Fly Away

By adeenix

262K 6.2K 3.7K

Love Rejection Heartbreak -------------------------------------------------------- Mia has spent her life liv... More

01 - what's the difference?
02 - you're the only one
03 - maybe i should just run
04 - get your bitch away
05 - i would never do it otherwise
06 - all of a sudden, I wish i wasn't here
07 - nerves and nerves and nerves
08 - just follow my lead
09 - entertaining delusions
10 - it seems you got lost
11 - hard-to-breathe syndrome
12 - woah, tattoos
13 - i dont want to feel alone anymore
14 - i'm a coward
16 - not.attractive.
17 - fireworks and a goddamn zoo
18 - i want cherries
19 - death wish
20 - cherries aren't a meal
21 - anticipation
22 - it's tempting
23 - things that shouldn't happen in an office
24 - echoes and bursts
25 - two innocent souls
26 - you're the only one who remembered
27 - daddy issues
28 - garfield 2.0
29 - the sound of a flat line
30 - moth to a flame
31 - mumbling and grumbling
32 - asserting dominance
33 - hysterics and kisses
34 - memories and the sound of ringing
35 - panic attack
36 - home?
37 - entertainer
38 - giving in
39 - flying away from reality
40 - anything for you
42 - cold fire
42 - glass proofing
43 - am i dreaming?
44 - savour me
45 - pretty boy
46 - moving on
47 - cherries and wine
48 - i love you
49 - reminders of her
The Hijabi and The Streetfighter

15 - unraveling the truth

5K 122 59
By adeenix

Song: Two Feet - I feel Like I'm Drowning (Slowed+Reverb)


We have a mole.

And the first person who came to my mind when I found this information out, was Mia.

Of course she's number one on my list. I hardly know the girl, we suddenly got married and she moved in to my house within a day, per her father's request.

I don't know if I should be surprised or not.

I've been out for the whole day after that party and me looking after Mia's drunk ass, trying to find leads on anyone who could be a snitch.

All of the locations of our safe houses and departure ports have been revealed to the Russians, and the mole is clearly a clever guy because there is nothing on him that we can trace.

The only thing I know is that he has to be someone close to us, because the only people who know of those private locations are the board. They consist of me, my father, Gianna, Lorenzo and a few of my father's associates, who I know are trustworthy. 

One thing about my dad is that when he trusts someone, he trusts them, making sure he knows every single little detail about their lives and income and past acquaintances just so he knows what he's getting into.

It's the only thing I admire about him. 

It's been nearly twenty four hours since I've been home, because I've been too busy running around to every safe house in the state, making sure there are no traps or invasions that have gone unheard of. 

Nothing so far.

And I'm starving, my legs are hurting, and my eyes feel like they are going to drop off of my face at any second.

I've been avoiding going home, partly because I don't want to face Mia, but I know I have to if I want to find out if she's our mole. There's no other explanation for it, she seems like the only possibility right now, and I'm going to make sure she talks. 

Not torture.

I'm going to make sure she wants to tell me everything, and I don't care how I get there. I need to unravel the truth about her. 

I spoke to my father on the phone a while ago, and he told me to just torture her, but if she really is the mole, I don't want to make it obvious. She can't know I'm onto her otherwise she definitely won't tell me anything. 

I pull into the carpark beneath my building and park the car next to my motorbike.

I couldn't have used it today because of the amount of driving I'd had to do. Plus I couldn't afford to wreck it if there was an attack. Plus, I'm pretty much the only one who rides a motorbike in the clan, and my number plate would be obvious to who I am if anyone recognised it. I don't want people following me to the safe houses if I can help it.

I make my way to the elevator ad step inside, pressing the button for the penthouse, using my thumb to unlock the ID.

I need a plan, if I'm going to do this correctly, and I need to make sure I don't fuck up on the way. I can't let my father shit talk me about messing up anymore, and if I need to prove to him that I can do whatever needs to be done, I will. I don't want him breathing down my neck anymore than he already is, and with Mia as our top suspect, this job falls onto me alone. Seeing as I'm her husband and all, I'm the only one who can get close enough to her to find out the truth. 

