璧玉之輪 | Fortuitous Jade

By baitian_exe

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"HeiLi, you will be dispatched for another mission" Hearing that, Xiao Tian immediately leaped off the window... More

Character + Glossary
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - A glimpse of you
Chapter 3 - Obsession
Chapter 4 - Encounter
Chapter 5 - Promises
Chapter 6 - Attraction
Chapter 7 - A Nickname?
Chapter 8 - HeiLi
Chapter 9 - I am not a Prey
Chapter 10 - It's a date!
Chapter 11 - A fleeting moment
Chapter 12 - My past
Chapter 14 - Partner
Chapter 15 - Dreams
Chapter 16 - Reunion
Chapter 17 - Storm
Chapter 18 - Rivalry
Chapter 19 - Mission Complete
Chapter 20 - This is unlike you
Chapter 21 - Point of no return
Chapter 22 - Just like the old times
Chapter 23 - Vengeance
2nd Anniversary!
Chapter 24 - Yearning
Chapter 25 - Turmoil
Chapter 26 - Intoxication
Chapter 27 - Identity
Chapter 28 - Fragments of the past
Chapter 29 - Crimson Shard
Chapter 30 - Investigation
Chapter 31 - Instincts
Chapter 32 - Memory
Chapter 33 - Xiao Tian
Chapter 34 - Someone Special

Chapter 13 - Jade Pendant

49 8 0
By baitian_exe

Chapter Notes:

Recap: The informant didn't expect to find the assassin in such a vulnerable state. Although Bai Feng feels like he is slowly getting to know the mysterious man, what happened last night brought even more questions into his mind.

P.S. The main story of the Fortuitous Jade starts NOW <3

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Weeks passed after the festival, and Xiao Tian was occupied with mission after mission. This time, the assassin was tasked to intercept an informant from delivering crucial trade documents for an artifact.

Xiao Tian was hesitant to bring Bai Feng along on the mission this time since their target was an informant just like him. The assassin was worried that Bai Feng would hesitate, but the long-haired man seemed unbothered by this fact.

While discussing their strategies, Xiao Tian noticed that Bai Feng had been stealing glances at him.

"Your pendant.." Bai Feng mentioned out of the blue.

"Hmm? Did you see it when you were checking for my injuries?" Xiao Tian hummed.

Bai Feng nodded and quickly apologized, wondering if it was another thing that he was not supposed to see. Luckily the masked man didn't seem to be bothered.

"It's not something you need to apologize for Xiao Bai~ Did you find it pretty?" Xiao Tian unbuttoned his hanfu and took off his pendant. The assassin placed it on his palm, so Bai Feng could study it further.

"It looks off on you.. I never thought you're the type to wear things like this" said the informant very bluntly while observing the pendant.

"Ouch that hurts Xiao Bai— but you're right.. Why don't you take it with you then?" Xiao Tian suggested as he placed the jade pendant on Bai Feng's palm. Somehow the pendant glinted brighter in the informant's hands. But as they were busy bickering, neither of them noticed such a change.

"I didn't ask because I wanted it! I was just curious.." said Bai Feng, furrowing his eyebrows while trying to make Xiao Tian take back his pendant.

"I want you to keep it for me" the assassin explained as he wrapped his hand around the informant's, noticing how perfectly Bai Feng's hand fits in his palm.

"It must be precious, knowing that you won't keep it otherwise.." Bai Feng thought how could this man just easily hand over something that seemed to be very important to a mere stranger.

"But it suits you better than it would ever do on me" Xiao Tian stated matter-of-factly.

"That's not the point.." the informant grumbled in disbelief.

As the assassin eyed the pendant in Bai Feng's hand, he suddenly remembered how he ended up finding this necklace as a child.

"Ah, let me tell you a story of a boy who found this pendant"

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Young Xiao Tian was watching his mother fix his hanfu which got torn when he was playing outside. As the onyx-haired lady continued to sew, she noticed the impatient pair of jade eyes staring at her direction.

"Patience my child" smiled Xiao Tian's mother as she stopped to extend her hand and pat her son's head gently.

"When can I go out to play?" Xiao Tian asked as he sat cross-legged on the floor.

"Soon my dear, I'm almost done." young Xiao Tian immediately ran outside to play once his hanfu was repaired.

"Be home before dark!" the onyx-haired lady called out as she saw her son wave back at her.

