Eye for an Eye (Yandere! Demo...

By Rubyio

31 3 5

You've been sent to Hell for your misdeeds, and you clearly want to get out. The Guardian of the Seven Deadly... More

𝐈 - A Nightmarish Welcome
𝐈𝐈 - Accepting Reality
𝐈𝐈𝐈 - What A Dreadful Start

𝐈𝐕 - Tangling Situations

3 0 0
By Rubyio

RECAP: Sly gives you a summary of the house's rules, while Edinayol and Julian engage in a conversation. As a result, both you and Sly encounter an enraged Julian. Deciding to give him his personal space, Julian recalls past memories. Meanwhile, the two of you head towards your bedroom. An awful situation occurs.


"Come here, (Y/N). I need your help."

Your once voidless, monochromatic thoughts collaged into prismatic colours; your soulless eyes transforming anew. Her velvety voice struck a chord, her warm and vibrant tone painting a sandy, gouache scenery. Time became an obsolete concept, as long summers and harsh winters and peaceful springs dashed across the ever-changing sky. Only the sea, the flora, and the woman remained.

As you sat next to her, the woman was stylized into blocks of colour, veiling her eyes with browns. Her body was dotted in the sandy shores; yet it could not hide the rich and deep chestnut colour of her skin. The dream denied her a proper form, counting her as obscure. Your memories had betrayed you.

"What do you need now, Ma?" The words were forced out of your mouth: you had no control.

"Don't give me that attitude. It's not my fault that you lost rock-paper-scissors."

A hearty laugh left you. "I know. But why do we have to cut down these beautiful lilies?"

"These lilies are dangerous to humans, (Y/N). Though they might be beautiful, they can hurt anyone, even your younger siblings."

"But we can always avoid them. No need to get your hands dirty." You said. "We can even go into town and find a better beach to sink our feet in."

Her hands held the scissor carefully, before dropping the lilies in a basket. "We have neither the money or the will to do that."

"Besides, do you really think a warning can stop a lily from growing?" Her smudged face turned towards you. "Goodness, will they even listen to me? You?"

"I don't think so."

"Gosh, they can't even listen to that meatball of a father. I remember when I took them out to the market and they decided-"

"Ok Ma, I get it." You raised up your hands in surrender. "Lesson learnt."

The woman raised an eyebrow, hands on her hips. "You're not just saying it to me, right Bruschetta?"

Bruschetta? What kind of family was I in —

"I'm serious, I'm serious!" You laughed harder.

She neared your face even closer, as if narrowing her eyes at you. But without her eyes, she was a blank face, ominously observing your every move.

"Hmph...good. I wouldn't want your brain to suddenly stop working before your exam."

"Ugh, do I have to take those stupid exams?"

The lady stood up, holding out her hand to you. It was slightly wrinkled, indicating her age. "You have a bright mind, (Y/N). It would be a shame to let it go to waste here."

As you held her hand, the summers and the winters stopped. The yolk of the sky stood tall, blazing its sunlight on the two of you. Time had seamlessly taken back its place.

And the scenery had started to dissolve.

The grass limped and the bark of the trees naturally began to split and the dainty flowers withered, as nature's precious jewel died in the west, as your dream brimmed in serenity came to an abnormal close; your heart aching as the nostalgia bled into your veins, your fingers barely grasping on to her image. Like a painter spilling black paint, your peaceful world had become eaten alive by the darkness, and at the pinnacle of its feast, it devoured the pearl of the seashore, who had warmed your heart.

That woman, that precious woman whom you had called mother.

As she fell into the black sea, her voice whispered loudly into your ears. You couldn't comprehend it, your mind was chaotic; but as you were being lifted high into the sky, you forced her words into her mind. You had to remember, you needed to remember.

Your heart furiously pounded into your chest. The darkness, the shore, the world froze as her name escaped her lips.



Sly practically heaved, as he hurriedly searched for a way to end the pain.

"C-Calm down...remain calm...s-shit..."

His hand had begun to rapidly decay, his purple skin becoming goopy ashes. There was no way he could wait for assistance; neither could you. And even if they did, first-aid medical kit was practically useless in this situation; it would take an extra thirty minutes to find it.

He knew what to do.

Grabbing his piping hot kettle he headed towards the bathroom, smashed its mirror, and took the sharpest piece of glass he could find. Removing his long sleeve, he pressed it against the spotless sink.

