the unhallowed affair - t.m.r

By marvoloism

8.3K 346 377

1942. a strange boy walks into borgin and burkes, and leaves with nothing. 1945. the strange boy returns, and... More

le retour
un événement étrange
la bibliothèque
la vraie raison
une introduction inappropriee et quelques visages familiers
un échange mortel sur middlesex street
dynamique et pensées ivres
et ainsi, ça commencé
le jour le plus noir
une fille folle
l'anatomie d'anastasia lestrange
quand je suis à genoux, tu es comme je prie
ad bellum

un visiteur du passé

332 15 2
By marvoloism

"a visiter from the past"

June Twenty-Sixth, 1947

If there was one thing Juliette didn't miss about London, it was the rain.

In a complete contrast from her hometown of Lyon, London's summers were very rainy. So far, it has been down-pouring everyday for the past week. In all honesty, Juliette loved the rain, but she hated walking in thunderstorms to Diagon Alley.

Juliette insisted on walking every day. She wasn't in London that often, and the short time she was there, she wanted to take everything in. Plus, she hated Apparating, and Floo Powder was too expensive at the moment.

The umbrella she was carrying was doing little to keep her dry, and she shivered in the windy weather. Right now, she was between Janos Galloglass' Enchanted Mirrors and Sugarplum's Sweetshop. Meaning, she still had a ways to go before she even came upon the back entrance to Knockturn Alley. She had to go all the way down to the Southside of the alley, because hidden between Espresso Patronum and Nell's Bells, there was a narrow alleyway that led between The Spiny Serpent and Moribund's, right in the heart of Knockturn Alley.

The walk to Espresso took about another ten minutes, because despite the rain, people like her had to work too, meaning Diagon Alley was still incredibly crowded.

The coffee shop was a breath of fresh air. She quickly cast a drying spell and a warming charm, knowing she was about to step back into the storm anyway.

She had been coming to Espresso for a long enough time to know what she wanted. "Hi," she smiled, placing her order. She paid, and stood off to the side until her name was called to pick up her order.

After receiving her drink, she sighed, bracing herself to step back into the elements. She made the sharp right out of the shop and descended into the alleyway.

When she arrived at Borgin & Burkes, she was surprised to find the front door already propped open.

"Am I late?" she called out to whoever was already here.

"No," a voice responded from the back, making it hard to tell who it was. "I was just early."

Bewilderment was written on her face. "Why?"

"The storm is going to worsen as the day goes on, I wanted to beat the rain," he lied with ease.

"Got it," she replied, once again casting the charms she did earlier. She walked through the curtain and set her stuff down on an empty shelf. "What are you doing?"

Tom's focus was practically glued to the necklace in front of him, the one Matthew and Vivianne were discussing with her yesterday. "I was curious," he shrugged. "I heard Corvina and Matthew discussing it."

"Right, well, please don't pick up an unknown curse from that thing. That would cause a ton of unwanted problems."

She heard footsteps from outside, and she assumed it was her aunts and uncles.

"You two are here early," Corvina commented, smiling.

"We wanted to beat the rain," Tom repeated.

"I see. I expect another slow day today."

Juliette groaned. "It's been like this all week!'

"Stop being so childish," Corvina said shortly.

"Yeah, yeah."

Tom couldn't bother hiding his amusement. The mischief playing in his eyes was undeniable. "I don't blame her, Mrs. Borgin."

"Oh, you can call me Corvina. You guys probably won't be needed all day. I'll let you guys out early. Is that okay?"

"More than," Juliette laughed, heading out into the front of the store.

"I apologise on her behalf," Corvina chuckled, turning to Tom.

"Don't," Tom waved. "She's entertaining to be around."

"It's just her French personality. Ill-mannered, they are."

"She's no trouble," Tom assured.

"I'm in the room guys." Juliette huffed, crossing her arms.

"Stay away from that," Mrs. Borgin pointed to the necklace in front of him. "I don't need you getting injured."

"Juliette said the same thing," he laughed, standing up to leave.

"I'm serious!" Corvina called out behind him, sighing.

Today was another slow day for everyone. As predicted, the rain kept most customers away. There were a few stragglers here and there, but nothing remotely interesting happened until the evening.

Juliette was behind the counter, wandlessly charming a mini cloud above her hand, feeling the mini raindrops hit her palm. Tom was upstairs as usual, no doubt with his head buried in a book again.

The shaking noise of an umbrella drew her from her dazed state.

"Hello love," the voice called. It was smooth like a smoke cloud, slightly raspy.

Juliette looked up to where the voice originated, only to be greeted by a young brunette woman. It was hard to describe her. Her eyes were a smoky grey, matching her voice. Her hair, brown, was wispy and curled, styled so elegantly even from the rain. She had a thin frame, but something about her told Juliette this woman was not petite enough to be helpless.

