Tangle and Whisper; Whispangl...

By Undertale_Fan_Ultra

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Disclaimer: This story is set after the events of the Zombot Virus of the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comic series... More

Part 1: Prologue/Invitation
Part 2: Whisper Arrives and the Sleepover Begins
Part 4: Addicted to the Taste/Epilouge

Part 3: SNT Boom 1 + Confession Kiss

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By Undertale_Fan_Ultra

Tangle and Whisper are helped up by Whispers Wisp friends before Tangle, happily, looks outside to see the sun setting, smiling as she does so.
Tangle: Aw, man~! That was so much fun that it's almost Nighttime Already~!
Tangle grabs Whispers hand, gently, before beginning to take Whisper and her Wisp friends to her room.
Tangle (Happy and Excited) Come on; I have everything ready in my room~!
Whisper: 'K~...!
Whisper smiles as her and her Wisp friends follow Tangle to her room, which has blankets, pillows, and a TV set up with the movie.
Whisper (Semi-Confused) 'S that-...? (Excited) Is that SNT BOOM TRILOGY?!
Tangle lets out a happy laugh.
Tangle: Yup~! I figured you'd wanna see it, since you couldn't find it in stock anywhere else~!
Whisper hugs Tangle tightly, causing her to blush.
Whisper: Thank you so much Tangle~!

Tangle hugs Whisper back happily.
Tangle: You're welcome, Whisper~! Now let's watch this thing~!
Whisper quickly changes into her pajamas as Tangle does the same thing, and sits down, pulling a blanket over herself and Tangle and smile after Tangle puts in the Movie and hit's play. The Whisps sitting on the bed as Tangle pulls out the earpiece so she can hear the movie better.


The Scene transitions to a black scene as it fades to a panning scene of some test tubes, ending on one with a two-tailed fox, hedgehog, and echidna hybrid mobian inside. We then hear the Iconic Laugh of Doctor Eggman as walks onto the scene and looks at the Test tube, overconfident as ever.
Doctor Eggman: After all these years, I will FINALLY DESTROY that blue pest and his meddlesome friends, ONCE, AND FOR ALL~!!!
The Scene cuts to one of Orbot and Cubot looking at Eggman before it pans back to a shot of the test tube with the Mobian inside.
Doctor Eggman: (Confident and Cocky) It's only a mere matter of time~!
Eggman turns to look at Cubot, cockily.
Eggman: Well, of course it was~!
Eggman begins walking away, laughing once again as Orbot and Cubot follow close behind him. Right as Eggman the door closes the scene pans back to the Mobian Hybrid in the test tube. The Scene cuts closer to their face as the Mobian's eyes as they open, revealing the Iconic, Amazonite-Emerald Green eyes of Sonic as they look around, seeing a screen nearby that shows Eggman killing other people in a very cheap animation style. The Hybrid, Project SNT, not wanting to stick around any longer, suddenly curls into a ball and begins to spin rapidly before breaking out of the Test tube and running to a nearby window as the alarms begin to sound. The Hybrid then leaps through the window and grabs onto a Zip line before riding it down before landing on the ground below and running away as fast as she seemingly can. The scene cuts as we hear an alarm sounding and see a flash of blue with the Logo of "Sonic Team" on it before we also see the Sega logo and then the Intro to Sonic Boom as it plays. Afterward the camera returns as we see the title of the movie appear on the scene.


