Just A Soulmate

By BlueInk_xoxo

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' What's a soulmate dad ? ' " It's someone you have been missing from the beginning but you didn't know you w... More

× Back Story ×
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2.9K 110 89
By BlueInk_xoxo

He woke up to the sound of soft waves hitting the golden shore. The salty warm fragrance entered his nostrils shooing away the last winks of sleep.

Rubbing his palm over his eyes, he slowly opened his brown orbs and the first thing he saw was his sleeping soulmate.
Her puffed rosy cheeks, plump red lips shaped in a pout and the little snores brought a smile on his face .

He placed a peck on her perfect round buttoned nose and carefully untangled her arms around him, not to wake her up, he slipped out of their bed .

The sunlight peeked inside the room through the silk curtain, as it danced with the breeze melodically.

He glanced back at the sleeping Hana, the silk sheets shielded her luscious naked body from his eyes and his eyes begged to see more than just her exposed shoulders and neck but he shook off the thoughts from his head and fixed his gaze on the mighty blue ocean before him.

The ocean,

The gorgeous aqua blue colour,

The boldness, the courage,

An enchanting beauty,

It only reminded him of one person.

"Andrea ...."

Unknowingly the name left escaped from his lips.

He remembers the dreams he used to get, he remembers it very fondly.

How his foot carried him without his consent at a speed where she won't be left behind but she couldn't reach him either.
How he stood in front of the ocean, watching the waves roll and fold, under the warmth of the setting sun .

How his body ached to turn back and see her face, Hoseok remembers how for the first time in his lucid dreams, she touched him, how elated and beautiful her face looked when he turned back to finally reveal who was she. He remembers the sparks that erupted from his heart and spread throughout his body.

And he remembers it all .

He remembers and still feels the burning attraction he has towards her, the attraction which could have turned into love, but he along with the others chose to ignore it. They ruined the love that could've bloomed among them .

He has his one soulmate by his side but the absence of the other still haunts him day and night.

" Hoseok "

Hana wrapped her arms around Hoseok's naked torso, her palm felt the abs under it before it seductively traveled upto his heart.

" Did you rest well ? " Hoseok's voice broke through the silence between them. She nodded as yes and rested her chin in his nape and he didn't say anything , so did she .

They landed in the Bahamas late last night, 
They came here for the shoot of their last music video, the last song they would be publicly releasing, their last few months as idols and then it would be over for once and all .

" Did you sleep ? " Hana's voice rang in his ears. For a moment he just stood still without responding anything, he stood watching the rythmic rise and fall of the ocean, dreamily.

" No " His voice was hoarse and felt parched to her, she knew the answer but it was only asked as a formality. She knew he slept only after the first ray of sun, she knew something was bothering him, Hoseok was disturbed and he couldn't hide it from his soulmate.

" What's the matter love ? "

Hana turned him towards her, and was met by a weeping Hoseok. Tears streamed down his cheek to his toned chest , the tears he has been hiding from the last five years, tears of pain, regret and guilt.

" I saw her Hana, I saw her in my dreams but this time she wasn't chasing me anymore. She smiled at me and went towards a man who was carrying a kid in his arms "

More tears fell from his eyes, it was the first dream he saw in the last five years, five years without Andrea beside them, five years without they catched a glimpse of her, five years without listening her melodic voice.

Five years laced with agony and only agony.

They regretted what they did but this time the wound was so huge that no amount of sorries could heal it .

She left them and after that they never saw her again.

" She didn't turn back even after I called out her name multiple times, my feet was sinking into the sand and my screams was ignored. She went away with them and again I lost her forever"

His knees buckled, he felt too weak to even stand straight and his body dropped to the floor with a loud thud.
He was not ill , he was not unconscious, like all of them, Hoseok was exhausted.
Too exhausted to continue with his life the same way he used to to five years ago.

" Shhhh, it's gonna be okay" Hana sang in his ears, she herself felt vulnerable yet someone needed to stand strong.

Andrea's absence hurted her, she missed her a lot. She missed seeing her glowing eyes, beautiful smiles, she missed the way her name rolled out of Andrea's lips. Her sensual and sweet touch, her bold actions, everything about Andrea was fascinating but she failed to realise it on time.

