Girls' Frontline Fanfiction:...

By Zeptora

22.6K 992 301

Beneath the snow-capped Ural Mountains lies an old Soviet bunker long abandoned by its creators. On the edge... More

A Weak-Minded Lullaby
New Dawns Blessed by the Winged Beast
Who Left the Lights On?
Russia's Infernal Breath
Clearing Out the Yard
Here's to You, My Bygone Future
Preparing for One's Fall
Alone With You, 150 Miles Away
To Grant 90 Wishes
Poking the Griffin
Only Fools Rush In
Rails to a Lonesome Grave
The Scarecrow's Gambit
A Tsar's Reply
History Cruelly on Repeat
Rewriting One's Fate
A Bloody Respite
Weaving A Dream Eater
Operation: Broken Butterfly
Factory of Oxidized Dreams
Opening the Umbrella
Taking Back What's Ours
Tsar Meets Tsar
Can We Stop, Now?
Working it Out
Peers by Greed
Secret Crashers
Knives in the Dark
Threats Over Dinner
Approaching Singularity
It's Not a Betrayal, It's a Priority Shift
Careful Planning or Fateful Coincidence
We Meet Again on Blood Soaked Fields
Escalation of Force
Shuffling the Teams
A Bullet Between Friends
Upon Their Wings, We Fly
Picking Up the Pieces
Hosting a Revenant
Pulling the Strings of Virtual Hearts
Operation: Green House
Those Clad in White
The Inherited 91st Wish
You Shouldn't Have Trusted Him
A Faulty-Sung Lullaby
Wake-Up Call
Plight of the Alchemist
A Heart That Doesn't Beat
Nothing More Than a Ghost
For Their Future
Forward Unto Your Final Dawn
The Tsar Stands Eternal [Final]

Player VS Player

376 19 1
By Zeptora

"All t-dolls are maxed dummy-linked, and in position!" One of the commanders acted as an announcer for the challenge. A map displaying the field was on a large screen above the terminals for the others to see. The drill consisted of a starting location on the east and west sides of the map where each commander could deploy a single echelon that immediately forked into two paths. The paths went two nodes deep with Sangvis forces guarding them before converging at the HQ node in the center of the map. Due to the nature of the drill being a competition between echelons to race to the middle, Zeldri and Alexander were situated at terminals with a divider between them so that neither could see what the other was doing. The announcer looked over at them to check if they were ready, and they each gave a nod. "Begin!"

"Let's finish this quickly," Alexander muttered to himself as he sent his echelon up one of the paths. His echelon easily dispatched the Vespids that guarded the nodes as they advanced to the center. "I expect victory, G36C."


"Of course, Commander." She motioned to her echelon to follow her, "Push forward with courage, everyone!"

"Y-...Yes!" MP5 kept pace with G36C as the two SMG t-dolls led the group.

"Please watch my performance, Master!" G41 energetically cried out as she practically skipped along the path.

"Our preparation is complete," EM-2 mused to herself, "All that's left is to put it into practice!"

"..." AS Val silently followed the two AR dolls.

"HmmHmmHmmHmm!" G41 happily hummed to herself. "I~ can't~ wait~ for~ Mas~ter's~ praise~!"

"We'll only get praised for a job well done, G41," G36C gently reminded her comrade. "We're getting close to the HQ, so be prepared for combat."

"W-Will alright?" MP5 hesitantly asked as they approached the small outpost that was being used as the enemy HQ. "Those posts on the forums..."

"Are probably exaggerated," EM-2 finished for her as they entered the outpost. "Our commander's one of the best, so let's believe in him." She softly muttered to herself, "And, the cookies."

"Agreed," G36C affirmed before looking back at her team, "Let's do our best, AS Val."

"...Yes!" AS Val finally spoke with her timid voice, but some determination started building in her at her leader's reassurance. "I choose to fight..."

"Good." G36C led her team through the outpost to the center courtyard. The outpost had five concrete buildings all surrounding a large courtyard with some abandoned vehicles in the center. Three of the buildings were only single-story structures, the fourth was two stories and the fifth was four stories and sat on the southern side of the outpost. There was a slight wind whistling through the abandoned buildings and the sun couldn't break through the overcast clouds. G36C and her echelon were on alert as they slowly walked through the courtyard to the center where their commander wanted them to hunker down. They could use the abandoned cars for cover while viewing the whole HQ. According to her map, the HQ was currently contested which meant Zeldri's echelon was also here. But... "Where are they?" Her echelon made it to the center unimpeded, and everything but the wind was silent. "...I don-!!!" As she tried to speak, the air roared to life as bullets started assailing their position.

