The Silver Shroud

By Makedonius

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Izuku Yagi now better known as Izuku Midoriya is the CEO of Midoriya Industrie's. His step father hated him a... More

Chapter 1. Here is my card
Chapter 2. UA Exam and the Avengers meet the Silver Shroud
Chapter 3. Meeting with the Silver Shroud
Chapter 4. What is his plan?
Chapter 5. Blood Bath
Chapter 6. The Rage of the Silver Shroud
Chapter 7. The Silver Shroud saves the USJ
Chapter 8. The Avengers meet Anti-Heroes
Chapter 9. Some Peace
Chapter 10. We have a Runner
Chapter 11. The Boston mafia massacre
Chapter 12. The Sports Festival begins
Chapter 13. A "unexpected" turn of events
Chapter 14. The Masterpiece of the Mechanist
Chapter 15. The Rise of Byakko and one step closer to the Mechanist
Chapter 16. Who is the Mechanist
Chapter 17. A Date with a unexpected ending
Chapter 18. Make ready for battle.
Chapter 19. The Raids
Chapter 21. Epilogue

Chapter 20. Battle for Tokyo

1.3K 26 7
By Makedonius

No one POV.

Computer :,,99% completed 1% left."


Sharpe :,,Push them back we need to get to that computer!!"

Sharpe screamed as his soldiers did everything they could to get through the defensive line of robots. Endeavor was throwing flames and All Might was throwing punches as much and strong as they could to get through but to no avail. Even so the Mr Gutsy robots weren't the strongest ones, but their programming didn't allowed them to back down. So the robots threw themselves  wave after wave at their enemy and even so the loses on their side were great the loses on the side of their enemy weren't small.

Ranger Soldier :,,WE NEED A MEDIC!!"

Ranger Soldier 2 :,,AAAAAAAAHH!"

All Might claped his hands together and a shockwave threw away the robots infront of him giving him enough time to storm forward. He ran towards the computer and punched away robot after robot that tried to get in his way. That was until a Sentry Bot got in his way, the Sentry bot clashed with All Might and was pushed back slightly. The Sentry Bot then began to push back suprising the Number 1 Hero with it's strength. The Sentry Bot then lifted his free arm that had a giant axe head attached to it the bot was about to cut down on the hero as a explosion went off right in his face. The head of the bot was blown off and it fell to the ground destroyed. All Might looked behind him to see Sharpe aiming a cannon at were the robot stood, another robot charged at Sharpe and he transformed the cannon back into a arm before shooting at the robot with his rifle.


He screamed at All Might as he fought of the other robots. All Might continued his charge, running, punch, running, punch and repeat until he was only a few meters away from the computer.

All Might :,,Detroit...."

All Might pulled his arm back, his plan is to punch through the robots and the destroy the computer in the process.

All Might :,,SMASH!!!"

The robots that were standing infront of the computer were send flying backwards besides one big Sentry Bot. He stood his ground not moving a inch even as other robots flew straight into him, the Sentry Bot just took everything head on and then it happened that caused everyone to stop fighting even the robots.


Computer :,,100% transition complete."


Then a sound similar to that of a train horn was heard as the ground underneath the heroes began to shake. Everyone looked towards the giant robot that was standing in the middle of the room and then the eye slit of the robot began to glow red.

??? :,,Liberty Prime...... online."

The robot began to move his hands and then took a step forward breaking the scaffolding that was surrounding him. He then turned his head right to look at the heroes and soldiers staring at him fear clearly visible on their faces. The now robotic Mechanist turned his entire massive body towards the intruders as he saw his former brother staring at him with fear and complete disbelieve on his face.

Mechanist/Liberty Prime :,,Hello brother..... look at how useless you are."

Iron Man POV.

Me, Mei, Sentry and Thor flew through the air as fast as we could towards the position of Raid Team 1. We sped up to mach 2 and saw the factory coming into view but just as we were about to land we saw soldiers and some of the heroes running out of the building. We landed infront of them but they just ran past us besides one man, rough looking man with blonde hair and a 3 day beard, he stopped infront of us panting gun in hand that was the famous SAS commander Sharpe if I remember correctly.

Sharpe :,,We were to late the Mechanist activated his robot."

Iron Man :,,Were is All Might and Endeavor?"

Sharpe :,,They covered our retreat and held off the robots don't know if they are still alive. They already killed the Platoon of SFGp soldiers 3 Heroes and around 20 of my man."

Thor :,,Then let's go down there and help them in the fight."

Sentry :,,Yeah!"