The Scene cuts to a shot of the sky before it pans down into the Jungle. A scene of Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends: Amy Rose the Hedgehog, Tails the Fox, Knuckles the Red Echidna, and Sticks the Brown Badger can be seen as they begin to look around for either something, or some-ONE. Knuckles would effortlessly lift a humungous boulder, revealing a Cave system behind it, sighing as he puts the Boulder off to the side, seeming confused.
Knuckles the Echidna: So, can someone remind me, AGAIN, as to WHAT we're looking for exactly?
Amy sighs as she turns to look at Knuckles, somewhat angrily.
Amy Rose:  Knuckles, we've told you a THOUSAND times, we're looking for signs of doctor Eggman's new lab.
Everyone except for Knuckles would sigh, Knuckles looking around tiredly.
Knuckles: Well, we've been looking for hours now and there's absolutely no signs of Eggman any-...
The sound of approaching footsteps suddenly starts coming from the Cave that Knuckles had just found can be heard by the group as Knuckles, and the rest of his friends, turn to look at the Cave, shocked and confused.
Knuckles: -where...?!
Sonic and his friends see a Hybrid, the same one from the opening scene that we all saw, running out into the open, only to stop and look at the group before beginning to bolt in the opposite direction at surprisingly fast speeds, Knuckles looking shocked before his face turns calm, yet still shocked.
Knuckles: Never mind...
Everyone begins chasing after the Hybrid Girl as she runs through the forest, swinging on Vines and Leaping on the Canopies of some smaller trees as she desperately tries to escape from Sonic and his friends, whom she doesn't even know yet.

Sonic looks up into the Tree's as he starts gaining on the Hybrid Girl.
The Hybrid Girl doesn't listen and just keeps on running, swinging, and leaping. Before long, SNT leaps up to a nearby mountain ledge as the two tails behind her spin around. Then, SNT climbs onto to it as Sticks blocks the way, calmly, causing the Hybrid Girl to slowly back up as Sticks approaches her.
Sticks the Badger: Look, we just wanna-...
Before Sticks can finish, SNT starts slipping, Sticks and SNT becoming fearful and worried.
The Hybrid Girl: W-WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WOAH, WOAH!!!
Sticks: OH CRUD!!!
Sticks runs to the ledge as the Hybrid Girl falls, Sonic looking up as the Hybrid Girl begins to fall. Sonic quickly notices, runs up to, and leaps onto a nearby yellow mushroom and fly up towards the Hybrid Girl. Sonic, quickly, grabs onto the Hybrid Girl as he goes towards the Mountain's side, Calmly and Focused.
Sonic: Hold on tight!

Sonic lands onto the side of the mountain before leaping toward the ground, still holding the Hybrid Girl in his arms as he does both with astounding ease, and without a scratch on himself, nor the Hybrid Girl. Sonic looks at the Hybrid Girl and, confused, calm, and concerned; quickly begins to examine her, making sure that she's uninjured.
Sonic: Are you alright~?
The Hybrid Girl begins to struggle and squirm around in Sonic's arms, panicked and frantic as she tries to escape his grasp.
The rest of Sonic's friends calmly approach the Hybrid Girl, but also keep their distance as Sonic gently puts her down, Calmly, and Calmingly.
Tails the Fox: Listen, I know you don't have any reason to trust us... and we don't blame you. But you can trust us when we say that we're not going to hurt you.
The Hybrid Girl begins to calm down as Knuckles kneels down, looking her in the eyes, very Calmly.
Knuckles: Exactly. I may be incredibly strong, but I have no plans on hurting you unless you're a Badnik.
The Hybrid: W-What's a Badnik...?

Sticks: Heh... we'll explain later, ok?
The Hybrid girl nods, still a little shaken as Sonic, calmly, puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Sonic: Come on, how about you come stay with us until we can find you a place to live~?
The Hybrid girl nods her head, trusting in her new allies.
The Hybrid: O-Ok...
Amy smiles and gives the Hybrid girl a gentle hug, calmingly, making the Hybrid Girl blush slightly as she hugs back.
Amy:  If it makes you feel better, I can definitely carry you there~.
The Hybrid: N-No thanks, I'd rather not get carried~!
Amy Smiles.
Amy: If you say so~!
The Hybrid Girl smiles slightly, still a bit scared as she follows Team Sonic through the jungle. After a bit, Sticks looks at the Hybrid Girl, curiously.

