look at me surprise

"I happened to know you have a major crush on Keith" I smirk at her

"wha-what?" she blushed

"sister Kathleen and sister Zatanna" Steve called us

"yes, what is it?" I ask Steve

"here" give me the camera "I'm done taking picture" he smile

"you didn't have to do this, Steve" Zatanna told him

"I like to take picture with everyone" he smiled

"you can be so sweet and gentleman" she kiss on Steve's cheek

"uncle said that you should always be a gentleman and don't be a lazy person like brother Keith.. oops" he cover his mouth

Zatanna and I are laughing at his statement

"team" Batman called us"suit up. polar stealth. mission briefing in five" I sigh

all of us are suiting up and I put the ring on my necklace then cover it

"where is Flash?" Wally ask Batman

"Flash and Red Tornado already have their assignments" I hold Steve's hand "a massive storm has paralyzed North America from coast to coast. satellite imagery has detected five flying ice fortresses, source unknown, which seem to be responsible and must be stopped" in a serious tone

"well, can't the Watchtower blow them out of the sky, or something?" he ask

"what's a watchtower?" Zatanna ask me in a low tone

I shrugged not to tell her at this moment

"the league's orbiting headquarters is not weaponized and with both Green Lanterns off-world, I need all hands on deck" I smile

"does that mean what I think it means?" Dick ask "the league and the team fighting side by side?" he ask

"wow, really!?" Wally ask in happy tone

"Superboy, use the super-cycle to rendezvous with the Batplane at Ice Fortress 1. you'll drop off Robin and Aqualad then continue on with Wolf to meet up with Black Canary and Red Tornado at Ice Fortress 2" he order them "Miss Martian, Artemis and Zatanna, take the bio-ship and rendezvous with Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter at Ice Fortress 3 other league will deal with fortresses 4 and 5. sending all coordinates now, Athena and Angel you have a call coming from the chibi" he told us

Sophia appeared on the hologram with a worried face

"Kathleen and Steve we need your help!" she shout at us

"what's wrong?" I ask in a worried tone

"the dark guild is attacking us" she pat and winced in pain "they took one of our guild mates and master he's sick and the Aurora is healing him... Leah and Keith are unconscious they stopped the powerful canon attack by their shield, some of them are badly injure and God knows where that idiot Glenn is " she pat more

"we need to go there" in a serious tone "opened the portal now" I order her

Sophia opened the portal quickly and look at the team

"be careful and we'll be back" I grab Steve and job the portal

~Wizard World~

when they are about to hit our guildmates

"elemental huge shield!" I make a huge shield and tried to stop it

"sister Kathleen!" Steve shout at me

"go heal the others!" I told him

"on it!" he summoned the wings and head for the injured people

I pat as the attack stop then the shield disappeared

"Kathleen!" Hannah called me

"what happened and why did the dark guild attack us?" I ask her

"they want Phoebe and wanted to kill us" in a serious tone

"what's the canon made of?" I ask

"it was been made by a 5 elements.. the one who control fire, earth, water, lightning and air" I look at the fortress

"did they manage to defeat one of them?" I ask her

"no" she sigh "but we are now, right?" looking at me

"yeah, where is Glenn?" I ask

"he went in and battling the Knight wizard" she sigh

"let's defeat this person in order not to activate the canon" I told her

she nod and I went inside of the fortress

*Keith P.O.V*

I went inside of the fortress since I overheard the midget plan. suddenly it rain

"I thought it was sunny day" I whispered at myself

"drip, drop, drip, drop" I look at the person

it was a girl holding umbrella and green curly hair like a mountain. the girl look at me and blushed

what the heck? I thought of myself why is she blushing at me?

"umm... who are you?" I ask

"is this what people say? love at first sight" the girl told me hold her face while blushing

"what?" I look at her dumbfounded

"can you tell me where Phoebe is, this is troublesome" I sigh

the girl gloom and glared at me

"why is Phoebe so important than Juliet" in a stern tone

"Juliet? I don't even know who she is!" I shout at her "Phoebe is my guildmate and friend" in a serious tone

"Juliet is even more jealous than Phoebe! whip slash!" she attack me

"what!" I dodge and almost slip because of the rain "like I told you, I don't know who Juliet is! shadow ball" I throw shadow at her

the girl dodge and glared at me

"Juliet will have a rival and the guy I fell in love is taking away from me! water lo-" I cut her off

"ICE CRYSTAL!" I approach her quickly as the fog started

the fog disappeared as the girl blushed and noticed I touch her chest!

