Tangle and Whisper; Whispangl...

By Undertale_Fan_Ultra

3.6K 24 15

Disclaimer: This story is set after the events of the Zombot Virus of the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comic series... More

Part 1: Prologue/Invitation
Part 3: SNT Boom 1 + Confession Kiss
Part 4: Addicted to the Taste/Epilouge

Part 2: Whisper Arrives and the Sleepover Begins

769 4 0
By Undertale_Fan_Ultra

Later That Afternoon...

The Scene transitions to one of Spiral Hill Village, Tangle the Lemur can be seen is leaping across rooftops happily and excitedly
Tangle the Lemur: Ah, another great day in the Spiral Hill Village, as always~!
Tangle smiles very happily as she leaps down onto the street landing with a tuck and roll, parkour style, landing before getting up onto her feet once more, and running through the streets of her village, even more happy and excited than before.
Tangle: It'll be even GREATER when Whisper shows up~!
Tangle, using her special Mobian Lemur tail, grabs onto a lamp post and begins to spin around it, seeming even MORE happy and excited than before.
Tangle: Oh, Great Mobius, we'll have so much fun together, just like always~! IT'S GOING TO BE SO-~!!!
As tangle is spinning around the lamp post, she's suddenly grappled onto by something, causing her to stop spinning and become confused and shocked, whilst still being happy and excited.
Tangle: - great...?!
Before Tangle Knows it, she's suddenly pulled by the grappling device into a hug by Whisper the wolf, who chuckles as Tangle looks at her in shock, as well as, ever-growing, happiness and excitement.
Whisper the Wolf: H'llo, Tangle~.
Tangle: WHISPER~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tangle hugs Whisper, Whisper beginning to stumble as her and Tangle both fall onto the ground, a bit hard, and they both start laughing happily.

They both giggled as they get up from the ground.
Tangle:  Sorry~! I'm just so hyped you're here~!
Whisper Smiles and chuckles to herself as the Wisps hug Tangle, causing her to laugh a bit as she looks at Tangle.
Whisper: 'S fine Tangle~! So, how 'bout y' take us to your house~?
Tangle: Sure thing~!
Tangle grabs Whispers hand, gently, and runs off to her house, a look of happy excitement on her face given her big and wide smile.
Tangle (Excited) Come on; Let's play some games before we watch that Movie~!
Whisper smiles happily as her and Tangle run off to Tangle's house.
Whisper: 'K~!
The Scene cuts to Tangle and Whisper as they Smile and enter Tangle's home, Whispers whisps coming out of their Wisp Cartridges.

Whisper and Tangle relax as they sit down on the couch. Whisper and Tangle begin to tell one of them starts cracking jokes with one another, making each other laugh as Whisper blushes slightly, being, quite obviously, reminded of her dream. After a few minutes of cracking jokes with Whisper, Tangle gets up and goes into the nearby closet, pulling out a twister game, which Whisper looks at calmly as Tangle looks at her Happily and Excitedly, yet also Calmly.
Whisper: Twister, huh?
Tangle: Only if you want-~!
Whisper gets up and removes her trench-coat-jacket hybrid, hanging it up on the wall before removing her socks and boots, getting ready to play.
Tangle: -to...?
Whisper smiles as she smiles at Tangle.
Whisper: Let's play~.
Tangle Smiles as Whisper puts her mask on so she can hear her wisps.
Whisper: Orange, can you please spin for us~?
Orange the Rocket Wisp: Sure thing, Whisper~!

Whisper smiles before reaching into her hammer space and pulling out an earpiece, which she then gives to Tangle.
Tangle: Huh? What's this thing for~?
Whisper: It'll let y' understand Wisps~!
Tangle tackle-bearhugs Whisper tightly, letting out a happy and excited squeal.
Whisper blushes and smiled behind her mask as she hugged Tangle back.
Whisper: You're welcome, Tangle~!
Tangle smiles as she sets up the Twister board. Tangle Smiles with Whisper as they stand on opposite sides of the board, Tangle standing closer to Red and Blue, Whisper standing closer to Green and Yellow.
Tangle: Ready Whisper~?!
Whisper smirks before putting on her mask back on again, fully.
Whisper: Of Course, Tangle~!

Whisper looks towards Orange and nods.
Tangle: Ok~! How about we play rock-paper-scissors to see who has to go first~?
Whisper smiles behind her mask as Rocky smiles, again, despite not having a visible mouth. Tangle (Calmly Happy and Excited) Sounds good to me~!
Tangle (Happy and Excited) Great~!
Tangle and Whisper make their hands in the rock/fist position on top of their non-dominant hand.
Tangle and Whisper: ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOOT~!
Tangle easily wins the minigame of Rock-Paper-Scissors.
Whisper: So, do I go first then~?
Tangle: Yup~!
Whisper nods happily as Orange the Rocket Whisp Spins the spinner.

Orange: Tail or Tails on Green~!
Whisper immediately put's her Tail on green as Tangle's face lights up with excitement due to the fact that she actually just understood a wisp.
Whisper: Heh~! That was easy~!
Orange spins the spinner again, smiling mouthlessly as he does so.
Orange:  Left hand on red~!
Tangle puts her left hand on red, happily and excitedly.
Tangle:  This is easy~!
Orange: So far~!
Orange spins the Spinner again.
Orange:  Left foot on Yellow~!
Whisper puts her left foot on Yellow.

Whisper: Come on, step it up~!
Rocky spins the spinner, a mouthless smile on his face, again, as he does so.
Rocky: Oh, boy~! Right foot on green~!
Tangle Smiles and, with surprising ease, puts her right foot on green, turning her waist 90 degrees and her head the other 90 degrees, her head being below Whispers as she looks up at her, making her blush slightly beneath the mask as Tangle gets a smug smile on her face.
Tangle: Are You ok Whisper~? Because you seem a little, Distracted~...!
Whisper: (Slightly Flustered) 'm fine...
Orange Spins the Spinner again, invested and excited.
Orange: (Invested and Excited) Right hand on blue~!
Whisper, semi-nervously, puts her left hand on blue, getting her and Tangle's faces closer together as they blush, Tangle letting out a semi-nervous Giggle.
Tangle: (Semi-Flustered) Y-You're getting a little close to my face Whisper~!

Whisper: (Semi-Flustered) 'S not necessarily m' fault. Or anyone's really~.
Orange spins again.
Orange: (Invested) Tail on blue~!
Tangle puts her tail on blue, struggling slightly.
Tangle: Heh, t-to easy~!
Orange: spins the spinner again as the Scene transitions to a couple of hours later.
Orange: Right foot on green.
Tangle puts her right foot on green before her and Whisper both, suddenly, fall on each other, causing them to blush before laughing, ending the game of Twister in a tie.

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