The Weakest Link Anime Specia...

By utanokatyperry

236 0 0

Here, This is The Weakest Link, Questions ripped off from Chloboshoka, But This time, what if she has Jane Ly... More

Break 2
Break 3
Break 4
Final Break

Break 1

80 0 0
By utanokatyperry

Jane: you may know them best from Japanese animation series very well. Elements, colors, characteristics and many more to check them out. like what going to happen in here, and trivia won't judge them for not knowing, but I will. tonight, I gather all the 8 contestants from 8 universes to here to compete the trivias for a chance to win up to 20 million yens, specially on: "The Weakest Link" !

Jane: Welcome to a special edition of The Weakest Link!

*Light flash*

Jane: Well, It's wonderful to meet you all here. Now tell me about yourself and tell me where you're from. Go ahead.

The first contestant was a small boy with a potty mouth. The lights brought the red in his top and dull yellow shorts. He held his hands up in the air and introduced himself.

Shin-chan: I'm Shin-Chan! And I'm a ladies man, from Japan."

He can't be any older than five years old, but the audience roared with laughter. The second contestant was a young brunette who appeared to be in her teens. It wouldn't take a rocket science to guess what her favourite colour. Anyone with impaired vision could easily mistake her with a candy floss.

Kari: I'm Kari and I'm part of a team called The Digidestined.

Joey: I'm Joey Wheeler and I'm a professional Dueller, and I am the strongest link.

the third contestant announced. His voice was dripping in arrogance. Jane wondering where he bought the blue jacket from. It looks like tack brought from a charity shop.

Hinata: I'm Hinata and I'm a mother to two gorgeous children.

Jane heard many things about the fourth contestant. Her marriage to the Seventh Hokage has made her a household name and a pantomime villain in some corners of the Internet. She's still wearing those awful oversized lilac jumpers.

Luffy: I'm Luffy, captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and I will be The Pirate King.

The fifth red contestant had a red sleeveless shirt with bright yellow buttons.

Serena: I'm Serena, I'm also known as Sailor Moon, and I'm proud to be a girl-gamer!

the sixth contestant said. Jane wouldn't be surprised if she was feeling cold. Her skirt was so cold that you see the colour of her knickers matched the colour of her top.

Dawn: I'm Dawn, I'm a pokemon co-ordinator from Sinnoh.

the seventh contestant in the pink dress isn't that bad, well it was good enough for a ten-year-old.

Last but not least is a ginger dressed in black. And the only one in a kimono.

Ichigo: I'm Ichigo Kurosaki and I'm from Karakura Town.

He didn't have much to say about himself. All sorts of people have come on the show including couples, puppets, celebrities, politicians and rappers. This has to be the most eclectic mix of contestants that Jane have ever met.

Jane: Full Disclosure: how wonderful you are.


Jane: All Right, here's how it works: I'll ask you questions, one at a time. If you string together a chain of correct answers, you win the top prize for the round. In each round, a chain of 8 correct answers will give you 2 million yens to your bank. However, one wrong answer will break the chain and takes you back to zero. If at any point you want to secure the money earned, you must hit your button and say "Bank" before your question is asked, that money will then be safe, and you'll start a brand-new chain. And, remember, at the end of the round, only the money that is banked can be taken forward.

It's pretty straight forward. The first round in particular has very easy questions so they should have no problem reaching the target. Let's hope that nobody struggles under the pressure.

Jane: We'll start with the person who's name comes first alphabetically, And that's Dawn. It's time to play The Weakest Link!

Before Jane turned the podium over to Dawn, The clock must be started first.

Jane: The first question is for ¥10,000, Start the clock!

Then Jane turn the podium over and face Dawn.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Dawn, Where is Emperor Akihito's official residence?
Dawn: Tokyo Imperial Palace.
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Ichigo, in geography, what is the capital city of South Korea?
Ichigo: It's Seoul.
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Shin Chan, "Eh what's up doc?" is a catchphrase by which popular cartoon character?
Shin Chan: Bugs Bunny!
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Kari...
Kari: Bank!

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000
BANK: ¥10,000

Jane: In music, which j-pop singer collaborated with Fergie for the single, "That Ain't Cool?"
Kari: Hmm... Koda Kumi?
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000
BANK: ¥100,000

Jane: Joey, in 2015 which singer released an album called Purpose?
Joey: A douchebag
Jane: No, Justin Bieber.
Joey: That's what he is!

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Hinata, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is better known as who?
Hinata: Lady Gaga.
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Luffy, in bingo which number is commonly refered to as two fat ladies?
Luffy: I don't know, is it 88?
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Serena, complete the catchprase. An apple a day...
Serena: Keeps the doctor away!
Jane: Well Done!

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Dawn, Idina Menzel voiced which Character in Disney's Frozen?
Dawn: Queen Elsa!
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Ichigo, what is the first line to Kelis' hit song, Milkshake?
Jane: Very Well!

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Shin Chan, The Netherlands were the first country to legalize what in 2001?
Shin Chan: Gay marriage
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Kari...
Kari: Bank!