Immediately the demon doused his hand in boiling hot water, causing him to shriek loudly in pain. His cheeks became dark purple (almost black), static eyes holding back tears. He begged that he wouldn't go into shock.

As the sparks travelled up to his elbow, he raised the jagged glass above his hand. He hesitated for a moment, genuinely afraid.

But with his life on the line, he brought the glass down on his right shoulder.


Pain. Pain. Unbearable pain. The pain was unbearable. But he needed to cut it, and cut it now —


Blood kept gushing out on the bathroom floor and sink. Halfway there...

"Th-Th...tH-Three..." Sly said, his mind was going foggy.


The sparks were halfway from his elbow to his shoulder.


Immediately, he moved away from the sink, staying far away from his decapitated arm. Sluggishly he walked backwards into the wall, his eyelids heavy with tears. As he watched his right arm morphed into a pile of ashes, he knit his eyes shut before completely losing his consciousness.


You laid on a different bed, in a sturdier fabric that left your body extremely sore. You were in a different room, the windowsill strangely missing the moonlight's glow.

Unlike your bedroom, this entire place was covered in grey, fluffy foam, embedded with a similar substance that resembled a barbed wire. There was barely any decor on your side, nor a polished, wooden floor like before. It was as if it was a containment room, uncomfortably reminding you of a rusty jail cell.

"Sly...where's Sly..."

"In a jagoweik."

Your head speedily raced towards the voice, surprised to see Julian a couple feet away from you.

"What's...what is Sly's condition?"

His aura was composed, observing you with a hint of hatred. "They said it'll take around 48 to 120 hours for him to fully wake up..."

"...and that is if he wakes up."

You were stunned.

All this time you were pathetically dreaming the night away, while Sly was currently fighting for his life somewhere.

"And I've been...sitting here this entire time doing..."

"Nothing?" He finished your sentence, not even batting an eye at you. "Don't worry, you're not the only one."

You sighed, trying to hide the tears in your eyes. You paused, as you remember past events: you getting a headache, Sly touching your forehead, you blacking out.

"...Is there any way I can get off this bed without hurting you?"

He was impressed. "And I thought you were just dumb."

"You can taunt me later. Right now I need answers."


Grabbing a hanger from a wardrobe, he returned back to his seat — giving you his full, undivided attention.

"Those red sparks that were transferred to Sly's body are shocks, created by your soul as a defence mechanism. Your soul essentially sees anything materialised as a threat, since your soul is fully exposed."

"And that's because I don't have a body?"

"Right. Your soul will do anything to ward off spiritual corruption, by using even the smallest contact to electrocute enemies. Once the shocks breach the demon's skin, it will begin the deterioration process."

"An example."

Julian slid the hanger across to your bed. "Touch this."

You did so, watching the red sparks flow out from you into the hanger. Within two minutes, it had become a pile of crushed-up rubble. "...And you're saying that this applies to everything?"


"And how long does this last?"

"Since you're a 3 on the Triple-S, I'd say 3.5 days."

"I'm going to guess that 'S' means 'scale'. But what about the other two?"

"Soul Shock Scale. Humans are rated from Level 1 to Level 14, depending on the range, and the voltage of the shock. Level 14 is the highest level, the range about 750m, and the voltage 900V. Though, that hasn't happened in millennia."

"So my range is small, yet my voltage is big, right?"

"Basically. If you had a bigger range, you would easily be at a Level 5."

"But even if I have a small range, I would be able to kill everyone by default." You uttered. This could be your Plan B. "All I'd have to do is improve my range, and I'm basically out of here."

Instead of glaring at you, he smirked mischievously; his smile resembling his mother's own. "As if you can survive out there. One little Soul Shock problem at that level will never bring Hell to its feet."

"Wait, you would actually help me?"

"As much as I want you to leave, no. I'm just stating the obvious. But maybe I can help you out, if you keep me entertained." For the first time, his eyes glimmered at you. It seems you had caught his interest. "Visit my room sometime, and play a game or two with me this week. I'd love to see what you bring to the table."


"Anyhow, since you're up, I might as well leave." He wrapped a finger around his brown locks of hair, checking the time on his decorated phone. "Skinwalker's Bridal Version starts in ten minutes – and like hell am I missing it."

"Wait —"

Before you could answer another question, he quickly rushed out of the room.

So much for being his person of interest.


Anything that is said in the language of Jeigue will be written in italics.

