By Kuvarsskristali

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✨COMPLETED ✨ ✨Top Tae- Bottom Kook ✨Alpha Tae- Omega Kook ✨Sloooow Burn ✨Eventual Smut Jungkook is a 24 year... More



1.2K 62 14
By Kuvarsskristali


''Hyung, how can i check everything now? You took my tablet from me.''

Jungkook speaks while pouting, immediately after their car starts moving. He genuinely doesn't understand why the King chose to leave his things behind.

''I'm gonna take your phone too, if you keep working.''

''I was just informing Jihoon hyung.''

''You are informing him about us going to dinner?''

''I have to report everything you do hyung, he cares about you so much.''

''Jungkook, i am completely capable of checking everything about our dinner date, okay? Plus, i am the one that shows you around. This is your first time on this island. You look rather marvelous tonight, let me just take care of things. What kind of a gentlemen would i be if i let you do the work?''

date?? Did the King just say dinner date?

Taehyung just couldn't let this night be a regula one. Not after he saw Jungkook's appearance. The boy honestly looked mesmerizing.

When Jungkook understood that they arrived at the restaurant he moved forward like he always does, to hold the door for the King but Taehyung got in front of him, he got out of the car and held the door for the younger boy.Jungkook was literally too stunned to react. He stared at Taehyung with his big doe eyes, lips slightly parted, shining with lip gloss.

Taehyung -maybe for the millionth time that night- thought Jungkook looked just beautiful. While Jungkook was staring at Alpha's face, feeling kind of lost because of Alpha's behavior tonight, Taehyung was acting like nothing happened. He simply led Jungkook inside with a momentary hold on the boy's waist, too short for Jungkook's liking. (what?)

There was this huge open space in the restaurant, an amazing terrace right next to the ocean and there was only one table.

Obviously Jungkook made sure that the restaurant would be close to other customers and serve only to the King. That was what Jihoon always did back in the pack house so Jungkook thought it was appropriate.

Now he doubted himself, thinking maybe it's too intimate, romantic (?) What am i even thinking?

While a waiter accompanied them Jungkook suddenly excused himself to go to the restroom.

He gets away from the Alpha, almost with running steps. Why was he acting like this? All Alpha ever did was compliment him a few times, buy him a few presents -which was not a big deal for a King, hold his door and call him pretty.

Then again no one ever did these things for him before. So maybe it was okay for him to feel a little overwhelmed and excited. But he would die from embarrassment if Taehyung would ever understand that Jungkook was so affected by his attention. Wouldn't that imply that the omega had a crush on him?

''What am i even thinking?'' Jungkook said out loud, to the mirror.

No, he taught. I don't have a crush on him. I'm just thinkin that way because he is the first and the only person to treat me this way.

''What way exactly?'' he couldn't help but wonder. It was safe to say that King's presents were a bit too much, even for a King. And Jungkook caught him staring a lot of times lately. He was not mean or distant anymore. Jungkook sighed deeply. He was even more confused now. But still it wasn't very polite to make a King wait for too long.

Jungkook left the bathroom and saw that Taehyung was already at their table.Their eyes locked while Jungkook was walking towards the beautiful terrace. Jungkook could clearly see the decorative lights, candles and the ocean view -add a King to this beautiful scene and you got yourself a literal fairytale for the boy.

Taehyung fondly smiled at him and stood up.By the time Jungkook came to the table the King was already at his side, moving his chair for Jungkook so he could sit ?

''Your highness?''

''Jungkook.'' Taehyung's voice was soft and kind but Jungkook could hear the commanding sub tone in it, so he obeyed and just let Taehyung help him sit politely.

''Thank you.'' he murmured.

He was feeling more lost at every passing second.

''I already ordered for us, i hope you don't mind.''

''Not at all, i wanted to taste the dish that made you so excited all day.''


When Jungkook woke up the next day he was feeling a little dizzy. Him and Taehyung had an amazing conversation last night at dinner. So Jungkook felt a little comfortable and talked too much, and drank too much. Now that he thinks about it he probably let himself go way too much around his employer. But he remembers Taehyung showing no signs of being annoyed. Nevertheless, he should apologize to King this morning for acting too careless.

When he was done getting ready he felt a little sad because this was their last day here. The weather was amazing. He wore a white shirt with a simple gold chain (Taehyung's gift.) and he put his sunglasses on his hair. He had the best time of his life on this island. İt was his very first vacation. He gets to experience it with Taehyung and by himself. He knows understand why people likes vacations so much

He happily sighted, and he realized that he felt content and grateful. He smiled at the maid who momentarily stopped to bow to him politely.

He knocked on Taehyung's door and heard no voice from the King. He was still sleeping, of course.

''Hyung.'' he said softly while entering.

''Hyung, you should wake up.''

''mmmph... Jungkook five more minutes.''

His grumpy attitude made Jungkook chuckle.

''c'mon hyung...the whole island and press are probably waiting for you. We are leaving today.''

Just when Jungkook was about to try one more time, Taehyung's phone started to ring. His number was only available to his parents, Jihoon, Jungkook and a few trusted friends. (Jungkook guesses Namjoon and Yoongi hyung.)

So it was not hard to guess that it's probably Jihoon calling to wake Taehyung up.

