Devil's Trap

By Marvel_nerd05

18.6K 422 437

In which Lucifer's son falls in love with a Hunter's daughter (I do not own Supernatural) #1 in Jack Kline Ja... More

Chapter One: First Hunt
Chapter Two: Devil's Son
Chapter Three: Stabbing is a Hazard
Chapter Four: Bonding Time
Chapter Five: Grief Counceling
Chapter Six: 24 Hours
Chapter Seven: Yee-Haw, Partner!
Chapter Eight: Worlds Apart
Chapter Nine: Coping
Chapter Eleven: The Grand Escape
Chapter Twelve: That's My Shirt
Chapter Thirteen: It'll Be Okay
Chapter Fourteen: Tonight I'm Yours
Chapter Fifteen: Dean's Back!!
Chapter Sixteen: Catfight
Chapter Seventeen: Hold On
Chapter Eighteen: Desperate Times
Chapter Nineteen: Let Me Protect You
Chapter Twenty: Snake-eyes
Chapter Twenty-one: Shopping
Chapter Twenty-two: Finding Mary
Chapter Twenty-three: Deceit
Chapter Twenty-four: Minutes Together
Chapter Twenty-five: Belphegor
Chapter Twenty-six: Hello, Winchesters
Chapter Twenty-seven: Well, That Was A Short Honeymoon
Chapter Twenty-eight: Time To Punch Death
Chapter Twenty-nine: Surprise
Chapter Thirty: Hello Again, Boys
Chapter Thirty-one: Deliverance
Chapter Thirty-two: Semi-normal Life
Chapter Thirty-three: Hello, Love
Chapter Thirty-four: Day with a Demon
Chapter Thirty-five: Weird Days Ahead
Chapter Thirty-six: Dyeing is Fun!
Chapter Thirty-seven: Happy Thanksgiving
Chapter Thirty-eight: Bloody Hell
Chapter Thirty-nine: Bonding Time: Part Two
Chapter Fourty: Christmas Joy
Chapter Fourty-one: Park Playdate
Chapter Fourty-Two: Starting New
Chapter Fourty-three: Weather Warning
Chapter Fourty-four: Look Who's Back!
Chapter Fourty-Five: Epilogue

Chapter Ten: New World

486 14 4
By Marvel_nerd05

"Anna, what are you doing up? Your leg is still healing." Sam said when he found me walking around my room.

    "I'm fine, Sam. Go try to get that rift open." I said.

    "Already tried that, didn't work." Sam walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist as I put my arm around his shoulder, the two of us slowly walking into the main room.

    "Where's everyone?" I asked as I sat down in a chair.

    "They went to track down Lucifer. We need his grace to keep the rift open long enough to find Jack and our parents." Sam answered.

    Just then, the bunker door opened and Dean came down the steps with Gabriel, Rowena, and Cass, dragging along Lucifer with his hands bound by a spell behind his back.

    "Woah, woah, what're you doing up, kid?" Dean asked once he saw me.

    "I've been cooped up in my room for five days. I needed to stretch my legs." I answered.

    "Fine. But you sure as hell are not going through the rift with us. You are staying, you hear?" Dean said.

    "I'm going, Dean. And you better not stop me from finding my father and Jack, or I will hurt you." I retorted.

    Gabriel smiled. "She's got fire. I like this one."

    "Thanks, dude." I said to him, focusing my attention back on Dean. "Like I said. I'm going."

    Dean sighed heavily. "Fine. But stay by Sammy or me at all times, you hear? No wandering off."

    "Loud and clear, Sarge." I saluted him.

Rowena got the ingredients ready and set the bowl down by Lucifer.

"Ah, I see what's going on. You're planning a trip to save Mother Mary and Father Jim, and you need my grace. Is that about it?" Lucifer guessed.

    "Good guess." Cass came up behind Lucifer and lightly drew the Angel Blade across his throat, a high-pitched ringing could be heard as his grace flowed out of his neck and into the bowl.

    Lucifer looked at us. "Okay, you could have done this back at the bar. Could have drained me. Could have killed me. What's this really about? Humiliation? Revenge?"

    "No, those are just bonuses." Sam replied. "See, we got a lot of work to do back in Apocalypse World, and not a whole lot of time to do it. So I realized something. I realized we could use you."

