☆ Mystic Messenger ☆ One Shot...

By MultiFandomAccount0

428 74 9

As the title implies ~ A compilation of short X reader stories REQUESTS OPEN ★ More

A/N ~ Introduction
Like Father Like Daugher (Saeyoung X Reader)
Side Character (Vanderwood X Reader)
Horror Film (Yoosung X Reader)
Emergency Alert (Vanderwood X Reader)
Elizabeth the 3rd Approves (Jumin X Reader)
Misinterpretation (Saeran X Reader)
Amusement Parks (Vanderwood X Reader)

Lost Lamb (Unknown X Reader)

38 8 1
By MultiFandomAccount0

Yandere, kidnapping, possessiveness

Background: After being lead to Rika'a appartment, Unknown didn't stop messaging you.

Word Count: 2341


Unknown: It'll be really fun from now on. Enjoy your time with everyone. I'll go get you soon

Y/n: Who the hell are you? You hacked me into some private messenger app?

Unknown: I guess I left a few details out

Y/n: I should call the police..!

Unknown: That wouldn't do any good, I'd just wipe every trace of me and this messenger from your phone

Unknown: I'd prefer you just continue to cooperate

Y/n: What did I just get pulled into...this can't be real

Unknown: Yes, I'm sure you're surprised. But you did get yourself into this

Unknown: I hope you'll stick around a while. Just have fun, and plan a party. There's nothing to be nervous about :)


Unknown: Hi there

Y/n: Oh, you're back

Unknown: I never left. I've been watching your interactions with the RFA members. You seem to be having fun

Y/n: Yeah, I guess I made some new friends

Unknown: See? I told you, there's nothing for you to worry about :)

Unknown: But promise me you won't have too much fun with them, they're not as kind as they act. So...don't trust them. I'm looking out for you when I say this

Unknown: But, if you want to trust someone, I suggest trusting me. Just like you did on the day we met :)

Y/n: That's easier said than done. You completely lied about yourself that day

Unknown: I had to, to get you to where you are now

Unknown: But if you don't like that, I'll keep that in mind. I won't lie to you again

Y/n: Then tell me what this is all about?

Unknown: Hm...I said I won't lie, but that's something I can't tell you the truth about quite yet

Unknown: It's a surprise :)

Y/n: ;;; That's so suspicious...

Unknown: I'd say "exciting" is a more appropriate word, don't you think?

Y/n: (doesn't answer)

Unknown: Hello? Y/n? I can see you talking in the chat. Why aren't you answering me?

Y/n: I didn't realize you wanted to keep talking. You didn't really bring up a topic or anything

Unknown: A topic? You're funny, you know? A little dumb, but cute. Like a lost lamb ^_^

Y/n: ...

Unknown: Why are you speechless? You're always so enthusiastic with the them

Unknown: Don't you want to talk to me, too? I can be way more fun than those RFA hypocrites

Y/n: Are you being jealous..?

Unknown: I am not jealous of those idiots!

Unknown: Gah...if I knew you'd fall for their deception so easily, I would've brought you straight here...

Y/n: "Here"? What, you were gonna kidnap me?!

Unknown: No, you have me all wrong, y/n. I want you to be saved

Unknown: You, specifically

Y/n: Oh my god...why me?

Unknown: Because you're special

Unknown: You'd be so happy here :)

Y/n: Well, I guess it's good that you care about my happiness...haha... ^^

Unknown: Is it? That makes you feel better? I'll remember that...

Unknown: Seeing you happy with the RFA makes me angry. But right now, you're just talking to me

Y/n: You are jealous of the RFA. You're the one who wanted me to bond with them in the first place!

Unknown: No! No, I don't want you to like them. They're blinding your judgement

Unknown: You need to follow me, just me. I'm the only one you can trust here

Y/n: I need to get out of this..! I'm calling the cops, I don't care if you wipe my phone

Unknown: Hey stop! You have to believe me. I'm helping you!

Y/n: My calls aren't going through...

Y/n: Are you blocking my calls?!

Unknown: ...Just trust me...

Unknown: Just do what I tell you, and everything will be okay. We'll all see a happy ending, even the RFA!

Unknown: But don't be too happy with them. In fact, you can...save your happiness just for me?

Unknown: They don't deserve to make you laugh...I should be doing that

Unknown: I'm the one who found you. You're mine, not theirs

Y/n: You're scaring me, guy. I don't even know your name! I should've never downloaded this app...

Unknown: What are you saying? Stop that! If you never downloaded this app, we never would have met

Unknown: I know that's not what you really want. You wouldn't be talking to me if you didn't really like me

Unknown: You're just confused because of the way we met. But it's okay to like me :)

Unknown: Once we meet in person, you'll see there's nothing to be scared of

Y/n: Listen, if you want me to like you, that can't just be forced! You're really scaring me, so please just...I just want to leave this...

