A Hunter's vendetta


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(male betrayed Captain turned bloodborne hunter x Honkai Impact 3rd) this is more of an experiment book. may... More

BIO (Semi-Cannon)
Chapter 1: My Darken Heart Beats
Chapter 2: A Boy Blessed by Moonlight
Finale BIO (Semi-cannon)
Chapter 3: We Meet Again
Chapter 4: Birth of the Moon Herrscher (Part 1)
Chapter 4.5: Birth of the Moon Herrscher (Part: Finale)
Chapter 5: The Betrayed Captain's Revenge
Chapter 6: Returning Home
Chapter 7: The Hunter's Dream, a New Doll?
BIO (Mikel's Update)
BIO (Lucian's Update) [Part 1/2] {Edited}
BIO (Lucian's Update) [Part 2/2]
Chapter 8: Kiana's Nightmare


5.8K 161 53

A/N: I am not going to cover the entire game only a little bit of the beginning portion and ending portion of the game. SPOILER WARNING! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.




??? POV

I felt an immense pain in my left shoulder accompanied by a large bang from a gun behind me.

???: ghk?!

My eyes went wide. I felt the force of the impact hit my shoulder causing me to turn around, seeing the shocked faces of those I used to call "friends", and fall off the cliff backwards. As I fell I heard my name being called out.

???2: Mikel!

I continued to fall further down the cliff, I saw them looking over the cliff trying to find me. their faces held a shocked yet fearful look to them as they frantically looked for me, once they did find me, one tried to jump after me trying to save me but was stop by the others. They held her back as she screamed trying to get out of their grasp.


I heard her cries as I continued to fall. Then I felt my back hit the water as I began to sink further into the frozen ocean. The only light and thing I could see from the from the water was the moon that shone a blood red tonight as I slowly closed my eyes and felt my back hit the oceans floor. Before the cold grip of death could take me, I heard a primordial voice in my head.

???: IT is not your time... Young hunter... For the hunt... Has called to you... And thou has answered that call...


I woke up on a strange table I sat up and began to look around, I was in some strange medieval clinic or something. I got up from the table and saw a chair with a piece of paper on it, I picked it up and began to read it. But the only thing written on it was.

"Seek the Paleblood to transcend the Hunt"

I was a bit uneasy after finishing the reading piece of paper. I put the piece of paper back where I found it and began to make my way to the door, once I opened the door it revealed a stair case going down. I went down the stairs, as I reached the bottom I saw strange creatures rising from the ground.

They were holding something, a scroll from the looks of it, it looked like they were trying to give it to me but I just ignored them. And kept moving forward, as I made my way into the room I saw more tables then I heard something eating. I went to the sound and found a large wolf like creature feasting on a dead human corpse, I tried to stay quiet but I ended up just stepping on an empty vial and breaking it. That caused the beast to stop feasting and attack me, it tried to lung at me but my survival instincts kicked in and I rolled under its lung.

When I got up the beast turned around and slashed my chest, I took a few steps back trying to recover from the impact an feeling my chest bleed. The beast then grabbed shoulders and tried to bite my head off, I used all my strength to punch it and my fist went through its stomach and I grabbed its entrails then pulled them. Then the beast fell dying immediately, I was in shock, I looked at my blood soaked hand that I used to kill the beast then at the beast it self.

When I did I saw 3 vails filled with a red liquid in the beasts entrails. I decide to pick them up and held them in my hands but as I did the little creatures from the stairs come out of the ground beside still holding out the scroll. This time I decided to see what they had for me, I kneeled front and they took that as a sign to open the scroll but all it said was.

"Use Blood to heal your injurie's"

Again I felt uneasy after reading the scroll but then again I have nothing left to lose. So I put 2 blood vials in my pocket and opened the remaining one in my hand, I took the cork off the vail and hesitated for a minute before drinking the whole vail. As I finished the vail I looked down and saw my wounds heal at a rapid pace. I accepted the fact that their is "healing blood" here where ever I am. I got up and made my to another room where the beast once feasted. In this other room I saw a corpse clutching 2 blood vails, I decided to take them they would be no use to him now.

I walked up the stairs and opened the door to the outside world. Only to be met with something he only heard in stories and myth, Yharnam the city of blood. After coming to this realization accepted this to be my fate, I looked around and saw something shining over by the statue I walked over their and found 10 bullets, judging by the sheen they have they were quicksilver bullets, I was ecstatic to find something like this I could properly defend my self. They were about the size to fit in my revolver but when I tried to reach for it, it was nowhere to be found. But I did not want to waste these bullets so I pocketed them to find a weapon that could use them.

I went to the central part of Yharnam and found myself facing someone that looked human buts wasn't. His arms were to lengthy and he was taller then me as well, he was carrying a large axe over his shoulder he seemed to be in a entranced state of some sort. I walked down and tried to get his attention

Mikel: Um excuse me. Do you know how to get out of here?