And now she's gone from their lives for forever.

" No it's not though Hana, you know it too "
Hoseok faced her, anguish burning in his eyes and body. 

No words left her mouth, it was the truth, every words he spoke was the reality.
They are not okay, they are never going to be okay.

For the past five years, eight of them made this a forbidden topic, nobody dared to give light on her name, they tried to forget what had happened. But her presence was so bright and strong that she was never shadowed. They didn't say her name but her thought never escaped from their minds.

She was the only thing they ever thought of , they ever dreamt of . A dream that can never be true so they chose to live with the hallucination of it .

A knock on the door broke them out of their hazed state . 

" Guys get ready" Yoongi's groggy voice was heard by them and was enough to put them back to work.

Yoongi didn't come in and wished good morning to Hana and Hoseok like he used to do . He stopped doing that five years ago. He stopped showering Hana with kisses, pamper her with love, he stopped everything after that day she left them.
The last time Hana and Yoongi shared a bed would be months ago, after her disappearance, the once soft and jovial Yoongi turned distant and rigid.

Yoongi barely talked to anyone anymore, their relationship faded. Now they hold on the thin thread that binds them together as soulmates, desparately.

Nothing is the same .

" Coming! " Hana shouted but received no reply, his silence hurted her but she knew she deserved it.

Every one of them deserved the pain they are feeling, they knew it too .

They reached the heights nobody had ever imagined , wealth was showered on them but at the cost of their happiness.

Their successes reached it's zenith but happiness sank to the depth.

Karma returns. They forgot this .

Mindlessly choosing an outfit, she came out of her room, preparing herself for yet another day without Andrea's presence.

But little did she knows that it won't be the case.

" Hana did you had your lunch ? "Jimin's lean figure jogged up to her, stiring her out of her focused state to get the perfect shot of the ocean.

" Yeah I did, but you guys didn't" Hana spoke without looking at him and started packing up her things.

Jimin smiled sheepishly, though their relationship has changed but the feelings have always been there. She knew when they were sad or exhausted, she felt it in her heart.

The love is still there but the care for affection has perished.

" Let's go and get you some solid meal "
Feeling a strange confidence inside her, she took a hold of his arm and interlinked their fingers together.

It was something very usual in their previous years as soulmates, it used to be normal but after that day everything snapped. Their lives changed within a span of 24hours and they were the root cause of their distance.

" Yes... " He muttered softly under his breath. He nearly forgot how it felt to have his arms over her's, he forgot how perfectly their fingers link together, just like two pieces of a puzzle.

" It feels great" Jimin smiled again but this time it was far more vibrant.

" Maybe if we try, we can fix the mess "
Hana's grasp strengthened, she wanted them to be like before, and she knew the others wanted that too . They only didn't know how to fix it .

" Maybe " He trailed off as his eyes fixated on a particular figure.

Her back was facing them, the phoenix tattoo looked magnificent in that backless white dress. Her once layered bob has now grown upto the small of her back . Her unruly locks of hair gracefully danced with the wind . The white beach dress with a long silt did nothing to cover her creamy lucious thighs from their devouring eyes. A beautiful diamond anklet was tied around her right ankle as she barefooted walked towards a tall man playing on the beach with a young boy.

" Andrea.... " The name rolled out of both of their tongues at the same time.

She couldn't hear her name being called out but the other six did, as all of them jogged up to that spot .

They watched as she slowly went towards them.

The young boy's eyes sparkled on seeing her approaching. He threw away the ball he was playing with and ran towards her. Andrea without a second thought sank to her feet and with open arms welcomed the boy in her embrace, smiling ever so brightly.

Then the man with midnight hair came towards the duo .

They all watched as he claimed her lips in his with an enchanting kiss, the love that flowed between the couple could be felt by the group too. The love was pure, beautiful and it was true love. Their was no doubt in it.

The man bent down on his one knee and with mellow hands stroked her slightly swollen belly before placing yet another kiss on top of it . Her belly , now they noticed and they understood.

The young boy jumped around them, happily saying something in a language they didn't know. The words didn't matter as far as they understood what the emotions was behind it, and there was only love underlying in his foreign words.