Unknown: ...You're really scared of me? But I don't want that...

Unknown: How can I make you feel better? I'll ask if I can bring you here early. You'll feel better here

Y/n: No, please...please

Unknown: You said "please" twice. That was so cute ^_^

Unknown: It's okay, lost lamb. We'll be able to get to know each other better once we're face to face. There's just a lot I can't say on this messenger. That redhead might find our texts, so I can't risk it >:

Y/n: There's really no way out of this..?

Unknown: Why would you want a way out? You must like me as much as I like you, that's why you stuck around so long

Unknown: But, I'm...sorry that I scared you. I'm not used to talking to such a weak and sensitive person. I can be more careful

Y/n: ...I can't tell if you're lying or not

Unknown: I'm not. I promised I wouldn't anymore, remember?

Y/n: Yes, I remember...

Y/n: You sound so serious about all of this with the RFA. They all are so nice but...I know that evil people can appear very kind on the surface if they try

Y/n: But you just say exactly what you think; you don't try to hide things. And even with the stuff you do hide, you at least tell me that you're hiding something...

Y/n: ...Can I...really trust you?

Y/n: Gah, what am I saying? I don't know what to believe!

Unknown: I am serious! This is important. It's so important that you trust me, not them

Unknown: I'm the only one telling you the truth now. They'll lie to you and hurt your delicate heart if you trust them

Unknown: But I would NEVER try to hurt you

Y/n: You...really don't intend to bring me harm?

Unknown: Of course not! I told you, little lamb, I want to save you :)

Y/n: But why would you introduce me to these people just to save me from them?

Unknown: I needed someone innocent to gain their trust. That way, I can tear them down from within. And then, they can be saved to

Y/n: You keep talking about "saving" people, but what are you even saving us from?

Unknown: I can't tell you that yet...

Unknown: But I can tell you that once you're saved, you'll be happy forever, just like me ^_^

Unknown: Doesn't that sound nice?

Y/n: Happy forever? Of course that sounds nice...but that's not possible...

Unknown: Anything is possible in Paradise, y/n. You just have to let me show you

Y/n: I don't think I have a choice...

Unknown: Haha, you're adorable ^_^
But it would make me feel better if you come here by choice, rather than force :)

Y/n: ...

Unknown: I'll even say this! If you aren't happy here when you come, then you can leave. That's how sure I am that you'll love it here with me :)

Unknown: What do you say? That's fair, right?

Y/n: You'll actually let me go? If I want to leave?

Unknown: Yup. But you won't want to leave. This place is perfect

Y/n: ...Okay...


When your car door opened, you heard an unfamiliar voice greet you. And yet, even blindfolded, you knew exactly who it was. "Welcome to Paradise, y/n." His tone was remarkably soft and sweet. You'd had no idea what to expect from meeting him, but this certainly wasn't it.

"Unknown..." You responded with a nervous shake in your voice.

You heard a small, light laugh and felt a hand graze your shoulder. The hand gently guided you to leave the car. You heard the door close, and the car drove away. You felt the hand on your left shoulder shift, then the warm radiation of body hear near your arm as he stepped closer to you. "You can call me Saeran here," the man said to you. His breath

You were shocked that you'd actually gotten an answer so quickly already. Had he been telling the truth about being able to talk more freely in person? "Let's go inside," Saeran's voice felt like a snake, slithering around your neck, just waiting for the right moment to constrict.

His fingers traced from your shoulder down your arm and played delicately with your fingers. "Take my hand, I'll lead you." Sweet yet demanding, his voice alone set of alarms in your head. And yet here you were. Because as much as you'd tried to deny it, Saeran had been right about something. There was a reason you continuously allowed him to pull you in closer ever since your meeting.

You did like him.

As he laced his fingers between yours, you hesitantly returned the action. You heard a quiet, short chuckle from Unknown. He then began to walk. For the next few minutes, you heard a variety of doors opening and closing, voices whispering around you.

Finally, you stopped walking and Saeran released your hand. He moved to stand behind you, then you felt him fidget with the knot of the blindfold. But even when the cloth fell, you were unable to focus on your surroundings. All you could think about was the mysterious man, who's fingers brushed through your hair from behind you.

"The blindfold messed up your hair," Saeran explained as he continued to fix your hair back into place. You stood as motionless as a statue. Almost every voice in your head was scolding screaming at you; what had you done?

