☆ Mystic Messenger ☆ One Shot...

By MultiFandomAccount0

428 74 9

As the title implies ~ A compilation of short X reader stories REQUESTS OPEN ★ More

A/N ~ Introduction
Like Father Like Daugher (Saeyoung X Reader)
Lost Lamb (Unknown X Reader)
Horror Film (Yoosung X Reader)
Emergency Alert (Vanderwood X Reader)
Elizabeth the 3rd Approves (Jumin X Reader)
Misinterpretation (Saeran X Reader)
Amusement Parks (Vanderwood X Reader)

Side Character (Vanderwood X Reader)

37 8 3
By MultiFandomAccount0

⚠️ Spoilers for V's After Ending ⚠️

Background: Takes place during V's After ending, except Reader isn't in love with V. Vanderwood was added to the RFA messenger after V rescued you from Magenta.

Word Count: 2387


The past couple of weeks had been full of craziness. V had saved you from Magenta, the Mint Eye cult was disbanded, Rika was arrested, and then broken out by Seven himself. Now, you were at the cabin hide-out not too far from where Magenta once stood, along with the RFA members, Rika, and Vanderwood.

And now, finally, there was hope that Saeran had survived the explosion.

Saeyoung, with new hope in his soul, went to C&R with Jumin and Jaehee to work with the Intelligence Unit to hopefully find his brother. The rest of you stayed behind for the time being.


[Y/n has entered the chat]

Y/n: Vanderwood, hey! Where'd you go?

Vanderwood: Ahh...you were looking for me?

Y/n: Yeah, you just disappeared. Did you go for a walk or something?

Vanderwood: Lol, something like that, sure

Y/n: What do you mean?

Vanderwood: I mean, it's time for me to hit the road. Seven just abandoned the agency to work for C&R

Vanderwood: Boss isn't gonna be happy about this

Y/n: What? Hold on, you're going back? You're leaving?!

Vanderwood: Yup. I only stuck around to help 707. He doesn't need me anymore, so I'm out

Vanderwood: I...hope you have a good life from here on out. No more getting kidnapped, okay?

Y/n: Vanderwood, stop saying goodbye! >:

Y/n: Come back, please...

Vanderwood: Y/n...I'm not coming back

Y/n: And what's this about Saeyoung not needing you anymore? Of course he needs you, you've been a part of his life for so long!

Vanderwood: Lolol, you say that like it was by choice

Vanderwood: He just needed someone to keep him in line. That was my job. Nothing more to it than that

Y/n: Van...

Vanderwood: Hey, I told you not to call me that

Vanderwood: Ahh...why are you so upset about this anyway? You know I'm not a good guy, why are you acting like you'll miss me?

Y/n: Because I will miss you! And so will Seven...

Vanderwood: I told you, Seven doesn't need me anymore

Y/n: Then what about me?

Vanderwood: You..? No, you don't need me either, trust me

Y/n: Need or not, I want you to stay. So get the hell back here >:

Vanderwood: Woah, you're genuinely angry with me right now?

Y/n: Yes! Now come back! I'll go out searching for you myself if I have to

Vanderwood: Are you crazy? It's almost midnight, and you're in the middle of nowhere. You'll get lost!

Y/n: And you won't?

Vanderwood: I know how to track! And no matter how hard you try, stubbornness won't help you find your way if you get lost

Vanderwood: So don't be stupid, stay inside

Y/n: Are you coming back?

Vanderwood: No!

Y/n: Then I'm coming to find you!

Vanderwood: Damn it, stay put! You little gremlin...

Y/n: I'm on my way out >:

[Y/n has left the chat]

Vanderwood: Huh-?! Y/n, you-- >:


You'd been wandering through the woods for thirty minutes now. Using your phone's flashlight, you scanned the surrounding ground, looking for any sign of someone having passed through. But you couldn't find so much as a footprint.

Unbeknownst to you, Vanderwood had found you ten minutes ago and was tailing you silently. He'd planned on going to you as soon as he found you, but he decided not to. Watching you try to track him down was amusing to him, and adorable. But it also caused an unfamiliar twinge of pain in his heart.

He wondered why it was so hard to let you go. Of course, he knew his feelings were the cause. But he wondered why he had to feel them. Why did his heart have to crave you like this? It frustrated him, but it also made him happier than he'd been in a very long time.

Vanderwood watched you stomp your foot on the ground and growl in annoyance. He had to hold back his laugh. But his joy melted like ice in hot water when you turned and he was able to see your face. Although it was dark, Vanderwood could clearly see the tear on your cheeks reflecting moonlight.

"How could he just leave..?" Vanderwood heard you whimper. Suddenly, his heart felt as if it were being crumpled like paper. He'd never heard such a small voice leave your lips; you were usually assertive and confident in your speech.

