"Family? I have a family?"

By Ant357627

48.5K 736 385

What if Summer & Tai adopted another kid in their lives. Or more? More

What they look like
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
What the siblings look like now
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
What happened during their childhood
Chapter 15
Fun Facts!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

6.1K 55 46
By Ant357627

It was nice day in Patch. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. A drunk guy half-naked on a tree branch.

Qrow:*sleeping* 💤

And a man tending his garden of roses and sunflowers.

Tai:*finishing up* And there, all done!*hands on hip* Now for a glass of ice cold lemonade!

Tai goes inside his to get a drink and sees his second wife Summer in the kitchen cutting strawberries.

Tai:*finger guns* Hey babe!

Summer:*finger guns* Hey babe!

Tai: So, I heard you have a mission from Oz tomorrow?*opening the fridge to the lemonade* What type of mission is it?

Summer:*putting the strawberries in a bowl* Oh that mission? Well...

Tai:*pours a glass of lemonade* Well? *about to drink lemonade*

Summer:*putting knife in the sink* I denied it because it too dangerous and it looked like it was a trap. And it was. Thanks to an anonymous source. And Qrow.

Tai: I see. *drinking lemonade*

Summer: And I also want another kid or more.


Tai: WHAT?!

Summer:*whispering in his ear* I want sloppy thirds Taiyang Xiao-Long~

Tai: Wa-wait! Summer!

Summer:*heart eyes😍 & drooling🤤* Come here lover blonde boy~

Tai: Wait! Big Brain!
Tai: Wait Summer, I got a better idea!

Summer: Oh~

Tai: We could adopt!

Summer:🤨 Adopt?

Tai: Yeah, we can adopt at that orphanage in Mistral!

Summer:*with a "Are for real?" look* Mistral?

Tai: Yeah!



Summer:....Who's going to watch Ruby & Yang?

Tai: Qrow.


Tai:...It's either him or Raven. And we both know what happened when we let her watch the house.

Summer: Oh.....

Tai and Summer were just coming home from a nice dinner date.

Summer: I hope Yang's alright.

Tai: Don't worry she'll be fine.

As they got to the front door.

Tai:*entering home* Guys, were ba-

Tai couldn't finish his sentence as he and Summer see Raven & Yang trying to put out a fire in the kitchen.

A/N: Raven divorce Tai, but still hangs out and visits them from time to time.


Raven:*looks at them calm* Oh hey, guys.

Yang:*running around in circles* Runaway!! Runaway from the fire!!

Raven:*calm* Yang wanted pizza and I wanted pasta.

Tai:*still trying to figure what's going on* And?

Raven:*embarrassed* I didn't know how to cook it. And now I know how to set a kitchen on fire.

Yang:*stopped running* I helped!

Raven:*to Yang* I should have ordered that pizza. *hair catches on fire* 0_0!

Yang: 😱!!

Tai: 0_o?!

Raven & Yang:*running around in circles* Runaway!! Runaway from the fire!!


Tai: o_o I can't even get mad, I'm just confused.

Summer:💢 But I can.

Raven:*stops running* Oh no!

Yang:*stops running* Oh no!

Tai:*looks at Summer* Oh no!

Qrow:*on the window* (in bird) Oh no!

Summer: OH YEAH!!!

Summer: I was really mad that time.

Tai: Yeah you were.

Summer: What if Qrow isn't available?

Tai: Don't worry I still have plan C!

Summer: Who's plan C?

Tai: And that's all you need to know Glynda.

Glynda:*glares at both of them*💢....Your team still owes me my 2,500 Lien.

Summer: It was only a car and bike.

Glynda:💢 That MYSELF and MY teammates are still paying off the damages.

Tai:*whispering to Summer* Again, how DID you crash that car into Ozpin's office?

Summer:*shrugs and whispers back* Idk? One of Remnant's greatest mysteries.

Glynda:💢 And my mystery is how far I can shove my shoe up your-

Summer:*her and Tai leaving out the door* Okay! Good luck! And don't damage the house! *closes the door*

Glynda:*crossed her arms* What does she mean don't damage the house?

Yang comes out and answers her.

Yang: My mom and uncle.


Ruby:*behind her sister* Yep!

Glynda:.......*pulls her scroll out* You two want stuffed crust pizza?

Yang & Ruby: Yes!

<Meanwhile on the Bullhead heading to Mistral>

Tai and Summer were sitting together on the Bullhead. As they were riding, Summer asked an important question.

Summer: Just out of curiosity. What's the name of the orphanage?

