Dusk Until Dawn

By pinchofsalt4

217 65 10

Maia is living...not her best life, but life nonetheless. With her older sister and single mom, she's making... More

Chapter 1 - The Dusk...
Chapter 2 - It's Free Uber!
Chapter 3 - Twos a Group Project?
Chapter 4 - Slaps and Slushies
Chapter 5 - Some Ramen as a Treat
Chapter 6 - An Unforgettable Improv Session
Chapter 7 - Maia Probably Doesn't Like Lacrosse
Chapter 8 - Robin
Chapter 9 - Crushed
Chapter 10 - ispenthoursworkingonthisbraceletpleasetakeit
Chapter 11 - Crushes Are Sometimes Fun
Chapter 12 - Under the Mistletoe...?
Chapter 13 - Maia and Mason Sitting In a Tree...
Chapter 15 - Facing Reality
Chapter 16 - Change
Chapter 17 - End of an Era
Chapter 18 - 8teen
Chapter 19 - I ship #maison, do you?
Chapter 20 - Getting Closure
Chapter 21 - New Chapter of Our Lives
Chapter 22 - ...Until Dawn

Chapter 14 - Unfolding the Truth

8 2 1
By pinchofsalt4

I stared at the family picture for another minute. Multiple questions were percolating in my mind.

How is the picture in my room?

Why is it in my room?

And how did I not notice it until now?

"Maia," Yukina began. "Did you happen to... miss a spot?"

I shook my head. "I checked every inch, every centimeter, even every millimeter. And I've done that for years, Yukina."

"Then why would it appear now?" She raised her voice. "I've waited for 12 years to find a single picture of Dad, so that we both would never be able to forget him."

Was it Mom who did this? But then why would she have me find out about it now?

I left my room to see if Mom was even in the house. "Mom!" I yelled.

Yukina grabbed my arm. "She's out meeting someone. She was wearing something fancy, too."

I felt my muscles tensing up. She can't be out on a date with him.

I clenched my jaw. "Oh, for goodness's sake, why does she have to go on a date now? Hell, why is she even dating my vice principal?"

Yukina tightened her grip on my arm. "Maia, I'm not exactly sure if she's on a date, but if she is, let her have her fun! I've never met this man, but she seems happier recently. She's been a single mother for 12 years; if she moved on, she moved on."

Trust me, as long as Mom's happy, I'm cool with whoever she dates. But she should at least wait until AFTER I graduate to date Mr. Herbert. I'm just saying.

I took a deep breath. Yukina finally released me from her grip.

"Want ramen? I don't know if Mom bought the bowls a while ago or something, but they magically appeared a few weeks ago." Yukina headed to the pantry.

My rage that was whirling in my body instantly disappeared as my face fell into a smile. "Definitely," I replied.

I shouldn't stay too mad about Mom dating Mr. Herbert. It's Christmas in a few days. I can't bring down the mood on one of the happiest days of the year.


"Merry Christmas, punk."

It was 4:30PM, and the sun was just about to set. Today was a spending-quality-time-with-family day, but it was quite the long day.

I went out to the patio in my backyard and flopped onto the bench outside, holding the phone against my ear. "What are you doing, Mason?"


I pursed my lips as I fidgeted with my necklace. "You're calling and driving right now?"

"Yeah." I heard him laugh. "Don't worry. You're on speaker. I'm not going to be obliterated while calling you."

I chuckled. I sighed as I watched the sun timelessly set below the horizon.

"Somehow I want to see you right now. Seeing the sunset reminds me of our first encounter." I remarked.

"I remember that. You were so enraged when you saw me sitting in 'your seat'," Mason smirked.

I snort-laughed. Now that I look back, I don't even remember why I was so upset. Maybe it was because of how he responded, or maybe I was just desperate to see the sunset.

Or maybe it was because of his irritating (and charming) smile.

"Mason, I- "

"Hold up." I heard him closing the car door shut. "Where are you?"

"What do you mean? I'm in my yard."

"Okay." I heard a lot of background noise.

"Why do you..." I faltered as I turned my head to see...

"Because I want to see you, too." He replied.

...Mason standing a few feet away from me, with his phone in his hand.

I think my heart skipped a beat. But not in a good way.

