☆ Mystic Messenger ☆ One Shot...

By MultiFandomAccount0

452 74 9

As the title implies ~ A compilation of short X reader stories REQUESTS OPEN ★ More

A/N ~ Introduction
Side Character (Vanderwood X Reader)
Lost Lamb (Unknown X Reader)
Horror Film (Yoosung X Reader)
Emergency Alert (Vanderwood X Reader)
Elizabeth the 3rd Approves (Jumin X Reader)
Misinterpretation (Saeran X Reader)
Amusement Parks (Vanderwood X Reader)

Like Father Like Daugher (Saeyoung X Reader)

63 8 1
By MultiFandomAccount0

Background: It's been two years since the end of the Secret Ending. You are married and have a one year old daughter together.

Word Count: 1519


Saeyoung watched you as you got ready to go out shopping. "Is Saeran here?" He asked, holding your baby against his side.

"He just parked out front," you responded with a smile.

Saeyoung walked over to you and kissed your forehead. "Don't be gone for too long," he warned you in a loving tone, "d/n and I will miss you too much. We might just have to go on a secret mission to a mysteriously missing mother and uncle."

You giggled and held your finger out to d/n. She grabbed your finger and smiled a wide, open, thoughtless smile. You didn't want to leave her, or Saeyoung. You always hated being away from them. "I'll be home soon," you muttered in a happy voice to your daughter, waving your finger around to wiggle her arm. She laughed.

Saeyoung watched you with lidded eyes and smiled. He absolutely adored the way you were with d/n. He could watch you interacting with her all day. "Alright," you huffed, looking up at your husband now. "I love you," you told him.

"I love you more," he insisted, gesturing to d/n before elaborating. "I'm holding the baby, so both of our love combines and outweighs yours." He laughed as you rolled your eyes.

You kissed him softly, then left the house. Saeyoung paced around slowly, gently boucing as he walked. "Now that Mommy is out, it's time for some Daddy-daughter bonding," Saeyoung spoke in a sing-song voice.

D/n giggled and shouted baby-speech as he bouced her, making him laugh joyously. "Yes, you're right, I completely agree!" He assured your baby, "that's the best idea you've ever had, d/n. You must be a genius, just like me."


[Saeyoung has entered the chat]

Yoosung: Hi hi

Jaehee: Hello, Saeyoung. I hear you're watching d/n today

Saeyoung: Yup! We're having a great time. You know, she's already broken two world records since y/n left with Saeran

Zen: Lol what are you talking about?

Saeyoung: The fastest crawling from the kitchen to the bedroom world record ♡

Yoosung: Woah, theres a world record for that?

Saeyoung: And the cutest baby in a maid outfit world record! ☆w☆

Saeyoung: (sends picture of the baby)

Yoosung: AWW ♡

Yoosung: Yup, that's definately record-breaking cuteness

Saeyoung: I know, right?

Jaehee: That is very cute :)

Jaehee: But Saeyoung...what is that in the background?

Zen: Are you in your garage?

Jaehee: Oh...I see now...in the reflection on your car...

Yoosung: Omg, Jaehee's right. Saeyoung, why do you still have that?!

Saeyoung: Hm? No, no. That's just the lighting

Zen: Man...I thought you got rid of all your weird cosplays after leaving the agency

Saeyoung: It's just a glare from the sun!

Jaehee: But you're inside...

Saeyoung: Just a smudge of dust! ^^

Yoosung: Don't you clean your cars like every week?

Saeyoung: Uh...UH...

Saeyoung: I have a perfectly good explanation for this

Jaehee: I don't know why I thought you'd grow out of this childishness when you became a father...

Saeyoung: But we had to match ★W★
Saeyoung: (sends selfie with the baby)

Zen: I'm getting flashbacks to when you tried to convince us that you were Mary Vanderwood...

Yoosung: LOL didn't you think she was hot though? Before finding out the picture was just Saeyoung in a wig and that maid outfit?

Zen: N-NO le ts chnaeg the sbujec t

Saeyoung: Oh my, I'm blushing ♡w♡

Zen: Get away from me!

Saeyoung: Now if you'll excuse me, Agent d/n and I have a very important mission

Jaehee: Please don't go out in public dressed like that

Zen: And don't even think about going to pick up your wife from the store like that!

Saeyoung: Why not? Y/n loves this outfit ♡w♡

Saeyoung: But don't worry, I'm not going out. I'm going to take my real baby for a ride in my car baby

Saeyoung: A very slow, safe drive around the garage :)

Saeyoung: We've gotta investigate the mystery of the missing Elly doll

Jaehee: ...Just be careful

Saeyoung: Of course, I'm the most careful!

Saeyoung: Bye now!