I have to get this right. I need to be clever about this.

The first thing I need to do is act like nothing's wrong. She can't get a hint of anything suspicious, and so I need to get her to warm up to me.

I hope I don't regret this. 

When the doors open to my apartment, it's silent except for some background noise coming from the lounge which I presume is the TV. When I left to leave for work, the whole house was clean, no traces that there ever were a party to begin with.

I'm glad I can trust Leonardo to sort shit like that out, and I still need to kill Ren for making me waste time on Mia. I can't afford to do that shit.

But a part of me, a very, very small part, is questioning everything in my head right now. If Mia was that drunk out of her ass, would she not have said something? Maybe I could have used that as an opportunity to reel information out of her, but I had no idea we had a mole until after she fell asleep.

I sigh and walk towards the noise in the lounge. All the lights are off in the house, leaving the glow of the moon to light my path.

I spot the TV on, and two figures lying on the sofa.

I move closer to get a better look.

Gianna is sprawled out, her whole body planted horizontally on the sofa with her head on the armrest, and her arm around Mia's sleeping head.

She's wedged between Gianna's body and the back of the sofa, squished up against the cushions. She has no space whatsoever because of Gianna who sleeps like a pig. 

Mia's knees are brought up to her chest, and she's curled up against the side of Gia, her head on her arm as light breaths cause her chest to rise up and down. 

She looks boiling hot in those sweatpants she's wearing, and a blanket draped lightly over the bottom of her legs. She's wearing a crop top, the colour unknown to me because of the darkness in the room, except for the light from the TV, shining on her sleeping face.

She looks so peaceful and calm, her eyelashes softly hitting her under eyes and her long dark hair splayed out over her body like an extra blanket.

I hesitate before moving closer and gently scooping her up, careful not to wake them both as I hold one arm under Mia's legs and one under her back.

Her head automatically rolls to hit my chest, and for a minute I think she's going to wake up, but she only shifts and hugs her arm around my back.

I freeze.

I should put her down.

I should leave her.

I shouldn't be doing this.

I push those thoughts away. I need her to warm up to me, and maybe this is how I do it. She is my wife after all, and it's not like I can't touch her. 

I have a feeling that's not going to be the best idea though. 

I start to make my way up the stairs and towards Mia's room, then at the last minute, I take a detour.

She can sleep with me tonight. Maybe if she wakes up in my room, she will be more comfortable around me, which will ultimately make it easier for her to trust me so I can get information out of her.

I can't mess up anything this time.

My room is down another corridor away from Mia's. It's a double suite so it's big enough to house two people plus more.

I push open the double doors and walk into the room, shutting them with my foot as I place down Mia on the bed carefully.

I make sure she's not on the side that I sleep on.

 Like most of the apartment, my room has floor to ceiling windows which allow the moonlight and a beautiful cityscape to shine through them, illuminating the now dark space.

I turn to the bathroom and step inside, stripping off my clothes to shower.

As soon as I step inside the double shower, I sigh in relief, letting my muscles and skin relax and cool down under the pressure of the water.

Steam fills up the bathroom as I wash myself clean, feeling fresh as I step out and wrap myself up in a towel. 

I'm surprised to find a not so awake Mia when I exit the bathroom. 

The glow from the moon is making her silhouette stand out to me as she sits up, and I can see her body faintly from the light.

Her crop top has ridden up dangerously close to the bottom of her breasts, and the waistband of her sweatpants are hanging low on her hips. Practically inviting me, but I turn away from her. The worst thing is, she doesn't even notice, and if she does, she clearly doesn't care. 

I just got out of the shower.

Fuck sake. 

I sense movement, and turn back around slightly to watch her rub her eyes ate try to peek around the room. 

"What am I doing in here. This isn't my room. Where's Zeus." Her voice is soft and full of tiredness as she speaks, and now she's looking at me. I can't see her eyes, or even her face properly for that matter, but I sense her gaze on me.

