Love Fades, But Mine Never Wi...

By Slytherins_Queens

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Instead of sticking around after being told Love Fades Rose is reassigned to St Basil's. So she isn't around... More

Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding
I fall into your sunlight
The future's open wide, beyond believing
To know why hope dies
Suspended in a compromise
The silence of this sound, is soon to follow
Somehow, sundown and finding answers
Is forgetting all of the questions we called home

I'm loosing what was found, a world so hollow

259 7 1
By Slytherins_Queens

5 Years Later

•Rose Hathaway•

Ugh, there goes that infernal fucking beeping again! Shouldn't I get to sleep in today of all days? It's only the graduation party later, graduation was last night. I yank the alarm and toss it hard at the wall. Blissfully the stupid fucking beeping stops. I look at my phone and groan, who in the fuck set my alarm for this early? It's only 5 am(human time) the joint graduation party isn't until five thirty pm. Guess I'll go for a run and then a workout. Okay I need to change and then eat first. I grumpily climb out of bed and stretch. I grab some clothes before heading into the bathroom. I use the restroom and wash my hands before taking the time to brush my teeth and wash my face. I then take off my clothes from yesterday and throw on a sports bra and deodorant. I then pull on a blue workout tank top and black shorts.

I then toss my hair up in a messy French braid. Thank god for Lina's patience, like she promised she taught me how to do different braids for my hair. I slip on some socks and then slip my feet into running shoes before I lace them tightly. I grab my phone and earbuds and then head downstairs and to the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and see Vika sitting at the counter. "You're up early, any reason why?" I ask grabbing a water bottle out the fridge. She's dressed in a black shirt and black workout leggings. She's had black running shoes on her feet and her hair up in a bun. Her neck still looks red from the promise ceremony last night.I then grab a fruit bowl from the fridge and some left over blini from last night.

"Umm maybe I'm nervous about Mama meeting Yelena again." Vika responds wringing her hands together.

I look at her confused, but Olena had met Yelena before? "Umm Vika I'm really confused here. Olena met Yelena plenty of times???" I blink in confusion before opening the food and slowly starting to eat.

"But not since we've started dating Roza!! This will be her first time meeting Lena as my girlfriend!" Vika groans putting her face in her hands.

"Ohh. I guess I understand what you mean Vika, not really because I've only dated two people. And I wasn't serious about them, I was dating them to try and get over your brother. But you don't need to stress Olena will love Lena because you love her." I soothe petting Vika's hair until she calms down. She grins sheepishly at me after. "You're fine Vika, wanna go for a workout with me? Or did you just come from one?" I ask yawning.

"Hmm I was gonna go for one to calm my mind but you've helped me calm down so I'm going to go cuddle with Lena and then take her for lunch. If you're not back by then I'll take the other guardian your dad stationed." Vika answers with a yawn. She stands up and gives me side hug before dashing back upstairs.

I feel a nudge on my thigh and look down and see two pairs of eyes staring at me pleadingly. "Eris Persephone, what are you and Hades doing out of your crates? You know you two aren't allowed out alone together. You wreak too much havoc together. I refuse to clean up throw up and ripped up clothes up again. And don't get me started on you eating my panties and bras Hades." I scold my chocolate brown 4 month old Pitt and Yelena's white and brown 4 month old Australian Sheppard.

Despite the fact that animals typically don't like dhampirs I rescued them from a fire when they were newborns and they ended up liking me enough to stay in the same house as me. They both whine and look pleadingly at me before tugging on my leg. "Oh alright I will play with you before I go on my run. But you have to go back up until Vika and Lena wake up. We aren't trying to have puppies, and Hades like to hump you when he thinks no one's looking." I huff playfully looking sternly at Eris.

