The Broken One

By XxAlleyKatxX

12.2K 308 17

Selene Stackhouse was the black sheep if the family. she had more fire, their grandma liked to say, she was t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
author note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
I'm so sorry new chapter will be coming
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
authors note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

1.2K 30 3
By XxAlleyKatxX

Once some of the effects of drinking his blood wore off Eric helped me stand and pulled me close to him. "Are you alright?" He asked in a whisper as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear. I looked up at him and got lost in the beauty of his face, making me smile stupidly. "Trust me I've had worse," I said back in a whisper as our faces slowly started leaning in. Just as our lips were about to meet, he pulled back and quickly picked me up bridal style. "Close your eyes," he said and without thought I tucked my face into his chest, closing my eyes. As I felt the wind whip around me I inhaled deeply and could smell the scent of mint and vanilla coming from him. It was intoxicating, almost taking me to a high I had never felt before. Suddenly I felt us stop and as he set me back down I opened my eyes instantly finding his. He placed his hand on my cheek and I leaned into it, smiling stupidly again. "I want you to get some rest, I will see you again soon ástin mín," he said as he turned me to face the door of my home. Reluctantly I went to open the door as I listened to his steps as he walked down the stairs of the porch. "Thank you," I said, quickly turning back to him. He simply nodded with a smile before speeding off into the night.

As I went back in I was instantly bombarded by Sookie who had noticed I came in bloodied. I was lost in thought about the almost kiss I had shared with Eric and remembering how he had saved me. I finally noticed Sookie as her and Tara started shaking me. "Oh my God what happened to you?" Sookie whisper yelled so she wouldn't startle Grams. Tara started checking me over trying to figure out where the blood had come from, but I quickly swatted them both away, not liking being touched. "Stop it I'm fine," I said trying to speak correctly. I didn't know how they would react to Eric healing me. Sookie had already made it clear she didn't like him and Tara couldn't stand vampires already. I knew Sookie would try to read my mind so I pushed what happened as far out as I could and sang nursery rhymes in my head as I pushed past and headed to my room. I could hear them call after me, but I ignored them as I shut my door and went to my bathroom to shower. Once cleaned up I climbed into bed still feeling like I was on cloud 9. I slowly drifted off to sleep, but this time my dreams were replaced with images of Eric.

In the morning I noticed I overslept a little and hurried to get ready for work. As I bounced downstairs and into the kitchen I was humming a song Eric sang in my dreams last night. Grams and Sookie watched me closely as I stared out the window making coffee. Everything seemed sharper like I could see them clearer. I could swear I could hear all the sounds around me and when I sipped my coffee the flavors stood out more. I grabbed my water bottle and filled it up getting my things ready for work. Not even thinking I kissed grams on her cheek before heading out the door. When I stepped out I saw a new car in the drive with a note taped to it. I picked up the note and read it smiling instantly when I realized it was from Eric.

No more late night walks for you. I hope you don't mind this, I just want to make sure you always have a way to go where you want. Till we meet again ástin mín.

The nickname at the end told me Eric did this and I knew the vagueness if his note was on purpose. I smiled as I jumped in, quickly spotting the keys. Sookie stepped out shocked, just as I sped off. I made it to the bar way before needed, but went inside and took my stuff to my little cubby in Sam's office. As I walked to the bar past Lafayette and Sam, they watched me humming and smiling ear to ear. Sam looked at Lafayette confused as Lafayette watched me giggling. As I was working on my prep someone grabbed my arm, which I quickly found out was Sookie. "Alright spill," she said looking irritated as she pulled us to a stop in the kitchen. Lafayette watched closely making sure Sookie didn't upset the good mood I was in. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said smiling innocently. Sookie scoffed and I could see Lafayette trying to hold back his laughter. "Oh for gods sake, you're humming, and where did this new car come from?" She asked getting more animated. I blushed from the look Lafayette was giving me before looking back at Sookie. "I didn't realize I was humming and as for the car it was a gift from a friend," I said. Lafayette snorted as he kept trying to hold back, making me shoot him a look. He walked over to me swaying his hips. "No judgement boo boo. You do you and enjoy it," he said as he turned me and led me from the kitchen.

When he turned back to Sookie he had a serious face and was pointing his spatula at her. "This is the first time in a long time I have seen your sister actually happy. If you fuck it up I'ma whoop your ass," he said then turned to continue doing his prep. Sookie huffed as she left the kitchen and went about her duties. As people came in my mood stayed the same. It was a few hours from closing when the Rattree's came in. Instantly my body tensed and I dropped the glass in my hand. Memories of that night came flooding back, but I was pulled back by the phone ringing. "Merlotte's," I said as I picked up and the voice on the other side made me instantly relax. "Are you alright?" Eric asked and I answered yes. "The. Why do I feel your fear ástin mín?" He asked. My voice was shaky so all I could manage to shoke out was Rattree's when the line went dead. I looked at the receiver confused as Sam walked up. "Whose that," he asked then started checking me when he saw the broken glass. By the time Sam and I had the glass cleaned up I saw Eric walk in the door. He looked around and spotted the Rattree's. "Eric," I called out as he walked towards them. He stopped and turned to me, seeing me shake my head. He nodded and went right back out the door, but not before shooting the Rattree's death stares.