Sticks: So, what's your name?
The Hybrid Girl looks at Sticks, confused.
The Hybrid: What's that?
Sticks: What's what?
The Hybrid: What's a... name?
Sonic looks at the Hybrid, confused, as he keeps walking.
Sonic: You know, what people call you~?
The Hybrid Girl's eyes widen, reassured.
Hybrid Girl: Oh~! (Unassured) Oh...
The Hybrid Girl looks at the ground for a moment as she thinks.
Knuckles: (Calmly) SNT.

The Hybrid Girl looks at Knuckles, Confused.
Hybrid Girl: What?
Knuckles: (Calmly) It's on the back of your swimsuit thing.
Hybrid Girl: (More Confused) What's a Swimsuit?
Sonic looks at the Hybrid Girl, Calmly and Casually, with a smile on his face.
Sonic: We'll give you a crash course when we get home~! But until then, SNT sounds good~!
SNT, the Hybrid Girl, looks around a bit as she smiles gently, calmness in her expression.
SNT: Yeah, SNT does sound nice~. Also, what does home mean~?
Tails looks at SNT and Smiles.
Tails:  Home is where you live~!

Sticks: Speaking of which, here we are~!
Team Sonic, and SNT, arrive on a beach with a House on the grassy forest beginning nearby. Sonic Opens the door, revealing a surprisingly big house interior as everyone steps inside.
Sonic: Ah, Home sweet home~!
SNT nervously sits down on the couch as Amy walks past, calmly.
Amy: Ok SNT, if you're going to be living with us, you're going to at LEAST need a new outfit~!
SNT looks up at Amy, confused.
SNT: What's an... outfit?
Amy giggles as she helps SNT up, Confidently and Happily.
Amy: Well, SNT, you're about to learn first-hand~!
Amy takes SNT's hand and walks into her room happily as the Scene transitions to half an hour later. Amy exits her room, SNT nervously following close behind. Amy obviously stands in front of SNT, hiding her new outfit as the rest of Team Sonic looks in confusion, very confident as she begins to speak.

Amy: Alright, gang... Say hello to the NEW look for SNT~!
Amy steps out of SNT's was as she steps forward in a sweater that goes down only to her waist, wearing a blue neckerchief, with her forearms, wrists and arms; and her Lower legs, ankles and feet, wearing Black boots and fingerless gloves, both with pink accents, and dark magenta and pink Goggles on her head.
SNT (Confused and Worried) S-So... H-How do I l-l-look~...?
Everyone looks in awe as SNT stands there as Sonic speaks, very excited.
SNT to flinches when Sonic raises his voice, only for him to quickly become concerned.
Sonic (Concerned) Oops~! Sorry SNT, I didn't mean to yell at you~!
SNT gives a kind, calm, and gentle Smile to Sonic.
SNT (Calmly) I-It's fine... Um... S-Sonic, right~?
Sonic Smiles and Puts his hands on his hips, smiling at her.

Sonic (Confidently) The one and Only Blue Blur himself~!
SNT giggles gently before copying Sonic's pose, causing her to feel a sudden confidence boost. SNT then looks at herself, and her new outfit, in the mirror next to the TV.
SNT (Confidently) Now that you say it Sonic... I think this outfit's WAY PAST COOL~!
Sonic's eyes suddenly widen as SNT says way past cool, snickering as he gives a thumbs up. Sonic (Confidently) Oh, YEAH it is~! I couldn't have said that better myself~!
SNT smiles as she sits down on the couch with Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks, seemingly feeling welcomed as the scene transitions to one of Eggman as he angrily looks at a screen of SNT fleeing from the lab.
Eggman (Pissed the Hell off.) OH DOGGONIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eggman slams his robotic hand down onto the table, denting it a bit as Orbot and Cubot shake in fear.