Perhaps it was the scar. A long, thin silver scar ran along her collarbone. It gave Juliette chills.

"What can I do for you today Ms.-"

"Lestrange." The smoky woman finished. "Anastasia Lestrange. Is there a 'Mr. Riddle' working here currently?"

"I'm right here, Anastasia. What are you doing here?" He answered, coming down the stairs. She didn't even realise that Tom could've heard. His tone was different than Juliette had ever heard it before. It was icy and cold, and if looks could kill, Juliette had no doubt Anastasia would be six feet under.

"I just wanted to see how things were going, we're all dying to know," Her grin was that of the Cheshire Cat's, sinister and laced with ill-intent.

"You know her?" Juliette questioned.

"He hasn't mentioned me? Why, I'm shocked!" she fake gasped. "Being fair, he has never mentioned you either, though I wish he would have earlier," Her eyes were glued to Juliette.

"Anastasia," Tom warned. "Get out. It's not your job to flirt with her. Leave."

"Why don't you answer the pretty blonde's question first?"

Tom sighed. "Yes, Juliette, we are acquainted. Are you happy now, Anastasia?" He glared at her.

"No," she tutted. "Why don't you tell her the full truth?" She bit her lip, her evil smile returning.

"I will do nothing of the sort. Leave."

"Is there a reason why you won't tell her?"

Tom said nothing, only glaring at her in response. He ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek. He didn't need to say anything, his body language spoke for him, at least in Juliette's eyes.

"Fine. I'll go. But I'll leave you with two things. One, things are going rather slowly at home. Why don't we start changing pace, yeah?"

"Anastasia, leave. I'm not going to tell you again."

She laughed bitterly. "Farewell Juliette, I'm sure I will see you again. I suggest you brush up on your Shakespeare, Riddle."

She strode out the door, her heels faintly clicking on the wet cobblestone streets.

Juliette spoke first. "Ex-girlfriend, I presume?"

"I went to school with her. We never dated, but let's just say that neither of us are going to Heaven anytime soon."

Juliette stifled a laugh, pleasantly surprised someone with his personality was with a woman like that. He sighed, running a hand through his hair and storming off back upstairs where he came from.

Juliette's humour quickly disappated and her mind raced, bewildered. So far, this was the second strange encounter she'd had because of Tom. Thankfully, she remembered what Corvina said about being able to leave early. She quickly summoned a quill and parchment, writing a quick note to her relatives and Tom.

Corvina said we could leave early. Taking full advantage! See you all tomorrow x


She set the letter on the table in the back room, grabbing her umbrella and preparing herself for the long walk back to her flat.


Juliette renting a flat was still a foreign idea to her. In years past, she would simply stay with Corvina and Matthew, but now that she graduated, she wanted to stay in London longer.

In truth, she had no real clue what she wanted her future to look like. Of course, Borgin & Burkes was a temporary position, but soon, she knew the store would be in her name, and it would be up to her to take care of it.

In school, she excelled in Herbology. Everyone told her that she should look for jobs in that field, but her heart was never attached to it.

In her heart, there was only Dark Arts.

Beauxbatons had many Dark Art classes. Of course, they had Defense Against the Dark Arts, which was required, but for students who excelled in the subject or simply had a twisted psyche, there were more challenging options.

Juliette- who was both gifted in the Defense and had a twisted psyche- was told by the Dean herself that she should branch out in that field. She did eagerly, taking classes most students wouldn't dare do.

She learned everything the school was normally hesitant to teach. From Necromancy to the most brutal of curses, she always wanted to learn more. But, she wasn't a psychopath.

Of course, most of her teachers suggest she become an Auror, but she always frowned upon it. Why would she spend the rest of her life fighting against something she loved?

So for the time being, she was stuck in her little boring flat, her only income coming from Borgin & Burkes.

When she was younger, she always imagined there were darker things out there. Things undiscovered by humanity, things that her relatives had no access to. She wondered still, sometimes, if she was right all those years ago.

Tom Riddle had sent her into a spiral. How could he not see, everything he told her made her want to know more?

Beauxbatons, she concluded, was nothing like Hogwarts. There were no Basilisk or Ghosts that roamed the halls. Only the ancient Spirits in the woods nearby, and even then, there was nothing interesting to learn about. She wanted to learn about Hogwarts herself.

Juliette knew Tom would not tell her anything. He was an odd man, living off of conspiracy and half-truths. That would not do.

She rose from her mattress, quickly scurrying around in her room to find some money (how she hated London's currency), and changing her clothes. Since it was now evening, and she was not headed to work, she figured she should. Styling herself in a dark skirt and cream-coloured blouse, she quickly grabbed her wand- though she doubted she'd need it- and headed out the door, insisting on walking as usual.

