The Weakest Link Anime Specia...

By utanokatyperry

231 0 0

Here, This is The Weakest Link, Questions ripped off from Chloboshoka, But This time, what if she has Jane Ly... More

Break 1
Break 2
Break 3
Final Break

Break 4

45 0 0
By utanokatyperry

Jane: Welcome Back, to The Weakest Link!

*light and beat*

Jane: In the last time, There's a tie between Joey and Kari, which they got 2 votes each. Now, Kari, I need your answer.
Kari: I think I'll get rid of Joey.
Jane: Meanwhile, nobody on the team noticed who was the weakest link. Did they, Serena?
Serena: I guess not.
Jane: Joey, you've delighted us for long enough,
Joey: Thank you, Jane.
Jane: Since Kari's had enough of you, Joey, and with two votes, you are the weakest link, goodbye, and because you said you're the strongest link in the first break, I'm sure you need me to repeat it. Joey, with two votes, you're the weakest link, Good. Bye.

Joey was the last man to take the walk of shame, now, there are three girls left, and Jane wouldn't describe either of them as ladies. Good riddance to him. It felt good to tell him that he was the weakest link.

Joey: I can't believe I lost to the Digital Hero!

Kari: Bye, Joey!

Joey: And If I said it right, Kari are going to be voted off next, because she's too good and lucky to be here.

Joey: Bye, Jane!
Jane: I said goodbye twice???


Jane: three contestants left trying to add to your bank of ¥3,960,000, and this round, easier questions to bank ¥2,000,000 to your total. Another 10 seconds will come off the clock, and We'll start with the strongest link from the last round and again, that's Kari. Let's play The Weakest Link!

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Start the clock. Kari, which former Japanese porn star was known as the AV Queen?
Kari: Sakura Haruno.
Jane: No, Yuri Komuro. Hinata, What is the national flower of Scotland?
Hinata: Sunflower,
Jane: No, Thistles. Serena, Josiah Tulkinghorn is a lawyer in which novel by Charles Dickens?
Serena: Pass.
Jane: Even bleak house. Kari, Dimanche is French for which day of the week?
Kari: Sunday,
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Hinata, noodling is the Australian term for mining which gemstone?
Hinata: Diamonds
Jane: No, Opals.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Serena, what C is the eating of human flesh by another human being?
Serena: EWW! That's Gross!
Jane: No, Cannibalism. Kari, in the Harry Potter books what was the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?
Kari: Hedwig.
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Hinata, Gephyrophobia is the fear of what?
Hinata: Pass.
Jane: The Bridge.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Serena, King Richard III was the last of the Plantagenet dynasty and last king of which royal house?
Serena: House of York!
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Kari, how many legs does a ladybird have?
Kari: Six!
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Hinata, A Skipjack is which type of fish?
Hinata: Magikarp.
Jane: No, Tuna.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Serena, what does the M in MIDAS stand for?


Jane: Time is up and the correct answer is missile. Girls, Out of the possible ¥2,000,000, all you banked...were the zer0s. Nothing, not a zilch, you've added nothing, to the bank. Do you girls already forgot how the game works? I'll repeat that one more time: First off, you need to get the questions right, then you have to bank before your question is asked or the money on your ladder goes away with every wrong answer, and lastly, you need to have the courage to vote off, THE WEAKEST LINK!

Debra: Kari truly slipped up in that round, but she was still the strongest link. Hinata was statically the weakest link for getting all her questions wrong. Like always, it's the votes that count.

Jane: The Voting Is Complete. So Hinata, what's Kari done to upset you? I see that you're getting mad at her.
Hinata: Her incorrect answer implies that Sakura Haruno is a porn star, She's a very good friend of mine and she doesn't deserve half the hate that she gets. Kari is a very nice person, she just needs to be educated a bit more.
Kari: I'm sorry, I never think of any of that...
Jane: Are you sure that it's not jealously?
Hinata: No way!
Jane: Not even a little bit? Did you really think that Kari was the worst player?
Hinata: Yes.
Jane: Nope, atleast she got some of her questions right. You failed to answer even a single question.
Hinata: I'll fix that in the next round.
Jane: Serena, What's with the smirk on your chubby face?
Serana: My face isn't chubby!
Jane: Remind me what you known as?
Serena: Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I shall punish you, Jane Lynch.
Jane: What's your excuse for voting off the strongest link, hm?
Serena: Cause I thought she was the weakest link,
Jane: Are you a Sailor Coward?


Jane: and I'll tell you what: that punishment won't work on me, you fool.

[Louder laugh]

Jane: Kari, what you been up to since leaving school?
Kari: I'm training to be a teacher.
Jane: Oh, For what sort of school?
Kari: Elementary school.
Jane: God help us, How does it feel to have two mothers gang up on you?
Kari: Hurtful, Because I have a little boy.
Jane: Before you go, Can you do me a favour?
Kari: What would that be?
Jane  I want you to sing the digimon song.

Kari: Oh?

It will come in really useful when she becomes a teacher. She began to clap her hands and start singing. "Digimon! Digital monsters are the champions." It didn't take long before Serena and the audience began to sing along. Even Hinata was clapping her hands.

"Fighting evil by moonlight!" Serena sung. Everyone started to join in and stop singing the silly digimon theme song. Serena's tune is just as stupid. "Winning love by daylight. Never running from a real fight..." Serena stopped singing when Jane glared at her.

Jane: Thank you for your song, Kari. Well, It's the votes that count, and it's time to reveal who do you think, is The Weakest Link.

Kari: Hinata
Hinata: Kari
Serena: Kari

Jane: Wow...and in order. Kari, Our future Teacher to teach your pupils in the elementary school, You got slapped off even though you were the strongest link, What a drag! With two Votes, You're the weakest link, Goodbye.

Kari was the last to take a walk of shame with Her name on the LED screen.

Kari: Those Mothers team up on me, Jane!
Jane: They sure did!
Kari: And I'm not happy anymore!
Jane: Mhmmmm!!!

Kari: I did very perfect for everyone on team, and those mother voted against me! They didn't realize that they are the weakest link among all of us.

Jane: Cowards! Each and 2 of you! The smartest girl maybe on the planet! And you let her go in the last round! Cause you're afraid to go head to head with her. We've got rid of her, Well done! 👍


Jane: Serena and Hinata have made to the last 2 round left. I'm topping up the prize to triple of what they can do before they fight eachother when we The Weakest Link!

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