My sister's crush

By hexy201

275K 5.8K 1.9K

My sister had had this big fat crush over this guy for as long as I could remember,she is fucking obsessed fo... More

23 ⚠️
* side story * part 1
* side story * part 2


9.5K 207 44
By hexy201

Just to be clear ,not because I said his smile was cute means that I have already fell in the trap they call love , chill , am not that easy to earn .

The day went on and soon we were out the cafe and on our way to the club, we talked the whole night and spent it together, this time he left at 1 am ,and am not gonna lie it felt kinda quiet, yeah regardless of the blasting music and the loud chatter of people who are still perfectly functioning and drinking at 3 in the morning , but still it was as if something was missing.

I haven't known him for long , but seeing how we were both very open and the weird feeling that I felt when with him as if we have been best friends since birth , just made us quite close in no time .

He still hadn't gave me his number or anything which I understand,at the end of the day he's a celebrity who sings and acts according to what my sister had told me , so I get it .

I haven't seen him in a while , exactly a week , I didn't even go to that real life meeting with my sister that was held a couple of days ago because she brought a friend instead.

he hadn't been going to the club so therefore I couldn't see him .

My sister had told me in-between her rants that he has been working hard and pressuring himself with rehursels and practice because he's holding a concert soon. While that meant me paying more money very soon it also meant that I might not be able to see Axel for a couple more days.

I hadn't gone attached yet , like I said before am not really the type to get close to someone and be dear best friends and all this good stuff , but something about Axel just made me miss his company, hours of work would pass smoothly as we spoke through the night.

Anyways, I hadn't yet told my mom about what happened at the diner,you know me quiting, I had been going out at that same time that am supposed to be at the diner in and going around looking for a second job .

I couldn't find any available jobs in our area, and for me to get any further won't be easy.

I returned home after a couple of hours and ran up to my room , I pulled out my phone and as always not much messages just a bunch of notifications from YouTube and other apps , except for one message from Instagram, I didn't post much there , just a pic of me meanly concentrated on my outfit maybe once a year .

It was messege from.......... Real_Hendrix ?
The message read ' hay Zack , it's me Axel , I just wanted to tell you that I left two vip tickets for my next concert at the club , they are with your boss , I have been very busy lately but am gonna guess your sister might have told you about my situation already , see ya '

Vip tickets?

" EMILY....." I shouted for her to come as I layed on my bed .

" What ?" She asked as she barged in my room .

" What is a Vip ticket?" I asked her . I have never been to a concert. Yes I never been . As much as I love music and stuff but I never actually had the chance to go to a concert, I would always buy my sister tickets but I never go with her , she is always either going with a group of friends or whatever.

" Well..... it's kind of a lot to explain are you willing to listen" she asked sitting on my beanbag in the corner.

" Go ahead" I said praising my self for the next probably half an hour lecture,but I asked for it sooo.

" Well a Vip ticket just gives you a lot of advantages, if this is a Vip ticket for a concert then it gives you the privilege of having a front row seat , meet the idol back stage, come up on stage and sing with the Idole ................." The ranting continued and to be honest I was listening to her this time , I usually ignore her rantings but this time I was listening attentively

" Yeah that's all , oh yeah also, it's very expensive,very limited and is released before the normal concert tickets " she finished talking and am not gonna lie I was now suffering from a headache but that's not a big deal now .

" Why are you asking ,are you buying them for me " she said ,a big smile on her face.

" Uhh ....y......yeah " I said not really knowing what to say , should I tell her that Axel was the one who gave them to me or just tell her that I bought them.

" Oh my god ...oh my god " she screamed as she jumped up and down happily" for real, are you serious, oh my god , you are the best brother, wait till I tell me followers and friends,they are going to be so jealous" she screamed as she gave me a quick hug and bolted out the room .

Well..........that was ......I don't know , forget it . I just hope that guy , Axel, wasn't lying about the tickets, I don't think he would do such thing , right? Gush am talking as if I know him more than my self

I was exhausted by then , I decided to sleep for a bit before I go to the club , today is going to be the last day of work before the boss gives us a break, he does this once a year where he closes the club completely for a whole month then returns the next month and we all return back to working , he also gives us our monthly pay before hand .

Well that will give me more time to look for another job and sleep early for once in my life.

" Thank you all for your hard work those past couple of months, as you guys know or at least some of you know that once a year we close the club for a whole month , as a break cause we are open 24 hours everyday without weekends , you all will be handed your monthly pay before you leave ,and oh , Zack, someone left something for you here don't forget to come to my office to take it " our boss said as he gathered all the workers in the place, once he was done everyone started talking, some thanking the lord for this break, others talking about what they will do and others sad about the break for some reason.

I ignored all this chatter ,took my monthly pay and headed to the boss's office to be handed two bracelets with ' vip ' writen on them and a bunch of other stuff.

Fun!!!! ( Board expression)

I sincerely apologize if this chapter was boring or in your opinion was useless,but for the sake of the plot we have to have some boring chapters in the middle, though I try to make them as fun as possible.

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