The Shadow's Melody || The Ph...

By themabelian

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|| Book 1 of The Shadow's Melody || As a maid here at the new Opéra Populaire I can certainly sense something... More

The Shadow's Melody || The Phantom of the Opera ||
Author's Note and Disclaimer
1. The Voice From My Past
2. "Erik is dead."
3. Shadows Have Eyes
4. What Have They Done To You?
5. Ghosts
6. Shadows Have Ears
7. Playing With The Shadow
8. Fear Can Turn To Love Part One
9. Fear Can Turn To Love Part Two
10. Fleeting Lies & Curious Eyes
11. The Masks We Wear
12. A Dying Rose
13. Come To Me Strange Angel
14. Birthday Wish
15. Prima Donna
16. Decaying Roses, Decaying Souls
17. Imprisoned Royalty
18. The Christmas Ball
20. Letters of Longing
21. Letters of Love
22. Letter of Goodbye
23. Nothing Left To Fight For
Author's Note
The Angel's Shadow Teaser

19. Letters of Desire

7.2K 290 230
By themabelian

Alrighty my lovely readers!!!

I was listening to Pandora to help me study and they played "Masquerade Waltz" by Khachaturian and I was thinking it fits perfectly with the last chapter! After all Mélodie and Erik are at a masquerade ball and are dancing along to the waltz the orchestra is playing.

To add to the awesomeness I looked on YouTube to find a video to link and someone put "Masquerade Waltz" to "Masquerade" from the Phantom of the Opera!!! So everyone enjoy and picture Mélodie and Erik dancing along to that!

Chapter Nineteen || Letters of Desire


Light flooded in through my open curtains. I pulled the covers over my eyes to ease my headache. I heard a maid shuffling around, tying back the heavy curtains. My raw throat croaked as I groaned, "What time is it?"

Elaine's voice drifted through the duvet, "Almost noon."

I groaned again, not wanting to get up. I was already running late but who cares. I'm the queen for crying out loud. I can be late if I damn well pleased.

Rolling over I grimaced, rubbing my sore inner thighs. I sat up against my pillows, a dull but prominent pain forming deep in the pit of my stomach.

As I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes Elaine asked, "Why are you smiling?"

My muscles were sore as I stretched, making me smile wider, "Nothing, Elaine."

I wondered if Erik felt as sore as I did. I wondered if he had done that before. If he had I'd like to find the woman he did that with. I could banish her. There are perks to being royalty.

Elaine laid out a robe for me, "Did you sleep well, Mélodie?"

I smiled dreamily and sighed, "I slept wonderfully."

That is, I slept wonderfully with Erik. We had made love again...and again...until he told me I should return. Ignoring my protests he had walked me back to the dark manor. He snuck us past the guards and to the balcony extending from my room. Making sure I was safe in the manor he kissed me once more before climbing down to the ground below. I saw his dark shadowy form make it outside the manor's walls just as the sun began to rise.

I had fallen asleep in my own bed, but it wasn't the same as sleeping in Erik's swan bed with his arms wrapped around me. I loved the tickle of his chest hair against my cheek as I listened to his steady heartbeat. Even that is musical.

I smiled again, remembering his request, "Marry me?"

"Mélodie?...Melodie?...Your Majesty?"

Elaine's voice snapped me out of my daydream. Blinking, I met her gray eyes, "I'm sorry, what?"

"I was saying thank you. For last night that is. My husband and daughter really enjoyed themselves. And I haven't felt more beautiful in my whole life, thanks to the gown you gave me."

It took me a minute to understand what she was talking about. Realization slapping me in the face I exclaimed, "Oh yes! The Christmas Ball! Well I'm happy you all enjoyed yourselves! It was a pleasure to finally meet your family. And as for the dress it looked much better on you than it did on me."

She blushed just as the other maid with my breakfast tray came in. After last night's activities I am famished. She settled the tray on my lap and bowed before leaving the room. I am so sick of bowing. Everyone is going to get arthritis in their joints if they keep that up.

"Mélodie?" Taking a bite of toast I looked to Elaine who is walking over to me from the balcony doors, "This was on your balcony's railing."

I froze mid chew when I saw what was in her hands. Reaching my side of the bed she handed me my mysterious gift. I took the letter and the red rose, "Elaine, may I have a moment alone?"

The doors clicked shut as she left. I stared at the envelope and rose in my hands. Well, I couldn't read it through the envelope now could I. Silly Mélodie.

Almost desperately I opened the envelope, careful not to damage it. In a rush my senses were greeted by the scent of candles and roses. The scent of Erik, my lover.

My dearest Mélodie,

Last night was the happiest night of my existence. It was heavenly bliss being able to have you as my own, even for a short while.

I can still taste you on my lips, your scent still lingers on my sheets. I can still feel your touch and your soft cries echo throughout my mind like music.

I love you.

If you didn't already know and if last night wasn't enough to prove it to you then I'm telling you now.

I love you.

Forever Your Shadow,

I believe the markings your nails left on my body were revenge for the bites I made on your neck.