"Enemy spotted!" G41 shouted as she and the echelon dove for cover behind the cars. "North building!"

"North?" Zeldri's echelon should have approached from the west where their deployment area was. "Seems like they tried to flank us." Through the gunfire, G36C poked her head out to see M2HB shooting out the windows from inside the north building. "Damage report!"

"Ready to proceed with annihilation!" G41 declared as she was at full strength.

"Let's carry out the plan, and enjoy the cookies afterward!" EM-2 lost one dummy in the initial volley but was otherwise fine.

"I-...Let's be careful..." AS Val appeared fine if a bit shook.

"...I'm with you!" MP5 was next to G36C and was uninjured.

"Alright, prepare for assault!" She waited for M2HB to stop and reload. When she did, the SMG sprung into action. "Return fire!"

"I'll definitely display my worth!" G41 declared and sprayed the northern building with bullets with the other AR t-dolls following suit. But, to their dismay, their attacks were blocked as the windows were quickly covered by large metal shields when AA-12 moved up to give M2HB cover to reload.

"Tsk!" EM-2 clicked her tongue in annoyance. "They have a shotgun!"

"Charge the building!" G36C relayed her commander's orders. "MP5 and I will lead to provide cover for the advance. If we can get behind their shields we can-!" Unfortunately for G36C, she would never finish relaying those orders as her body was torn apart by grenades from the south.


"Targets spotted," Nagant looked out the window from the third floor of the southern building at the courtyard below. M2HB and AA-12 were in the northern building keeping Alexander's echelon distracted which meant their backs were exposed. "I'm no good at this range, so I'll use my processing power to help you two spot your shots."

"Vielen Dank (Many thanks), Nagant," StG44 replied as she and her dummies set up in the windows. "On my mark."

"Mmm!" Galil grunted in agreement as she and her dummies started lining up their shots. Her fingers tensed in anticipation as her sights brought EM-2 into focus.

"G36C is the one relaying orders, so I'll take her out first. Ready?" StG44 loaded her underslung grenade launchers and glanced around at her team. After a quiet moment, she pulled the triggers on her launchers and gave the word, "No matter your defense, scrap in vain within this bullet rain!"


"G36C!!!" MP5 shouted as her leader was blown apart next to her. Each grenade was centered on G36C and her dummies taking her completely out of the fight in an instant. The impacting grenades also forced everyone else off balance, and the close impacts temporarily distorted their systems.

"Damn!" EM-2 cursed as she tried to get to her feet and clutched her head. "Where did that co-!" Her words were cut off as she and her dummy links were pelted with a hail of bullets. Her bodies hit the ground in cold thuds and twitched as the bullets continued to assail their position.

"South!" G41 called and attempted to return fire. Galil ducked down behind the windowsill and avoided the bullets.

"W-What's going on!?!" AS Val was in a panic. "Why are there two echelons!?"

"I don't know!" G41 responded as she reloaded, "But, Master surely won't let this sli-!"

"AAH!" AS Val covered her head as G41 and her dummy links were torn apart by M2HB. In the confusion, G41 had moved out of cover from behind the cars and was in the open giving M2HB a clear line of sight. Her dummies were ripped apart, and her main body was torn in half by the stream of MG fire. G41's lifeless upper body plopped to the ground and vacantly stared into the distance much to the horror of AS Val. "Re...Retreating!" Her echelon had taken too much damage and morale broke. "Retrea-!" As she attempted to retreat, however, she was picked off by StG44 and Galil who quickly dispatched the fleeing t-doll.

"..." MP5 found herself alone sitting behind a car. Ten seconds. In the span of ten seconds her entire echelon was wiped out without them so much as even taking out a single one of Zeldri's dolls. "I..." Tears welled up in her eyes as despair overtook her shocked systems. "I'm really no good..." She continued to tremble until she felt something cold touch the back of her head.

"No use crying," AA-12 quietly stated as she and her dummies pressed the barrels of their shotguns to the back of MP5 and her dummy's heads. "If you take anything from this, remember this despair and try to learn from it." MP5 tried to speak but wasn't given the chance as AA-12 executed the t-doll. Her headless body slumped to the ground at AA-12's feet.

"All threats neutralized," StG44 relayed to Zeldri as she overlooked the outpost from her vantage point, "Sector secured."