Eggman lets out a deep sigh as he turns to a desk and pushes a button on it, causing his Egg-Mobile to appear from the ground, calmly, yet angrily.
Eggman: No mater... I'll just have to resort to my... "older" methods...
Eggman hops into his good old Egg mobile with Orbot and Cubot fearfully behind him as it ascends and flies off, an army of Badnicks following close behind, including Metal Sonic, as the scene transitions to a different one of SNT and Team Sonic as they enter Seaside Islands main Village, Badgerville, SNT looking around in awe.
SNT: Wow, this place is so beautiful~!
Why would Eggman want to POSSIBLY destroy this place~?
Sonic looks at SNT with a nervous grin on his face.
Sonic: Well, anything that we love, is something that Eggman hates...
SNT looks at Sonic, shocked as the Scene cuts to Tangle and Whisper in Tangle's Bedroom.
Tangle: That's accurate.
Whisper: True.
SNT (Shocked) WHAT?! Why is that!?

The Scene cuts back to the movie as Tails Looks at SNT, calmly.
Tails: Basically, he wants to take over the entire world, and we're the only ones who stand in his way of doing that.
Amy looks at SNT calmly.
Amy: We do that because it's our Job, or what we do for a living~!
SNT looks at Team Sonic and smiles in relief.
SNT: Well, thank mobius you all exist then, otherwise the world would be completely taken over~!
Sonic: Yeah, no kidding~!
SNT looks at the sky and sees a bunch of badniks approaching, a look of extreme confusion in her eyes as she does so.
SNT: Um... Gang...?
Sonic looks at SNT with the rest of team sonic.
Knuckles: What's up~?
Sonic: Yeah, what is it SNT~?
SNT points to the distance where all of the Badniks are approaching from, concern and confusion in her eyes.

SNT: I'm no expert and all... but are all of those things all the way over there that're coming here... normal?
The rest of team sonic looks at where SNT is pointing, and Amy pulls out her hammer, the rest of Team Sonic calmly readying up for a fight.
Sonic: No, that's definitely NOT a normal thing...
Tails: Yeah, only Dr. Eggman would use all of those Badniks.
SNT: Oh, those are Badniks?
Knuckles and Sticks nod at SNT as she quickly readies up for a fight.
SNT: Then let's get ready to rumble.
Team Sonic, and SNT, quickly run towards all of the Badnicks and a fight begins. Metal Sonic lands and begins to throw Punches at SNT, who dodges them and winds up a punch, Scared, yet Calm and Battle-Ready as she does so.
SNT punches Metal Sonic, sending him flying into a tree, and then at the ground, shutting down when he hits the tree, SNT looking down at her fist in shock.

SNT: Sweet Mobius... am I REALLY that strong?
SNT, realizing that somethings coming from behind her, turns and Kicks a Moto-bug, breaking it open and revealing a little woodland creature inside, causing her to become Shocked, Scared and incredibly confused.
Team Sonic looks at SNT in confused concern.
Sticks whacks a Buzz Bomber open with her bow-staff, freeing another animal before jumping in front of SNT and placing an, as calming as possible, hand on her shoulder.
Sticks: Yeah... Unfortunately, they are.
SNT takes a deep breath in angered disgust, so do Tangle and Whisper in the real world as the Scene cuts to them.
Tangle: God, I hate that he does that...
The Scene cuts back to the movie again.
Sticks (Calmingly) You're mad, right? Good, because this is another reason that we fight against Eggman.

SNT nods before suddenly grabbing Amy's hammer as it's knocked out of her hands. SNT then gets up and runs towards the Badnik that's attacking AMY before leaping into the air, making a golf swing pose with Amy's Hammer as she does so. As SNT lands, she hits the Badnik, sending it flying into about 2.5 dozen or so more badniks, breaking them all open and freeing the Animals, Amy looking at her calm and stunned.
Amy: Um... normally, you're supposed to shout FOUR before swinging a golf club.
SNT, in confusion, turns and looks at Amy.
SNT:  1: What's a golf club? 2: This is your Piko-Piko Hammer, not whatever a golf club is. And 3: You can have this back now~!
SNT then hands Amy back her hammer as Amy snickers, calmly.
Amy (Calmly) Thanks~!
SNT smiles and gives a thumbs up before running to help Sonic with Amy. Sonic grabs SNT by the legs as she grabs Amy by hers before the 3 of them spin around, faster, and faster, and faster, hitting multiple badniks with AMY's hammer as they do so before stopping, SNT stumbling around, confused and dizzy.
SNT: Why is everything spinning~.?!