Saeyoung: Oh, d/n says bye too. And she wants me to tell you, Yoosung, to take a break for gaming today

Yoosung: ;;;


Saeyoung: She so smart. That must be another world record ★

Saeyoung: But we really must go. You know what happens to agents who miss their deadline...

Zen: o.O

Yoosung: GASP-

Saeyoung: That's right. They end up late for lunchtime, and have a small tantrum while Daddy has to get the food ready super fast

Saeyoung: Now,

Saeyoung: Vroooom *drives away*

[Saeyoung has left the chat]

Jaehee: He'll never change, will he :)


"Is that everything you need?" Saeran asked as he helped you load baby supplies into his car.

"Yes, and thanks for helping me out today," you responded gratefully.

"Of course. I love helping out with d/n," Saeran insisted happily. Ever since she'd been born, Saeran was like a second father to d/n. The four of you were such a happy family together.

"You should stay for dinner," you insisted, "I'll have the time to make a whole warm meal if you and Saeyoung can keep d/n busy."

"Sounds good to me," Saeran accepted your offer as you both climbed into the car.

You opened your messenger app while Saeran stared the car. "Oh...my god," you mumbled, a smile creeping across your face as you saw the pictures your husband had sent in the chat.

"Is everything alright?" Saeran asked before putting the car into 'drive'.

"Look at this," you insisted, turning your screen toward Saeran.

Saeran raised his eyebrows and stiffled a laugh. "D/n looks so cute..." he cooed, pretending not to notice Saeyoung.

You sighed and shook your head, still grinning as the car began to move. "They both are."


[Y/n has entered the chat]

Yoosung: Heya, y/n!

Jumin: Y/n, hello

Y/n: Hi Yoosung, Jumin :)

Jumin: According to Saeyoung, your daughter has broken many world records today

Jumin: You must be proud :)

Y/n: Oh yes, very ^_^

Y/n: I'll have to add these to the Choi Book of World Records that Saeyoung started for d/n

Yoosung: That's so cute ~! I can't wait for d/n to grow up and see all the crazy records you guys set up for her to break lolol

Y/n: It's important for her to know how special she is

Y/n: Every second she breaths feels like a world record being broken ♡

Jumin: How sweet :)

Jumin: I feel the same way about my Elizabeth the 3rd

Jumin: Perhaps I should start a world record book for her, as well. I could publish it one day and finally show the world the true elegance of cats

Jumin: I should contact Jaehee about this right away

Jumin: Goodbye now

Y/n: Oh ^^

[Jumin has left the chat]

Yoosung: Another cat business for Jaehee to plan ;;

Y/n: I hope this one won't be too much for her...

[Saeyoung has entered the chat]

Y/n: Sweety!

Saeyoung: Sweety! ♡

Yoosung: Don't rub you perfect love in my face like that...

Saeyoung: This love can't be contained, Yoosung

Y/n: How are you and d/n? I saw from the logs that your having a good time

Saeyoung: Of course we are ☆

Saeyoung: And look!

Saeyoung: (sends picture of d/n with Elly doll)

Saeyoung: We found Elly!

Yoosung: Aww, d/n is chewing on Elly's tail...

Saeyoung: If chewing Elly's tail makes her happy, then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make

Y/n: No way, that doll's been missing for over a week! Good job, special agent d/n ♡

Saeyoung: Yup, she's the best in the business

Saeyoung: I hope you'll also show your thanks to her lovely, adorable helper ♡w♡

Saeyoung: I did 96.3% of the driving, after all ☆

Yoosung: Wait...what about the other 3.7%?!

Saeyoung: It's a secret ♡w♡

Y/n: Saeyoung...spill it

Saeyoung: Ahh! Okay, okay. D/n was on my lap, so she had a hand on the wheel for some of the drive

Saeyoung: Actually, that must be another world record: best, youngest driver ☆

Y/n: You better not have been going over 1 mph driving like that! >:

Saeyoung: Ahh, the boss is not happy! It was 0.8 mph, I promise, I swear!

Yoosung: You guys are making me feel lonely. I'm gonna go...

Y/n: Aw don't feel lonely! What about that girl from your class? You got her number right?

Yoosung: I'm too nervous to text her!

Saeyoung: Text her! Or if you want, I can hack her onto this messenger and introduce you like that

Saeyoung: Worked out pretty well for Y/n and me ♡

Yoosung: P-please don't! ^^

Y/n: Ahh...memories

Saeyoung: Are you almost home? Or are d/n and I gonna have to go on that rescue mission soon?

Y/n: Almost home, and Saeran's staying for dinner :)

Saeyoung: Hell yeah! See you soon, my love ♡

Y/n: See you soon ♡

[Y/n has left the chat]

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