>>PVP Training

>>Battle Rounds: 2

>>Alexander Destroyed Enemies: 2

>>Alexander Losses: 5

>>Alexander Captured Nodes: 3/11

>>Alexander Result: Mission Failed

>> Zeldri Destroyed Enemies: 5

>>Zeldri Losses: 0

>>Zeldri Captured Nodes: 6/11

>>Zeldri Result: Record Rank 'S'

"...!" There was a prevailing silence that hung around the group of commanders that had gathered to watch the match as well as a feeling of discomfort. Zeldri understood, though, as watching AA-12 execute a trembling MP5 would be more than enough to unsettle most people. But, that was how his dolls were. From the trials and deaths that still clung to his people's hearts, the dolls of the Mountain held their humans closer than most. They would push themselves harder as, if they didn't, everything could be taken from them as was almost the case with Scarecrow's incursion. Even if they were all Griffin t-dolls at the end of the day, they wouldn't let slide the injustice that was forced against Annika. Those of the Mountain watched out for their own; no matter how cold it may seem.

"..." Zeldri glanced over his shoulder at Anto and Sara who had been watching from the side to gauge their reactions. Anto was more than a little surprised and was patting his face with a handkerchief. Sara was staring at the screen with an analyzing gaze as moments from the drill were played back over the screen.

"The fuck was that?!" And, of course, there was the upset Alexander. He stormed over to Zeldri's terminal. "We're only allowed to use a single echelon for this drill!"

"I did," Zeldri replied innocently and stepped aside so Alexander could look at his screen.

"...What?" Alexander breathlessly said as he looked to see Zeldri had, in fact, only deployed a single echelon; AA-12, Nagant Revolver, Galil, StG44, and M2HB. "...But... They acted as two independent groups!"


"So!?!" Alexander repeated Zeldri in an exasperated tone. "Echelons can only act as one unit; everyone knows that!"

"Does Sangvis Ferri?" Zeldri allowed irritation to bleed into his voice. His 182cm (6ft) height allowed him to easily look down at Alexander who was only 175cm (5ft 9in).


"Earlier," Zeldri explained and slowly walked towards the large screen that displayed the results of the drill. "You asked if I thought of our conflict with Sangvis Ferri as a joke because of the dolls I used in my echelon. So, I ask you the same thing." He stopped and used his forearm crutch to point to the result's info. "Do you take our conflict against Sangvis Ferri as a joke?"

"How does that relate to you breaking echelon doctrine?"

"Because you just handicapped yourself with that statement." Zeldri heard some hushed whispers going around so let his words hang for a second before continuing. "As you said, standard Griffin doctrine dictates that t-doll echelons fight as a single unit. This is to make up for the fact that they are converted civilian models going up against dolls originally meant for military use as well as their inherent limit of performance being civilian conversions. However," Zeldri used his crutch to point to his echelon that was displayed on the screen, "AA-12, being a higher grade doll, has more processing power than others; which opens an avenue of new thinking. Why not split them up? M2HB, despite being a three-star, has plenty of firepower but lacks protection to utilize it on their own. So, pair her with AA-12, whose additional processing power can be used to take direct commands as a pseudo-echelon leader, and you have an MG doll with guaranteed shield protection that can take care of most threats. StG44, being the official echelon leader, can free up some processing power as she no longer has to keep track of AA-12 and M2HB and can more efficiently lead Galil and Nagant Revolver as a three-doll team. Being ARs and a Pistol, they can more than take care of themselves allowing a single echelon to act as two. While this method requires more micromanaging by the commander to do, the pros far outweigh the cons when used during certain situations; such as small-scale assaults against single outposts." Zeldri felt his throat start to dry from all the talking and cleared his throat. "Mm?" Only to see Sara hand him a water bottle with a grin on her face.

"I figured you would be interesting, but this is something else." Her tone was jovial and she gave a laugh that eased the tension in the air. Some of the surrounding commanders started talking amongst themselves about Zeldri's strategy and if it was possible with the dolls they had back at their bases. All unease was replaced with curiosity and contemplation.

"...Thanks," Zeldri said and he didn't just mean for the water.

"Don't mention it," Sara replied knowing full well what he meant.

"..." Alexander silently stared at Zeldri's terminal and scratched his chin. "Fine, as agreed, you win the bet and I'll be sure to pay my dues."

"...Good." Zeldri was a little disappointed as he'd hoped to rub his victory in a little more.

"What?" Alexander caught the disappointment. "This changes nothing in my line of thinking." He gestured at Zeldri's echelon. "This was only possible because AA-12 was a five-star t-doll. If anything, this strategy would be even more effective if the entire team was five-stars so that they could all act pseudo-independently for more adaptability."

