Crossed Paths |βœ…

By rukayyatuuuu

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|Book one in the Royal Series| --- In the realm of royalty, chance encounters are not mere happenstance; they... More



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By rukayyatuuuu


Theme Songs:
M Shareef: Rike Alkawari.
Namenj: Fatana/ Babynagode/ Na matsu.
Burna Boy: It's Plenty.
Morell: Algaita.
Gyakie: Forever.  etc abeg😴. (Choose any song in your mind that you think will go with the chapter. I'm tired😴)

Emir's Palace.
Kano, Nigeria.

"Girl your phone is ringing." Fathiya said to Ariana whom just concluded her subh prayer.

"It's Ya Aryan! ayee! poor him, i wish we slept over at Sultana's chamber not here you know." Asma teasingly said.

"But wait, we told her to go to him which she gladly refused and slept with us instead." Reema rolled her eyes at Ariana.

"I will surely miss you girls that was why! i want the best of our last moments." Ariana batted her eyelashes.

"Not last girl! we aren't dying." Amina said and they all burst out in a fits of laughter.

"Now go! your husband is calling you." Asma said and Ariana smiled and took her phone before exiting the guest room and headed upstairs.

She silently knocked on his door her heart beating erratically before slowly pushing the door open. She closed the door behind her trudging further into the dark themed room with a salam. She loves absolutely everything in the room, simple and unique.

But to her utter dismay, Aryan wasn't in the room, she unlocked her phone and was about to dial his number when her eyes landed on his phone which was lying on the bedside drawer.

"Where could he have gone?" She mused to herself checking her phone. It was just 5:15 am. Maybe he isn't back from the mosque yet. She thought.

She sat on the bed and decided to wait for him by replying the tons of congratulatory messages sent to her by family, friends and well wishers. 

She was at it when she came across an unknown number on WhatsApp that messaged her, she sighed and closed the app making a mental note to reply the remaining messages later because she's tired.

She raised her head the same time Aryan came out from the ensuit in only a towel wrapped on his waist and water dripping from his hair and chest.

She let out a small squeal turning her face away making him to let out a sound chuckle. He headed back to his closet and quickly dressed up in a white Juppa and came out. She was still in the position he left her.

He chuckled. "You can now turn and face your hun' haven."
She smiled but didn't turned. He smiled and sat beside her on the bed turning her face to him.

"Why are you shy?" He whispered softly into her ears which sent shivers to her.

"Good morning." She softly whispered.

"How was your night haven?i hope you had fun with the girls?"

"Yes Alhamdulilah." He smiled and drew her to his embrace resting her head on his chest kissing her hijab cladded hair.

"I hope you've prayed?"

"Yes i have." She nodded.

"Let's go back to sleep then." He said and stood raising her up also. He laid her on the bed and laid beside her drawing her entire body to his.

"I thought i was going back to the girls." She pouted snuggling more into his body.

"What?no way! i even tried letting you spend the night with them." He chuckled his chest vibrating from the sound.

"Not fair!" She pouted while Aryan stared at her. She could feel the love, affection and passion in his eyes as he stared into her brown orbs. She also stared back into his black orbs and the next thing she felt was his lips on hers stealing her first kiss away.

Ariana whom the action suddenly came unaware bulge her eyes eliciting a chuckle from him their lips still locked together.

Lights out.

"Ehm ehm, look who just came down?" Fathiya giggled.

"What says the time again?" Asma said.

"10am." Reema answered with a giggle also.

"Whatever! i can't deal with your corrupt minds this early morning, what's for breakfast?" Ariana said covering a yawn.

"Your mother in law sent breakfast since 8am. We've had ours, you can microwave yours and your babes ya know." Amina wiggled her brows at Ariana and making the girls to all burst out in a fits of laughter.

"Allah ya shirye ku! well nothing happened for your information, you all can now stop with the tease." Ariana said and left to the kitchen.

"Whatever! sooner or later." Asma yelled and they all laughed.

Ariana awed upon entering the kitchen, she loved the aesthetics of the kitchen and how big the kitchen is! Ariana loved large kitchens, to her it makes cooking and baking easier.

She smiled and microwaved the food before serving it in a plate after she was done. She made a cup of hot cuppa for him while she made a cup of tea for herself. She placed all the items on a tray and exited the kitchen.

The girls were no longer in the parlor when she went back probably starting to get ready for the day's event. She arranged the items on the dining before heading upstairs to call him.

"I haven't seen the twins." Ariana said after they were done having breakfast.

"They stay at Sultana's chamber,haven't seen them in two days also. I guess because of the wedding." Aryan said and she nodded.

"I can't wait to finally meet the little cuties! i pray i become their favourite." Ariana giggled.

"Oh, as far as you will be feeding them sugary stuff not food, you will surely become their favourite of all." Aryan chuckled.

"And i will surely do anything to earn that spot." She giggled eliciting a chuckle from him.

