What is Love? [ Taekook story...

By haizy_lush

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'Please don't be in love with someone else' More

Note + Playlist ♡


242 24 5
By haizy_lush

"Hi guys!" Namjoon waved cheerfully. "I'm glad you could join us"

Jungkook smiled nervously as he looked at the handsome stranger beside Namjoon. 

"Hi, I'm Jin" the man extended his hand. 

"Hi, I'm Taehyung" Tae shook his hand.

"Hi. Jungkook." Jungkook says trying to be cheerful, but it hurts to even look at Jin. But he manages to look excited.

"Jungkook! I've heard a lot about you!" 

Jin seems like a nice person, how can Jungkook hate him? 

They ordered some food and the conversations flowed smoothly. Jin was not awkward, he was confident and he easily carried the conversation and made Jungkook and Taehyung feel comfortable. 

"you got something on your face" Jin said pointing at Namjoon's face.

"Is it gone ?" Namjoon asked wiping his lips.

"no, other side .. here let me do it for you" Jin said wiping it off with his fingers. 

They were both looking at other with big smiles and making heart eyes at each other. Oh God, how Jungkook wished it was him instead of Jin. 

He realized that he was staring so he quickly turned way.

How can someone be like Jin? He seemed like a main character in a Romance movie and Jungkook felt like absolute shit. 

Taehyung reached for Jungkook's hand under the table and gave him a little squeeze. 

Jungkook smiled.

He had Taehyung.

 Taehyung made it all better. 

They walked out of the restaurent an hour later.  "WOW!  The lighting is cute, Jungkook can you take a picute of Jin and me ?" Namjoon asked Jungkook  handing him his phone.

 Jungkook bit his lips and nodded not trusting his voice, hewas trying not to break down. He took a couple of pictures and his eyes started getting blurry as tears started forming.

"Here, let me do that" Taehyung took the phone and the attention away from Jungkook. 

Taehyung stepped  in front of Jungkook and  flipped the camera so it was on selfie mode,"Say cheese" he said . 

Jin and Namjoon made some cute poses, but little did they know Taehyung was talking to Jungkook. 

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at Taehyung's silliness and the older   captured the picture. What was supposed to be a cute picture of Namjoon and Jin turned out to be a cute picture of Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Thank you." Jin smiled. "I had such a great time. You guys are just my type of people. I Honestly thought Namjoon's friends would be just as pretenious as him" he chuckled.

"Heyy, I'm not pretentious" Namjoon scratched his neck.

"You are!" Jin and Jungkook replied at the same time.

Namjoon gasped. "You think so too?" he looked at Taehyung.

"Just a little" Taehyung chuckled.

"Whatever" Namjoon scoffed.

"As I was saying" Jin cleared his throat, "You guys are lovely. I hope we get to meet often."

"Likewise." Jungkook said with a soft smile. He couldn't talk much.

"You are lovely too. We should meet again for sure" Taehyung tried to be cheerful for the both of them when he noticed Jungkook going silent.

"We are going to get some ice cream, do you guys wanna join?" Namjoon asked.

"No!" Jungkook replied quickly. 

All three looked at him questioningly.

"I--we--uh made plans with Jimin so--"

"Yeah! I totally forgot about that!" Taehyung played along. 

"oh okay then" Namjoon smiled, "See you later."

"Byee" Jin smiled and waved at them.

"How do you feel?" Taehyung asked Jungkook as they walked away from the couple.

Jungkook rubbed his head, "I need a drink. Can we call Jimin too?"

"sure" Taehyung nodded.



Yoongi loved to drive.

He loved it now especially because the weather was good and the fact that he was driving to his studio to work on a new song.

As he was driving by humming to the song on the radio and the windows rolled down, he felt good. He was in a good mood, which was surprising even to him. As he looked out the window, he saw a familiar cupcake shop. 

The place that Jimin loved. 

He took his eyes off the shop as he tried to drive away but something in him made him want to go back. 

"Fuck it" he mumbled and drove his car to a corner to park it and walked back to the cupcake shop. "The fuck am I doing?" he walked inside and bought some cupcakes and walked back out.

"I guess I'll have this for dinner then" he pondered. Something caught his eyes when he was about to get in his car. At the corner of his eyes he could see 3 people laughing and talking through the window. 

"You got to be fuckin kidding me!"