Thor and Sentry rushed past Sharpe towards the building but just as they were about to enter the already pretty destroyed building blew up. Soldiers and heroes threw themselves on the ground covering their head with their hands as debry and other things flew over their heads. Thor and Sentry withstood the explosion but were pushed back a few feet by the force of the explosion. Me, Mei and Sharpe weren't that strong sadly and were thrown to the ground pretty roughly. There was alot of smoke and we could hear quite alot of screaming from some of those who got injured by the explosion. I got up and helped Sharpe to his feet as I looked towards Thor and Sentry I saw them looking at something smoking right infront of them. I walked over to them and looked at the ground infront of me, Mei was behind me and I could hear her helmet opening as she pucked.

Sharpe :,,Well now we know what happened to Endeavor or atleast to one half of him."

Right before our feet layed the corpse of Endeavor he was ripped apart his remaining organs slowly sliding out of his upper body. His face showed extreme pain, his mouth wide open blood and puke covering his mouth down to his chest, his eyes nearly coming out of his skull that's how wide open they were.

The Hellfire Hero: Endeavor the number 2 of Japan was no more.

Thor :,,Who..."

Thor was interrupted by as a metal hand came out of the ground before slamming into the ground before them turning the remaining corpse of Endeavor into a bloody puddle. The ground beneath the hand cracked as another hand came out of the hole slamming into the other side of the hole. Something came out slowly at first you could see the elbows and then a massive body, we all took a step back as a massive body started to rise out from the hole. The robot managed to hoised itself out of the hole and now stood 13 meter tall infront of us looking down on us.

Mechanist/Liberty Prime :,,Well, well who do we have here.... the Avengers."

No one POV.

With the Unstoppables:

Punisher :,,Doesn't that thing goes any faster?"

Silver Shroud :,,We already drive around 150 km/h, I can't go any faster here."

Punisher just nodded and just sat back in his seat besides Technoblade who was reading the Art of War by Sun Tzu. Deadpool for once was silent what was unusual, Manta Man was also silent and just leaned on his trident while they drove. The Inspector, Toga and Byakko looked like they were about to puke probably because they weren't use to this kind of speed. Silver Shroud just kept his eyes on the road dodging cars in his way.

Deadpool :,,Wait a second. Were is Nagant?"

Punisher :,,She drove ahead with Ghost Rider."

Deadpool :,,Wait he let her drive with him!?"

Punisher :,,Well he finds her less annoying then you."

Deadpool :,,Now that hurt."

Punisher was about to say something as they heard a explosion in the distance.

Silver Shroud :,,It started."

Technoblade :,,Well speed up, let's see what that guy has to offer."

Silver Shroud kept the speed up but then after 5 minutes he made a sharp turn away from the explosion and towards Tokyo.

Manta Man :,,Wait were are you going!?"

Silver Shroud :,,They are moving towards Tokyo, someone call Nagant and tell her that they should move towards Tokyo."

Punisher :,,On it."

Punisher got on his radio.

Punisher :,,Punisher here the target is moving towards Tokyo, I repeat the target is moving towards Tokyo."

Lady Nagant over Radio :,,We see the target! Sentry, Thor and Iron Man are attacking him but it seems it doesn't face him to much."

Punisher :,,Are there more threats?"

Lady Nagant :,,Besides an army of robots no."

Punisher looked towards Silver Shroud who was still driving full speed.

Silver Shroud :,,Tell her to try to slow him down. I have a plan, tell her that we will be near Tokyo."

Punisher nodded.

Punisher :,,Ok try to slow him down, we need to set something up."

Lady Nagant :,,Understood."

Punisher ended the radio call and looked towards Silver Shroud.

Silver Shroud :,,Press the button please."

Punisher pushed a button that was beside him and out of the ground came a container. The cover of the container opened showing many different weapons.

Silver Shroud :,,Magazins should be in there too."

Toga :,,Sweet!!"

Toga took out a bullpop rifle with 3 magazins and 2 combat knives.

Toga :,,Only 3 magazins for that thing?"

Silver Shroud :,,You won't need more believe me."

Toga :,,If you say so."

Deadpool :,,I will go with that sweet little grenade launcher, I will not betray my beautiful desert eagles and Katanas."

The Inspector took 3 grenades while Manta Man and Technoblade took nothing. Punisher took a shotgun and 45 Magnum. 

Silver Shroud :,,Byakko you take the Fatman."

Byakko :,,Fatman?"

Byakko looked into the container and saw the rocket launche like contraption with 3 small looking A-bombs, at first he wanted to say no but for some reason he then took it after all because he wanted to see what it does.

Silver Shroud :,,Everyone has their weapons?"

Everyone :,,Yes."

Silver Shroud :,,Good we will be at our destination in around 5 minutes."