Tails flies towards SNT, calmly and calmingly, whilst also blasting a Badnik with a mega man-style cannon, almost immediately freeing the animal inside.
Tails: That's what happens when you're dizzy, you feel like everything's moving and spinning.
SNT shakes her head, causing the dizziness to go away, being more-so back to normal.
SNT: Oh, ok~! Thanks Tails~!
SNT and Team Sonic, after a long fight, finally win the battle against the badniks. SNT puts her arms up in the air in a happy and very excited adrenaline rush.
Team Sonic smirks, being suddenly overwhelmed by SNT's positive energy.
Sonic: YEAH~! We Beat all of the Badniks that Eggman threw at us and made it look SUPER easy~!!!
Knuckles:  YEAH, WE ROCK~!!!

SNT starts giving double-high fives to the entirety of Team Sonic before doing a back flip and landing on a red mushroom, flying back towards the Village, the rest of team sonic following close behind as the as the movie scene fades to black before the camera cuts back to Tangle and Whisper.
Whisper: This movie is so good~.
Tangle: 9/10 due to the fact that it has child-like lessons though~!
Whisper: 'k...
The Scene cuts back to the movie black as the Movie Scene returns as we see one of Team Sonic Celebrating another thrilling victory, SNT finishing a chilidog before drinking some milk as Team Sonic enjoys themselves while the rest of Badgerville cheers for them. The Cheering is cut short abruptly, however, as a gunshot can be heard, causing everyone to flinch, followed by slow, calm, and unimpressed, clapping.
Shadow: Yes, indeed that was another, 'Thrilling Victory'... but it's just too bad that your new friend isn't going to be able to stop 'me', FAKER...
As the people of Badgerville flea in terror Team Sonic turns to see none other than Shadow the Hedgehog, spinning around a gun in his hand before blowing out the smoke coming from the exit for the bullet. SNT gets up as the rest of Team Sonic looks at her in shocked and Scared Concern and Confusion.
Sticks: YEAH, HE HAS A GUN!!!
SNT looks at the rest of Team Sonic, smirking confidently.
SNT: That's not going to stop me, especially since I don't know what a gun even IS.

SNT begins to walk towards Shadow calmly, Shadow looking at her in admiring, and somewhat angry, confusion.
Shadow: You're... approaching me? Instead of running away from the Ultimate Lifeform in absolute terror, you're approaching me, why?
SNT smirks, confident and calm, as she stops.
SNT: Well, I can't beat the rings out of you without getting closer, can I?
Shadow lets out a confident laugh as he puts his gun back into its holster, Impressed.
Shadow: Oh, well them by all means, try to stop me as much as you like~!
The Scene cuts back to Tangle and Whisper as they watch the movie.
Tangle: (Confused) Was that a JoJo reference?
The scene cuts back to Shadow and SNT both take up Battle ready stances, looking each other in the eyes, intently.
Shadow: Alright... Let's see how fast you can "REALLY" go~!!!
Suddenly, SNT and Shadow jump towards each other at their top speeds, both winding up heading in the direction that SNT had leapt in whilst punching and kicking each other and also Blocking and Parrying one another's attacks.

SNT (Confident and Cocky) WELL, SO CAN I~!!! SO, COME ON, STEP IT UP~!!!
Shadow chuckles before Him and SNT both land a hit on one another, sending each other flying into the ground, both of them landing on their feet, huffing and puffing as they ready for another attack from one another. Shadow then lunges towards SNT, beginning to punch and kick her as she blocks all of his attacks.
SNT, unknowingly kicks Shadow in the groin before she punches him into a tree, calmly snickering after she does so.
SNT: OH Pa-LEASE, is that really the BEST you can do~?!
Shadow lets out a groan of painful agony before smirking and pulling out a Chaos Emerald.
Sonic: (Fearful) Uh, oh...
Shadow holds up the Chaos Emerald as SNT looks at it.
Shadow (Confidently) Chaos... CONTROL!!!
Shadow suddenly disappears into a green light as SNT looks around frantically.
Before SNT can finish, Shadow suddenly appears behind her and delivers a swift round house kick to the back of her head, sending her flying forward as he stands there, SNT getting back up. Shadow (Confident and Cocky) I'll admit, you're an almost worthy opponent. With enough training, maybe you'd even be formidable.