The rain had stopped temporarily, but the cobblestones were still seeped with water. The streetlights reflected onto the dark walkway, tinting the world around her in a dark orange glow. Her boots clicked quietly, or perhaps it was the lack of people surrounding her. The occasional car whizzed by, most likely a muggle heading home from their incredulously boring nine-to-five desk job, an idea that made Juliette sick to her stomach.

She shook the thought from her head, knowing it's something she'd never need to worry about. While sure, the Wizarding world had desk jobs and mundane positions, it would never be as boring as the muggles. She thanked the stars everyday for being blessed with magic.

Diagon Alley was not a far walk, hence why she bought her apartment where she did. It was safe too, all things considering. There were no real creeps, the worst she got was men offering to buy her a drink sometime. The Wizarding World was worse, in her opinion, but no one ever dared say anything in the family-friendly environment that was Diagon Alley.

Despite how many perverse comments Juliette received, she still liked Knockturn Alley more. She couldn't really explain it. Maybe it was because most times, the people in Diagon Alley glared at the people in Knockturn Alley, their prejudices getting the better of them. They frowned upon Dark Magic, much like the bookshop keeper from earlier in the week.

Juliette knew she would most likely have better luck at Obscurus Books, on Diagon Alley's southside. She walked quickly past Flourish & Blott's, making a mental note that it was still open in case Obscurus Books didn't have what she needed.

When she walked in, her face was down, checking over her shoes to make sure they weren't water damaged, causing her to miss the young brunette woman's eyes following her every move.

"Oh," the woman breathed. "Would you look at this!"

"Hello, Anastasia." Juliette replied coolly. She wasn't sure how she should act around the Lestrange woman, now knowing her and Tom's history.

"Please, call me Ana." She grinned, leaning on the counter she stood behind. "What brings you in at this odd hour."

"I wanted more books for my apartment," Juliette lied with ease. "Just moved in."

"I thought I heard an accent!"

"I'm French." Juliette replied truthfully.

"Another Frenchie in the area," Anastasia tutted. Juliette took note of the nickname, adding it to the list of strange occurrences thanks to her new coworker. "Is Paris not good enough for you anymore?"

Juliette snorted. "Oui, parce que se promener devant la tour Eiffel couverte de drapeaux nazis est à couper le souffle." She switched languages, for fear of anyone overhearing the two women discussing the Axis powers.

"I never said German occupied France was pleasant." she rasped. "So then, why are you really here?"

"Work," she shrugged.

"Work..." Anastasia repeated. "What does this work entail?"

"What do you think?" Juliette quipped, trying to walk away and look for the books she wanted. Anastasia followed.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking."

Juliette didn't respond, hoping Tom's ex-whatever would get the hint and leave her alone.

She didn't.

"Do you know where you're going?" Anastasia whispered.

Juliette rolled her eyes. "I know you might not think it, Anastasia, but this is not my first time in London, let alone Diagon Alley."

"I only ask because the section you are heading towards is all Historical Non-Fiction." She clasped her hands behind her back, swaying as she walked.

"Once again, I'm aware."

"What could you possibly be looking for over there?"

"It's none of your business."

"On the contrary, actually. As an employee it's my job to make sure you find everything you need. But I'm sure you know that, don't you?"

Juliette stopped, turning around to finally face her. She sighed. "Do you have a problem with me?" She asked, trying not to raise her voice in the quiet bookstore.

"Why would you think that?"

"You're following me around the store, interrogating me."

Anastasia laughed bitterly. "This is hardly an interrogation. No, I have other ways of doing that."

Juliette shuddered, but recovered quickly, trying to mask her fear at the brunette's words. "Is this because of Tom Riddle?"

The Lestrange woman's eyes glinted quickly, but it was quickly overtaken with a confused facade. "What about him?"

"You tell me!" Juliette whisper-shouted. "He's simply just my co-worker, I don't care for him much. I don't know what happened between you guys, or how recent it-"

"I wasn't accusing you of fancying him." She replied coolly, shrugging in contrast to Juliette's anger level.

Juliette took a deep breath, trying to contain the venom rising in her throat. "Good day, Anastasia."

She walked back out the door, ignoring Anastasia right on her heels, still talking. Juliette didn't turn back around at any point, quickly walking to Flourish & Blott's.

To her relief, Madam Selke was no longer working, currently replaced by an older man.

"What'ya lookin' for, my dear?"

Juliettle smiled politely. "Anything you have on Hogwarts," she said, making sure her accent was heard loud and clear.

"Hogwarts, eh? What are yeh, a transfer?"

"Yes, actually." She lied.

"You look mighty old to be a transfer."

"Yes, it's my last year of school. My family had to move immediately because of the muggle war." She shrugged, hoping he'd believe her.

"Alrighty, then, thata way," The man pointed to her left, where the Historical Non-Fiction was located.

Juliette sighed with relief. Since Tom wouldn't tell her anything, her only option now was to look herself.

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