"Juliet is happy that I fall in love with is touching my chest and so bold" she told me

"I didn't mean to touch it!" I shout at her "disappeared!" the ice disappeared and step away from her

I wipe my forehead as the rain is getting heavier

"when will the rain, stop?" I ask and look above

"Juliet thinks your the same as them!" she shout at me "people always say that Juliet always rain at them and don't know when to stop" glaring at me

"that's because you let your emotion control you, Juliet!" I shout at her

"you don't understand Juliet feelings at all! water wave!" she shout

I was drown in water and noticed it became hotter. at this rate, I'll be boiled like an egg!

shadow control! I control her shadow. I stop her attacks and cough

"I caught you, sorry" I punch her powerfully

she fly away and I wipe my forehead because of the rain. the girl who name herself. this is going to be hard

"Ju..liet wi..ll no..t up" she stand up weakly

when Juliet is about to fall I caught her in my arms and lay down gently. I noticed that the rain is stopped and the sun appear

"see that's the sun" I point where the sun is

"why" I look at her "didn't you finished me off?" she ask weakly

"because" I look at the sun "I don't fight a person that he/she is unable to battle. your going to have another round?" I ask her

"kya!" she look at me as her eyes turned into heart and faint while blushing

"what the heck?" I muttered

I don't know why she's like this. I sigh and look for Phoebe

*Robin P.O.V*

"who would have thought that Keith is already have a fan" Wally told us

"love at first sight? that girl is weird" Artemis told us

"I agree with you" Zatanna agree "who is Phoebe anyway?" she ask

"from what I heard from Kath she's a new member of the guild and a celestial wizard" Wally answer

I look at the mirror worriedly, please be alright Kathy

*Kathleen P.O.V*

I dodge every attack of the dark master name Tom

"is that the best you can do!? Kathleen!? running away from me!?" he ask

I stop and it's a dead end

"water-lightning hurricane!" I shoot at him

he dodge and quickly approach him

"is that the-" I cut him off

"lightning punch!" I punch his stomach

"gah" he screamed in pain and fly away

"you shouldn't underestimate me just because I'm shorter than you, Tom" in a stern tone

Tom laugh evilly and look at me deadly, I noticed something. his eyes are turned into darkness, this is bad I never master the purification yet

"I didn't expect that the daughter of Kathyrn is powerful" he smiled at

"ahh!" I screamed in pain

he absorbed my powers and wrap me using his dark powers

"so beautiful" caress my face "you have your mom's appearance yet" grab my neck "you have that Kryptonian eyes, makes me want to torture you mo-" I cut him off

"water-lightning roar!" I blow using my mouth

it directly hit him as Tom fly away and I'm being released. I caress my neck gently

I didn't expect that he'll be more powerful and he's hard to defeat him. can't rely on using visions

"Kathleen" I hear master voice

when I turned around, I sigh in relief that he's okay

"master" I called him

"you should get out, I'll deal with him" in a stern tone

I nod and quickly left to the fortress

"sister Kathleen!" Steve noticed me

"hey" I greet him

"where is master?" Hannah ask me

"he will fight with Tom" I answer

"Pouty/midget!" Keith and Leah called me

"Keith and Leah" I sigh in relief that they are okay

"what happened to your neck?" Leah ask me and started to heal my injury

"Tom grab my neck and almost snapped it" I answer

"you don't have to battle him alone" scold at me

"we just bump into each other and who knew that my mother is very popular" I shrugged

"aunt Kathyrn is one of the powerful wizard and some people are afraid of her" she finish healing my neck

"but they hate me because I have father's eye" looking at the fortress and smile

"why are you smiling?" she ask

"master defeat Tom. he used one of the powerful that would seal Tom's dark power" looking at her

"that's master for you" looking at the fortress

master came back and all of us cheered

"we did it!" we hug each other

"Phoebe" master called her

"master" she look down

"raise your head high, young one. no one blames you for what your father did" he smiled "we are your family and helping one another"

master look at us since were beaten up by them

"Phoebe, all of us are risking our lives just to save you. don't blame yourself" in a gentle tone

Phoebe raise her head and cried. few of the girls cried while I look at the guild and that's being destroyed


"of course since the dark guild is battling us and our guild is destroyed" Keith said in a monotone

"run!" he quickly run

"no matter how fast he is" Leah told us "they already placed a barrier on us" she sigh