Whisper winces as the scene cuts back from her to the Movie. SNT looks at Shadow, her hand beginning to spark up with electricity as Shadow takes up an attack stance.
Shadow (Overconfident and Cocky) It's been a fun work-out, but It's time to put you to bed, for good.
Shadow begins to charge towards SNT.
Team Sonic (Scared, Worried, Concerned, and Fearful) SNT!!!
Before Shadow can deal the final Blow to SNT, SNT suddenly fires a powerful blast of Pink Lightning from her hands, that sends Shadow flying backwards into a tree so hard that the Tree almost falls over from the strength of the Impact.
Team Sonic (Minus Tails): (In Complete Shock and Awe) Woah...
Tails (Amazed) WOAH!!!
Shadow slowly gets up, his quills some-what statically charged for a bit before he manages to ground himself.
Shadow (Dumbfounded) What in Chaos...?
Shadow gets up and walks away.
Sonic gives SNT a high five, lifting up her right arm as she looks down at her left hand.
SNT (Confused, Incredibly Concerned and Incredibly Worried) W-What just happened???!!!

Tails: (Calm) Hm... let me have a look.
Tails, calm and collected, grabs SNT's hand and closely examines it for a few seconds as it sparks up with some Pink Static Electricity. Tails then thinks for about 3 seconds before his ears perk up.
Tails (Calm and Collected) After Close Examination, I think you have Electro-Kinesis SNT~!
The rest of Team Sonic, and SNT look at Tails, the rest of Team Sonic in awe, but SNT in confusion.
SNT (Confused as all Hell) Elector-Ki-What now?
Tails smiles and chuckles, calmly as he starts to explain.
Tails: ELECTRO-Kinesis, in simple and/or basic terms, grants the user, aka YOU, the ability to summon, absorb, and control electricity from both inside and outside of your body at free-will with just the mere though.
SNT's eyes light up with excitement as she gets pumped up.
SNT's face suddenly goes from one of excitement, back to one of pure confusion.

SNT: Wait, what's Electricity?
Sticks looks at SNT casually.
Sticks: It's basically just a way, way, WAY more Humane form of Powering Badnicks, or everyday Items.
SNT nods as Knuckles looks at SNT, calmly.
Knuckles: One thing's for sure, you're a very good fighter~! Who knows, maybe with enough training of your skills and power we can finally defeat Doctor Eggman.
SNT smiles and puts a hand on her hip, only for it to ZAP! her, causing her to shake from the flow of electricity in her body.
SNT looks down at her hand as the scene fades to black. The Scene then cuts to Tangle and Whisper as they watch the movie.
Whisper: That's so cool~!
Tangle: Agreed~!

The scene cuts back to the movie as it returns on a scene of SNT as she looks down at her hand just like before, focusing as it suddenly sparks up with pink-colored electricity, only for it to stop abruptly, causing her to become Intrigued.
SNT: So, how do I use this... "Elector-confetti" thing?
Tails looks SNT, smiling calmly.
Tails: It's called Electro-Kinesis, and you just need to Focus.
SNT giggles, somewhat nervously, and nods as she looks back at Tails, semi-embarrassed.
SNT: Right~!
SNT closes her eyes and focuses up. 3 seconds later, SNT summons a ball of pink-colored electricity in her hand, remaining focused.
SNT: Ok... Now...
SNT is cut off by the ball of pink-colored electricity suddenly flying out of her hand and bouncing across the room before hitting tails, practically tasing him as she becomes incredibly concerned and scared.