I sighed out of relief as I stood up. "Oh my word. I think I just gained a few pimples on my face."

"Why? From seeing me?" Mason made a cacophonous gasp. "That's quite offensive! I drove through the snow just to-"

Grinning, I interrupted his rant by giving him a hug. "Shut it."

He embraced me, with one arm wrapped around my waist and the other arm gently caressing my hair. I felt a wave of elation rushing into my body, and it felt like a mug of hot chocolate engulfing me.

I never thought I could find such comfort in his arms.

"How was your Christmas?" I asked, still holding him tight.

"I'd say it was okay. My grandpa couldn't cook for the life of him, so we ended up eating ramen for dinner." He was silent for a moment. "We also went to the graveyard today."

I immediately looked up to meet his eyes. "Really? What happened?"

"My brother, my grandpa, and I all had a chance to talk to our parents. I told them that I was doing great mentally, and how I got a girlfriend. I talked about other random things, too: Betty, that time when I broke my ankle, how you slapped me... all that fun stuff."

I gaped my mouth. "Whoa. Robin Griffin knows who I am now!"

"Yeah. I can't tell if she likes you though."

I faked a laugh as I turned my head to see the sunset. "You're too funny."

He followed my action and turned his head. "The sunset is pretty spicy today."

I snickered as I met his eyes again. It was indeed spicy. It manifested a fierce crimson color, and its ethereal beauty was captivating.

I gave him a warm smile. "Mason, I was going to say this earlier."

"What is it?"

I sucked my teeth. "Wouldn't it be cool if we watched the sunsets together? From now on?"

He grinned. "That would. But only if I get to sit in that seat in the morning."

I guffawed until I stared him down. "Absolutely not."

He pouted his lips. "But why? I think I deserve to sit there more than you."

I scoffed. "Are you serious? I claimed that seat!"

"So? It's about who loves sunrises more. And that's clearly me."

Our trivial bickering continued, followed by uncontrollable laughter. And as we talked for countless minutes, the sun soon disappeared into the horizon, and the sky slowly switched to a starry night.


"Yukina! Maia! Your mochi is ready!" Mom announced.

"Oh, perfect!" Yukina howled as she ran to the table. "This will keep me energized throughout the night, then."

I took a seat as Mom gave Yukina and I bowls of soup with toasted mochi in them. Holy smokes, I haven't eaten this in an eternity.

It's Japanese tradition to eat mochi around New Years, and some families like to do so on December 31, which is today. There are various ways to eat mochi; it can be served in sweet soup, it can be toasted and be covered in sweetened soy sauce, etc. Most families eat mochi so that it can bring good fortune over the upcoming year.

"I have some news to tell you both." Mom began.

I slowly chewed the mochi. "What is it?"

"Mr. Herbert is going to come for dinner tonight."

I was close to choke on the mochi, but I caught myself from that happening. "He is? Why?"

"I... Well... Mr. Herbert and I are friends. Friends can have dinner together, right?"

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again. You know what, it's fine.

Yukina gasped silently. "Oh, drat. I have to work the night shift at Varallo's tonight, Mom. I'll have to eat dinner on my own."

I shot her a look. No, no, no, Yukina. Don't leave me on my own.

"You have a night shift today? On New Year's Eve?" Mom questioned.

"Yeah. It's almost the new year, so today's one of the busiest days yet." Yukina clasped her hands. "Sorry, Mom."

At least she isn't trying to chicken out.

Mom hid her disappointment with a smile. "That's okay, Yukina. But eat something healthy tonight, okay? Don't just eat a granola bar."

"Okay." Yukina nodded.

"Actually, should I just give you some leftovers? They'll keep you pumped up during the night." Mom dashed to the fridge.

"Mom, I- "

"Or do you want me to make you a very big lunch? I could make you pasta, rice balls, yakitori- "

"Mom," Yukina interrupted in a quiet voice. "I'll be fine. It's not like I'm going overseas tonight."

Mom sighed. "If you insist."

Yukina smiled before turning to me. "You'll be okay, Maia."

I nodded. "Yeah."

It's going to feel so awkward, though. I'm going to be the third wheel of Mom and Mr. Herbert. Of course, I can't 100% conclude that they're in a relationship, but there's something happening between them. I desperately need her to confirm it.

