alexithymia! satan

By sharkbaited

47 4 9

(n). the inability to express your feelings. or alternatively, satan has a nightmare and he seeks comfort in... More


47 4 9
By sharkbaited

━━━━━━━━━━☆☆ ━━━

can't believe i'm writing an
obey me fic smh

a bit of love for mammon in the very
beginning but this is mostly a satan fic lolol

notes (2)
satan has a nightmare so u comfort him

━━ ☆☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━

SILENCE ENGULFED the comforts of your room, the crispness of a page aged with time being flipped was the only sound that broke such a wonderful silence. you relished this — as silence was not particularly common occurrence in the hol; seven demon lords being your dorm mates was not one of the most peaceful things. though you didn't mind the noise, it gave you something to do.

     but there were times where the commotion was too much — and in those instances, you would stay in your dorm until the noise calmed down. though you were never truly able to be alone with a particular white-haired demon always bursting through your door as if it was his own, plopping on your bed and rambling to you about the most random things. mammon, being the sweet, oblivious demon he is, never really noticed when you were upset, but his rambles about his day always brought a smile to your face — even if that was not his intention.

     "asmo tried to fool me again— trying to set me up wit' one of his succubus friends, damn bastard," mammon would wave his hand, "ya know i don't mess around wit' them ever since that one incident with the witches!"  the second borne shudders, going to fearfully clutch your side, shaking like a small dog in the rain. "now i think they're after me."

     you would raise a brow, but nonetheless place a hand on mammon's head, petting the soft white strands. the demon hums contently at the contact, nuzzling into your side. "mam', you really should stop fooling with those witches, you know." you huff, looking down at the supposed second lord of the devildom nuzzled into your side.

      "i know, i know! i tried to stop, but i think they've got it for me. ya gotta help me! 'm afraid they'll string up on something again and i've already had enough of that from lucifer!" the avatar of greed exclaims, looking up at you pleadingly with his azure eyes, golden undertones swimming in the depths of them.

     you sighed, "mam', i'm not really a good person to help you with those witches. humans and witches aren't good matches, you know."

      "i know, but..." he begins to ramble again, so you shush him by placing a finger to his lips.

     "how about you rest it off? you'll have a clearer mind in the morning." you suggest, gesturing to the pillows on your bed. the avatar of greed opens his mouth as if he wants to protest, but quickly rethinks it as you glance at him carefully.

    "i guess i could.." he mumbles, crawling out of your arms and diving under your sheets so only a tuft of white hair poked from under the duvet. "g'night, mc,"

     "night, mam'," you smile, fluffing up his unruly white locks of hair, listening to his soft snores follow soon after.


     you breathed in deeply, flipping through the the falling point of your book, feeling on the edge of your seat at the suspense of the writing. you mentally thanked satan for recommending such a work of art for you to read because goddamn, it was good.

     you glanced briefly at mammon, the avatar of greed's chest gently rising and falling as he snored, his white hair a mess, a pout etched onto his lips as he slept. you smiled at the cute scene before returning your gaze back to your book.

you weren't really a mystery person, but this book was an exception — being a murder-mystery that took place in a mansion, going away from the typical plot line of the butler being the culprit, rather putting on a spin whereas on the owner of the mansion went insane and killed off his family. that was a twist you didn't expect, but damn, was it a good one.

you stiffened at the sound of buzzing — your ddd. at this hour? surely the other brothers had to be sleep by now, with the exception of mammon, who was of course, in your bed, levi, who never went to bed at appropriate times and beel, who was likely raiding the fridge as we speak. you sighed through your noise as you slipped a bookmark in your book, swiping your ddd off the charger.


(2:30 A.M.)

i have a request.

as much as i would like
to communicate with you here,
i would rather face you in person.

hopefully i'm not being
a bother, of course. it's fine if this is
a bad time to talk.

of course! what about?


it will make more sense when you get here.
just don't keep me waiting.


per satan's request, you quickly left your room, tip-toeing to the fourth borne's room, gently rapping your knuckle against the aged wood of the door. a moment passes before the door creaks open, and a familiar tuft of blond hair pokes from the crack. satan's tired emeralds gaze down at you as he weakly smiles, "hey, mc." the demon greets, "i apologize for disturbing you at such a late hour."

you reflect the smile, "no, it's fine — i was awake anyway. you needed me, isn't that right?"

"yes, yes. i wanted to talk to you about something... if you don't mind coming in to talk," satan slightly opens the door a bit more, the candlelight of the hol hallway illuminating his features, casting an amber glow on the eye bags that were embedded on the underside of his eyes and the abnormal milky complexion of his skin. he looked exhausted.

"of course i don't," you step into his room, sliding past the vast stacks of books he had near his doorway, settling onto his bed. the blond follows suit, dragging himself from the door to settle beside you; the weight of his demonic body made your smaller body bounce as he sat on his bed — which he chuckled to as he caught you from falling.