They could only watch until Hana took off a run towards the happy trio .

" Andrea! " Hana shouted .

And this yell was enough to get their attention.

With an elegant move she turned towards the female who used to be her soulmate.

Hana expected to come face to face with an angry Andrea, she expected even prepared herself for the blue eyed woman's untamed rage . She expected to see life draining out of those beautiful orbs, hear her breathe get hitched in her throat, expected to feel her hatred but one of it happened.

What Andrea did was unbelievably mighty.

Andrea's face lit up on seeing Hana running towards her , her feet accelerated on their own and matching the fierceness she engulfed the other female in her arms .

Tears gushed out of Hana's eyes as she cried on Andrea's shoulder, she yelled about how sorry she was, they were. She let out series of incoherent words which couldn't decipher the pain they have felt.

" I can't believe it " Hana's fingers touched her cheeks, as she just gazed into those aqua blue orbs .

" Andrea..." Jungkook's broken sob was heard next and as if Andrea knew what he was feeling, she opened up her arms wide for him to join too.

And Jungkook ran straight to her warm embrace.

Her smile, her glow, her delicate touch, everything about her seemed ethereal to all of them. They wondered how they had neglected all of this before, they regretted doing what they did to her .

" Look at you Andrea! You are shinning! "
Taehyung , smiling from ear to ear peeled Hana and Jungkook off from her and joined her hug instead.

" So are you Taehyung, you have gotten handsome over the years " Andrea ruffled his natural black hair, something she has always wanted to do but life has never given a chance to her. And she was right his hair was fluffier than it looked.

" How have you guys been ? "
She stepped forward and one by one embraced the other awkwardly standing males .

Tears of happiness overflowed from Hoseok's and Yoongi's eyes while Namjoon and Jimin couldn't believe what they were seeing.

" Andrea, I-I " Namjoon tried to form a sentence but his throat betrayed him.

" It's okay dear, I understand" Andrea shaking her head, wipped off his tears before he rested his forehead against her neck. She rubbed his back giving him time to calm down.

" You won't believe it but I dreamt about you today itself! " Hoseok exclaimed as his arms tightened around her body. Chuckling Andrea faced him.

" I did too ! I could feel your presence near me " Her smile matched his radiant one .

" Turquoise looks great on you Jimin ! "
She grinned on seeing the beautiful crown decorating his head . Jimin wasn't able to say something, blushing and crying all at once he hid his face from the audience.

" Yoongi you look so well built"
Andrea said to the older man, a habit of her to complement everyone, which they now look back at and absolutely adore .

Unlike everyone else Jin was lost , when Andrea hugged him he didn't say a word.
His eyes were focused on the little brown haired boy standing near the shore holding the man's hand .

The boy was playing with a shell in his hands, hence his eyes were looking were focused on it. Jin's heart ached on seeing him, the boy looked he was two or three years old atleast. His mind couldn't focus on anything other than the regret, the mistake they committed.

Feeling the stare on his back the boy looked back.

A pair of glittering silver eyes was staring at him with the same intensity.

" Jin are you okay? "

Jin's eyes slowly met hers, then his eyes travelled down to her baby bump before it fell on her hand that was holding his bicep .

A diamond ring intricately carved with delicacy and love , was glistening with the sun's light .

His fingers held her hand, examined the ring before he met her gaze again.

" It's so beautiful Andrea. Congratulations , I'm sure you have an amazing family and an amazing partner " Jin beamed with happiness none of them has ever seen.

The words he spoke came directly out of his heart, it was real , it was true.

Jin knew none of them deserved the beautiful woman that was standing in front of him, he accepted it the day she left them.
Since that day he prayed to God for her wellbeing, prayed for her to have a happy healthy life .

And looking at the glow in her aqua blue orbs he knew his prays has veen listened and fulfilled.

" Mamma ! I've seen them on the TV ! "
The little boy came running towards his mother followed by the man.

" I'm sure you have love"
She picked up her son and placed a kiss on his forehead as the man walked upto his family and placed a solid arm on her waist, giving her the support she needs.

" Guys meet Callum Davis, my husband"
Andrea introduced the Italian man with shining silver orbs, His slightly curly midnight hair was styled in a undercut as water trickled down the length of naked chest. He gazed into his wife's face, tightening his hold around her form before he face the group.