Sam grabbed my arm and dragged me back to his office. He pushed me in then slammed the door, making me feel trapped. "What the hell was that and why the hell did he listen to you?" Sam yelled making me flinch back. I had never seen him this angry before and it frightened me.  "He's a friend Sam and quite frankly it's none of your business," I said shakily trying to sound stern. He spun around groaning before picking up a glass and throwing it past my head. It shattered behind me and I instantly went down, covering my head. He kneeled down and grabbed me roughly by my arms yelling in my face, "Are you insane or just stupid? Vampires are not your friends they are dangerous!" I shook violently when the door flew open and Sam saw Lafayette and Eric standing there. Eric was baring his fangs ready to rip Sam's throat out until he saw me. He knew he would scare me worse if he didn't calm down, so he took a minute and let Lafayette through. Sam looked down at me suddenly shocked by himself. He let me go gently and you could see bruising where his hands had been. Lafayette pulled me to him and led me over to Eric. Lafayette took looked to Eric seeing he had control before letting me go and giving me a kiss on the head. "Take her home please," Lafayette said before turning and closing the door. He turned to Sam, but waited until he knew Eric had me far enough away. The look he gave Sam was a mix of rage and disappointment. "You know that girl has been through hell, I mean shit she was in Terry's support group. That girl was finally happy and you just set her back," Lafayette's voice grew louder the more he talked. Sookie opened the door just as Sam went to talk. "Lafayette man..." Sam started but was cut off quickly. "NO! What you just did homie, you have no clue and at this point I trust that vampire more with her than either of you," he said pointing his finger at both Sookie and Sam, "If you EVER so much as look at her wrong again it won't be that vampire you have to watch out for, that's a fuckin promise." Lafayette pushed past Sookie and back to the kitchen. Sookie noticed the glass in the floor before walking away in silence after reading his mind.

Eric held me in his lap securely as he drove me home, letting me bury my face into his chest. I inhaled his scent and a wave of calmness washed over me. Once we pulled in and  Eric got me up the stairs to the front door he set me down and went to open the door. He looked at me worriedly before pushing me inside. "Invite me in something's wrong," he said quickly. I did as he asked and I saw him speed to the kitchen. I followed and before he could get to me I saw my grams dead on the floor. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and pushed my face to his chest. "Don't look," he said as he sped us outside. Sookie was pulling up just as I screamed and collapsed into Eric. He quickly told her to call the police as he held me trying to calm me down. Sookie did as he asked while watching me knowing something was very very wrong. What scared her more was that I wasn't pushing Eric off me.

Eric stayed and soon after the police arrived Sam and Tara did. They stared at my now sleeping form still in Eric's arms, stunned that I was asleep. As they got closer they saw Eric on the phone trying to talk quietly, so he wouldn't wake me. "Thank you Pam, I'm going to call Lafayette and then I will be back soon after," he said before hanging up. Eric saw Sam and Tara who walked over to Sookie hugging her. "Thank you Eric," Sookie said. Eric sighed and stood carrying me inside. "I didn't do it for you," he said coldly as he carried me upstairs. Sam and Tara looked at Sookie confused. Eric came down moments later on the phone again this time talking to Lafayette. "I will owe you greatly for this, thank you. Just please get here quickly," he said before hanging up. He turned to Sookie as he reached the bottom of the porch stairs. "The cleaners will be here any minute you won't notice them at all just remain in the living area or upstairs until they're done. Lafayette will be here soon to stay with her, until I can return," Eric turned and sped off without another word and Sookie began explaining what happened.

When I woke up the next morning I was laying on Lafayette in my bed. He woke up when he felt me stir. "Mornin hooka," he said making me giggle. Then I remembered why he was here. He saw my face go sad and the tears start to fall, quickly pulling me to him as I sobbed. When I finally calmed down I sat back and looked at Lafayette. "I've seen messed up shit Lafayette, been through most of it, but this...who would ever want to hurt Grams?" I asked even though I knew he wouldn't have the answer. He pulled me back in, "I don't know, but I do know one thing, the law better find this guy before we do." He patted my shoulder and told me to get cleaned up then come down when I was ready. He was gonna make breakfast for all of us seeing as Tara stayed with Sookie. I went to my bathroom and decided I had to be strong, if this was someone we knew I couldn't let them see my weakness and I was gonna make damn sure they saw my strength.

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