"easy now," satan's emerald eyes softly twinkle before growing dull again.

you laughed off your slight scene of making a fool of yourself, pushing yourself from satan's arms. "so, what did you want to talk about?" you asked, quietly clearing your throat.

satan seems to blank, shifting his body anxiously, "ah..." he turns his head away from you, rubbing at his nape with uncertainty, "have you ever had a nightmare?" he curses himself at such an idiotic inquiry — the way he worded it sounded as if he was a child fearfully asking for the support of their mother. though, he did want support, right?

"i have, though what about it?" you questioned, glancing at him curiously.

"what if one were to have a nightmare, per se..." he has to tread carefully, as a lord of the devildom, he shouldn't allow himself to display vulnerability, even it was to you... which he hated. "i'm not saying myself, but hypothetically, if one to have one... how would they go upon with it?"

"satan," your voice slices through his thoughts, and he suddenly became hyperaware of your smaller hands grasping his larger ones — your warmth was comforting to the coldness he felt. he shakily meets your intense gaze, swallowing the saliva that he had unconsciously gathered in his throat. the creamy skin of his face flushes a soft shade of bubblegum at your touch — why did you always make him feel so nervous?

he could fight rallies of demons on the daily, but when it came to facing you — it was like he had the heart of a lovesick schoolboy.

"you know, you don't have to be so vague when speaking to me, right? just tell me how you feel." you spoke softly, and you did not have any knowledge on how much those words affected him. how he wished he tell you how he truly felt. how he longed to be yours, lovingly sharing kisses, reading stories together and cuddling as the day went by. he wanted to be your demon, not just bonded to you through a pact — was that too much to ask of you ?

it was stupid, wasn't it ? a demon falling head-over-heels for some human exchange student. even more stupid that said demon hoped the human felt the same.

"you caught me..." he musters enough breath to speak, though his voice nearly betrayed him with the shakiness. "i did have a nightmare."

your hardened face softened, "that's better," you traced circles on his hands comfortingly. "do you mind talking about it?"

satan seems to shrink, "i would like to, it's just..." he trails off, "i don't want to be a bother to you — but this a topic i couldn't share with my brothers... with the knowledge they'd probably ridicule me. you, on the other hand - wouldn't judge me for anything and would actually listen,"

you soften a bit more, "i never realized you felt this way, satan. you know you can always talk to me if you have trouble, you know. though, right now — let's talk about your nightmare, if that's fine?"

the fourth borne hesitates, "the nightmare— it... was about lilith," his voice drops to a hushed whisper, the weak hold his hands has on yours grows tighter - though you don't mind. "and her fall— the day my brothers couldn't save her. despite not knowing my sister myself, lucifer's— his memories of her are there. they're so vivid, it's as if i was there myself— reveling in the same sorrow my brothers felt back then."

        you nodded, listening in silence as you squeezed his hands to give him some comfort. you could feel him nervously squeeze back, the coldness of his hands trembling in your own.

     "sometimes i wonder if i would truly feel belonged if i existed back then with my brothers as an angel. maybe then i wouldn't be seen as a shadow of lucifer, or as some say - mini-lucifer," the fourth borne furrows his brows.

      "you don't have to exist with your brothers to feel as if you belong, 'tan," you spoke, unconsciously slipping out the nickname before you caught yourself - making the blond flush a deeper shade of pink. "though it must be hard living with his memories. it's like living a life of someone else, sharing the pain they felt, even if you didn't experience it yourself."

he nods his head in agreement, "it truly is. and strangely, despite memories of lilith being my sister . . . i still can't say i love her like my brothers can. i never knew her, so i can't really say i truly had a connection with her— only lucifer did." he speaks with a sad tone, the greens of his eyes flickering. he glances at you awkwardly - "i apologize... am i saying too much ?"

"satan, if i was worried about that, do you really think i would've came to your room?" you asked rhetorically.

"i-i guess not..." he sucks in a breath, "you have no idea how much i appreciate this,"

"it's no problem... as you were saying?"

he speaks slowly, "often, i wish i was never manifested at all, or at least, not in the way i was. i want to have my own memories without being forced to think about the pain of someone else— someone who is not me, just as i am not him. it's very draining to be viewed as a shadow, an extra in someone else's story." he can feel tears gathering in the corners of his eyes, "i hate hearing the words: 'oh, you're practically lucifer,' or 'you're a little lucifer,'. i don't want to be him... i want to be my own person — me, myself... satan." he finally breaks, allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of you. shame be damned, he didn't care if demons weren't supposed to show vulnerability in front of people — you were different... you wouldn't judge him.

satan nearly crushes you as his taller frame fell into your arms, his head landing in your lap while his arms loosely looped around your waist. shocked at his sudden clinginess, you placed a hand on his head, gently running your fingers through the soft strands of blond. his tears were relentless, soaking the fabric of your pajama bottoms, though you didn't care, gazing down at him sympathetically.

     you rocked him back and forth, "have you thought of telling your brothers about this ?" you wondered.

     the blond sighs, "if i ever told my brothers of this, who knows how they would take it. so . . . i just play along— but it's a bit tiring to constantly pretend you have a bond with someone when there just isn't one." his grip on your waist seemed to tighten as he said this.