???: Ugh? *turns his head* AAARHGH?! *lunge and swings axe down wards

I jumped back to get away from his attack and then I rushed forward when his axe gets stuck on the ground, using this opportunity I punched him through the chest, grab his heart and crush it. when his body fell to the ground I looted his corpse and found a few blood vails. And pulled the lever, that the man seemed to guard, causing a metal latter to drop down. I climbed it and found a small lantern, when I touched it, it lit up and then vanished into dust. Sur

Scene change...

I stood in front of another place after navigating my around.

Mikel: 'How did I get here? From what I remember the only way to get here is by signing a contract to be here willingly. But I didn't sign a contract, so why am I here?'

As I pondered my reason that why am I here? Through out my time time walking through this path, I have been reading the tips from these little creatures. I believe I read about these creatures in the library of St. Freya Academy, back when I was still the captain, they are called "Messengers" if I remembered correctly. One of the Messenger's scrolls caught my attention, it stated.

"Help hunters from the other worlds, by using the little Beckoning bell"

Mikel: 'Hunters of the other worlds? Beckoning Bell? THE MULTIVERSE THEORY IS REAL?! Wait! What am I thinking?! Of course its real! How the hell am I gonna am explain me being here!'

I calmed downed a bit and saw a closed gate, presumable where this beckoning bell. So I ignored it for now and continued my path to the house, when I got close I saw someone sitting on a pedestal. I thought I should call out to her, but upon closer inspection she looked different. Her skin was abnormally pale, her fingers were segmented on joints, She was taller then me if she stood up, she was emotionless as well, and overall she seemed liked a life sized doll.

I Ignored her, thinking she was just a doll meant for decoration or something. But when I walked up the stairs, I turned back and saw her staring at me before she faced forward again. I was confused and curious, but my curiosity must wait until I know the reason for me being here.

Walking up the stairs I saw the messengers holding 3 various weapons seemingly offering them for me to used.

Mikel: 'Good idea give me weapons AFTER! I fought a few monsters and elongated people with my bear hands! *heavy sigh* better late then never I guess.'

What the messengers had to offer were a sword/whip/cane.

A hybrid of a big saw and cleaver.

And a axe with a handle that can extend.

I decide to take the saw-cleaver thing since it would be the most versatile weapon out the 3. Sure I could gone with the super cool and flashy cane sword whip combo, but the blades, I guess when I transform them?, seemed to thin and I could get the whip stuck into something, making me an easy target. Or the big one-handed/two-handed axe that could cut a man in half, but I could get blade stuck on something and ,again, make me an easy target.

I walked up to the Messenger's with the saw cleaver and took it. After I took the other 2 Messenger's disappeared and the messenger that offered me the saw cleaver offered me a pistol.

I took it and inspected it. It looked like a flint lock pistol, but the big differences is, it was a breach loader and it takes the quicksilver bullet cartridge's! Meaning I could reload it like a marksmen pistol instead of loading it from the muzzle!

I was ecstatic to have this pistol, finally I could use these quicksilver bullets for something! Then the messengers gave me a empty notebook, possible to write my experience's here for the next sad sap to leaner from, I holstered my pistol and I took the notebook. But when I took the notebook, It seemingly disappeared and my weapons disappeared as well. I was distraught at this and looked everywhere until I looked at the Messenger, it was holding a scroll and it opened the scroll and it state

"check your pockets"

When I checked my pocket I felt something in them and pulled it. It was... MY SAW CLEAVER?! I the checked my other pocket and pulled out my... PISTOL AND MY NOTE BOOK?! I looked at the messenger which nodded and disappeared like the others. by the time the messenger disappeared, I had figured out how to make my weapons "vanish". After that weird event, I entered the house. And was met with a man in a wheel chair.

Old man: Aha-hah, you must be the new hunter.

Mikel: Who are you? 

Old man: Welcome to the Hunter's Dream. This will be your home, for now. I am... Gehrman, friend to you hunters. 

Mikel: Hunter's?

Gehrman: You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good.

Mikel: And why do I need to kill beast?

Gehrman: You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it...

Mikel: okay? What is this place anyways?

Gehrman: This was once a safe haven for hunters. A workshop where hunters used blood to enhance their weapons and flesh. We don't have as many tools as we once did, but... You're welcome to use whatever you find. ... Even the doll, should it please you...

I could sense the undertone in his voice when he mentioned the doll outside, he was telling me to NOT touch the doll. It was subtle, too subtle, I would have missed if I wasn't listening closer

Mikel: umm okay? I am just gonna sit down outside, it took a while to get here.

Gehrman: That is fine good hunter. Make your self at home!