Finally giving up, you turned around to follow your own footsteps back to the cabin. But as you stared at the ground, and as more tears welled in your eyes, you couldn't walk. Instead, you dropped to the ground and sat helplessly in the dirt. "Van, you asshole..." You muttered through quiet sobs.

"...I guess I kinda deserve that," you hear his voice suddenly ring through the quiet woods. Your head whipped around to see Vanderwood walking over to you. He knelt beside you and asked, "come on, what are you crying for? I'm not worth your precious tears."

"You weren't even gonna say goodbye," you mumbled, "you just...left." You pushed his shoulder harshly, almost knocking him over. Normally, an action like this would piss him off, and he'd find some way to return the favor time two. But in the force of your push, Vanderwood felt all of your anger and sadness wash over him. He couldn't bring himself to retaliate.

The crumpling feeling in Vanderwood's chest grew. "Y/n, I...didn't think it'd hurt you like this," Vanderwood admitted in an uncharacteristically soft and serious voice. "To be honest, I thought you wouldn't even notice I'd left."

You shook your head at him, eyes squinted and brows drawn down. "What?" The sound of betrayal in your voice felt like a slap in the face. "Van, I want you in my life." Saying these words to Vanderwood only made more tears flow. His face was only a foot away, while his eyes were locked onto yours, full of concern. "I mean...didn't we bond a lot? I thought we're really close now," you went on, sad and angry, "just quit your stupid agency and work for C&R, like Saeyoung did!"

Vanderwood was never good at providing comfort to those who needed it, but he couldn't just not do something. "Okay, okay, you win," he gave in and sighed, "just, stop with the tears already." He sat more comfortably, slightly turned toward you. He took your face into both of his hands in a slightly less gently than intended way. You were so thrown off by the action that you were distracted from your painful feelings, and your tears slowly stopped flowing.

His fingers were long, cold, and surprisingly soft against your skin. You felt his thumbs delicately wipe at the wet streaks on your face. A look of calm concentration overtook his expression as he made it his mission to dry every tear away. "It's not like I want to leave you," he explained quietly, "I just thought...there's nothing left for me here now, you know? I didn't think you actually cared so much."

When your tears were finally gone, Vanderwood reluctantly pulled his hands away from your face. "I mean, what even am I to this whole insane story?" He laughed. "You've got a former cult leader, a famous actor, a certified genius, the next-in-line CEO of a huge company..." You watched his mouth for a small, crooked smile. "I'm just a side character," he went on, his cheeks blushing, "I'm not supposed to be the one getting all of the main character's attention."

You shook your head and drew down your eyebrows. "Who cares about any of that?" You asked him. "Main character, side character, bullshit," you ranted on, "I just want you." As soon as the words left your mouth, you blushed. "S-so don't even think about leaving again," you demanded.

Vanderwood smiled a shy but proud smile. "Ah, there's the y/n I know," he sighed in relief. He hesitated for a moment before rising to his feet and holding out a hand to you. You took his hand and allowed him to pull you up as well. "Let's get back to the cabin," he insisted, then teased, "I'll lead the way, since you're probably lost."

You glared at Vanderwood and pushed past him to take the lead, yourself. "I happen to know exactly where we are," you retorted.

"Sure you do," Vanderwood teased again.

You turned around to see him smirking. "You don't believe me?" You challenged him, taking a menacing step closer.

But Vanderwood found absolutely nothing about you menacing in this moment. "You think you can intimidate me? Hah, I've seen your soft side now," he taunted you playfully. And although you didn't confess with words, your eyes told him everything he needed to know. He reached forward to gently take both of your hands into his, and his smirk turned to a warm smile. "Thank you, y/n," he spoke softly, "for not letting me go..."

You were shocked out of your frustration by his sudden sweetness. "Wha-? O-of course I wasn't gonna let you go," you responded, trying to still sound angry.

Vanderwood slowly pulled you closer to him by your hands. "You know," he muttered, his voice quiet as he looked down at our clasped hands to avoid eye contact. "..I might just have a softer side, too.."

You blushed as his pulling forced you to inch closer. When your bodies were nearly touching, Vanderwood spoke again. "So...does this side character get to have a happy ending, too?" He asked you softly. Finally gathering the confidence to meet your eyes, he prompted an answer from you with a small, "hm?"

"Stop calling yourself that..." You ordered, but your voice felt timid under his gaze. "You're happy ending can be the same as mine," you told him, then added with a scoff, "so long as you don't run off again."

"I don't think you'd let me, even if I tried." Then, in one smooth motion, Vanderwood leaned in and kissed you without even hesitating. He was trying to keep his cool, but his pounding heart gave away how exhilarated he felt. Vanderwood released your hands and delicatly wrapped his arms around your waist. And as you hugged you firmly against his body, you placed your hands landed on his collarbones like a puzzle fitting together.