Young Xiao Tian loved playing in the woods. He would always climb a particularly humongous tree in the middle of the forest, enjoying the light breeze and the beautiful view from up there. Despite adults telling him that it's dangerous, being in a high place makes Xiao Tian feel safe. He would even take naps on one of the thick branches whenever he felt sleepy.

But that day, the air of the forest was different.

As young Xiao Tian was heading towards his usual spot, he suddenly heard a voice guiding him somewhere deeper into the forest. Being the curious child that he is, young Xiao Tian followed the voice and ended up finding a beautiful creek filled with lily pads.

The young boy then walked along the riverside as he basked in the stunning scenery. Under the warm rays of the sun, the creek glittered like jewels. That was when he saw a glint of green and approached it.

Young Xiao Tian picked up a chunk of mud with a green shimmer and ran it under the gentle stream of water. Soon the current washed away all the dirt, revealing a stunning jade pendant.

The young child was immediately mesmerized by how pretty the gem was. After all, it was his first time seeing such a beautiful stone. Yet suddenly his heart clenched and tears started to drip down his face uncontrollably. The young child was left perplexed as he wiped tears off his face.

Slightly excited, he quickly headed home and rushed to his mother to show off the treasure he found. But to the child's dismay, his mother seemed to have an adverse reaction to his newfound pendant.

"A-Tian, where did you get such an expensive item? You didn't steal it did you?" the onyx-haired lady was genuinely concerned but the child immediately shook his head.

"I found it in the stream.. In the mud.." young Xiao Tian held the pendant closer to his chest, feeling sad at the possibility of his mother not letting him keep it.

"A-Tian.. If you want to keep it, then hide it at all times. No one would believe you if you said our family owns something like this.." the mother warned in a worried tone before helping her son wear the pendant.

"Remember to never show anyone this pendant, understood? And if someone comes looking for this pendant, you have to return it. If you can't do this, then return the necklace to the stream." the child immediately nodded to show his understanding, he was already attached to the pendant and didn't want to let it go.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

"So you must not tell people about this pendant. Or that boy might get in trouble~" said the assassin nonchalantly.

Naturally, after listening to Xiao Tian's story, Bai Feng had a stronger reason to decline the pendant.

"How can I accept such a precious finding?" the cedar-haired beauty once again rejected his request. Then Xiao Tian began to furrow his eyebrows and Bai Feng had to steel himself. Xiao Tian can't always get his way whenever he pulls a puppy face.

"I go into lots of missions, so I might lose it at any moment. That boy would be really sad if I damaged this pendant. I trust that you can help me keep it safe" the two continued to bicker. But in the end, after hearing the assassin's sincere explanation, Bai Feng reluctantly accepts the pendant.

"Allow me" Xiao Tian took the pendant from Bai Feng's hand and brushed his cedar-colored hair to the side.

"No need to trouble yourself, I can do it—" said the informant as he shifted his collar but Xiao Tian insisted.

"I want to," the assassin said as he knotted the pendant on Bai Feng's slender neck.

"As I thought, it suits you a lot, Xiao Bai.."

Ever since he received the jade pendant from Xiao Tian, he felt like a piece of him had come back. It was strange, yet it gave off a familiar feeling and Bai Feng couldn't tell why.

One morning as the cedar-haired beauty was standing in front of a mirror, he noticed that the jade pendant glinted brighter than usual. So the curious informant leaned closer, observing the pendant's reflection. When suddenly he saw a vision flash before him.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Bai Feng was strolling through the beautiful pathway surrounded by blooming magnolia trees when someone called out his name. The cedar-haired beauty turned around and smiled, greeting the other man with a hug.

"Good morning.. Did you rest well?" asked Bai Feng

Hm? Am I.. In a dream? The informant wanted to pinch his arms but it seemed that he couldn't control his movements, as if he was trapped in this body. In the end, all he could do was watch as the scenes in front of him played out.

"Good morning love~ Yes I did, and I hope you did too" the man then leaned in to place a kiss on Bai Feng's forehead, causing the cedar-haired man to quickly turn his head away.

"Wait— What if people see?!" the golden-eyed beauty protested as his cheeks turned rosy.

"Then let them see.." the man chuckled as he pulled the cedar-haired beauty closer, before wrapping his arms around his waist. The couple cherished their short, yet precious moments, appreciating each other's presence.

Both of them then proceeded to walk over to the training grounds where all kinds of disciples were practicing their swordsmanship.

As the pair was approaching, Xiao Tian heard a ruckus behind him.