    Rowena knelt beside the bowl and started on the spell. "Koth Munto Numtox!" she chanted and a long gold rift appeared in the bunker.

    "Use you not to just crack the door open, but to keep it open. So we're gonna dragon you. We're gonna keep on draining you." Sam said.

    "Like a stuck pig." Dean said as he got his pack on, helping me up and putting his arm around my waist.

    "Grace on tap." Gabriel added. "Sorry, bro."

    "And then, when we get back, then we'll kill you." Sam said.

    "Cool." Lucifer said.

    "You gonna be okay back here?" Sam asked Rowena.

    "Aye. Someone needs to keep an eye on the Devil. Go. Save your mum and your friends." Rowena answered.

    "You ready?" Gabriel asked.

    "Ready." Sam answered and went through the rift, the rest of us following.

    We appeared in the Apocalypse World the next second and fell down a hill, rolling to a stop at the base of it and falling onto Sam as he tried to stand.

    "Sorry, Sam." I apologized as I got off him.

    "It's fine." Sam got up and brushed himself off, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me up, my arm going wound his neck.

    "All right, well, Charlie—the other Charlie—said that Mary, Jim, and Jack have an outpost in Dayton." Dean said.

    "Okay. Let's get our hearing and head that way." Sam said, looking at Cass. "Cass, where are we?"

    "Kentucky. Northeast Kentucky." Cass answered. "Or what used to be Kentucky."

    "Which means that's north." Dean pointed to his left. "Okay, so Dayton's that way. Roughly. Two days by foot, but...that way."

    "Let's go." Gabriel said.

    "Wait a sec. Sammy, hold my pack." Dean took it off his back and handed it to his brother before coming over to me. "Hop on, kid. It's a long walk and you being injured doesn't help our limited time."

    I looked at Sam and he shrugged, smiling as he helped me into Dean's back.

    "Alright. Now let's head out." Dean said as our group started walking into the trees.

    I looked over at Sam as we walked and saw him looking at us with a smile. "You seem happier."

    "Yeah, well, we're about to find our parents and Jack. And we've been working for this for so long and now we're finally here. We're close. Can't you feel it?" Sam said to me and Dean.

    A woman screamed far off in the distance and Sam and the rest of the group ran that was as Dean followed, a little bit slower because of me on his back

    By the time we got there, a creature that looked like a vampire but with pointed ears was lying dead on the grass, the head severed.

    "What the hell was that thing?" Dean asked the girl with a red beanie.

    "What's it look like? It's a vampire." the girl responded.

    "That's not like any camp we've ever seen." I said, my arms hanging loosely from Dean's neck.

    "Who are you?" the same girl asked.

    "I'm Sam, That's Dean and Anna, Cass, Gabriel. We, uh, we're not from around here." Sam introduced us all.

    "What makes a bloodsucker look like that?" Dean asked.

    "Starvation. When Michael's armies started to wipe out humans, they didn't think about monsters or what happened to 'em when their food source dries up. Turns out, not eating makes them wild." the male stranger said.

    "Dean. I think I'm good now. We're not on a hill, so my leg will be fine." I told him.

    "You sure?" Dean asked me.

    "Yeah." I nodded and got down, stretching my legs.

    "Which way you headed?" the girl asked.

    "North." I answered.

    "To Dayton? We were going that way too. We heard the rebels, Jack, Jim, and Mary, set up a satellite colony there, an outpost." the girl said.

    "Wait. What do you mean you were?" Sam asked.

    "Me, Floyd, the rest of our group, we were crossing north through the Morehead Tunnel...stumbled into a whole nest of those things." The girl said.

    "Nine of us went in. Only Maggie and I survived." Floyd finished.

    "This tunnel, is it the only way north?" Dean asked.

    "There's a mountain pass, but it's a long way around. Tunnel's the quickest route." Maggie said.

    "Long way's the safe way." Gabriel said.

    "No. We're already two days out from Dayton as it is. We don't have time for a detour. Listen, we've faced worse than a nest of vamps before. Much worse. So if you still wanna get to Dayton, stick with us. We'll keep you safe. We're going through that tunnel." Sam said.

    "Okay." Dean put his arm around my waist and we walked north towards the tunnels, following Maggie and Floyd.


"You okay, kid? How's the leg?" Dean asked as we walked further into the darkened tunnels, our flashlights shining ahead of us.

"It twinges a bit." I answered, stepping over a large rock.