The last part made me giggle despite the tears that trickled down my cheeks. I read the letter over and over again.

Flashes from last night caused my eyes to flutter shut and I held the crystal rose dangling from around my neck.

Abandoning my breakfast I half ran half walked to my desk, my aching muscles preventing me from moving too quickly. Getting the necessary materials I began my letter:

My darling Erik,

Blowing on the ink to be sure it wouldn't smudge I put the finished letter into an envelope and sealed it. Now for delivering it...that will be a problem.

Squinting I peered at the clock. 1:30 pm?! Valentin is going to have a fit!

Without having to look in the mirror I picked out a dress with a high neck, knowing that there are marks I am going to have to cover up. Brushing my hair and fixing Erik's necklace I glanced in the mirror to make sure I am in the clear. Securing the letter I had for Erik in my dress pocket I brought his rose to my nose for the billionth time before sticking it in the bouquet with the others.

In a rush to get to Valentin's office and report to him I turned a corner and slammed right into my fiancé.

His hands grabbed my waist to steady me, "Tiens (hey)!"
He smiled wide as he steadied me, "You look exceptionally happy this morning. Or more correctly - afternoon. I was on my way to get you."

He bent down and kissed me and I was in too much shock to turn my head away. He isn't angry?

Valentin had a small smile on his face when he pulled back. Studying my face his brows knit together.

My breathing was still heavy from practically running to find him, "What's wrong?"

He was still examining my appearance, "You look different."

I could feel the blood drain from my face, "Different?"

His hands rubbed circles on my sides and it made me think of Erik's long fingers drawing lazy circles on my naked flesh. I forced myself to focus on my fiancé who is standing right in front of me, still examining me with suspicious eyes, "Yes, different. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about you is different today." He shook his head and grabbed my hand, the smile returning to his face, "No matter. We have a lot to do this week, darling."

"Darling. Mélodie." Erik sighed in my ear right before biting my neck to keep from crying out.

"Antoinette? Are you listening?"

I snapped my head towards Valentin, my hand absentmindedly going to the letter in my dress, "I'm sorry, Valentin. What did you say?"

There was still a smile on his lips. It's strange having him so easy going for a change. Refreshing, but strange. This is the man I knew back in New France when I was young. He pulled back a chair for me, "Our wedding. I've written down some notes for you to look over."


Taking a big gulp of water I tried to smile at my fiancé, "Oh. Right. Our wedding."

My eyes brows shot up when Valentin pulled out the chair to my left instead of seating himself on the other side of the table. Noticing my expression he said, "I want to be near you, darling."

Erik flashed through my mind yet again, "I need to be near you."

My tea and biscuits couldn't come soon enough and Valentin laughed at my eagerness to eat, "I'm glad your appetite is back."

I smiled at him with my mouth full of food. A servant came by and laid a stack of papers by Valentin. Valentin fished through the pile and handed one to me, "Here is a list I made. There are more I assure you. I was thinking we could have roses for the wedding."

"No roses." Valentin blinked at my quick response.

Leaning back in his chair he said, "But you love roses. You won't even throw away the bouquet of rotten ones in your room."

I wiped the corners of my mouth, not meeting his gaze, "No roses. Please. Any other flower but roses."

He scanned my face before resigning, "Alright. If that is what you wish."

Taking a more polite sip of water than I had before I said, "I saw you and Violette were having a pretty deep conversation last night."

He continued to shuffled through his paperwork, hardly acknowledging anything else, "Yes. She was concerned about something."

I played with the ring on my finger, "Concerned about what?"

Sorting through a different stack of papers he replied, "No matter, Antoinette."

The rest of the day was filled with people briefing me on the country I left two years ago. In between all that I was busy supervising as servants packed all the different belongings we had in the manor, hoping not to forget anything. I thought of my two dresses and my small trunk back at the opera house. That was all I had for two years and it was all I needed. Nobody needs all of this other...stuff... Most of it we don't use anyways.

I felt the envelope in my dress, wondering how I was going to get it delivered to Erik. I smiled to myself thinking that he would find my lack of a corset amusing. This morning my skin was so sensitive I barely wanted to wear the dress I have on now. Let alone a corset. I shivered just thinking about it.

Elaine passed by in the hallway and I had an idea, "Elaine?"

She stopped and came over to me, "Yes?"

I took the letter out of my dress, "Could you do me a favor?"

She agreed and I told her exactly where to put the letter. There was a door around the back of the opera house that was always open and the stairway to the roof is close by. I described the crevice in the roofs barrier and hoped she would find it. When she left with my letter I imagined Erik reading it and wished I could be there with him. I miss those green eyes.

I love you.

I smiled.

My lover. My shadow. My Phantom. My Erik.

As I walked down one of the many halls I played with the ring on my finger, trying not the think of my upcoming departure to a different country. I tried not to think of us being a whole ocean away from eachother. I tried not to think of being separated from him forever. I would never hear that angelic voice I fell in love with ever again. I would never feel his loving kisses or hear his haunting music.

My Erik. My Ghost. My Angel of Music.

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