Indigo, violet, sangria, amber: these were the chosen colours of the jagoweik, the hearth of spiritual healing and royalty. At the centre of the sacred temple, nine hundred and ninety-nine leaves were scorched, each one gleaming a reddish, effervescent glow. Its pungent smell, bleakness, and floral beauty did not comfort Edinayol's mind. Instead, it served as a warning, a bad omen for the living. She had seen so many of Hell's greatest rulers and leaders fade into wisps. But though the jagoweik reeked of death, it had undoubtedly brought many to rest. A peaceful rest for soulless demons like her.

As she waited patiently for Sly, fifteen tulip-shaped heads zoomed across her. Each of them were small in size, and had one or two holes on their chest. Seeing them chatter and giggle made Edina smile a bit. They were too adorable to watch.

"Madame, I've brought news."

A diamond-shaped head levitated over to her. She was short and pudgy in size, and had pointy, punctured ears. Her uniform completely veiled her body, revealing only her eyes. On the right side of her chest were thirty-six holes; one hole for each millennium of service.

"How is he?"

"He is doing quite alright." Her voice was too nasal, too slurred. "We managed to recover most of his spiritual energy, so he will most likely survive. All he needs is proper rest and care."

"That's...that's wonderful."

"If it wasn't for him amputating his arm, he wouldn't have a chance." She bowed, ready to take her leave. "Truly, you have chosen a bright servant to be by your side."

"She has, Dewne jagowaullen."

Edinayol scowled. "Dewnell jagohielm."

"It is nice to see a familiar face in such times, Madame Edinayol."

Though his head was triangle shaped, his ears were blatantly arborous, growing multiple ears like leaves. His ear skin resembled a birch, noticeably dry, spotty and albino. The only thing that stood out was the jewellery, his pride and joy on display. Compared to his junior, who wore her bronze fleece and spirituality with humility and respect...

The jagohielm wore his ego on his body. Literally.

"As you know, I've come to collect what is owed." His webbed hand stretched to Edinayol, his bloodshot eyes open wide. "What secret do you want me to keep today, your grace?"

"My secret? Well you are looking beautiful tovoltnight, jagohielm."

He chuckled, his voice scratchy. "I don't know whether I should take that as an insult or a compliment. Either way, I like the way you tango."

"But my grace. Let's go back to the meat of the matter."

"As per routine, you have two decisions: secrecy, or money. Sadly, we cannot afford any exceptions."

"You'll have it by the next morning, as usual."

"Haha. I expect nothing less than the Demoness of Hell herself." He stroked his arm, his fur revealing silver blades embedded deep in his skin. "However, I do wish you could play some kaijkeyak with me."

His thick accent was getting on her nerves. "I'll think about the next time I return. And I expect my servant to be in the best condition possible."

"We're jagowens, my grace. It would be a dishonour to Queen Jagolda herself."

"And I expect you to do it well." Edinayol ordered, before disappearing into mist.

The jagowaullen watched her senior, deciding to butt in. "Dewnell jagohielm..."

"Yes?" The annoyance was written all over his face.

"The P-Prince...remember?"

"Ah. Why thank you, little rat." The jagohielm grabbed her head, before petting it gently. "Hehe...I love you zzakjim~"

Her fingernails and hands turned yellow, her eyes filled with green tears.

She prayed to Jagola that she would go to sleep peacefully tovoltnight.


Another uncomfortable nap; another sunless night.

You looked at your nightstand. It was 8 mortnight, or 8 AM in human time. It had barely been a week and you were already tangled in a mess. From the moment Julian left you in your room (heartless demon), silence had become your company.

And so, during that time you decided to contemplate on this 'Anissa', your so-called mother. You decided to get familiar with her name, calling it constantly on her lips. Finally, you had someone to clung on to — and you were sure that there would be more to come.

"Mortnight." Julian said as he busted down the door. Couldn't he knock?

"Your food. Enjoy."

"Wait a second. Are you gonna pull that disappearing shit on me? Again?"

"Oh my bad." He smirked, enjoying your reaction. "I thought you needed your space from all those tragic events."

"You little..."

"But relax. I'm here now, little human." He sat in his chair, levitating your breakfast over to you. "You don't have to worry one bit."

Picking up the wooden plate, a spark escaped from your body before dying out completely. "...Strange. How come this isn't deteriorating?"