I went outside and closed the door behind me, then I walk over to the stair and sat down on them. I was lost in thought, all the books I read about this place were mainly rumors and myth stories, nothing mentioned Gehrman or how to get out of here, without the need of signing a contract.

Mikel: *sigh* 'I am no hunter, I was just the captain of the Hyperion, keyword "was".' *clench his fist in anger* 'damned that bitch Elisa, my instincts told me not to trust her. Now I'm stuck here dealing with this shit!' *calms down* 'That's in the past now. I need answers right now, I could just ask Gehrman why am I here without signing a contract to BE here' *stands up and looks at the full moon* 'But something tells me that Gehrman won't give me a straight answer, Even though he is kind. It seems that I have to find the answers myself.' *looks at the Hunter's dream* "Let the hunt begin, I guess."

Timeskip (5 years later)

Mikel POV

It took a long time to find and kill all of the great ones, I had made friends along the way. But in the end they succumb to the blood, and tried to kill everyone they see. Even the so-called hunter of hunter's fell victim to the taste of the blood. Even though they were reduced to beast by the blood, I still considered them to be my friends they taught me everything they knew. I will use their knowledge and weapons to end this accursed dream forever.

They were like a family to me, the friends that would never leave my side so long as I never leave their side. Unlike those Valkyries back at the Academy. I will end this dream even if I have to stay here and let them move forward without me, but it is a risk I am willing to take.

As I made my way towards the hunter's dream, but when I got there, I saw fire rising from it. I found Gehrman and the doll under the big tree in the garden. When I got closes I heard Gehrman plead.

Gehrman:...Oh, Laurence... Master Willem... Somebody, help me... Unshackle me, please, anybody... I've had enough of this dream... The night blocks all sight... Oh, somebody, please...

I made my way to them, when Gehrman saw he gave me a wryly smile.

Gehrman: Good hunter, you've done well. The night is near its end. Now, I will show you mercy. You will die, forget the dream, and awake under the morning sun. You will be freed...from this terrible hunter's dream... 

Mikel: *clenches weapons* No Gehrman it is I who will show you mercy

Gehrman: Dear oh dear, what was it? The hunt, the blood, or the horrible dream?

Mikel: Gehrman, please let me be the one to wake you from this dream.

Gehrman: Oh, it doesn't matter. It always comes down to the hunters' helper to clean up after these sorts of messes. Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt...

He took out his Burial blade and took a stance ready to attack.

Mikel: Their isn't any other way for a hunter to die more honorable than this. *ready his weapons*

Fight Scene

Gehrman is lay in my arms with a hole in his chest...

Mikel: *crying* I am sorry Gehrman, I am very very sorry. But *sad smile* you can finally wake up and be done with this dream. 

Gehrman: The night, and the dream, were long... Thank you... Mikel.

With his dying breath, Gehrman had died and woken up from this dream.

Scene change

The moon presences descended from the sky and picked me up and threw me down and attack.

Boss fight end scene


After Mikel defeated the moon presence, Mikel's body began to shift and eventually. Mikel looked at his hands in confusion.

Mikel: what the- d-did I become the moon presence?!

He heard foot steps below and saw the doll walking... Towards his body. The doll knelt down and picked up his corpse as she stared at the lifeless body of the hunter she was close with.

Doll: Oh dear hunter... 

Timeskip (2 months)

Having mastered his most power's Mikel was still learning, but was able learn how to transform back to human form, and was annoyed by the fact that now HE controls the dreams and the nightmares, and that they belong to him now. Even the monsters of Yharnam slowly backed away or even bowed in his presence. But in time Mikel had mastered all of his power and said his farwell's to the doll. After saying goodbye to the doll Mikel used the Beckoning Bell to transport himself back to his old world.

Scene change

Mikel POV

When the light faded, I felt the cold breeze hit my face. Then I noticed that I was in the sky and was in my great one form. Looking back I saw the blood red moon, if anyone saw me they would have mistaken coming from the moon itself. When I landed on the ground I tried to transform back into human form, but I couldn't.

Mikel: *annoyed sigh* 'it seems like I have to find my old body and transfer everything to that' *looks around* 'lets hope I didn't catch to much attention from Schicksal or anyone for that matter'

I took to the skies again and tried to find the place where I was shot and fell off a cliff. My memory is a bit fuzzy from my time in Yharnam. Lets hope, It comes back.


Unbeknownst to Mikel though, all of Schicksal and the Valkyries were mourning the loss and death of Mikel tonight. But had cut short when Mikel appeared from the moon itself, but not knowing that the great one was Mikel, and soon, videos and news reports reached the other organizations about his presence. And soon the entire world knew of his presence, as they watched in fear and curiosity. 

A/N: aaannnddd that's the end of this prologue I hoped you enjoyed it!

See at chapter 1: My darken heart beats


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