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000
BANK ¥1,100,000

Jane: Zigzagoons are common pokemon from which region?
Kari: Hoenn
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Joey, how many corners does a cube have?
Joey: Eight.
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Hinata, what colour cats are considered good luck in Japan and UK?
Hinata: Black cats.
Jane: Correct.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Luffy, in entertainment which pirate is one of the main pirates in Pirates Of The Carribean?
Luffy: Captain James Hook!
Jane: No, Captain Jack Sparrow.

¥10,000 > ¥50,000 > ¥100,000 > ¥250,000 > ¥500,000 > ¥1,000,000 > ¥1,500,000 > ¥2,000,000

Jane: Serena...
Serena: Bank
Jane: A typical Japanese christmas eve fest is bought from which fast food chain?
Serena: I know this one, KFC!
Jane: Correct!

*Flash and beats*

Jane: Time's up! Team! out of the possible ¥2,000,000, you banked a pathetic ¥1,100,000. You had a chain of nine correct answers, so you could have strung and banked your ¥2,000,000 target.

Everybody looked disappointed.

Jane: Anyway, that money will go through to the next round, but one of you...of course, will not. Who is...more of a bidoof than a mewtwo? Who is...costing you the money? It's Time to vote off...The Weakest Link!

Debra Wilson (Narattor): Kari is statistically the strongest link as got all her questions right and banked the money for the team. And we all knew that Luffy was the weakest link. Only one can win the money. things are going to turn nasty after the voting is complete.

Jane: Voting is Complete. Well, I think there's some of you that don't quite understand how the game works. You strung a chain of 9 correct answers and got a chance to bank ¥2,000,000, but you didn't bank probably, now you don't. Who did You thought was the weakest link, Shin Chan?
Shin-chan: Ichigo!
Jane: Why?
Shin-chan: Because he keeps staring at your boobs!
Jane: What's your specialist subject, Shin Chan?
Shin-chan: Here's mine!

He pulled down his shorts and flashed his bottom in front of Jane and to the whole studio. Everyone gasped in horror and Jane do nothing but sigh with squint.

Jane: Please, put it away now.

Jane requested and so he did as she was told.

Jane: What would your mother think if she saw you showing your bottom on an American national television?

Shin-chan: What will mom say?

Shin Chan said whilst pulling up his shorts.

Shin-chan: She won't be watching. She'll be watching Desperate Housewives and stuffing her face with chocolate.
Jane: Oh, What about your father?
Shin-chan: Oh he'll either be at the bar or the brothel.
Jane: You mean hotel?
Shin-chan: Yeah!

Then, Jane turned over to Ichigo.

Jane: Do you have anything to add to that, Ichigo?
Ichigo: I'd like to change my vote,
Jane: It's a bit late for that. Who?
Ichigo: Luffy and He was the only one in the round to get an answer wrong.
Jane: you know, Joey got his one wrong too.
Ichigo: I think he should have been allowed, It was a good answer as far as I'm concerned.

Jane went to Joey

Jane: So you've never heard of Justin Bieber then, Joey?
Joey: I have!
Jane: Then why didn't you answer the right one?
Joey: I was trying to be clever.
Jane: It wasn't really, you know. Who are you getting rid of?
Joey: Luffy, and He got the Jack Sparrow question wrong, And everybody knows about Jack Sparrow. I love the films.
Jane: Why did you bank when there was nothing to bank, Serena?
Serena: Oh I don't know. Instinct I guess.

Jane: I see that You're a big fan of food,

referring to the fact that she got her questions about food correctly. Serena didn't take it down too well. She gasped and held onto her slender figure trying to pinch the small amount of fat on her waist.

Serena: Are you trying to say I'm fat?
Jane: No, I didn't mean that, but you got the question right about KFC being eaten to celebrate Christmas."
Serena: Oh... right.
Jane: Who?
Serena: Well, It's Luffy, nothing personal, he just got a question wrong.

Jane: Well, as you know, It's the team's votes that count, and
It's Time to reveal who the team think is the weakest link.

Shin Chan: Ichigo the pervert!
Kari: Luffy.
Joey: Shin Chan.
Hinata: Luffy.
Luffy: Joey.
Serena: Luffy.
Dawn: Joey.
Ichigo: Luffy.

Jane: Luffy, the self-proclaimed pirate king who doesn't know the difference between Captain Hook and Captain Sparrow, unfortunately, they already sunk You and Your ship down into the deep of the Challenger depth With four votes, you...are the weakest link goodbye!

The LED Screen show the name of Luffy and disappeared from the podium with him being the first to get a walk of a very shame thing with His interview on screen during his walk.

Luffy: I can't believe I came all this way to be voted off first. I think Shin Chan is going to be voted off next.

Shin-chan: Bye, Luffy!

Luffy: Because of his age people are gonna tear him apart and of course, his comment on Ichigo.

Jane: Too bad for Luffy with his ship sunk away. The rest of you, Seven swans~in the ocean.


Jane: I'm going to ease off the questions in the next round when we The Weakest Link!

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