I lead them in the direction of the living room and sit on the couch. Eris and Hades run to their kennels excitedly and pick up a dog toy each and bring them to me and drop them in my lap. Eris brings me her toy tire with a rope attached to it while Hades brings me a bright orange tennis ball. I take the tennis ball and lightly bounce it to the other side of the room and grab the other side of the tire and offer the rope side to Eris. Hades immediately sprints after the ball with an excited tail waggle. Eris yips happily and begins tugging until she gets tired. Hades brings me the ball back and I throw it until he also gets tired.

I stand up and walk their toys over to their toy bin and toss them in before replacing their food and water in their bowls. "C'mon pups let's get you to the bathroom before I put you back up." I walk over to the backyard door and open in and let them out before shutting it. They run around and yip happily before doing their business and running back up to me and jumping and giving me kisses on the cheek. I open the door and let them in before locking the door tightly. They walk back to their kennels and curling up in their beds with a sleepy yawn. I latch the locks on their kennels before walking out the door and locking it with my key. I plug my ear buds in my phone and play my workout playlist. I slowly begin stretching and then retire my laces so I don't have to stop to retire them.

I turn up my music and hum along when 'The Victim' by 'Daughtry' begins playing. I walk away from the house and start jogging and let my thoughts wander while I run. I wonder if they ever found who tried to frame me? The song then shifts to 'Traitor' by 'Daughtry' and I snort, it's like my mind summoned that song. Baba and I have discussed this before, we think whoever framed me had to have been close enough to me to know I have a distinctive stake. My everyday regular stake I wouldn't have noticed had it gone missing but that one had I been there I would've noticed it missing.

I wonder how Dimitri's doing? No bad Rose don't think about him. The whole point of my leaving was to try and get over him, even though I know it's futile. Whenever Vika tells me he asks about me I shake my head at her. I don't know why she'd lie to make me feel better, he doesn't love me anymore. If he ever even did to begin with. Why would he ask about me? I make it to the park near campus and huff before sitting on the bench by the fountain. I take a few deep breaths before standing up and walking to the water fountain. I drink until my throat feels better and turn around and start the trek back to the house.

My music then changed again to 'That Bitch' by 'Bea Miller' and I smile and bop my head along to the lyrics. I begin to run faster and make it back in record time. I grab my keys and unlock the front door and walk through the door and shut it and lock it. When I walk in the kitchen Vika has Lena on the counter and they're making out intensely. "Yuck, don't you two have room for a reason? Do I need to clean that counter?" I ask pulling out my earbuds. "What did I do to deserve this? First I have to witness my bond mates sex life through our psychic link and now I'm constantly walking in on my charge and little sister either having sex or damn near having sex." I groan tugging at my hair.

"Shit! Roza where did you come from? I thought you were going to work out after your run?" Vika yells jumping back from Lena.

"I decided I'd be fine with just a run today. Plus I played with Eris and Hades for a while this morning before I left. Also they got out again somehow. Maybe we should bring them into our rooms at night instead?" I muse out loud. I walk to the fridge and grab a water bottle and drink until my throat begs me to stop. I check the clock and curse. "Fuck I didn't plan on being gone that long, we still have to get ready for this damned party." I moan clutching my head in my hands.

"Oh shit. We've got go Vik, can you feed the dogs and take them out before you get dressed please?" Lena pouts jumping down off the counter and pulling her shirt down. Eww remind me to clean that counter later. I walk into the living room and cuddle with Eris for a few minutes before heading upstairs to my room.

I walk into my bathroom and strip before walking in the shower and turn on the hot water. I moan when the water hits my tense muscles, mmmm that feels so fucking good. Exams and working out have made me so damn tense. I quickly wash up and make sure to wash my hair before turning off the water. I wrap a towel around my hair and then wrap one around my body before slipping my feet into slippers. I walk back into my room and head over to my dresser. I dry off and reapply tape over my recent nipple and belly piercings, my belly charm is pink and says 'Bitch' while my nipple rings have blue stars and a silver moon. I'm never getting drunk and playing truth or dare with Vika and Yelena again. I then pull on a matching nude bra and panty set before throwing on some deodorant and a hint of perfume. I then slip on my glittery silver tights and slip my feet into black ballet flats.