The grand opened space was highly decorated in a rich royal theme. The place assigned for the couple was also decorated in a royal setting.

Decorated tables and chairs were arranged for the guests and each table had their tags. They were divided into two, the left section were the grooms relatives while the right hand section were the bride's relatives. They were arranged in order facing the couple. They were also high tables in either of the sides for the couple bridesmaids/groomsmen facing the guests.

Many guests, the Dj, MC, photographers/videographers and traditional singers were already present in the space.

It was 1:40pm and the event is starting at exactly 2pm prompt as required for any normal budan kai ceremony. The Budan kai is a ceremony which the groom's family organises to welcome the bride into the family and also present precious gifts to her. The gifts could be money, items etc.

Ariana's makeup was almost done when her Aunt called her and informed her to quickly round up as they were on their ways to the Palace. The makeup was shortly done to which she looked breathtaking. She dressed up in an expensive brown saķi for brides which was sewn into a fitted gown. Sultana earlier sent a golden alkyabba (royal thobe). So she completed the look by wearing the alkyabba which looked good on her and made her to look every shade of royalty.

Her bridesmaids this time decided to go with their natural faces without makeup and they all looked good dressed in their finest wears.

They took pictures as usual and the photographer asked she took with her groom. Aryan came in shortly looking every shades of handsome dressed in a cream kaftan and also pairing the alkyabba (royal thobe) for men on. They took many pictures together before leaving to the event.

Upon their arrival at the place, the sound of algaita started bustling in the air with the traditional singers/praisers starting their work.

"Ga Ango nan da amaryar sa sun iso, takun ka da ban yake dan sarki jikan sarki kuma babban sarki In Sha Allah. Taka lafiya, takawar ka lafiya yarima.

"Amarya, gimbiya sarautar mata naki ba irin nasu bane, kallabi tsakinin rauna! shakuwa kin tsaya wa mata zucci, in gaida mai fari har zucci, zinariya adon  'yan mata! single ba kya yi ma kazami kyawu, rana bakya san kazamin dibi! Kasar madina baki da dauda ! bikin naku ne na'yan gata."

The photographers/videographers captured the moment as the couple made their ways to the place assigned for them with two royal guards trailing behind until they settled on their seat. The royal guards sat on the floor in either of their sides.

After they were seated, the waziri's wife gave an opening prayer and after she was done. The MC called on Malama Zahrau to conduct a speech for the couple by advising them on their deen and issues on marital life which took almost an hour before it ended.

'It's Plenty' by Burna Boy was blasted in the air as Sultana gracefully walked to the couple with two of her sisters behind her. She hugged Ariana with a smile to which the girl smiled and reciprocated the hug. She placed a car key on Ariana's palms and kept bundles of many cash on the extra large traditional calabash kept in the front of the couple.

The MC and the guests all cheered and awed at the scene with the MC saying her praises. They took pictures together and Aryan aunties and Sultana's friends 0also dropped their gifts and took pictures all together before leaving the scene. The other three Queens also came forward and dropped their gifts taking pictures with the couple also. The groom's sisters/cousins also dropped their gifts and took pictures with the couple. The rest of the groom's relatives also came forward and dropped their respective gifts before returning to their various seats.

The MC afterwards called on the bride's mother and relatives and they all took pictures with the couple. After they were done, she called on the bride's mother and the groom's mother to dance with the couple.

'Fatana' by Namenj was played as they slowly danced,with the mothers spraying naira notes on the lovely couple. The sisters of the groom/bride were also called to dance with the couple. The bridesmaids/groomsmen were also called after and they danced and took pictures with the couple.

The fun filled event ended shortly after maghrib prayers, the gifts were all taken to the couple's chamber and everyone retired to their destinations.

"Toh Ariana, we're leaving now, our flight is exactly in thirty minutes now. Adhere to what we all told you okay?. Marriage is not a joke kinji? May Allah (swt) bless your marriage." Aunt Halima smiled and hugged Ariana wiping a lone tear that escaped her eye.

"Aunt why would you all leave today? atleast leave it till tomorrow please." Ariana cried

"Oh dear, what should we stay for? Alhamdulilah we have delivered you to your matrimonial home safely and your in law's are nice MashaaAllah. So, stop with the tears okay." Yagumsu added and hugged Ariana.

"I'm going to miss you all." She cried.

"That's marriage for you my dear. We wish you all the best." Aunt Halima added pecking her forehead.

Ariana nodded and her eyes landed on Safaa and Marwa who were also crying, she hugged the both of them tightly and they cried together.

"We're going to miss you Ya Ariana." They cried.

"I'm going to miss you guys too. So much! whenever you're on holidays in school tell me okay? and i will book a flight for you guys to come spend your holiday here."

"Really?! Ya Ariana?"

"Yes In Sha Allah." She smiled amidst tears and hugged them once more before releasing them. She hugged her cousins also to which they all cried before leaving. She watched as they all entered the cars waiting for them and drove off leaving her all alone.