     "i'm sure they would come to an understanding, satan. like as you said, they are your brothers— the ones who connect with you the most." you assure him, "and... so what if they don't? that's on them if they don't try to understand. just as long as you're happy is all what matters."

     he rises from your lap, ". . . you're right, i shouldn't worry about it too much." satan finally concludes, staring directly at you with an unreadable gaze. the intensity of the gaze made you shiver, his emeralds rippling with power as he stared at you. finally, he broke out into a chuckle, holding the side of his face while a dumb smile played upon his lips. "wow, devildom be damned,"

     "what?" you raised a brow. "did i do something wrong?"

     "oh, no no. it's not something you've done." satan reassures with a warm smile. he gushes as he looks down at your hands in his. "it's just that i've thought i'd seek comfort in a human — though you're not just any human, you're my friend." he cringes internally, feeling the self-inflicted friend zone pierce his heart.

you laughed, "why wouldn't i? i love you all, so it wouldn't be fair of me to not make sure you're doing well." you smiled widely at him. "you and your brothers have a special place in my heart."

satan nearly chokes on his saliva, "w-we... no— i do?" he sputters, eyes blowing open in shock - which made the human laugh more. "i never realized—"

"was it really not that obvious?" you wonder, squeezing his hands, "of course i love you,"

your words made him visibly flush a deep shade of crimson, the demon turning his face to hide his blush, though you had already seen. "i-i never thought you reciprocated these feelings..."

     "i wasn't subtle, you know." you wink, "you were just oblivious."

     he shakes his head, smiling, "i guess i was. hearing you say all this is really making me feel like a lovesick idiot." he brings his gaze to your hands again, peering at you through forest-green lashes, "how long have you felt this way?"

     "mmm... ever since we made a pact," you answered simply, "i had small feelings before that tine, though i always dismissed them as my happiness of being your friend. that was, until we made the pact, then i realized— damn, i really fell for him, didn't i?"

     "would you believe me if i said i had loved you the day i set eyes on you?" satan mumbles, "of course, it wasn't love at first sight... but you did peak my interest. and you were the only one who wasn't afraid of my anger - you understood me. all in my many years of living— i've always wanted someone who wouldn't judge me for my sin, one who loved me for who i was despite that."

     "i mean i wouldn't say i didn't," you stuck out your tongue teasingly, "though that does make your confession more endearing,"

     he flushes, "so what now?"

     "well, what do you want to do?" another rhetorical question; you waited until the gears shifted in fourth borne's head, his level gaze averting to your own gaze.

     "may i?" he whispers, waiting for your confirming nod.

     satan places his fingers gently on your face, brushing against the smooth skin of your cheek, leaning down slightly to be your level. his fingers found the bottom of your chin, tipping your head upwards and turning your face to his before pressing against your lips - plush and soft— better than he'd ever imagined. his kiss was light and unconfident, giving you room to push away if you wanted. but you didn't, your arms wrapping around him in a loose embrace. he pulls away with a slowness, placing his forehead on yours to take in your reaction.

     "i've always wanted to do that," he smiles stupidly, gazing into your eyes affectionately.

     "me too," you smiled, "would you mind doing it again? but this time, in your demon form." you quickly cut in, growing embarrassed, "only if you're okay with it, of course!"

     he chuckles, an angelic noise falling from his lips - you thought. in a flash of green, horns curled from between tufts of blond hair, emerald eyes flashed with power, green tipped nails slightly sharpening as they grabbed your face with such delicate care - as if you were the finest set of china.

     "anything for you, my love," he speaks softly, his voice almost resembling a purr as he connects your lips with his again, bringing you closer to him with his dark skeleton-like tail.

     the feeling was fleeting. warmth spread through your body as you felt waves of energy crash through your body, again and again. it was wonderful - a feeling you had never experienced before; so foreign, yet so blissful.

     satan was the one to part from the kiss, all smiles. "i love you more than words can wield the matter — dearer than eyesight, space and liberty," he quotes, cupping your face with his hands.

     "is that shakespeare i sense?" you giggle, nuzzling into his touch.

     "precisely - a person with a refined sense of literature, i see. yet another reason i have been smitten." satan places a light kiss on the tip of your nose.

     "i love you, too, you shakespearan nerd," you teased as you pulled him in for another kiss, giggling as his arms pulled you in for a hug — your bodies falling onto his bed.

this may have been one of the best conservations of your life - and you wouldn't change a thing.


additional notes:
i didn't expect myself to have
motivation to finish this but i'm glad i did lmao

© TTSUKUY0MI - 2023

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