I take my hair down and quickly detangle it and blow dry it. I then put my hair in a high bun. Okay makeup time. I grab my eyeshadow palette and my eyeliner. I do a light lavender color for my eyeshadow before doing a smallish Cate eye look for my eyeliner. I then apply a maroon liquid lipstick look and then place my makeup back on the table. I place my amethyst heart necklace, earrings and bracelet on(which happened to be a gift from Yelena's parents surprisingly). I then unzip my dress and step into my lavender and blush tulle dress and zip it up. I then adjust it in the boob area and twirl and look in the mirror.

"Ooo you look nice Roza. Can you help me with my hair and makeup please? I have no clue what to do." Vika smirks playfully from the doorway. I gesture for her to come in and point to my desk chair. I take the time to survey her outfit. She's dressed in a metallic gold halter romper with gold heels. And she's wearing gold jewelry, no doubt a mix of gifts from her family and Lena.

"Thanks Vika, and let me think. Hmm I know just what to do. Follow me to the bathroom, I need my curling iron." I smile before bouncing to the bathroom and pulling it out of my hair styling tools box. I plug it in and set it down and let it heat up while I rummage through my sprays and grab bobby pins and hair spray. I grab a comb and part Vika's hair in sections. I grab a small piece and spray it with hair spray before I curl it. I do this with her whole head. I then pull it up in a updo and pin most of it in place except a few curls I leave down. I turn off the curling iron and unplug it and put the Bobby pin case and hair spray back. "Alright no looking Vika, I want you to be amazed once I do you makeup too." I grin and she covers her eyes.

I lead her back into my room and help her sit back in the chair. I grab my eyeshadow and eyeliner and some lipgloss. I do a gold and bronze smokey eye look with a basic cat eye and apply shimmery gold lipgloss to her lips. "Can I look now Roza?" Vika whines.

I roll my eyes and playfully pinch her cheek. "Yeah you can look you big baby. I'm done and damn do you look even hotter. Lena won't be able to keep her hands off you." I smirk and wolf whistle. Vika opens her eyes and looks at her hair and face and gasps.

"Oh Roza, thank you. I love it, when me and Lena get married can you do my makeup and hair for me then?" Vika gasps and then blushes before looking away.

"Ooo Vika are you thinking about marriage already?" I tease playfully. She scowls at me and I laugh. "I'm just teasing Vika, when you get married I would be honored to help you get ready. You know I do it out of love Vik." I smile and press a kiss to her cheek.

She smiles softly before her smile shifts to a sneaky and sly smirk. "Don't worry Roza when my yebanyy pridurok starshego brata pulls his head out of his ass and grovels like hell I'll be there to help you on your wedding day." Vika grins.

I blush and then scowl at her her. "Vika how many times have we had this conversation?! Dimitri doesn't love me anymore, if he ever did to begin with. Please stop teasing me about this." I breathe blinking back tears.

"Roza I'm sorry, please don't cry. I'm not teasing you to be mean. My yebanyy pridurok starshego brata intends to grovel and win you back. We just haven't been in the same area together since you left. And he better fix his fuck up, and soon. Otherwise I'll have Karo and Sonya help me kick his ass. Again." Vika huffs before hugging me to her chest.

"Vika what are you talking about?" I ask in confusion.

"C'mon Roza I'll tell you on the way downstairs. It was glarious, I broke Dimka's nose." Vika cackles leading me downstairs.

*Yelena Nadija Zeklos*

Oh god why is this happening, I'm running so ducking late. I pull on my emerald green one shoulders timer and then slip on my matching heels. I adjust one of my curls and then pin it in place, then I pull in all my jewelry. I apply a few coats of my muted red lipstick and check my eyeshadow and sigh in relief. It's not messed up. Thank god I don't want to have to redo it. I grab my purse and head into the living room. I hope Rose's dad is already there with her surprise guests.