But there was one, lone voice that disagreed with the rest. It whispered softly to you from the back of your mind. Only one voice, telling you that maybe there was nothing to be afraid of. Maybe this was going to be as good as Unknown had promised. Maybe this would be fun. And that one little whisper had overpowered every alarm that flashed in your mind.

You stood completely frozen as Saeran continued to softly sort out your hair. You asked yourself mentally if it was okay for you to find the feeling pleasant. Was it really okay to let your guard down? His fingers left your hair and landed on your shoulder again. He slowly but firmly pulled you in a way that implied that he wanted you to face him. Heart racing, you let him turn you.

The first thing you saw was the red of his shirt, less than a foot away from your face. His black hoodie was sliding down one shoulder, revealing intricate thick lines of black ink. Now facing him, you picked up on a subtle and mild scent of cologne. You hesitantly lifted your gaze further, taking in the details of his skin and clothing until your eyes met his. For a few seconds, you were both silent.

"You still look scared," Saeran finally spoke, his tone sounding both annoyed and hurt. But he sighed and that annoyance was immediately gone. "I know what it is; you're just nervous to be in a new place."

His lips were in a soft, unsmiling line. Every detail of his face looked relaxed and clam, other than his hypnotic eyes. These eyes shown nothing but focus on you. You let your gaze scan over his face, distracted from your anxieties by his beautiful features. If the forbidden fruit were to take human form, you imagined this is what it would look like. Your cheeks reddened as he continued to stare. How in the world did he stay so calm?

Suddenly, his face cracked into a wide grin. "You're blushing? I knew you'd like me once we met," he spoke confidently. He lifted a hand to your face and stroked his cold, boney fingers down you cheek. The color that had risen to you face quickly drain and you stomach twisted. You finally let you logic win. This was wrong.

You took a deep breath as you tried to find your voice. You had to say it. "I-I'm not happy here," you muttered nervously, your eyes still locked on his, "I w-want to leave...a-and you said..."

Saeran's grin fell, and his eyes looked broken. He appeared to be completely shocked by what you'd said. "You...just got here," he reminded you, then smiled a bit again, "I'm sure you want to stay a bit longer before making that decision."

Your heart broken a little to hear the pain in his voice, but you knew this wasn't right. "No, I've decided," you affirmed. Your heart was beating unpleasantly fast, making you feel a bit faint.

While Saeran was frozen in place, you're eyes found the exit of the room. You slowly began to inch that direction. But of course it wouldn't be that easy. You nearly had a heart attack when the man stumbled past you and stood in the doorway. "You don't have to be scared here, remember what I said?" Saeran asked you, his voice sounding more desperate now. "This is a happy place. You'll see that if you stay a little longer, I swear!"

Your fight or flight finally kicked into full gear and you ducked under his arm to run out of the room. You had no idea where you were going, but you figured that as long as you were running, you'd be okay. You were very wrong. "Hey-!" Saeran shouted as he chased after you. Before you could even turn the first corner, you felt your body being slammed against a wall of the hallway with incredible force.

"Ahh!" You screamed as pain shot through your shoulders and back. You felt as if you'd just been in a car crash. Your eyes had squeezed shut by instrinct, but that didn't stop your tears from spilling. You weren't even sure what exactly was making you cry; the pain, the fear, the surprise.

"Why would you run from me like that?" Saeran's voice sounded so close as he demanded your answer. When you didn't speak, he softened his tone. "It's okay, actually," he insisted, "now I know to keep a better eye on you."

You felt completely immobilized, squished between a wall and a body. Your face refused to stop blushing as you were suddenly hyper-aware of every area where his body touched yours. His chest and stomach pressed fully against yours, his hands gripping your shoulders painfully tightly, his breath brushing over your forehead. "You're blushing again?" You heard Saeran ask, then an angelic laugh left his throat and rang in your ears.

Finally you opened your eyes, only to find Saeran's just inches away. He was smiling again. "You were just playing, weren't you," he assumed happily, "you wanted to see what would happen if you ran." He sighed as if relieved by his fictional realization. "Of course you wouldn't leave without giving this place a chance," he went on. His eyes studied your face shamelessly; Saeran seemed completely unbothered by your current position.

"You're even cuter up close," Saeran remarked in sickeningly sweet voice. Then he finally loosened his grip on your shoulders. His body pulled away from yours. He brushed his hands down both of your arms until he held your hands in his. He then began to slowly walk backwards, back toward the room you'd just run from. "Come on, lost little lamb," he spoke in an almost-whisper, "I can show you how to find the eternal happiness this place offers. I can be your shepard."

Chills ran through your body. Your body signals said it was all very wrong. But this man was concerned about your happiness. And while eternal happiness sounded impossible, maybe there was a way? If you could be happy instead of scared, then this place that you were trapped in wouldn't be so bad, right?

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