With Iron Man:

We can see Iron Man and Iron Maiden in their Mark 21 suit trying to stop the advancing robot army. The problem with that is that the Mark 21 is specialized for supersonic flight which gives them a big advantage in speed over the robots but also the disadvantage of less fire power. Sentry and Thor on the other side fought against a entire division of robots, the robots were mostly nor problem for their powers but the fact that the Mr.Gutsy started repairing robots that weren't to hard damaged and sending them back to the fight was a big problem. Mei looked down on the battlefield and saw the retreating soldiers and heroes. Some stood behind fighting back, to slow the robots down before following the retreat as they got cover fire. But it was to no avail, Mei saw how a Sentry Bot crushed the head of Crust before trowing the dead Body away.

Mei :,,Shit! Dad!"

Tony :,,What!"

Mei :,,We need to get stronger suits! I will get my Mark 24!"

Tony :,,Ok! I will stay here until you come back!"

Mei :,,Understood!"

Mei flew off as fast as she could so that she could change her suit."

Tony :,,She really likes her Mark 24."

Tony saw his daughter flew off before dodging a laser beam, the beam came from the eye slit of the Mechanist.

Mechanist :,,What? Are you already out of fuel?"

Tony :,,Oh no no I have enough to beat youre ass!"

Tony flew towards the Mechanist full speed actually breaking the sound barrier. If the Mechanist could he would have giggled as he thought that Iron Man was so stupid to ram him but in reality he flew behind him and shot a beam at the back of his head. Sadly it did no damage at all.

Mechanist :,,Ok I must confess I thought you were about to ram me."

The Mechanist just continued to walk towards Tokyo ignoring the armored avenger that shot beams at him completely.

Mechanist :,,I thought you wanted to kick my ass?"

Tony mind :"God dammit, I need the Mark 85 or Mark 50!"

Tony dodged another laser beam of the Mechanist and just continued to fly around him. He could do nothing until he heard a loud roaring or something. He looked towards the direction were the sound came from and saw a burning motorcycle. It was Ghost Rider swinging his chain melting every robot that dared coming to close to him. He drived towards the legs of the Mechanist as he was close enough, he swang his chain around the massive leg of the Mechanist and started to heat it up. The metal of the leg started to bend under the heat of the chain, the Mechanist moved his leg in a way to get rid of the chain. Instat of getting rid of it Ghost Rider was lifted out of his motorcycle as he held onto his chain, he was thrown around like a ragdoll but he wouldn't let go of the chain. The Mechanist grew frustrated at that not only was Iron Man still flying around him but now he had a flaming skeleton swinging around his leg.
The frustration soon became panic as he realised that the chain of Ghost Rider started to melt his Vibranium skin around his leg. But he was saved as one of his Sentry Bots shot a grenade at the Ghost Rider causing him to let go of the chain.
Now Ghost Rider had to face 3 Sentry Bots, while the Mechanist continued his march towards Tokyo.

Sharpe seeing this cursed under his breath as took cover behind a tree, he took one big breath before he grabbed his radio.

Sharpe :,,Major Sharpe to General Murabashi. Major Sharpe to General Murabashi!"

General Murabashi :,,Murabashi here."

Sharpe :,,The Mechanist and a army of robots moves towards Tokyo, we can't stop them. We are 3 kilometers away from Tokyo."

General Murabashi :,,Understood."

Sharpe ended the radio conversation before activating his quirk, he came out of his cover and shot at a Sentry Bot. He hit the head of the Sentry Bot and blew it right off, it was about to fall over as it all of a sudden exploded, destroying 2 Assaultrons and one Protectron that were near by.

Sharpe :,,Those things are fucking bombs now?"

In Tokyo:

The people of Tokyo just went after their day not even suspecting the great danger that was coming towards them, until the air raid siren went off.

The civilians were confused because the air raid siren only went off on Sundays at lunch time. Today wasn't Sunday or lunch for that matter, some people connected the dots and started to panic while others were still confused until.

Speaker :,,To all citizens of Tokyo this isn't a drill! I repeat this isn't a drill!"

Now everyone began to panic, screams could be heard as the people pushed each other to get of the street.

Speaker :,,To all citizens of Tokyo please remain calm and go to the port there will be ships that will evacuate you! I repeat please remain calm and go to the port there will be ships to evacuate you! For the citizens that live in the south parts of Japan please leave the city in a calm manner!"

The heroes on the streets together with the soldiers present, tried to calm the people down as they showed the way towards the ships.

At the outskirts of Tokyo:


Soldiers :,,YES SIR!"

The Soldiers ran around getting into their positions.