"It is, but the process is really slow." He got comfortable sitting in his chair, taking out his switch. "Just eat what's there."

You grew suspicious. "...Thanks..."

"And by the way, there's no poison in it. If you don't want it, don't eat it. I wouldn't mind you starving to death."

"So then why not use the opportunity?"

His two pairs of eyes glowed, a sadistic smile forming on his face. "I prefer if I killed you by my own means. Your Soul Shock is the only thing that's keeping me from killing you right now."

You glared.

"We both know the rules don't mean shit when my mother isn't around. Even if I did kill you, she would've added you to her list of regrets."

"Trash-talking me isn't going to take me down, Julian." Your thoughts jumped to Anissa once more. "Disappointment is not an option."

"Even so, you're at a big disadvantage: you're human. You may have a lot of will, but you have no strength."

"Isn't that what humans are notoriously known for? Their stubbornness?"

He furiously tapped on the buttons, eager to win the game. "I guess so. We'll just have to see how far your will takes you."

An uncomfortable silence grew between the both of you, as you ate your breakfast. Irritation flooded your veins, as you angrily held the wooden spoon to your lips. That demon was annoying at best. But all things considered, he was a great distraction to your hazy thoughts. Maybe if you talk to him a little more, you could get some fresh information out of him...

"So Julian. Did you make this porridge? Because it tastes fantastic."

"No. I asked one of the servants to make champorado." This time he glared. "Now quit it. I'm not up for small talk."

"Come on, I bet you're just as lonely being cooped up in your bedroom. It's okay, you can tell me~"

He tucked his A.L.S in his pocket, going on his phone. "Shut it. The only reason I'm here is because I need to collect your plate."

"But wouldn't a servant collect my breakfast instead? Why you?"

"My mother wants this Soul Shock situation under wraps. We wouldn't want a pikachu like you making it on the news."

"A pikachu?" You decided to choose the emotional route. "Aww, you're so charming Julian!"

"Oh my goodness. Stop." He genuinely looked horrified; serves him right. "You're reminding me of my sister."


"Oh, your sister? Who's she?"

"...None of your business, disgusting pig."

This was it. You were finally getting somewhere. "What's the harm in talking about your sister? Besides, I want to make a good first impression, no?"

Minimise the situation, make yourself a scapegoat. "I wouldn't want to upset your sister..." You murmured, trying to act the part. "And with me being new and all, she would likely hate me just as much as you do."


Ignoring your comment, he decided to answer your question. Perfect. "My sister actually has a liking for humans...weirdly enough. She loves guests, since it's the perfect excuse for her tea parties."

"Well since I have all the time in the world, why not now?"

"She's on 'business', apparently." Julian yawned. "But I don't blame her. The only thing she's coming back to is piles of work."

"Now are you done investigating me?"

"I am. You can take it now."

As he levitated your bowl out of your hands, Julian walked to the front door. "Oh, one more thing."

"Sly might be coming back tomorrow. Not sure if he'll visit you, but I thought you'd wanna know."

"Wow, since when did you care about my feelings?"

"Exactly, I never did." Pathetic excuse, but you'll take it. "I'll see you at dinner."

As he closed the door, you sighed.

You were all by yourself.



Anything that is said in the language of Zenith will be written in bold.

A twitch. A groan.

He was awake.

"...Ugh...my head..." Sly squirmed, as thorns and vines pricked his skin. He could barely move with the energy he had now.

"Please stay still, Sir..." A diamond-shaped head leaned into his view. Her sclera was yellow, and her eyes a dark green; it was the jagowaullen. "It will take only a few minutes of your time..."

Slight shock appeared on his face, as the vines radiated a yellowish glow. He could see tiny little balls of light entering his system, one by one.

"Try and calm down. The process won't work if you're anxious."

He gave a hesitant nod, trying to pacify himself. She was right; impatience wasn't going to solve anything.

As Sly stood still, he observed his surroundings. Purple walls, the smell of burning incense, and the golden plate of the Jagolda. Within seconds, he knew that this was no mediocre hospital. This entire place smelled of riches.

It smelled of a jagoweik.

"There. We're all finished." She said gently, as she removed the binds from his skin. Sly exhaled slowly, feeling dizzy while stepping off the platform.

"The chair, Sir. Please sit in the wheelchair."

He did so immediately, not wasting a second to relax. "...Where am I, great jagowaullen?"

"Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to tell you. The Madame strictly said not to tell you. I'm very sorry."

Of course she would. Except I already know.

While Slyvester was left to his own thoughts, the jagowaullen silently opened the marble doors of the operating room, carrying him straight to his destination. Whilst doing so, he glanced at his amputated arm. As expected, it was wrapped with purple bandages, stained in his blood. Paranoia and worry manifested in him. The reality had set into him. This was permanent, this was real. It wasn't a dream — and all he could do was to come to terms with it.

"Slyvester? Slyvester?" The Madame echoed constantly, trying to reach him.

No longer spaced out, he replied. "Madame Edinayol?"

"Ah, so you're there. That's superb." She was standing next to the jagohielm, a polite smile on her face. "Glad to see you survived."

"I quite agree. Our reputation wouldn't be upheld as a result." The earful demon crossed his arms, devilishly smirking at the demoness. "However, we would like to be paid a bit more for our service."

Slyvester clenched his fist, suppressing his guilt and ire. He wasn't meant to be saved. Damn, he wasn't even supposed to be here.

"My grace, this demon of yours should not be treated by us. He belongs in a regular hospital — a perfect place for a low-status demon such as him."

"We've broken our sacred rules." You could practically hear his teeth clattering in excitement, as he grabbed a lock from her hair. "So my grace, what must we do?"

The jagowaullen grew fidgety, while Sly's hand practically bled. Despicable demon.

The Madame remained calm and collected, barely moving an inch from his touch. "...Would you like to play — "

"What if I play a game of kaijkeyak instead?"


Finally, the jagohielm glanced at Slyvester. "I can't deny a game of kaijkeyak with anyone. But I don't like it when there's nothing to offer."

Dizzy. Sly's head was becoming dizzy. "I am the one you healed. The only person who should be indebted to you is me."

"But you didn't bring yourself here. So learn your fucking place, rat."

"...Jagohielm Derhndwei." Edina interrupted. "We will have a game of kaijkeyak at 11 V.N tovoltnight. I will make sure a third party will oversee the game."

"And what will be the reward?"

"Two secrets and extra riches will be added to the jagoweik's behalf. However, if you lose..."

The jagowaullen gulped. Her ginger eyes were set ablaze in flames of fury, the feeling growing ever stronger in power.

"My servants will be allowed to enter the jagoweik as it was my home. You will never speak of this entire ordeal, nor whisper a sound about this. I'll even bind you by contract, as well as this entire wretched place."

He shivered, feeling the fervour tickling his skin. So this was the daughter of the Evil One. "...You have my word, my grace."

The Madame fiercely grabbed onto the handles of the wheelchair. Slyvester stayed silent, masking his pride and joy.

"Excellent. Till then."

She began to teleport with Sly, leaving the two jagowens to themselves. An uncomfortable silence grew between them, as the jagohielm stormed off.

"What time is it?"

"3 V.N, Derhndwei..." She tried to comfort him. "Derhndwei...a-a-are you alright —"

"Tch...I can't fucking stand that qezajjmazee!" Suddenly, he removed the jagowaullen's headpiece, grabbing a fistful of her hair before slamming her into a wall.

She covered her head, shielding herself from his blows. Green tears dripped from her eyes. She wanted this to end, this suffering to end. "P-Please! Not again I beg you!"

"You don't tell me what to do, you rat! Gosh, why can't you just shut up and take it, Rededra!"

Rededra started to hiccup, her moans growing louder from the pain. He aimed for her face, before wrapping his thin, pointy hands around her neck. "Try not to make a fucking sound or else I'll rip out your vocal chords. Understand you Superbian demon?"

She constantly nodded, wanting it to stop. "Yes! I...I-I do..."

He dropped her carelessly on the floor, his cerise eyes shining in the darkness. "...Good grief. Stupid whores going around fucking with my head..."

"If you want me so badly, then just tell me, my grace. I'll happily show off your mutilated organs to that precious servant of yours."

With that, he left Redreda alone in the hallway by herself. She exhaled hitched breaths, trying to recover from his attacks. Her pudgy fingers touched her rosy skin. One heavy blow to the face, a scar on her neck, and bruises to her cheeks. The jagowaullen sighed, relieved she didn't take much damage.

"Good...nothing a few treatments can fix." An idea came to her. "I have to do something...something to help the Madame."

Slowly she got up, putting back her headpiece. There was no time to waste.

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