"Wait. Are you saying you're hurt?" Floyd asked us.

"Yeah, but it's healing—" I said.

"You need to leave! Don't you know starved vamps can smell blood from miles away?! It's a miracle we've gotten this far!" Floyd shouted worriedly.

Loud screeching could be heard around us and a vamp pounced on me from behind, it's fangs sinking into my neck.

"Sam! Dean!" I shouted as the others were swamped by vamps as well, one tearing into Sam's neck and the vampires fled, dragging us behind them and deeper into the cave as Dean and Cas shouted our names.

"Sam! Sam!" I shouted as two vampires dragged Sam down a different darkened hall as I was dragged down another.

"Anna!" Sam's voice shouted faintly, the loud hoses and screeches of the vampires being all I could hear now as I was dragged into a nest of twenty or so of those starved creatures.

They dropped me onto a giant grey slab of stone and the vampires ran at me, sinking their fangs into me, my shirt being torn into tatters and stained by blood as they fed on me.

I grabbed for the knife hidden at my side and stabbed it into a vampire's mouth as it went to tear out my throat, the blood dripping down all over my neck and arm.

Claws tore at my flesh and I screamed, swinging my knife around wildly and hearing a few vampires shriek in pain and leap back onto me, their teeth sinking into my neck.

A loud gunshot was heard and all the vampires screeched and scurried away into the darkness of the cave.

"Anna! Hey, hey, can you hear me?" Sam ran over to me and gently lifted me up to a sitting position.

"I suffered from blood loss, Sammy. I didn't get my ears bitten off." I answered as I spat some blood from my mouth and shakily got up, grabbing onto his arm as he caught me before I fell.

"Woah. Hey. Take it easy for a bit." Sam said, concerned.

"Sam.'d you get here?" I asked.

"Hello again." Lucifer's voice spoke from the entryway.

"Lucifer? How? Why are you here?" I asked as the two of us walked forward slowly and out of the vampire nest.

"I'm saving your sorry asses." he answered and snapped his fingers, the three of us being transported out of the caves and onto the other side.

"Now, Sam. I saved both you and Anna here. You'll need to take me to my son." Lucifer said to Sam.

"No. You're not getting to Jack. Now way is that happening." I said stubbornly, leaning heavily against Sam as I lost more blood.

"Anna, why don't you let him...heal you?" Sam asked.

"No. I'm not letting him near me." I replied.

"Sam. That's what our deal entails. I save you two, you take me to my son." Lucifer said.

"Will it get you to leave us along faster?" I asked.

"Yes." he answered me.

"Fine then. Just don't talk to us." I said and we started through the forest, walking for a long time before finally coming to a clearing with boards on the trees, angel warding burned off.

"I think Cas and the others were here." Sam told me.

"I think so, too. Looks like we're not that far from the outpost." I replied.

"She's right. I can feel my son's presence. It's stronger here." Lucifer spoke from behind us.

"Shut up." I said to him, the three of us continuing ahead, following the wardings and hearing a faint sound of people; the closer we got, the louder the voices became, and two voices stood out in particular.

"Why didn't you save them?" Jack asked faintly, sadness and anger in his voice.

"I tried, Jack. I did, but the vampires overrun us." Cass answered, his voice also faint.

I looked at Sam and he smiled, the two of us walking up a steep hill and walking through a building entrance into the base, seeing people walking around and talking with one another.

Far away at the edge of camp, we saw Mary and my father talking with Dean and the rest of the group.

"Anna? Sam?" Cass said once he saw us, making the whole camp go silent and turn to us.

"Hey, Cass." Sam said, coughing.

"Anna..." Jack looked at me with disbelief.

I took my arm from around Sam's neck and walked down the hill to him, stumbling over my own feet and having him catch me in his arms.

Jack smiled and pushed my hair out of my face, leaning his forehead against mine. "You're really here.

    "I'm am. I'm here." I nodded, looking back at him with a smile before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly, burying my face in his neck.

    He pulled back from the hug after awhile and looked at me, his eyes going wide and he gently took my face between his hands, looking at my injuries.

    "You're hurt." he said worriedly.

    "I'm fine," I replied with a smile, placing my hands over his. "I'm...fine..." my legs gave out and I collapsed into his arms.


THE REUNION! OH MY GOSH! So cute 🥰 but the end, OH NO!

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