Tai: I believe it's called the Children's Home?..........Whoever came up with that name was not sober.

Summer: Or on PCP.

Tai: Yeah-wait what? How would you know?

Summer:*deadpan* Bart.

Tai: Oh yeah. I thought it was the coffee.

Summer: Same.

Tai: You think he's still-

Summer: Yes.

Tai:*chuckles* Yeah.
Tai: By the way how many kids we should adopt?

Summer: Hmm depends.

Tai: Depends on what?

Summer: How the orphanage take care of them. And if someone is planning on adopting them and has bad intentions or using them I-no we will make sure to treat them like they were our flesh and born.

Tai:🙂 Okie-dokie.

Pilot:*intercom* Attention passengers. We'll be landing in Mistral's Bullhead Docking Bay 2 in just 15min. Please check your luggage and personal belongings and have a safe in the city.

Tai: Looks like we're almost there.

Summer: Yep!

<Timeskip at the Children's Home Orphanage>

??: Hey! Wake up!

??:*rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes* Hmm? What is it?

Cinder: Someone arrived to adopt us.

Emerald: Really?

Cinder: That's what I heard. Plus, I we think should get Mercury, Neo and Y/n. Especially Y/n.

Emerald: Yeah!

The two of them went to the area where kids meet their adoptive parents.

Emerald: Hey, Mercury!

Mercury: Hey, Emmy.

Cinder: Hi, Neo!

Neo:*waves "hi" to Cinder*👋🏻

Emerald:*looking around* I thought Y/n would be too?

Cinder: Yeah, where is he?

Mercury:*sighs* You know, the usual. On every time someone comes to adopt.

Cinder & Emerald:*sad* Oh..

Cinder: I guess that means he'll be stuck with them.

Emerald & Mercury: Yeah..


Cinder: So who's adopting-

???: Shut up and get in line you four!

All four of them flinched hearing that voice. That voice was the owner of the orphanage. Lady Kite.

Lady Kite: I said get in line!!

All of them got in line in fear.

Lady Kite: Now. Try and look your best. The person that's adopting you four is from Atlas and is a owner of a luxurious hotel. *threatening* So don't do anything stupid. Got it?

Cinder, Emerald & Mercury:*scared* G-g-g-g-g-got i-i-i-i-it.

Lady Kite:*pissed* EXCUSE ME?

Cinder, Emerald & Mercury:*really scared* Got it, Lady Kite!

Neo:*nodding furiously in fear*😣

Lady Kite:*to Neo* And you. Hide your neck. Unless you want another accident?

Neo:*shaking her head "No!" fast*😰😰🥺*hides her scar with a scarf*

Lady Kite: Good. *clears throat and breathes in & out*

Lady Kite:*cheerful* You may see them!

In enter the person that'll be adopting them.

Madame:*overly friendly* Why, hello there! Aren't you all looking lovely? *smiles*😁

Cinder: This woman is giving me bad vibes.

Mercury: This smells like trouble.

Emerald: Why does it look like she's putting up a friendly face?

Lady Kite: Aren't they? *whispering to them threaten* Smile you little brats!

Cinder, Emerald & Mercury:*smiles* Hello!/Hi!😀😃😄

Neo:*smiles and waves*😁👋

Madame: Hmm, that one is a mute. Oh well. I do need four to do all the hard work. So would you four like to-

Tai:*sticking his head out the door* Is this where we meet the kids?

Madame:*flinched* Monty Oum!!

Lady Kite:*jumped a little* What in the?!

Tai: Oh, sorry for the intrusion.

Lady Kite:*calm* Oh its no problem for a handsome man like you~

Summer:*sticking her head out the door as well*😠 He's married.

Lady Kite: Oh... Shit!

Summer:*sees the kids* Oh ain't they adorable.

Madame:*agreeing with her* Yes aren't they. Would leave I'm trying to get some new hire.

Summer:*ignoring her* We're also here to adopt.

Lady Kite: I see. May I have your names please?

Summer: Summer Rose.
Tai: Taiyang Xiao-Long.

Lady Kite: Wut?

Madame: Oh, you two are huntsmen?

Tai & Summer: Yes.

Madame: Shhhhhiiiiiit.......We I seem to be in the wrong place and I was just browsing.

Lady Kite: Wait what?

Madame: So long!*leaves*

Lady Kite: Wait!!

As Lady Kite was a meltdown. Summer looked at the kids who had a 'please help us' look.

Summer: I like to adopt these four, thank you.