The soldiers did their best to build up their defensive positions, the entire city was surrounded by a wall of cement tank barriers, a wall of sandbags and the soldiers also already started to dig trenches in some parts. The artillery was placed at strategic good places were they could freely shoot at the enemy without fearing of hitting civilian buildings or military positions. They also placed explosions on some of the major bridges in case they need to blow them up. The tank division just arrived around 5 minutes ago and was placed in the south of the city ready to roll out towards the position of were the enemy would come. While on the roofs of the higher buildings and in some of the housed were snipers with their anti material rifles.

General over Radio :,,To all Units  the enemy is coming from the north east, I repeat the enemy is coming from the north east. All available units that aren't helping with the evacuation of the civilians please go to the north east position."

With the 3rd tank Division:


The ground was shaking as 328 tanks and 500 battle vehicles started to roll towards the north east of the city at full speed.

Tank Commander :,,Banzai motherfucker."

Mortar Team 6:

Mortar Soldier 1 :,,I got the tube!"

Mortar Soldier 2 :,,I got the ammo box, come on let's go!"

In Tokyo:

Soldiers and heroes were seen guiding the people towards the port while on the port people pushed each other around in an attempt to get on one of the ships.

Soldier :,,Women and children first!"

Heroes :,,Please remain calm and follow the instructions!"

But there was pretty big problem on the three ships that were send to help with the evacuation.

Ship 1:

Sailor :,,Captain we have reached our limit!"

Captain :,,How many are on the ship?"

Sailor :,,We have 4.000 civilians onboard! Sir some of the crew members even left to make more place for civilians."

Captain :,,Well then there is nothing more we can do, tell the soldiers on the port we are full and that we can't take anymore."

Sailor :,,Will do Sir!"

The Sailor walked towards the radio and told the soldiers and othe military down at the port that the ship was full.

The captain just sighed :,,4.000 and there are still millions that need to be evacuated."

In the port:

The Soldiers that were standing in the port guiding the people into lines so they could go to the ships received the message that the ships were full and that they couldn't take anymore. Even so they didn't wanted to the soldiers stopped the people that tried to get on the ships. What caused chaos and some fights with people screaming at Soldiers telling them to let them through. They didn't let them through and the situation only got worse as the people tried to force their way towards the ships. The soldiers pushed the civilians back some even pointing their rifles at them, the civilians stepped back not wanting to be shot at by their own soldiers. The 3 ships pulled out of the port and started to move towards Shimoda, it would take the ships atleast 2 hours there and back.

Civilian woman :,,We are gonna die!"

Civilian child :,,Mommy, were are they going?"

People started to panic but that soon faded as they saw several smaller ships coming from the horizon.

Civilian Man :,,Who are those guys?"

The ships came closer and many people started to cheer as they saw atleast 300 vessels, some were tourist boats others were smaller or bigger Yachts, then there were some fisher boats and they all drove towards the port.

Civilian Teenager :,,I get Dunkirk vibes."

On the Frontline:

It was silent only the faint sound of shooting and explosions could be heard as the soldiers waited in their positions, their weapons aimed towards the direction from where the enemy will come. Then a explosion went off at the border of the forest and soon the first retreating soldiers and heroes of Raid Team 1 appeared followed by a army of robots. They ran towards the positions of their fellow soldiers as they were bombarded with grenades and missiles that came from the robots.


The mortars fired and whistling was heard as the shells flew through the air before hitting the advancing robots. Cheers came from the Japanese soldiers, but their small triumph was quickly over as the robots began to shoot back towards their positions. The retreating soldiers made it to the defensive positions and were helped by their fellow soldiers to get over the barriers while other opened fire at the approaching enemy.

Ranger Soldier :,,I....t..they.."

Medic :,,It's okay you are safe now, just take some deep breaths.... yeah just like that.... are you wounded?"

Ranger Soldier :,,No."

Soldier :,,Medic! We need a Medic here!!"

The japanes artillery fired everything they got at the robots taking out dozens over dozens, the Snipers with their anti material rifles took aim and started to shoot at the big Sentry Bots. Some of them were taken down by one shot to the head but that just caused them to explode, while othe Sentry Bots took shot after shot before finally going down and explode.

Sniper :,,Those things are fucking Kamikaze bombers!!"