I know I should respect Mom's privacy, but I can't help myself with the fact that my mother has something going on with my vice principal.


"I'm off, guys!" Yukina announced as she put on her shoes.

Mom ran to the door. "Will you be okay, Yukina? This is your first ever night shift."

Yukina tied her hair back. "Yes, Mom. Don't even have a single sliver of worry."

Mom took a deep breath as I waved at Yukina. "Good luck!"

Yukina waved back as she shut the door...

And here comes the knot inside my stomach.

I'm glad that Mom told me in advance that Mr. Herbert was coming. I don't know if I could've handled the anxiety I'd be getting if she didn't.

I faced Mom. "When's Mr. Herbert coming?"

She checked her watch. "In about an hour. He's your vice principal after all, so go change into some clean clothes for me, okay?"


I entered my room and immediately heard my ringing tone. I looked at the phone screen after searching for my room.

Oh my God, perfect timing.

I answered. "Ivory, I- "

"Maia, I'm so sorry I haven't been calling you; I was grounded, and my parents took my phone away and I know that it's been so many days but- "

"Ivory," I began. "So many things have happened in these past few days. Some of it being good, some of it being bad."

"Okay... tell me the bad news first."

I sighed. "Well... in an hour the vice principal is coming to eat dinner with my mom and I."

"What?" Ivory shrieked. "Why? Is your mom close to Mr. Herbert?"

I anxiously bit my nails. "Yeah... but I think it's something more than that."

I heard Ivory gasp. "Oh, hell no. I hope it's not what I'm thinking of- "

"The good news that I'm about to tell you somewhat balances my emotions, though." My mouth curled upwards slightly.

"Okay, what happened?"

I felt myself blushing. "Ivory, I'm dating someone."

"I know."

I widened my eyes. "What? How? Wait- Do you even know who I'm talking about?"

"Yeah, it's the Piercing dude or whatever." Ivory replied. "Oh! It's Mason."

I dropped my jaw. "I- I mean, wait, hold on- "

"Maia. It was so obvious. I knew that you would be dating him sooner or later."

Mom thought the same thing.

"Tell me one thing, Ivory," I began. "Why did you think that?"

She paused for a moment. "Just because. There's always a pinch of love behind hate."

Well, dang.

I pursed my lips. "Ivory- "

"Oh, hold on. I'm getting a call." She gasped. "Oh, it's Konnor!"

And there goes my last hanging brain cell.

"K... Konnor, you say?"

"Yeah, we're kind of..." Ivory squealed. "I'll tell you about it later. I wish you the best of luck with Mr. Herbert, love you!"

Oh, she better not hang up on me.

"Wait, Ivory- Ivory! Hold on, don't you dare- "

And... there she goes.

I sighed. I am going to slaughter her.

Shortly after, I got a message from Mason, saying:

Happy new years eve.

I snort-laughed. It's not even grammatically correct.

Me: year's*

Mason: you need to shut it

Should I tell him about Mr. Herbert?

Honestly, communication is key in a relationship. Let's just do it.

Me: mason, I need to tell you something very important

He replied almost immediately.

Mason: what's wrong?

As I was typing rapidly, I heard the front door close.

With a male voice following it.

"Hey!" I heard Mom greet. "Maia!"

Oh, shoot. I'm not even dressed. And...

Why the hell is he here an hour early?

My mom barged in my room.

"Maia!" She scolded. "Why aren't you dressed? I told you to get ready, didn't I?"

"Mom, I didn't think he'd be here an hour earlier!"

She sighed exasperatedly. "Okay, come on. I hope you're on your very best behavior. He's your vice principal after all."

I sighed as Mom dragged me out of my room. Mr. Herbert was standing a few feet away from me, wearing a buttoned-up shirt and blue jeans. I'd say that's casual.

Too casual.

I laughed nervously as I waved at him. "Hi, Mr. Herbert."

"Hey, Maia!" He smiled brightly behind his bizarre mustache. "I hope you don't mind me eating dinner with you and your mother on New Year's Eve."

I cleared my throat and forced a smile. "Not at all."

I don't hate Mr. Herbert, so I don't think this dinner will be too terrible. I hope. It's New Year's Eve, after all.