" Hello everyone "

Callum gave everyone a friendly smile, again something none of them expected .
There was an underlying cautiousness and warning residing deep in it, something they understood very well, yet he was willing to forgive the pain they caused in Andrea's life and move into a better future along with the love of his life and the beautiful lives they created.

" And I'm Knox Cullen Davis"
The little boy smiled at the group, his charm was enough to make all the adults chuckle.

" And that is my little brother, his name is Wynter Cullen Davis"
Knox excitedly pointed towards Andrea's growing belly bump . He had a huge smile on his face as he glided his fingers over her bump where the unborn child's head is supposed to be, lovingly. To say the least Knox was already in love with his unborn brother, waiting patiently for the day he can finally meet the little life.

" It's a pleasure meeting you Knox " Jungkook took the initiative to step forward and softly pat the kid's chubby cheeks. In return he received a smile so vibrant that it can light up the whole world and shoo away the sorrows of people.

His smile and the way his eyes squinted with happiness, it was the same way Andrea's did . His laugh was contagious like his father's . The little boy was a resemblance of mellow love and joy, something none of them had felt before.

" Andrea can we talk to you, alone ? " Namjoon broke the comfortable silence among them.

Callum, as affectionate and considerate he always has been, looked at his wife initially. On receiving a small nod from her, he took the child in his arms and faced the group.

" I'll give you guys some privacy but please keep in mind that a single scratch on my family will cost you more than you can afford " The tall and broad man, with a hoarse and warning voice alerted them. His attitude and the look in his eyes told the others how much passionate he is about his family.

Callum Davis might have never met the group before, he might have formed an image of them through Andrea's words, he might have forgiven them for hurting the love of his life, he may have forgotten the hauntingly depressing past, but Andrea's teary face and vulnerable state is still a freshly cut sensitive wound to him .

" I'm right over there if you need me Cullen"
A kiss on her forehead before shooting them another warning look, Callum stepped out of the group. Walking far away from them to not eavesdrop on their conversation but he was close enough to rush to her side when needed.

" To say the least he became a little traumatized after hearing what had happened " Andrea half smiled, she was not embarassed about his sudden agression because she knew her husband rarely showed possessiveness. She knew him better than he knew himself. He was worried , he was worried about Knox and the little life living inside Andrea, he was worried that the pains and sufferings they left back in the past , would come back and ruin the love they have built .

" I understand Andrea, I can understand his anxiety. We caused you and probably him a lot of harm and we surely do deserve this treatment if not this then worse "
Hoseok spoke through clouded eyes, his gaze didn't match hers . He was looking straight at her belly bump wondering if they played their roles right then the baby could've been his . But he accepted his faults, his flaws and the past wholeheartedly.

" Andrea"

Hana voice cracked a Little as she looked around at her soulmates, they knew what she was going to say and all of them agreed to that mentally.

" A simple sorry can't undo the pain we have caused you so let us do our roles right this time"

Hana smiled but Andrea didn't, a smile broke out in all of their faces still Andrea couldn't manage out a lovely smile for them.

She knew this day would come, she knew that one day she would have to confront the past , confront the people she left in her past.

She had forgiven them, yes .

From the bottom of her heart she did it .

She had moved on from them.

Have given another chance at love and found it in Callum, she found love in him, in his silver eyes that resonated with happiness, satisfaction and adoration everytime his glance met hers. She found love in his delicate touch that cradled her body in his as though she was a fragile glass. She found love in his honey like sweet yet deep and affectionate voice that creased her worries far away.

She found him, and he found her . She accepted him and he accepted her. Both of them made each other the person they are now, a better version of themselves.

Andrea looked back at her husband, teaching their son how to play volleyball.

As if he felt her longing glance on him, he looked in her direction, matching the passion burning in her aqua blue orbs for their love .

Her eyes fell on the small yet proudly magnificent Ampersand tattoo with the word ' Beyond ' along side it, over where his heart is .

A tattoo Callum choose to represent the blooming love between them, a tattoo which tells his wife that he loves her beyond anything and everything. It shows the fights they have fought together against the odds to become who they are today, it depicts their welcoming attitude towards the unknown the future holds.