Then around 50 Mr.Gutsys came shooting out of the line of robots flying towards the japanese positions full speed. The soldiers threw grenades at them and trying to shoot them down the best they could but it wasn't enough atleast 13 of the Mr.Gutsys made it to the lines. The soldiers couldn't react fast enough as the robots started to glow red and then in 13 explosions each one stronger then 10 grenades they blew up. The explosions ripped big holes in the defenses and killed all soldiers that were in a 6 meter radius around them. Other soldiers immediately ran towards the blown up positions before the enemy could claim them. But it was to late as dozens of Assaultron robots came through the holes in the defense, the soldiers were suprised at the speed of the Assaultrons and a brutal meele fight began. The Assaultron with their installed blades tried to cut down the suprised soldiers as they tried to defend themselves with their rifles. Some Soldiers managed to fix their bayonets and started to fight back, while other activated their quirks. One Soldier transformes his right hand into a sledge hammer and smashe it into the head of an Assaultron destroying it, while he used his left hand to shoot at another Assaultron that tried to attack him.
Sharpe helped to fight back the robots with everything he had, he was injured and tired and he overused his quirk greatly but still he fought on. He used his cannon arm to blow of the head of a Sentry Bot before he used it to smack a Assaultron in the head.
The robots just continued to come and slowly but surely they gained more and more ground, the situation only got worse as the heavy armored Sentry Bots came. But then a loud bang was heard as a black colored armored vehicle drove through the lines of attacking robots. A Sentry Bot tried to stop it shooting grenades at it but the vehicle barely took any damage from that. The vehicle was faster then anything else on the battlefield moving at a speed were even a tank would be pushed aside. Not only was the vehicle extremely fast probably moving at a speed of 300 hm/h many soldiers guessed but it also had a small cannon on top of it with what it shot at the robots aswell.

On the hill overlooking the battlefield:

Toga :,,Damn I didn't thought that thing had that much power."

Byakko :,,How fast is that thing?"

Silver Shroud :,,Right now it's moving 303 km/h."

Toga and Byakko :,,WHAT!? HOW!?"

Silver Shroud :,,That thing is equipped with 3 jet engines. Also don't you have a job to do?"

Byakko and Toga :,,Oh right!"

Byakko and Toga ran off towards their positions were they would wait until they get the signal to attack while Silver Shroud stood back steering his selfmade armored truck via remote control. He hoped that he could slow the robots down enough so that the soldiers had a chance to retake the positions.

On the Battlefield:

Sharpe seeing the robots attacks getting weaker gained new hope and screamed out.


Sharpe blocked the blade of a Assaultron before using his cannon to shoot it's head off, but then another Assaultron jumped him and threw him to the ground. Sharpe saw the robot lifting his blade arm but he was saved as the robot was hit with a wave of bullets destroying it, Sharpe rolled out of the way of the falling robot before it could land on him. Sharpe looked towards the direction from where the shots came from and smiled as as around 500 soldiers came running from Tokyo and Sharpe could hear the famous Japanese battle cry clear and loud.

Japanese Soldiers :,,TENNO HEIKA BANZAI!!!"

The robots that were programmed to fight and kill wear for once taken by suprise as the brave japanese soldiers charged with mounted bayonet and activated quirks at the robots. Sharpe stood up and continued the fight as now the robots were pushed back. Soon the robots were pushed back all the way to destroyed defenses. Sharpe for the first time this day smiled as he saw how the robots stood no chance against the fierce soldiers. But that smile died down fast as the earth began to rumble beneath his feet. At this point they had managed to push the robots all the way back to the destroyed tank barriers as the 13 m tall robot that was the Mechanist appeared coming out from the woods followed by his strongest robots. One of those robots was a Sentry bot with four legs instat of the four roller skate like legs, he was armed with two grenade launchers and on his back was a big tube like thing. Sharpe could tell by how bulky that thing looked that it could take quite some hits, not only do they have to take down a 13 m tall nearly indestructible robot no there also were other robots that were probably strong enough to turn a tank into pile of ashes. The Mechanist looked at the armored truck of the Silver Shroud before his eyes lit up and a laser beam came out hitting the truck. The truck was destroyed but not just destroyed it went off like a howitzer and destroyed all the robots that were in a 40 m radius. Talking about artillery the japanese artillery has been bombarding the robot army no pause and the Army of the Mechanist took big losses because of it. The Mechanist lifted his right arm so that his "brother" could see the battlefield before him. All Might was in his skinny form held tight by his brother in his hand.

Mechanist :,,Look at this brother one half of my army fights those annoying Avengers and Unstoppables while my other half gets destroyed by the military isn't it a shame. I thought I builded them better."

All Might :,, w..will not get through with this."

Mechanist :,,Oh brother that was never the plan from the beginning. Hey Bulky!!"

The Sentry Bot with the tube on the back turned to his creator.

Mechanist :,,Would you be so kind and get rid of the artillery."

Bulky :,,For the Mechanist!"

