Adopted By Niall Horan from 1...

By Priceisrightrusher

76.8K 1.4K 176

Kensington is three year old she and her sister had been in the orphanage since her parents were charged with... More

Niall adopts Kensington and her baby sister
Kensington and Lizzy see their new home
Recording with two girls
Chicken pox fun
More chicken pox fun
Back on tour
Niall is sick
Life on tour with two girls
Niall hurts his foot & Lizzy crawls
Niall's birthday part 1
Niall's birthday part 2
Niall's birthday part 3
The girls arrive in Ireland
Settling all five in permanently
Molly is sick
Seeing what is going on with Molly
Niall takes the girls to the orphanage
The guys talk some sense into Niall
Molly starts treatment
Molly starts treatment part 1
Molly starts treatment part 2
Molly starts treatment part 3
Molly starts treatment the final part
The girls see Molly
Names chapter
Time with Lizzy
Sequel happening
Caitlyn starts to teethe
Niall adopts a newborn, and a puppy
Puppy sugestions
Three dogs
Niall gets the dogs
Preview: Niall adopts the baby
Niall adopts the baby
Bonding time with Carly preview
Bonding time with Carly
Kenzie will bond with Carly
Kenzie bonds with Carly preview
Christmas chapter
Christmas with the Horan's
Valentine's day
Love interest
Love interest is picked
Three year old name
Changing the title
Revised order of chapters
Master's next week
Master's preview
Master's part 2
Master's part 3 preview
Master's part 3
Master's part 4 preview
Master's part 4
Master's part 5
What's in the bushes
The little one's in the bushes
Titles for the sequel
The sequel is
Seeing the babies
Seeing the babies part 2
Part 3
Niall thinks it over
The babies get transferred
Getting the babies settled
The babies come home part 1
Serenity comes home part 1
On hold and Happy Easter
Part 2
Kenzi starts school
Part 2
Part 3
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays
Part 4
Fun at the Horan house
Part 2
Part 3
Part 2
Niall's livestream
Merry Christmas
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Happy 4th
Kenzi spills it all
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (fixed)
The bomb is removed
Part 2
Part 3
100 chapters stronger
Final part
Seeing Kenzi
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
On hold
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Back on hold
Part 10
Further notice
Next Friday
Still on hold
Part 11

Kensington gets the chicken pox's

3.5K 61 6
By Priceisrightrusher

"She is quite warm" Niall says as he feels his daughter forehead as she lays next to him

"I'm cold daddy" she says sickly to him

"I'll cover you up and you can lay on the couch while i continue to write is that okay princess?" He asks as he picks her up and lays her on the couch that was in the recording studio with the lads and everyone else

Niall gently picks her up and lays her on the couch to snooze or watch what was going on at the moment or whatever she wanted to do

"Here Kensington here is some tea for you to drink" Harry says as he offers it to her, so she could lay down and get better quick for her daddy

"Thank you" she says as she starts to drink the tea that was made for her

"You are quite welcome" Harry says as Louis fluffs her pillows for her, so she could be comfortable on the couch while the guys wrote songs that day

"There we go all better" Louis says as he finishes fluffing the pillows on the couch for her

As he looked down she was fast asleep on the pillows that were fluffed for her to lay on

"Ah night Kensington sweet dreams baby girl I love you" Niall says to her as he gives her a kiss and tucks her in

"I guess writing is going to work for now" Liam says when he sees Kensington sound asleep

"Yeah it is going have to do" Niall says as they go back to writing songs and everything else while Kensington sleeps peacefully

Lizzy was quite a happy camper that morning as daddy wrote songs with his best friends


"Okay Lizzy I'll feed you" Niall says when he hears Lizzy start to fussy from her playmate that she was laying on at the moment

Niall puts down his guitar and picks Lizzy up and heads over to the diaper bag to grab a bottle for her

"Daddy has it in for you sweetie" Niall says as he rocks her in his arms while the bottle was being heated up in the microwave

Once the microwave beeped Niall got it out for her

"Here we go princess" he says as he feeds her the formula

Lizzy latched on and started to suckle immediately

"There we go" Niall says as he sits down to feed her meal that day

Soon Kensington woke up from her nap

"Hey princess did you have a nice nap?" he asks her as he feeds Lizzy

She nods as she rubs her eyes

"That's good are you hungry peaches/" he asks her

She nods again

"After I feed Lizzy I'll get you something to eat" he says to Kensington as he comes over to make her better a little bit

Kensington lays on her pillow as she waited for daddy to get done with baby sister

"Thank you Kensington for being such a good girl" he says as he comes over after he fed, burped and changed Lizzy

Niall checked her fever to see if it has budged much since he checked her last

"Daddy why do i have these spots on me?" Kensington asks him after he checked her temperature

"Sweetie those ain't spots those are chicken pox's" he says as he looks at her little arm to see if they were any place else on her arm

"I guess writing session is over for today?" Harry asks Niall

"No we can still write at the house, and I can take care of the girls and still write with you guys today" Niall says as he gets the girls ready to leave so the studio can be disinfected with the bacteria

"That sounds like a plan to me, and I can take Lizzy while you take care of Kensington, and get her better Niall" Louis says as he grabs the baby that was wanting her favorite Uncle to hold her

Niall was able to transfer Lizzy car seat over to Louis car while Kensington laid down in Niall car cause she wasn't feeling the best

"Kensington we must not scratch" Niall says as he gets into the car and heads back to his house cause he was going to keep some of the girls things at the studio, so he wouldn't have to pack all that up every

"It itches daddy" she says as she scratches

"I know it does I'll have Uncle Harry pick up some items to help with the itching, and something to make you better" Niall says as he texts Harry to see if he was up for a little shopping trip as they headed back to Niall house to write

Harry was on board with the idea and was willing to make Kensington feel better since she was down with the chicken pox's and was feeling itchy and everything

(Niall house)

"Okay princess daddy going to put you in some jammies since we ain't going anywhere for a while" he says as he carries her into the house, so she could lay down and get better

"Can I watch TV?" She asks him

"Of course you can princess and you can relax in your room. Later I'll get you some ice cream to make it all better" he says as he helps her out of her clothes cause he heard Harry come in with the oatmeal and anything else that he picked up for her

Harry brought up the oatmeal, so Niall can put it in the water for Kensington, so he could help her release some itching that she had

"Soak for a bit princess and I will be back to check on you later okay" Niall says after she got into the tub to relax for a bit

"Okay daddy" she says happily to him

Niall went to get her jammies and the duck tape for the oven mitts that Harry got for her cause he knows that she is going to try to itch the spots that she had on her body so far

"I got her teddy itch away" Harry says as he brings in a huge bear that he got for her to itch

"She is going to love it" Niall says to him

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