Contrary to his cold hands, his lips were warm as they moved so gently against yours. And contrary to his normally assertive personality, his kiss was incredibly passive. He elected to let you take the lead, knowing that any movement you made would be absolutely perfect. He matched the motions of your lips with his own, following every step of your lead.

When you pulled away, you saw Vanderwood's hazel eyes closer than you ever had before. And they held such an emotional look in them as they stared right back at you. "You know, the agency is gonna kill both of us," Vanderwood said causally.

"Nah," you insisted, "we're too stubborn to die. We'll live on out of spite!"

Vanderwood laughed and released you from his arms, but kept one of your  hands in his. "You're sure you don't want me to lead the way back?" He taunted you again.

Your smile turned to a scowl and you yanked your hand out of his before marching ahead without a word. Vanderwood laughed harder as he chased after you. "Oh come on, I'm just playing with you," he insisted, "let me hold your hand, please."

You rolled your eyes and grinned, letting Vanderwood slide his fingers between yours again.

~~~ A Month Later ~~~

[Vanderwood has entered the chat]

Saeyoung: Madam Vanderwood has graced us with his presence!

Vanderwood: I still have my taser >:

Saeyoung: But you have to be a good boy now, like me. I'll be your role model, don't worry

Vanderwood: Hah! Don't make me laugh. You might have the RFA fooled, but I know you're still devious

Saeyoung: Me? Never ♡w♡

Zen: LMAO you guys act like brothers. Speaking of which, any progress on finding Saeran

Saeyoung: ...Not yet. But I'm not giving up hope

Zen: Yeah, he's gotta be out there

Vanderwood: Considering how many times you've survived unsurvivable situations, I'm sure your twin has the same blessing

[Y/n has entered the chat]

Y/n: Van, where did you put the flour? I'm trying to make cookies

Vanderwood: Geez, hello to you too. Why are you so cranky today?

Y/n: I want to make cookies >:

Vanderwood: Lol, it's in the cabnet above your stove

Y/n: Wha- I can't reach that! You did that on purpose, didn't you

Vanderwood: I just wanted to give you an excuse to invite me over again

Vanderwood: Do you want me to get the flour down for you after work? :)

Y/n: I'll use a chair >:

Y/n: ...But still come over later

Zen: You guys...I've never seen such a violent couple. Where's the romance, you two? ^^

Saeyoung: What are you talking about? They're so romantic

Saeyoung: It makes me want to pay my Elly a visit ♡w♡

Vanderwood: No

Saeyoung: You're not in charge of me anymore ☆

Saeyoung: Oh, do you think you can stop by sometime soon? Do some cleaning, for old time's sake? ^_^

Y/n: Not happening, get a real maid >:

Vanderwood: Thank you, y/n

Y/n: You can thank me by picking up some chocolate chips on your way over ^_^

Vanderwood: ...I think I'm starting to realize that you and Seven aren't so different

Saeyoung: Are you saying you had feelings for me all those years? ♡w♡

Vanderwood: That's it. Where are you right now?

Saeyoung: Ahh! No, no, that's a secret. No need to come for me ^^^

Saeyoung: Y/n, can't you call him off for me?

Y/n: Lolol, Saeyoung, you did this to yourself

Zen: I can't tell if you guys are joking or not. Are you sure you're all friends?

Saeyoung: Of course ☆w☆

Vanderwood: No

Saeyoung: D:

Y/n: They are :)

Y/n: Van just doesn't like to express his feelings, isn't that right, honey? ♡

Vanderwood: ?! Y-you're trying to embarrass me on purpose!

Y/n: You put my flour out of my reach on purpose (:

Zen: Damn, still about the flour? You really hold a grudge, y/n, lmao

Zen: I gotta go reherse now, so I'll talk to you later

[Zen has left the chat]

Saeyoung: Bye bye ~

Saeyoung: I should go too. Jumin's been calling me non-stop, I'm starting to think it's important

Vanderwood: You've just been ignoring him?! Wait, is that why I could never get a hold of you before, too?

Vanderwood: You said you had poor service in your computer room >:

Saeyoung: Haha ^^ bye now!

[Saeyoung has left the chat]

Y/n: ...

Vanderwood: ...

Y/n: Can you come over now?

Vanderwood: Hon, I still have an hour before work ends

Y/n: I'm trying to make these cookies so we can have them for a movie night later >:

Vanderwood: Oh...aww :)

Vanderwood: But you know Jumin won't let me leave early

Y/n: >:

Vanderwood: Sweetheart...

Y/n: :(

Vanderwood: Ahh...don't be sad

Y/n: T-T

Vanderwood: ...I guess leaving just one hour early wouldn't hurt...

Y/n: Yay, love you! ^_^

Vanderwood: Lol, I love you, too ♡

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