The Sentry bot turned towards the nearest artillery position that it could see and started to walk towards it. As it was in reach the Sentry Bot stopped, out of it's legs came what looked like extra legs as it sat down on the ground becoming a stationary weapon. The Bot bend slightly over aiming the tube on his back at the position of the mortar, then a stream of flames came out of the back of the tube before a rocket came shooting out flying towards the mortar position. The soldiers that were firing the mortar saw the rocket flying towards them and scrambled away as fast as they could letting their mortar behind. The rocket hit the mortar position and exploded a 30 m wide green shining ball appeared, one of the two soldiers that was firing the mortar wasn't fast enough to get out of the radius of the green ball. A small cry was heard before he was swallowed by the green shining ball, 5 seconds later the ball died down and all that was left of the soldier was a burning skeleton. The Sentry Bot then transformed back and started to walk towards the next artillery position. But just as the Bot was about to move it was hit by several grenades from the direction of the forest the Bot holded and shot back with it's own grenades. After shooting 6 grenades the Bot stopped as it thought that it had hit it's enemy, but as it turned it was hit by a volley of explosive bullets. The bullets did nearly no damage to the armor of the Bot until one bullet hit the right handed grenade launcher of the Bot and the right arm exploded. The Bot turned towards the forest again shooting it's left handed grenade launcher but he was only greeted by another volley of explosive bullets. This time the Bot tried to protect it's only remaining grenade launcher, but he wasn't fast enough and so his left handed grenade launcher also got hit. The Bot now unarmed tried to retreat towards it's master, but was stopped by a barrage of grenades. The Bot having no other choice turned stationary again in hopes he could shoot it's rocket at the attacker. But said attacker ran out of the woods revealing himself to be the Silver Shroud.
Silver Shroud charged towards the robot his Tommy gun on his back and a grenade launcher in his hand, as he was in reach he kneeled down and shot his grenade launcher. The aim of the Silver Shroud was good and the grenade flew directly into the rocket tube and exploded. The explosion was massive, a 80 meter big green glowing explosion. Everything in a 80 meter radius was destroyed instantly and even Silver Shroud was hit by the power of the explosion. Even so he was outside the 80 meter radius he still could feel the heat of the explosion and he covered his face with his hat. Silver Shroud reloaded his grenade launcher as he saw several Assaultrons coming his way. He put his grenade launcher on his back before reaching for his Tommy Gun, he loaded a drum magazin and cocked his rifle. He charged at the attacking Assaultron  while he was shooting, on Assaultron was hit in the head several times before falling to the ground. As Silver Shroud was in hand to hand distance he pulled out his new vibranium bowie knife.

He blocked the blade of one Assaultron with his knife and used his tommy gun to shoot the robot in it's mechanical stomach. Next he dodged a attack of another Assaultron and then shooting him in the back, destroying the second robot. Still three to go, Silver Shroud got ready for the fight.

The Mechanist meanwhile continued his walk towards Tokyo, but then all of a sudden a crack appeared on his eye slit.

Mechanist :,,Huh? Those bastards shot my fucking eye."

The Mechanist turned his gaze towards a 6 story building, he zoomed in on the roof and saw a sniper there aiming at him. The Sniper shot again and hit his eye slit again causing another crack, the Mechanist activated it's laser beam. The beam hit the  building at the 3rd floor causing it to colapse and killing the sniper on top of it.

Mechanist :,,I think I went a little bit overboard..... well."

The Mechanist continued his walk, while every bullet, mortar or cannon shot that was shot at him bounced off or showed no effection at all. It was like someone throwing a cotton ball at a concrete wall. As the Mechanist reached the defensiv line he stomped on it and used his laser beam to cause explosions killing many of the defending soldiers.

Mechanist :,,HAHAHAHA You thought those little concrete walls could stop me HAHAHA!"

??? :,,Maybe they couldn't but we can!"

The Mechanist stopped laughing and looked towards the direction from where the voice came and saw five figures flying towards him, he had no chance to react befor he was hit with 5 five powerful attacks. He stumbled backwards before he regained his footing, he threw a punch in hope to hit one of the five flying Avengers. To his luck he actually managed to hit Sentry and sended him flying into a small apartment building. After that the Mechanist quickly activated his defense mechanism and as Iron Man and Iron Maiden now in her new suit came flying towards him two small rockets came out of his shoulder directly flying towards the two armored Avengers. Iron Maiden managed to dodge the small rocket what then hit a building behind her, her father wasn't that lucky and Iron Man got hit full force by the small rocket. Even so his armor withstood the explosion he still was thrown back towards the ground.

Iron Maiden/Mei :,,DAD!"

Iron Man crashed into the ground creating a crater.

Iron Man over radio to Mei :,,I am okay! I will switch to my Mark 50 suit now try to keep him occupied in the meantime and watch out for that fucking APS rockets!"

Mei :,,Ok!"