Most importantly, it told Andrea that there's more to their story, that their story is not over just yet .

Andrea's eyes looked up at his eyes again, swirling with a thousand of emotions . But two was prominent in those glistening silver eyes. Two emotion that stood out the most .

No, it was not love .

It was respect and trust.....

Trust, the strong foundation of their relationship.

The respect they always had for each other.

Andrea didn't only found love in Callum Davis.

She found a man who had trusted her all along the way. He had never left her alone, he always stood right by her side through raging storms that interfered their lives. He supported her throughout.

She found a man who gave her the respect she deserves. Rather than being the man of the house, Callum Davis always chose to share the house with Andrea.
Rather than giving their children only his surname, he chose to respect Andrea's confidence and strength .

Because Callum knew their story is not over yet .

And Andrea respected and trusted his decision.

She looked at the group again, one hand on her heart , feeling Stella's underlying strength and support and another on her baby bump, feeling her family's oozing love.

" In this world where most of us are already assigned soulmates the day we were born. I was fortunate enough to choose my soulmate, my family and that has been the best decision of my life, the best thing that has ever happened to me. Unmatched pair made by the universe or not , I choose to have Callum Davis as my soulmate "

Andrea looked at all of them one by one, and was amazed to meet with happy smiling faces, something she didn't expect.

" Yes Andrea you sure are very lucky to have Callum by your side and Knox and Wynter along "
Hana cautiously placed her palm over Andrea's baby bump, closing her eyes she felt the presence of the unborn child, she felt the immense love they have for each other, she felt their trust flowing, she felt everything.

" We are happy for you and your wonderful family" Taehyung wiped away his tears.

" The day you left Andrea, we realised our mistakes, we realised that we ourselves had ruined the beautiful love that could've been there. We realised and we accepted it all "
Yoongi spoke, hands stuffed in his beach shots, untidy curls falling over his face.

" That why when Jeena and Haul refused to give us your location and number we didn't try it or pressurized them "
A melancholy bunny smile broke out in Jungkook's face as he recalled the hard punches on his jaw by Haul, that moment he felt the damages he had done to not only Andrea but to many more lives.

" And this time we hadn't hired anybody to track you down " Jimin looked at her, this has been an internal joke among them by now but no one laughed at it before like they are doing now along with Andrea.

" Oh stob it Jimin" Jin's wrong pronounciation only caused the pregnant wife to laugh more contagiously .

" Yes Andrea, we have embraced our past and now as I look at you and your family, I think it was also the best decision we have made "
Hoseok's soft voice made everyone turn their head towards him .

Namjoon nodded at the later as he stepped forward towards the gorgeous woman.

" Maybe we can start again, as friends? "

It was something they all agreed on. They can't have Andrea as their lover , they know and the understand it too. But still her smile brightens their whole world so maybe they can become friends this time.

Andrea looked at all of them one by one, studying their genuine smiles .

" Sure , why not ? " A beautiful smile made it's way to her face too.

A smile which shines with courage that welcomes the future and what it holds .

" Yeah ! " Jungkook did a small happy dance only to make all of them laugh again.

" Maybe this will be a new start for all of us again ? "

With hopeful eyes Namjoon looked around.

First, at Hana, who welcomed his decision with a firm nod of reassurance that she will try, she'll try hard and fight for them.

Next his glance met with his hyung's who had a soft touch in their feature yet a burning strive to compensate their broken relationship.

The youngest ones, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, smiled passionately at his words, they were ready to build their relationship from scratch.

" Yes " Hoseok said as a charming glow erupted in his face and he shined more than ever.

The broken relationships were built again, the foundation was strong and the bricks were layered with care and love .

Andrea's relationship with Callum only strengthened with the passage of time. Their eternal love was never broken.

It all started with trust and respect and ended with something so beautiful they could have never imagined.

The group learnt to love each other again and was successful in fixing their broken relationship.

Along the way they understood one thing.

Life gives you pain to test whether you deserve the happiness that waits for you beyond or not.

" I love you beyond anything Andrea Cullen Davis"

" Love you too Callum Davis "

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