"...Missing the whole point, I see," Zeldri dejectedly sighed.

"There is no point when I'm objectively right," Alexander replied. "In either case, I have an echelon that needs to be reorganized and repaired. If you'll excuse me." Alexander gave a slight bow and walked off.

"Wow," Sara said as she watched him leave, "He really does buy his own words."

"I wonder how it feels to be that far up your own ass?" Zeldri idly mused.

"Ha!" Sara laughed. "I'm liking you more and more, Zeldri."

"While a bit cruel," Anto finally walked over and spoke up, "I also agree with Sara, here. You certainly have effective methods, but..." Anto's words trailed off as the screen showing replays from the drill showed MP5's execution.

"...I'll talk to them about that," Zeldri lied to make Anto feel better.

"Thank you." It worked.

"Indeed you should." A new voice approached them that held an all too familiar slightly annoyed tone.

"Mrs. Helian!?" Anto was caught by surprise as Helian had snuck up on them and was standing behind Sara and Anto.

"...Catch any of the show?" Zeldri asked with an innocent smile.

"Plenty," Helian dryly responded, "As well as your little speech on our combat doctrine."

"I meant no insult," Zeldri clarified, "But, from my experience, flexibility and adaptability are key to survival and victory."

"There was no insult taken," Helian replied and returned to her normal professional tone. "Though, Mr. Kryuger might want to discuss with you about such tactics for future reference as it seems you won't be the only commander trying it." She and Zeldri looked around at the other commanders who were gathered around still discussing Zeldri's tactics. "Perhaps, we may need to adjust our future training courses?"

"I would be honored to know I helped our future generations."

"Mmm. Commander Sara, Commander Anto?" Helian turned her attention to the two commanders. "I would like a word with Commander Zeldri in private, for a moment."

"Of course, Mrs. Helian." Anto gave a respectful bow and went over to one of the groups nearby.

"Sure," Sara nodded and gave Zeldri a wave. "Until next time, Zeldri."

"Until next time," Zeldri returned the wave before turning his attention back to Helian. "Did I cross a line?"

"..." Helian silently stared at Zeldri for a few moments before motioning him to follow her. "No, I just wanted to remind you to be more courteous with your fellow employees."

"Even though he started it?" While a little childish, Zeldri didn't want to let Alexander slide.

"That's why I allowed you to end it." Helian didn't look back as she responded and continued leisurely walking around the room with Zeldri following her.

"...I see."

"Also..." Helian led Zeldri away from people so they could speak in private. "What's your opinion on Commander Sara?"

"Sara?" Zeldri thought for a moment before replying, "While a bit eccentric, she's a good person and someone I wouldn't mind jointly working with in the future."

"Mmm." Helian only hummed to herself as she thought. Then, as Zeldri was left to his own thoughts he realized something.

"Not Anto?"

"Huh?" Helian was brought out of her thoughts and she raised an eyebrow at Zeldri.

"You ask about Sara but not Anto?"

"Oh... Well," there was a hesitation in her voice that Zeldri caught.

"..." A sly smile played on his lips and he purposely stood so he would only be facing Helian. In a low voice so that only she could hear Zeldri said, "You're cute when you're jealous."

"...!" Helian's face lit up like a tomato and she glared at Zeldri before quickly trying to get her cheeks under control and make sure no one saw. "...You're really pushing your luck, Commander."

"Then, should I make it up to you?" Zeldri purposely didn't specify his implication to get a rise from Helian.

"...It's a promise, then." But, to his surprise, Helian kept her cool and took Zeldri's implication. Her face was under control and a small smile played on her lips as she softly said, "I'll be sure to let you know when, Zeldri," before the smile disappeared and she returned to her 'work' mode and started to walk away.

"..." Zeldri was speechless for a moment at what just happened. MDR's words about 'melting the heart of the Ice Demon' played in his head and his cheeks slightly blushed.

"Losing your cool, Commander Zeldri?" This time, it was Helian who couldn't help herself as she looked over her shoulder at the flustered man.

"...You..." Zeldri was about to retaliate but was stopped as the world violently shook. "What the-!?" Panic swept through the people in the room as the base was racked with explosions and the lights flickered out to be replaced by red warning lights and sirens. Fire erupted from one of the doors and engulfed the room in smoke.

"Commander!? Come in, Commander!" StG44's voice came over his tablet as she desperately tried to get in contact with Zeldri. "Sangvis Ferri has found the base! We're getting shelled out here! Commander!?"

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