Mei continued to fly around the Mechanist using her lasers to attack him, while the Mechanist was trying to defend himself from the attacks of Captain Marvel and Thor causing the Mechanist to let go of All Might. Mei seeing All Might in his skinny form falling towards the ground reacted fast and flew down to catch him. She managed to grab him and flew off towards a direction were she knew that he would be save.
Sentry on the other hand just managed to crawl out of the collapsed building that he was punched into. He flew up before heading back to the fight, the Mechanist seeing Sentry returning activated his laser beam eyes ready to shoot at the Avenger while he blocked a attack from Thor and Captain Marvel. But as he was about to shoot his beam something crashed into his knee from behind causing him to go on one knee, missing Sentry and hitting another building instat. The building was instatly destroyed. The Mechanist was attacked from behind again but this time he managed to withstood it and tried to get up that was until the Hulk crashed into his chest. He was thrown backwards and landed on his back crushing some of his own robots. As he laid there on the ground he saw that it was Itsuka Danvers the daughter of Captain Marvel that attacked him from behind. Hulk punched down onto the chest of the Mechanist but he just grabbed Hulk and threw him towards Tokyo. Captain Marvel and her daughter attacked him as he tried to stand up but he just blocked them with his left arm while blocking Thor with his right one and shooting laser beams at Sentry. Even so he was greatly outmatched at the moment he somehow managed to stand up and continued to fight the Avengers head on.

While the Avengers were fighting the Mechanist head on the Silver Shroud, Toga and Byakko managed to fight off most of the robots that came for them and now they were near the Mechanist.

Silver Shroud :,,Ok Byakko aim for his left leg, Ghost Rider already weakend it with his chain."

Byakko did as told and aimed but he was shaky.

Silver Shroud :,,Calm youre breathing.... ready...... shoot!"

A whistling sound was heard as the mini A-bomb flew through the air, it hit the left leg of the Mechanist while he tried to fight of Captain Marvel and Hulk. The explosion of the mini A-bomb destroyed the weakend vibranium skin of the Mechanist creating a big hole in the skin and damaging the mechanism it was protecting. The Silver Shroud charged forward grenade launcher in hand and started to shoot shoot into the open hole in his left leg. He hit and caused the left leg of the Mechanist to catch fire making his left leg completely useless. The Mechanist screamed out so loud that even the people that were at the port could hear him.


The eye slit of the Mechanist glowed up and he shot a laser beam at Tokyo so strong it reached the Tokyo Tower and destroyed it and several tall buildings. Thor seeing this screamed out in pure rage and flew full speed at Mechanist, he lifted Stormbreaker over his head and smashed it down on the head of the Mechanist. The attack didn't destroyed the vibranium skin but the Mechanist was thrown back a bit which caused him to lose his left leg. Now with only one leg left he tried keep his balance but that failed as Captain Marvel, Sentry, Itsuka, Mei, Iron Man and Hulk crashed into his chest. The Mechanist was thrown back and landed on his back, this time with no chance of getting back up again.

Captain Marvel :,,IT'S OVER! GIVE UP!!"

Mechanist :,,....."

Silver Shroud followed by his companions walked up to the Mechanist.

Mechanist :,,Huh, I thought you would never come but hey what did I expect from someone who fights in the shadows."

Silver Shroud :,,You don't need the most powerful weapon of all time to over power youre enemy when youre mind is youre mightiest weapon."

Sentry landed besides Silver Shroud.

Sentry :,,Thank you for youre help against him and his robots."

Silver Shroud :,,Don't thank me thank Punisher and Techno for taking on that army of robots."

Sentry :,,I will actually were are..."

Just then the ground began shaking and everyone looked towards the forest to see atleast a 100 tankd come rolling out full speed while firing at the robots. Some Sentry Bots managed to withstand the tanks and even damage or destroy some of them. Captain Marvel and Thor went up in the air and flew towards the fight aiding the tanks. But just then 5 fighter jets and 3 combat helicopters came and took care of the remaining robots. Explosions, shooting and scream filled the air with sound and that caused the Mechanist to laugh.

Iron Man :,,Find that funny dirtbag!?"

Mechanist :,,Of course! HAHAHAHA! The sound of chaos is like honey for my ears! HAHAHA!"

Silver Shroud wanted to say something but he got interupted as Manta Man talked over the radio.


Silver Shroud turned towards Byakko and Toga and said.

Silver Shroud :,,Manta Man needs help in the city take some soldiers that are still able to walk and go help him."

Toga :,,Understood!"

Byakko :,,On my way!"

Byakko and Toga ran off towards a group of soldiers before getting them to follow them into the city. 

Deadpool radio :,,YO! Shroud!"

Silver Shroud :,,What?"

Deadpool radio :,,I am here at the HQ of that Mecha guy together with Inspector and we found something that might interest you."

Iron Man and Mei walked over to him interested in the conversation.

