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By whoisthisgirlnoelle

21.7K 521 65

Madelyn Baker is the second oldest child of the Baker family and she is everyone's favorite sibling and favor... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 4

1.8K 66 14
By whoisthisgirlnoelle

Madelyn's P.O.V:

"I'm not moving." Charlie said sternly while everyone was seated in the living room and I was between Jessica and Henry while Kim was sitting on my lap.

"Charlie, Evanston is only four hours away. Beth can come and visit." Mom assured Charlie but Charlie says, "This isn't just about Beth, Mom. My whole life is here in Midland." And the phone starts ringing and mom presses the speaker button and Nora's voice is heard.

"Hello?" Mom asks, "Hi, Mom." Nora says.

"Hi, Nora. You're on speaker." Mom tells Nora and she tells everyone hi and apparently so does Hank.

"So, you guys thinking about moving up here?" Nora asks and Dad tells her, "Yeah. You got room in that new apartment for your big ol' family?"

"Just big enough for two, Dad. How's your book going, Mom?" Nora tells him and asks Mom.

"Actually, I just sent it to a friend who's in publishing, so we'll see." Mom responds to her. Kim decides to interrupt their conversation by asking, "Could we stay on subject, please?"

"Bean's mother's buried here. I'm not splitting them up. They're family." Mark tells mom.

"We can build a fancy new memorial to Pork in our new yard." Dad suggests to Mark while Lorraine says, "Yeah, like we can afford that."

"Actually we can." Dad tells all of us "I'll be making enough money to do that, get you out of hand me downs, get Jake those new skates and get that new car we've been saving for." Dad continues and you can see Lorraine's face light up with raised eyebrows.

"But I have friends here." Sarah argues but Mom reassures her, "Well honey, you'll keep in touch. And can make new friends."

That makes everyone's voices overlap with each other's arguing about leaving, you can see Dad get up from the arm of the chair and get a megaphone and scream, "Quiet!" And that makes everyone's voice stop and listen to dad.

"Now, look, I know you're all scared. Moving is a big deal. We're very comfortable here. I get that. And that's why I turned down a lot of other coaching offers through the years. But this is a job I've wanted since we left Chicago. And, in fact, it's more of a job to me... um, this is my team.. And it's my colors and it's um.. The Stallions. And they're finally calling my number. And I want you to take this risk for me, because if you do I promise you, we will be a happier and stronger family." Dad told all of us.

While he was talking I moved my head down to my lap not understanding what my Dad had sacrificed for us and it made me feel guilty about arguing about it.

"You promise?" Asks Mark.

"I promise." Dad tells him.

"I would feel happier and stronger if we vote on it." Sarah argues again and Charlie starts agreeing with her and so does everyone.

"All right, we can vote. But in the end, your mother and I are gonna do what we think is best for the family." Dad agrees

"What's the point of even voting?" Jessica argues.

"I'm out." Sarah tells my parents and everyone starts leaving and arguing and I let Kim off my lap and start walking out but before I do I look at my parents and smile at them softly trying to show that I understand them and my dad just nodded while my mom just smiled at me as a response that they got it while getting up from the chair.

Noe speaks ✎

Oh my gosh. I finally updated after such a long time 😭😭

I would like to apologize for taking so longggg to update... i may have forgetten about this book oops

but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and more will be coming soon!! (i hope)


anyways I hope you enjoy your day!! 🤍🤍🤍

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