''Ugh...Jungkook-ah can you answer that?''

Jungkook checked the phone, it was Jihoon.

''He would've call me if he wanted to talk to me hyung.''

He handed the phone to Taehyung. Taehyung huffed a little more and grabbed the phone.

''I'm not sure if i like this morning brat.'' Jungkook chuckled once more while Taehyung answered his phone.Because that was a tone that Taehyung uses when he is teasing Jihoon, Namjoon or Yoongi hyung. And now Jungkook too. That means Jungkook made it to the close friends circle, isn't it?

''What!'' King's voice made Jungkook turn back to reality.

Taehyung straightened his back in bed. Something bad must have happened. Jungkook's stomach twisted at Taehyung's voice. Was it the rebels again? Did they attack? Did they kill people again?

''What do you think it's a good thing? Are you out of your goddamn mind Jihoon?''

Jungkook was growing tense every passing second. Taehyung never talks like that to Jihoon. What was wrong ?

''No. I am not overreacting. You don't even know if he's comfortable with it!''

Jungkook was silent and stared at the Alpha, he was even scared to move.

''I just woke up Jihoon. Can you give me a break for once? I can't do this right now!''

Taehyung throw his phone on the bed, made a frustrated voice and left the bed.

Jungkook was still standing in his place in confusion and fear.


''Can you leave me alone for just one minute, Jungkook? Cani at least have a minute to get dressed in privacy.'' Taehyung looked directly at Jungkook's eyes

Jungkook didn't know how to react to Alpha's sudden outburst. He nervously started stuttering and Taehyung seemed like he grew impatient.

A dominant Alpha scent suddenly filled the room.

''Today please Jungkook.'' Taehyung looked annoyed.

Jungkook left the room in a hurry, he had no idea what just happened. He thought about calling Jihoon, Jihoon was quicker. He was already calling Jungkook.


''Jungkook are you okay?''

''yes...i'm...what's happening?''

''you...don't know?''


''okay, look. There was some news about you guys in the newspapers and internet this morning and it's totally okay. It's nothing that we can't manage. But Taehyung is, let's say, a little sensitive about the subject. You should be a little careful. Don't take it personal, okay?''

''What kind of news?''

''I'm gonna send you the links. Promise me you're not gonna take it personal.Tae...he is...i mean we already had a fight about itI just hope that it won't affect your bond with him.

''O-okay i promise hyung.''

''Okay. I'll see you soon kooks.'' Jihoon ended the call.

Jungkook was still in shock. He was super scared. What made the King react that way? How bad was the news? He impatiently waited for Jihoon's texts. In a minute Jihoon sent him few different links. Jungkook started to check them.

The first headline made him stare at the screen blankly. It was with a black font:


He scrolled down slowly. It was a picture of him and Taehyung together from last night. Taehyung was holding the door for him and in another picture the King was holding the chair for him. There were a few more with them laughing and talking while having dinner and few close shots of Jungkook only.

''Jeon Jungkook, public relations manager of the King. From a source who is very close to the couple, we managed to find out Jeon is 24 years old and working with the packhouse only for a few months .The couple is very close to each other and tend to spend most of the days together.''

Jungkook''s mind was purely blank while he was reading the article. He checked the other links too, it was pretty much the same. He lastly looked at his old Twitter account and saw #NewLuna is trending.

''OMG he is so pretty #NewLuna ''

''why does he look so beautiful?''

''step on me sir!''

people were... wanting him to be there Luna?

Taehyung left his room in a hurry, looked at Jungkook and took a deep breath.

''So, you saw the news.''

''I'm... I'm really sorry.''

''Why are you being sorry for?''

''I... I don't know. What are we going to do now?''

Taehyung sighed for the millionth time that morning.

''I don't know, Jungkook. Jihoon says he's going to take care of it. He says that since the comments about you are not negative, he's going to be able to clarify that we have a professional relationship.''


Jungkook didn't know what to say. The air was a little bit awkward between them.

''Jungkook I don't want this to change the air between us. You shouldn't be dealing with this in the first's too personal. I was supposed to be able to prevent this from happening. but obviously I can't do anything on my own without you and your hands help.''

''Hyung what? That's absurd, it is not a King's job to be concerned with the magazine issues.''

''No, that's not it. If i can't even protect the people who are closest to me, how am I supposed to protect an entire pack?''

''Hyung, you are totally capable of protecting your people. You care about them so much. We are very lucky to have you as our ruler. Please don't doubt yourself.''

''I had a fight with Jihoon. He was just trying to clean the mess that i created and working hard as always. I totally reflected all my anger on him. I broke his heart''

''He knows you, Taehyung. Your life is very stressful right now. Once we land you should talk to him and apologize. I know he will understand. He loves you too much.''

Taehyung didn't say anything after that. He looked very sad to Jungkook. They silently started to get ready.

They spent the rest of the day talking with the media taking pictures and visiting the mayor.

By the time they came back to their home all of their belongings were packed. It was time to go back to the pack house. When they go out, so they can get in their car, Jungkook expected people to come see the King for the last time but he did not expect people to shout his name as well.

There were lots of people with signs and banners in their hands. He saw his name, people were taking pictures of him with Taehyung, they were shouting

''Luna! Luna! Look here!''


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