Deadpool radio :,,We found the fucking blueprints for this Liberty Prime project. Apparently is the skin of that thing made out of Vibranium while it's bones are made off Adamantium but now comes the funny part. That entire thing is powered by a nuclear heart! THAT MOTHERFUCKER IS A FUCKING WALKING NUKE!!!" 

Silver Shroud for the first time in years became pale and he wasn't the only one, Iron Man and Mei weren't much better as they looked at each other.

Mechanist :,,HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what is it Shroud? Shocked that you got outsmarted huh?!"

Silver Shroud Gripped the grenade launcher in his hand tighter and actually broke it because of his rage that he felt at that moment.

Mechanist :,,Isn't it sweet, you thought you have won but then everything crumbles as you find out you didn't."

The chest of the Mechanist started to make a humming noised before it started to glow up a bright yellow.
Sentry gritted his teeth as he walked towards the downed body of the Mechanist.

Sentry :,,You think you won? Well then you forgot that I am still here!"

Sentry digged his hands under the massive robots back and started to lift him up.

Iron Man :,,Sentry! What are you doing!?"

Sentry :,,Something I should have done way earlier."

Sentry started to fly up into the air as the glowing of the Mechanist became brighter and brighter. They rose higher and higher until there was a loud explosion before a big ball as bright as the sun appeared in the air. Everyone covered his eyes as the light blended them, the light died down after around half a minute. Everyone that was there looked up and saw something falling from the sky it was Sentry, Iron Man shot up into the air and catched the unconscious Avenger. He landed besides Silver Shroud and Mei and Itsuka ran over while Thor and Captain Marvel came flying over. Silver Shroud kneeled down besides Sentry and looked over him, Sentrys suit was burned off and he was extremely thin and you could see his bones he looked like someone who hasn't eaten in months Shroud put his fingers on his throat to see if he even was alive.

Silver Shroud :,,He is alive but extremely weak, the nuclear explosion took alot out of him he will need alot of nutrions and vitamins. Also don't give him a barbecue after this just soup until he looks healthier."

Silver Shroud turned around and walked towards Tokyo as Mei asked.

Mei :,,Where are you going?"

Silver Shroud :,,I am going to see if I can help out in the city."

Mei looked at her father and he nodded at her.

Mei :,,Wait I am coming with you!"

Mei ran up to the Silver Shroud and they started to walk away until the other Avengers couldn't see them anymore.
Once they were sure that they were out of sight Silver Shroud pulled down his mask and pulled Mei into a kiss which see returned. They hugged each other as Mei started to cry into his chest.

Mei :,, are you s.. so calm, you just saw hundreds of people die."

Izuku/Silver Shroud :,,War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend"

With that he continued his way towards the city center of Tokyo as he pulled up his mask but he stopped and stretched out his hand towards Mei.

Izuku/Silver Shroud :,,Are you coming."

Mei :,,Yeah."

She grabbed his hand and they walked into the city.

The Fallout:

Sharpe ran around the city trying to help were he could as he heard screaming from a abandoned street. He froze at what he saw, he saw a child on the ground rolling around in pain as it was burning alive.


The mother of the child was laying on the ground not far away from the child dead. Sharpe ran over to the child and took off his jacket in hope to stop the fire. But as he got a closer look he saw that the skin was already burned off, no hair and it's eyes weren't there anymore. Even so Sharpe didn't wanted it to be true he knew that the child would die one way or another. Heavy hearted he took out his pistol and....


The child stopped screaming and just layed there on the floor dead. Sharpe holstered his pistol and slowly walked away from the corpse of the burning child. He has been a soldier for 10 years now and was battle hardened but still he was crying like a child as he walked away.

Toga was running around the streets of Tokyo and saw fire fighters, police officers and EMT Medis working hand in hand to save as much as they could. Toga stopped as she saw a elderly couple laying infront of a burning apartment building. The couple was dead and they had bite marks on their shoulders and that was when Toga saw a dog sitting at the feet of the couple. She guessed that it was their dog, the back of the dog was completely burned and it's left side of it snout aswell. The dog looked at Toga before looking at the couple infront of him, Toga followed the dogs eyes and saw that he was looking at their hands. Toga kneeled down and took the left hand of the the man and the right hand of the woman before laying them down on top of each other. it looked like they died together holding hands. The dog looked at Toga again before rolling into a ball and laying down in between the legs of it's owners, the dog looked one more time at Toga as if it was trying to say thank you before the dog closed his eyes it stopped breathing.

Toga walked away from the sad scene as she continued to help everyone as much as she could.

Silver Shroud looked out over the destroyed city and said.

Silver Shroud :,,We won but at what cost."

The Battle for Tokyo was over, the Mechanist was gone.


Word Count: 7420

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