I don't answer, and instead move towards my dresser opposite the bed, rummaging around for my boxers and a pair of night trousers to wear to bed. I could drop off right now.

"Rocco?" She speaks again, but this time her voice sounds different. I can't place it, but I can feel her watching my movements. 

It makes me pause and turn to look at her.

She gets up off the bed and walks closer to me, and I almost move away from her with her crop top still so high up her torso and her sweatpants practically falling off.

From how close she's getting, I can make out the colour of her shirt. Light pink, and I only now realise that she's not wearing a bra, and if she is, it's doing nothing to hide anything under there.

I take a breath, trying to calm my racing nerves. My head feels like it could burst from the tension at this point.

"Helooo? Are you even there or am I imagining you?" She reaches out to touch me, and her hands just have to stop right on top of the towel covering my bottom half. It's as if she realises I'm real that she quickly pulls her hand away, but her movements are distorted, because she accidentally swipes at the towel and knocks it right off of me.


"Shit, I'm sorry, oh shit oh-" I push her down onto the bed, earning me a small shriek of surprise, and pick up the towel from the floor, throwing it onto a chair nearby as I pull on some boxers and trousers. 

I run my fingers through my hair once, before walking over to the edge of the bed where Mia sits.

She's looking up at me with this expression that makes blood rush around all over my body, but I ignore it and just stare down at her.

Her eyes are bright in the moonlight, and her lips are slightly parted.

I shouldn't be looking at her lips right now goddammit.

"Why am I here, Rocco?" She's quiet now, barely whispering, but I catch on and move forward slightly, her stupid cherry scent filling up my nostrils. How does she love that silly fruit so much.

I'm surprised at myself as I speak, because it seems like my head is listening to my dick as I speak.

"You're sleeping in my bed from now on." 

She doesn't move, just continues to stare up at me, but this time she's frowning. Her eyebrows crease together slightly, and her lips are firmly shut.

"What, why? I don't want to-"

"Get into bed, I'm tired, and I'm not arguing with you about this." I don't wait for an answer as I walk around to my side of the bed, pulling up the covers and lying down.

I expect her next move, and I'm prepared as she runs towards my door, attempting to open it up, but I locked it after I came in because I knew she would react like this.

She lets out a shout of frustration, and stalks over to me, ripping the blankets off me.

"Rocco, let me go, I don't want to sleep in here. I want Zeus." She's practically growling in my face right now, but I just lay there, unfazed as she shouts at me.

I lift my eyebrow up at her in response and she grabs a hold of my arm and tries to lift me up, but she has no idea how strong I am, and I pull her down onto the bed and roll on top of her, caging her in underneath me.

She thrashes, and tries to slide out from under me, but I pin her arms against her body and move my face closer to hers.

"Stop being so dramatic." She's looking at me like she wants to murder me, and I'm not surprised because sometimes I want to murder myself too.

"Get awa-"

I place my hand over her mouth, gentle enough so she can breathe.

She licks it, but I pretend not to notice and keep my hand there.

"Just stop okay? Whats so bad about sleeping here. You're my wife, and husbands and wives sleep together in the same bed, so shut the fuck up before I throw you out the window." 

her eyes widen at my fake threat, and I slowly pull my hand back, glad when she doesn't try to scream or thrash.

"But I don't even know you goddarnit, and husbands and wives do sleep in separate rooms as a matter of fact." She brings her arms up to cross over her chest, and I watch the movement. That stupid fucking crop top is still bunched up, but she seems to have pulled up her sweatpants so they rest at the curve of her waist.

Thank God.

"I don't care. Go to sleep." I roll off her and move to my side of the bed, keeping a close eye on her, but she doesn't move.

Is she dead or what?

Then just as I'm about to check, she faces her back towards me and pulls the blanket up over her body.

I fall asleep a few minutes later, wondering if I'll regret this decision.


hope you like it, bitches.


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