"The seniors are coming!" said a bunch of juniors in excitement. A dark-haired disciple turned his head towards the source of the sound when he noticed that the senior he admired the most came to visit. So he immediately rushed to the front of the line,

"Shi Xiong! Good morning!" lowering his head as he greeted the pair while trying very hard to suppress his excitement.

"So much energy.." sighed the senior next to the golden-eyed man.

"Perks of being young" the cedar-haired beauty chuckled.

How come I can't hear anyone's name.. thought the informant as he continued to watch the scenes unfold.

"Shi Xiong if it's not too much trouble.. Is it possible for us to spar?" The dark-haired junior suddenly asked the golden-eyed beauty, garnering a few gasps from his fellow peers. But Shi Xiong's partner narrowed his eyes slightly, pulling the cedar-haired man closer to him.

"**** is busy, what makes you think he has time to—" but Shi Xiong softly elbowed his companion.

"I don't think I could make it today, but if you are free tomorrow morning I will gladly spar with you,"

The junior nodded almost immediately, even if he had any plans tomorrow he would definitely cancel them.

"Thank you, Shi Xiong!" If the young man had a tail, it would probably be wagging right now.

"Of course, Shi Di*" Bai Feng chuckled, finding his junior's behavior cute.

*a way to address a younger disciple

The two quickly excused themselves, since they have places to be. The dark-haired junior was happy that his favorite person had accepted his request but couldn't shake the unpleasant feeling in his heart when he saw how close his two seniors were.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Bai Feng snapped out of his dream-like state and the pendant returned to its normal color.

What was that.. Who are those people? Why was I with them? thought the informant, baffled by the scenes he saw just now.

"Xiao Bai? Are you in there?" Xiao Tian called out, noticing that Bai Feng was not in his room nor his workspace.

"I'll come out soon" Bai Feng said as he rushed to get ready.

When Bai Feng finally got out of the bathroom, Xiao Tian was already seated in his usual position, twirling his tassel in boredom as he waited for the informant.

"Xiao Bai, are you okay? You took quite a while" the assassin stood up when suddenly Bai Feng spoke,

"HeiLi this pendant.." Bai Feng was about to continue his sentence when he shook his head. That's ridiculous, I'm probably just daydreaming.. Thought the golden-eyed man.

"What about the pendant?" asked Xiao Tian curiously.

"It's nothing.." said Bai Feng as he seemed to be deep in thought.

Xiao Tian observed the informant's complex expression. He could tell that Bai Feng had something in mind, but the assassin didn't probe any further.

"Are you sure about going tonight Xiao Bai? I should have enough information, I could go alone." Xiao Tian asked as he glanced at the golden-eyed informant.

"I'll be fine.." Bai Feng said as he proceeded to collect his thoughts, he couldn't be distracted in a mission he knew that.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

It was nighttime when Xiao Tian and Bai Feng decided to head out. The pair were sitting on the rooftop anticipating a certain carriage to pass by.

"Hmm, Xiao Bai.. Why do you choose to tag along with me in these missions.." hummed the assassin as he twirled his dagger in boredom.

"I'm just doing my part of the contract" replied the informant in a monotonous tone.

"Doesn't it scare you? After all, you are still one of my targets." Xiao Tian shifted his gaze to the beauty in a ponytail.

"Seeing you fight lets me know your patterns. And if I know your habits, I could defend myself better.. So why would I pass on that information?" those golden eyes behind the white fox mask stared back at jade ones, unwavering.

Xiao Tian was impressed by Bai Feng's courage. After all, spending this much time with an assassin of his caliber is basically dancing with death himself.

"As expected from you—"

"It's the carriage.." alerted Bai Feng and with that, they both leaped off the rooftop.

"I'll take care of the attendant, get the scroll" commanded Xiao Tian as he ambushed the man controlling the horse.

Bai Feng nodded and entered the carriage quietly, expecting a meek informant to be sitting with some scrolls. But the seat was empty and there were no scrolls in sight. Then suddenly Bai Feng's left arm was yanked by a whip.

"You're not the— ngh!" Bai Feng didn't even finish talking when he felt a sting on his arm.

The golden-eyed informant's vision immediately started to blur.

His assaulter was an assassin with a half-mask and mystical gray eyes.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅❈⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed Jade Pendant <3 While waiting for chapter updates, you can check on Instagram where we update weekly on BaiTian arts!

Announcement: Don't forget to check out our Original Theme Song "再生缘 - Fated Encounter" on Youtube! Links are in the bio ^^

Thank you for always supporting our lovely boys ;A;

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