SNT looks at tails worriedly as he stands back up, calmly and happily, his fur stands on its end as we hear Tangle and Whisper laughing as they watch the movie.
Tails: Yeah, my fur just statically charge, It's fine~!
SNT tilts her head in confusion.
SNT: What is static?
Tails smiles and starts to explain.
Tails: Basically, it's a buildup of electricity that builds when electricity passes through the body of someone very hairy. Or, in my case, someone very Furry~!
SNT giggles and nods before placing a hand on Tails and focuses, absorbing the static electricity, causing his fur to return to normal as the pink-colored ball of electricity reappears in SNT's hand as she walks outside with Tails and Sticks.
Sticks (Confused) So, what now?
SNT looks at her other hand and focuses.
SNT: Hm... give me a second...
SNT focuses a bit more, causing a second ball of pink-colored electricity to form in SNT's other hand as she keeps focusing more and more.

SNT: Ok, now...
SNT puts her two hands together before opening them up again, merging the two balls together.
Tails: (Confused) Now w-?
Sticks: (Calmly) Shh! She's focusing!
SNT puts her hands together, her palms exposed, before putting her arms up and her hands above her head upwards, creating a massive, pink-colored, lightning bolt that almost hits Amy as she's walking towards the house, which she manages to get out of the way of.
SNT: (Very concerned) OH CHAOS, SORRY AMY!!!
Amy chuckles as she gets up before brushing herself off and winking at SNT.
Amy: (Calm and Happy) It's no problem SNT~!
SNT blushes a bit before suddenly, and accidentally, sending streams of pink-colored lightning out of her fingers, one per finger, towards Knuckles, causing him to instinctively dive out of the way.
SNT: (Very Worried) SO SORRY KNUCKLES!!!
Knuckles smirks and gets up as Tangle and Whisper Laugh whilst watching the Movie.

Knuckles: (Calmly) Don't worry SNT~! You just need more practice, That's all~!
SNT smiles and nods before The Scene transitions to the same one, only it's on a camera monitor as the Camera Pans to Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot, all looking at the screen, Eggman Seeming incredibly impressed as he sits down in the swivel chair.
Eggman: (Impressed) How very impressive... It would seem as if Project SKT has more powers than I Initially speculated. Maybe...
Eggman turns to a smaller computer monitor and opens a project file named "Metal SKT (Sonic Knuckles Tails)" and opens it before editing and altering some things in it as Orbot and Cubot look in confusion.
Orbot (Confused) Um, boss, if you don't mind me asking, just what exactly are you doing?
Eggman (Confident) Making a new robot to help Metal Sonic take care of those pests~!
Eggman lets out another one of his evil laughs after he turns the file into blueprints.
Eggman (Confident and Excited) They're never going to know what hit them~!
Eggman Gets up as a machine in the background begins to build Metal SNT as he gets to work on Repairing Metal Sonic, Orbot and Cubot looking at each other, both concerned.
Cubot (Concerned) Should we be worried about our new Little Sister Orbot?
Orbot (Concerned) We defiantly should be Cubot...

The Camera pans back to the monitor, the Screen transitioning to the Normal one. SNT closes her eyes as she opens her fists, summoning two more orbs of pink-colored electricity. SNT then slams both of her hands onto the ground, causing a sudden explosion of pink-colored electricity to fire from the ground before SNT re-absorbs the pink-colored electricity and forms it into a pink lightning bolt before flinging it into the ground, creating a massive lightning bolt, the rest of the Sonic Team all cheering after she does so.
SNT (Excited and Happy) I think I've finally gotten the hang of this whole Electro-Kenises thing~!
Sonic (Happily and Excited) Great~! Anyways, we're thinking of heading off to Eggman's new lab in the morning~! You willing to come with us SNT~?
SNT looks at Sonic, confused.
SNT (Confused and Happy) You mean the place where I woke up~?
Team Sonic looks at SNT in shock.
Team Sonic: Wait, WHAT?!
SNT looks at her friends, confused.
SNT: Yeah, I woke up in his new lab. I think I'm an expire-minty gone wrong...