Mom gestured Mr. Herbert to take a seat. "Go ahead. I'm almost finished making the pasta."

I squinted my eyes in suspicion. I would suck as a spy.

Just as I was about to take my seat, I heard the door close.

Oh, for goodness's sake. Who could possibly be coming at a time like-

"I forgot to bring my wallet."


I ran to her and hugged her. "Oh, Yukina. How I've missed you so!"

"Get away from me." Yukina looked to her side. "Hey, Mom, I'm going to... "

I looked at her as she faltered. Oh, right. She hasn't been introduced to Mr. Herbert.

Mr. Herbert grinned as he saw my sister. "Nice to meet you, miss."

Without replying, Yukina stared at him. I nudged her to grab her attention.

"Yukina? Are you- "

"There's no way." She shook her head. "There's just no way."


Without any warning, Yukina dashed off into my room, dropping everything she was holding.

"Yukina!" Mom shouted.

What is she doing?

I followed her to my room and saw her frantically searching my room.

"Where is it?!" She yelled in a piercing tone.

I closed the door. "Yukina, what's wrong?" I took a step forward.

She immediately put her hands on my shoulders the moment she set her eyes on me. "Maia, do you have a sharpie? Or a black marker? Or something I could use to write with?"

I struggled to find the words to say. "I- yeah, yeah, I do, Yukina. Give me a second."

I hectically opened my drawer and took out a black sharpie. Yukina grabbed it and placed the picture on my desk.

Our family picture.

"Yukina..." My breathing started to get faster. "What are you planning on doing to that picture?"

She took off the cap to the sharpie and aggressively tossed it. She then moved the tip of the sharpie closer... and closer to the picture.

She is not.

"Yukina!!" I wrestled with her arms to try to stop her from doing something absurd. "Calm down, please!"

She yanked my arms away from her. "I need to test something."

"Test what?! You're going to ruin our only picture of Dad!"

"I'm not going to ruin anything, Maia!" She yelled. "Just trust me."

I panted for air as I stared at her. Yukina set her focus back on the picture and proceeded on what she was doing.

She wouldn't actually ruin our picture with Dad. I know.

So then what is she trying to do? What is she testing?

The tip of the sharpie was headed towards Dad, and once the tip made contact with the picture, Yukina slowly drew a curve to the left below Dad's nose, and then drew a curve to the right.

This looks a bit like...

After Yukina finished whatever she was doing with the sharpie, she bolted out the door. I followed her until she abruptly stopped when she was in front of Mom and Mr. Herbert.

"Yukina? What are you- "

Yukina held out the picture in front of us, and my eye immediately caught what Yukina drew on Dad.

A mustache.

Yukina quivered as she shook her head. "No. There's no way... There's just..."

My eyes darted to Mr. Herbert, who was sitting in his chair, having a puzzled look. My eyes darted back to Dad, and they darted back to Mr. Herbert.

My heart dropped.

But he's dead. He's dead, he's dead, he's dead!

"Maia? Yukina? Are you two okay?" Mom asked with a worried expression.

I gasp for breath. Tears start to well in my eyes as I tap Yukina's shoulder agitatedly. "Yukina? Yukina? Please tell me this isn't..."

Yukina dropped the picture as she clasped her hands on her mouth and hysterically sobbed. Mr. Herbert immediately got out of his chair.

"Yukina??" Mr. Herbert's face turns pale with worry. "What's wrong?"

My blood boiled as my lungs felt like they were collapsing. Mom rushed to me with her hands cupped on my face, with concern written all over hers.

"Maia? Maia, tell me what's going on; you're scaring me."

Tears uncontrollably streamed down my face. As I looked around, the room seemed to be getting smaller, and I saw colors blending in with other colors. The room kept shrinking, and all the air in my body was sucked out of me and sent me plummeting to the ground.

"Maia!!" Mom shouted as she crouched down. "William, call 911! Hurry!"

I could see the fear in Mom's eyes. But that's nothing compared to the terror I'm feeling right now as I find out the damaging truth.

My eyes started to flitter, and soon, I found myself in a room of plain darkness.


a/n: hi guys! yay! family drama!

thank you for 100 views! we are more than halfway done! :))

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