Lady Kite:*deeply breathes in* I'll get the paperwork & documents ready. Dammit all.

Cinder: Wait?! What about Y/n?

Lady Kite:*whispering* HUSH! You little shi-

Tai: Who's Y/n?

Lady Kite:*sweating* Nobody.

Summer: Yeah, who is Y/n? And why they're not here?

Lady Kite:*sweating bullets* Like I said. Nobody.

Summer & Tai:*narrowing eyes*........

Lady Kite:*sweating bullets & eyes going different directions*..........

Tai:*narrowing eyes*............I wonder if Ozpin's available?

Lady Kite:*panicking* HE'S IN THE BACK!!!! AND YOU CAN ADOPT HIM!!! THESE TOO!!!!

Summer & Tai: Thank you! 😊

Cinder, Emerald & Mercury:*happy* Yay!! Freedom at last!

Neo:*clapping her hands*👏👏👏

The two parents head to back of the orphanage followed by Lady Kite, as four kids begin to pack their things. Lady Kite opens the backdoor to where there's a large open field of green grass and large walls for protecting the orphanage from Grimm. Near the wall, sat a lone boy with a blue hoodie, brown cargo shorts, white slip-on sneakers, (H/c) & silver eyes cutting logs.

Lady Kite:*yelling to him* Y/N!!

Y/n:*gets jumpscared & accidently throws axe* AHH!!!!

Lady Kite:*sees axe heading to her* EEEP!!!*ducks*

Summer & Tai:*shocked*😨 Sweat Sister....

Y/n:*gasps and runs to check on Lady Kite's condition* Lady Kite!!!😱 I'm so sorry!!🥺 Are you okay!?

Lady Kite:*shaking in fear cause her life before eyes flashed before her very eyes* I-I-I-I-I'm fine. *pointing to Summer & Tai* These two wanting to meet you.

Y/n look up at the two as he was kind of confused as to way these two wanted to meet him. Was he special? Was his friends(Cinder, Emerald, Neo & Mercury) going to be adopted by these two? Just why?

Y/n:*to Summer & Tai* Yes?

Summer:*smiling sweetly at him* Hi! I'm Summer! What's your name? And how old are you?

Y/n: Hello Summer. My name is Y/n.....Just Y/n. And I'm 8 years old.*looks at Tai* Who's he?

Tai:*smiles at him* Names Taiyang. Tai for short. And guess what?

Y/n:🤨 What?

Emerald:*sticking her head out the door* Hey Y/n! I packed your stuff for you! Cause we're getting by two hunts-*sees the 3 adults*-oh here they are.

Y/n:*surprised*😲 What?

Summer:*patting his head* That's right. We're your new family!*smiles sweetly at him*

Y/n: Family? I have. A family?

Tai & Summer:*smiles at him*😁 Yep!

Y/n:*looks down still surprised*...........*looks up at them* When do we leave?

Summer:*narrowing eyes at Lady Kite* As soon as someone gets all paperwork & documents ready.

Lady Kite:*now afraid of Summer* R-Right!! Of course!*leaves*

<Timeskip to late evening on the Bullhead back to Patch>

On the way back to Patch. As they were riding, Emerald, Neo & Mercury fell asleep on Summer's lap. While Y/n and Cinder stayed awake. Thinking what their new lives are going to be like.

Tai:*checking the documents* Huh? Neo's the same age as Ruby.*to Cinder* And you, Emerald & Mercury are the same age as Yang.

Cinder & Y/n:🤨 Who's Yang & Ruby?

Summer: Your new sisters.

Cinder: So Yang is 7 and Ruby is 5?

Tai: Yep.

Y/n: And I'm the big brother.

Summer: And Neo's the baby sister as she's a 2 weeks younger than Ruby.

A/N: I have no idea when's Neo's birthday is.

Cinder:*chuckles* As always is.

Tai:*realization* Shoot. We need more beds.

Cinder & Y/n: Oh......

Summer: Or...?

Tai, Cinder & Y/n:🤨 Or....?

Summer:*singing* Bunkbeds!!!

*window crack*

Emerald & Mercury:*waking up* Are we there yet?

A/N: This "" means sign language.

Neo:*waking up* "What happened?"

Tai:*not knowing sign language* Wut?

Y/n: "Just Summer's bad singing. Go back to sleep."

Neo:*silent yawn* "Yeah, nighty-night."

Y/n: "Nighty-night."

Neo falls back to sleep in Summer's arms as the 2 adults looked at Y/n with amazement.

Y/n:*looking at both of them* What?

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