They couldn't make it to her graduation but we sent them recordings and we flew them in for our joint party. Hopefully Rose isn't too mad at us. Yeva said it's time for Rose to see Dimitri again. It's time for him to fix his massive fuck up. Men are such large idiots. Lying when they think it would help. Thank god I'm a lesbian!

Oh god im so nervous, this is the first time I'm meeting Olena and Yeva as Viktoria's girlfriend. Though Yeva probably knew. As if summoned by the thought of her Vik and Rose walk into the living room with large grins. "Yes Roza it was so funny. Everyone was so upset with him. Even Mama gave him the cold shoulder for a while." Vik laughs before stopping in front of me.

"You look..." we both breath at the same time and Rose laughs at us.

•Rose Hathaway•

"Oh god I live with a pair corny saps. God help me, what did I do to deserve this? You two disgust me, being all sappy and in love all the time." I groan before pushing Vika in Lena's direction. They smile and blow me a kiss. I roll my eyes and whistle and the dogs run in. "C'mon pups let go to the car and get you buckled in." I smile and grab their leashes. I grab my stake and place it and my gun in my purse and grab my keys before walking outside to the truck. I unlock it and open the back seat and they hop into their car seats. I strap them in and press kisses to their foreheads.

" Alright Roza hand me the keys please." Vika instructs holding out her hands. I huff and pass them to her before sitting in the seat in front of the dogs and buckle in. Once everyone is buckled up Vika pulls off. After about an hour and a half of driving me arrive at the venue for the party. I unbuckle and install the dogs and let them out. Vika and Lena step out and I had the dogs to Lena while Vika and I survey the surrounding area. When we determine it's clear we lead Lena and the dogs inside.

"Kiz you made it. And you brought Eris, how is my little trouble maker doing?" Baba grins hugging me before petting Eris on the head and she licks his palm and wags her tail.

"Hey Baba, yes we made it. And she's getting into so much trouble. And eating everything in sight." I sigh rolling my eyes at Eris. She looks at me and whines and nudges my thigh. "You're lucky you're cute Eris." I huff before handing her to Baba like she wants. Baba grins and hugs me before bringing her over to Paul, Zoya and Katya. I wave at Paul and he grins happily.

"Ade is that you? What are you doing here?" I gasp when I see Adrian approaching me. I hug him tightly.

"I knew you missed my sexy face Little Dhampir. I see you have a pet now, would've never taken you for the type." Adrian smirks hugging me back. "I want you to meet someone." Adrian chuckles nervously.

"Ooo Ade am I meeting your girlfriend? It's about damn time." I smile and he leads me over to a familiar blonde with a distinctive cheek tattoo. "Sydney? Oh my god! I'm so happy for you two." I hug Sydney to my chest. She smiles and hugs me back. After chatting with them for a while I find myself walking over to Olena and Yeva.

"Roza! It's so good to see you, I'm so proud of you. You and Vika have done so well in college." Olena smiles and hugs me. I hug her back and smile.

"It's so good to see you too. I've missed you. Have you seen Vika and Lena yet?" I ask with a grin. Olena smiles and nods.

"Yes they were both so nervous for some reason. Vika knows I love Yelena like my own already. Silly girls. I'm so glad that you have them in you life Roza." Olena smiles and kisses my cheek. I smile at her and turn to hug Yeva.

"Hello Babushka, how are you doing? I'm surprised you came out her for this, I know you haven't been feeling well lately." I smile softly and bend down to hug her.

"It's time Roza. You will see him soon, don't run away this time." Yeva smiles and pats my cheek softly. I tense and smile and nod at her words.

"Roza?" A heartbreakingly familiar voice whispers. No, how is he here? I turn around and see Dimitri staring at me. I turn to walk away but Yeva nudges me and I start to trip only for his hands to catch me.

Russian translations:
1.) yebanyy pridurok starshego brata= fucking moron of an older brother

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