Tails (Calmly) Experiment...
SNT smiles happily.
SNT: Yeah, that~! Anyways, I can probably take you all there now if you want~!
Team Sonic gets up, Amy looking a bit concerned, but ready to go on another Mission.
Sonic (Confident and Ready) Well, in that case, lead the Way SNT~!
SNT smiles and nods.
SNT (Happy and Confident) Sure thing; Just follow me gang~!
SNT and Team Sonic begin to run off into the Jungle they came from at the beginning, as a team, as the screen slowly fades to black before the words, "To be continued..." Appear on the screen.
The Scene then cuts back from the Movie to Tangle and Whisper as they both applaud.
Tangle: Oh, boy~! That was a great movie~!

Whisper: Agreed~!
Whisper Blushes as she looks at Tangle, her mask on.
Blue the Cube Wisp: (Casually and Happily) So, when are you going to tell her~?
Orange: (Casually and Happily) Yeah~! When are you going to ask her out~?
Red the Fire Wisp: (Casually and Happily) Just kiss already~!
Whisper, unable to take the peer pressure and the level of Flustered she'd just become, finally breaks.
Whisper: T-T-Tangle... c-c-can I tell y' somethin'......~?
Blue: (Shocked) Wait, are you actually-...
Tangle looks at Whisper and smiles, blissfully unaware of what Whisper was feeling.
Tangle (Happy and blissfully unaware) Yeah~? What do you wanna tell me~?

Whisper blushes and looks away, incredibly flustered as she does so.
Whisper: W-Well... I-I...
Whisper takes a deep breath as she removes her mask and opens her eyes fully, making Tangle blush a bit.
Whisper: Y-You-... you mean a lot to me Tangle.
Whisper grabs Tangle's hand whilst looking into her eyes, making Tangle blush a bit more
Red: (Shocked + In Wisp) She's actually going for it!
Whisper (Calm, yet Flustered) E-Even when I didn't have a single hope, we'd succeed you've always been there for me... A-And for others...
Tangle blushes a bit more as Whisper gets a bit closer.
Whisper (Calm and Flustered) Y' light up m' life; m-more than the s-sun lights up Mobius... and I can't imagine my life without you...
Pink the Spike Wisp: (Encouraging + In Wisp): DO IT WHISPER~!!!
Whisper: S-So... What I'm trying t-t' say 's...
Whisper hides her and Tangle's faces with her mask for posterities sake.

Whisper the Wolf: (Flustered) I-I LOVE YOU TANGLE THE LEMUR!!!
Tangle blushes furiously as Whisper kisses her deeply on the lips, blushing harder and/or furiously as her tail suddenly extends straight up. After a couple of seconds, Tangle wraps her arms around Whisper's waist as Whisper drops her mask while her and Tangles Wisp Friends cheer for her. After about 10 seconds of non-stop kissing, Tangle and Whisper pull away from the kiss, blushing as a single strand of saliva keeps their tongues connected as they pant, looking into each other's eyes, Tangle's tail making a heart shape as she blushes furiously.
Tangle: (Shocked and Flustered) W-Woah... W-Whisper~...!
Whisper: (Shocked and Flustered) OH, CRIKEY~!!!
Tangle smirks places a hand on her cheek.
Tangle (Calm, Happy, and a little flustered) I love you too Whisper the Wolf~...!
Before Whisper can even say anything, Tangle keeps her quiet with another, deeper, kiss on the lips. Tangle and Whisper slowly moved to the ground, giggling as they made out with one another for a while before pulling away, Whisper shuddering and Panting with Tangle as another, bigger and thicker, strand of saliva linked their tongues together before continuing for a couple more minutes before stopping and giggling. Whisper laid her head on Tangles chest as her tail wagged, letting out a relaxed sigh as she did so.
Whisper: That... was amazin'~...!

Tangle: Agreed~...!
Tangle and Whispers eyes closed as they both fell asleep, their wisp friends clapping for them as they did so while the Scene slowly fades to black.

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