Before he could get back in his car, Jungkook waved at him and gestured him to come in. 

Yoongi sighed and walked in the shop. Jimin caught his eyes and quickly turned away to avoid eye contact. Yoongi internally scoffed when he saw Jimin pick up his phone and pretended he was busy. 

"Taehyung? you're back?" Yoongi asked with a small smile.

"Yeah man! just got back yesterday" Taehyung smiled.

They weren't necessarily friends, but they knew each other.

"Yooooongiii hyunnnnggg. It's so good to see you!" Jungkook grinned shaking Yoongi's entire arm.

"um--we met yesterday?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

"Ignore him. He's just drunk." Taehyung removed Jungkook's hand from Yoongi's arm. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I was just driving to my studio when I made a pit stop here. I have to get back." Yoongi said and slid the box full of cupcakes to Jimin.

Jimin stopped typing in his phone and poked the box suspiciously, "Did you poison it?" There was a difference between being civil and buying someone their favourite cupcake unprompted.

"Nah, I was in a rush. Maybe next time" Yoongi winked.

Jimin rolled his eyes.

 Yoongi then turned to Taehyung, "It was nice seeing you Taehyung. We should hang out soon. You are always more than welcome to lend me your vocals"

"Sure" Taehyung grinned. 

"wait Yoongiii..." Jungkook called.

"Say hyung" Taehyung softly kicked Jungkook under the table. "Just because I let it slide doesn't mean everyone will" he mumbled. 

Jungkook called Taehyung hyung very rarely and Taehyung didn't mind when he didn't. Jungkook used it only at times when he wanted something from Taehyung.  

Most times it's when he knows Jungkook's perfectly capable of doing it himself but doesn't want to. Like when he finds Jungkook trying to cook, and Taehyung had apparently come at the exact time he's about to flip a pancake, but gives up as soon as he sees Taehyung, immediately saying "Flip this for me, please Hyung?" And then it's "can you open this Hyung?" or "can you get me the remote Hyung?" And Taehyung always succumbs to it with an eye roll and a blush he's been hoping that he's succeeded in hiding.

It was dare he say cute—it was seeing Jungkook acting so needy to get what he wanted. But there was that one time as well: when they were drinking out until the sun rose, and Jungkook had told him, sleepy voice with his soju, "let's go home now, please, Hyung?" And when they got home: "Goodnight, Hyung," And then: "Take care, Hyung." Taehyung doesn't even think he's heard his actual name in that window between a drunk walk home and sleep. But oh, how he did love to hear it tumble out of Jungkook's mouth. When it was meant for him.

"Yoongiii..." Jungkook looked up at the elder who had one of his eyebrows raised, "hyung? can you drive Taehyung home since it's on the way to  your studio?"

Taehyung sighed, "Don't bother him. I can take the bus"

"No it's fine. What about you? you're not going home?" Yoongi asked.

"Jungkook and I are having a sleepover" Jimin said as he bit into a cupcake. His eyes lit up, "These are not poisoned."

Yoongi ignored the last part, "Sleepover?"

"We are going to watch reality tv shows and create tinder accounts"

"Tinder!?" Yoongi and Taehyung asked at the same time. "You didn't tell me that!" Taehyung looked at Jungkook.

"shh Jimin. it's a secret." Jungkook whispered. 

"oh yeah. We are just going to watch reality tv shows, nothing else" Jimin said.

Yoongi gave him a disapproving look. 

"What? you have a problem with that?" Jimin provoked.

"Nope. Not at all." Yoongi shook his head. "I'm leaving. c'mon Taehyung."

Taehyung hesitated but there was nothing he could do or say to Jungkook. He quickly pulled Jimin closer by his arms, "Don't let him do stupid shit and don't let him drink more. Got it?"

Jimin had never heard such a serious tone from Taehyung and he gulped, "y-eah okay"

Yoongi shook his head walking out, "You asked the most stupidest person to stop Jungkook from doing stupid shit."

"Do you think it's alright to let them be alone?" Taehyung asked. "They won't do something they might regret?"

"Relax. Jimin is responsible.....sometimes. Hope he would be responsible today."

Yoongi and Taehyung got in the car. 

"How long?" Yoongi asked.

"Huh? my home? about 15 minutes..."

"no not that" Yoongi turned to Taehyung, "How long have you been in love with Jungkook?"

No....No one was supposed to know. shit.

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