"here comes the question and answer" I told them and sigh

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

after incident the boys are going to build the guild while Phoebe is sitting next to me

"uumm... Kathleen" she called me

"what is it? Phoebe?" I ask

"I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life even though I'm older than you" she look down

"age doesn't matter" I wave it off "your my friend and my comrade" I smile widely

she smile back and nod then looking at the boys

"the boys are working hard especially, Keith" she told me

I nod in agreement since Keith can be lazy person

"yeah, since Leah scold Keith and he work quickly" I told her

"Leah, Keith and Steve are siblings at all" she chuckled "I have to do something, I'll see you later. Kathleen" pat my head

"take care" she wave and left

"I have a feeling that Phoebe will visit her dad" Leah told me

"I agree with you, Leah" I look at her "your still mad at Zatanna?" I ask

"no comment" I sigh at her stubbornness

"you can't be mad at her forever, Leah... Zatanna feel so guilty of what happened" I told her

"if she didn't wear it, this wouldn't happened" she hug her knees

"if you were in Zatanna's position you will wear Nabu's helmet or not?" I ask

"I won't wear for I know what the consequence will be. me, you, Keith and Steve are wizards while her she's just a mere human" in a serious tone

"technically half wizards" I corrected her "come on Leah, we do know that Klarion is a Lord of Chaos and only doctor Fate can defeat him" I swing my leg

"your not going to stop until me and Zatanna are okay that goes for Keith" glaring at me

"yes" I look at her "you can't stay be mad forever, Mystogan didn't want you and Keith to have an unhappy life forever" I stand up and stretch my body

"tell me again why you the daughter of my God father?" she sigh

"because I'm pretty good at persuading you and Keith" I smile and ignore her question

"Keith changed a lot ever since she passed away" she smile sadly at me

"I know" looking at the sky "I'll try to convince him" I smile

"I have a feeling you'll do something stupid and I'm not going to help you with it" she sigh

"you won't, Leah" I went to Keith

*Keith P.O.V*

I was taking a rest until the midget approach me

"what is it, midget?" I ask her

"your still mad at Zatanna?" she ask the question out of the blue

"you still won't drop it until I answer your question, huh?" I look at her

"yes" looking at me in serious

"if I say yes, I blame Zatanna and it's her fault that I'm like this? will you leave me alone?" in a serious tone

"no" I glared at her "I can hear your heartbeat and lied. deep inside, your not mad at Zatanna. but, what she did is unforgivable" she sigh "Zatanna feels guilty and wanted to apologize you and Leah in person" in a serious tone

"let Zatanna stay guilty for the rest of her life" in a cold tone

I noticed she didn't flinch nor mad. instead looking at me serious

"Keith, the reason why you stayed here because your quitting the team or running away from your problems?" that's when I snapped out

I grab her collar and smack her on the wall as midget didn't show pain at all

"you don't know what I've been through, Kathleen" in a cold tone "you don't know what I've been through"

"I know a lot Keith. ever since Lorie Ann passed away, you became like this often to be cold hearted and distancing yourself from us or your sibling. why?" she ask

"I can't bear to lose someone okay!" I shout and let go off her

"Keith..." she look at me sadly

"Lorie Ann, she's everything to me. yet, that bastard kill her" I kneel down and punch the ground "ever since uncle became doctor Fate, my memories came back remembering the death of my girlfriend. she's my first love, who knows everything to me. Lorie Ann accept me who I was"

I noticed that midget is hugging me and I hug her back

"this memories the death of my girlfriend keeps on repeating and couldn't sleep well. it's all my fault that I couldn't save her" I cover my face on her shoulder

*Wally P.O.V*

I turned off the sphere and sigh

we didn't expect that this will happened

"why did you turn off the sphere?" Artemis ask me

"because... Kath will kill us if we know everything" I answer

"I didn't expect that when Mystogan wear the helmet it triggers Keith memories, the death of Lorie Ann"Zatanna told us in a sad tone

Kaldur said "Zatanna, it's not your fault that Keith became like that. Kathleen is trying her best just that you three are okay now" in a gentle tone

"I know Kath since we're kids until now" I told everyone "she won't stop until the person are forgiving each other" I smile

Robin said "even though you can be over protective like Superboy" he chuckled

"Kath is everything to us and unique person" I sigh in happiness "if you break her heart, I won't hesitate to beat you up" glaring at him

"I'm not planning to break her up" he laugh nervously

you better be Robin, she's very important to me

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