She cried for almost fifteen minutes on that spot before she wiped her tears and closed the double doors and headed upstairs to her room. She cleaned her makeup and took a hot bath before coming out of the bathroom.

She made her way to her closet but to her utter dismay there wasn't a single clothing in it. Oh how could she forget that she would have to unpack herself!. She sighed and was about to unzip one of her boxes to bring out a nightwear and under wares when a voice stopped her.

"I guess you're looking for this?" She turned her face only to meet with a beautiful girl of around Safaa and Marwa's age; 12-13years holding a pack in her hands.

"Oh um....what's that?" Ariana asked with a smile.

"Ya Asma gave me and told me to give you."

"Where is she?"

"Oh she has left with Aunt Hana'ah to their home earlier."

"I guess you don't know who i am huh?" The girl smiled to which Ariana nodded.

"My name is Hameeda but everyone calls me Hayfa because i have Mom's name. I'm Ya Aryan's youngest sister, we are the last born me and my twin brother Hameed."

"Oh Mashaa Allah! it's nice meeting you Hayfa." Ariana smiled.

"Thank you Aunt Ariana.." She smiled back and after the girl left, Ariana opened the content of the  pack and what she saw made her to gasp. It was a freaking lingerie! and a naughtiest one for that matter! how does she expect her to wear this?.

She immediately picked her phone and dialed Asma's number and the girl picked at the first ring.
"I knew you will call." Asma laughed.

"Girl you're crazy! how do you expect me to wear that?"

"What do you mean? Ya Aryan is your husband, now go and wear that thing girl and make your babe drool. Remember Aunt Halima's warnings of denying your husband his rights. Goodnight! Have a nice night rest." Asma giggled and ended the call to which Ariana groaned and dropped the phone on the bed.

She wore her underwears and sprayed her signature scenting Oud before putting the lingerie on. Gross! She can't wear this! She thought with a sheepish smile staring at her reflection on the mirror. But what could she do? She had no idea where Asma hid the remaining decent ones. So she shrugged and put on her long hijab before praying isha prayers.

It was around 8:30pm when Aryan came in also changed into sweats and a shirt. He sat beside her with a smile before hugging her. They stayed for some minutes before he released her pecking her forehead.

"Dad is requesting for us to be at his chamber now. Let's go if you're ready." Ariana smiled and stood up adjusting her hijab to properly cover her hair before they left.

They salaamed into the welcoming parlor and sat on the carpet waiting for his highness. He came out few minutes later and instructed them to sit on the couch. They greeted him afterwards to which he cheerfully answered.

"Mashaa Allah, from the day i first saw you five years ago, i knew there was a connection between us and Alhamdulilah! I send my gratitude to Allah (swt) for tieing both of you into a holy matrimony. May Allah bless your home." Sultan prayed to which they both answered with an 'ameen'.

He afterwards gave them a small nasiha which they appreciated and at last, Sultan also gifted her with a car and a set of diamond jewelry which she thanked him profusely and they left.

"So, you've once met Dad before huh?" Aryan smiled dishing out the grilled chicken for them.

"Yes, the both of them." She smiled and afterwards told him what happened on that day.

"Wow! and no one even told me, you didn't told me and neither did they." He chuckled and they continued eating. They ate a small portion and refrigerate the remaining before switching the lights off and heading to his room.

They prayed two units of prayers and after they were done, he placed his hands on her forehead and narrated the dua for the newlyweds.

"You must be tired haven, let's get some sleep." He smiled and raised her up. He folded the prayer mats and kept them before taking hold of her hand.

"Aren't you removing that haven?" He asked referring to her hijab.

"You won't be comfortable with it." He added.

"Um.. ah...i....well....i don't know." She pouted cursing Asma under her breath.

Aryan chuckled before kissing her forehead. "I will remove it for you myself if you're feeling lazy to do so." He smiled and before she could make a move he has already removed it making his jaws to drop at the sight of her body, admiring her beauty.

"Fatabarakallahu Ahsanil Khaliqin. You're so beautiful haven!a woman who covers up is a blessing indeed. Allah miki albarka(May Allah bless you). I love you haven." He whispered burying his head in the crook of her neck inhaling her sweet fruity scent and running his hands through her long hair.

He placed a gentle kiss on her neck making her to shudder, he kissed every single spot in her neck , hair and face before lastly sealing their lips into a long passionate kiss. He scooped her in his arms and laid her on the bed his lips still on hers. He switched off the bedside lamp with his other hand and that wonderful night full of blessings, promises were made, vows were exchanged and two loving souls became united as one.

Ayiriyiriyiri💃🥳! And it's a wrap for the a&aroyalwedding22. Alhamdulilah!. Our A² square ship don sail💀. Oya nah, i'm so tired and sleepy.
Do spam me with comments please. I want to wake up to  tons of notifications from you guys. It's not easy i swear!.
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