At Your Service [Tommy Shelby]

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After a period full of turmoil, Vivian is looking for something else. Anything else to get her further in lif... Mere

Heading to a new Start
The three Stooges
Cosmic Secret
Party - part 1
Party - part 2
Slight drizzle
Picnic - Part 1
Picnic - Part 2
Home sweet home
Glass house - Part 1
Glass House - Part 2
Bad calculations
the head or the heart?
Getting close to a Shelby is never a good idea
Revolution - Part 1
Revolution - part 2

A lot happens in this House

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As Vivian descended the stairs, the bustling sounds of the busy kitchen grew louder, and she was greeted by a hive of activity. The place was teeming with staff, and she couldn't help but wonder just how many people worked in this grand residence. The thought of having dinner here was a mix of excitement and uncertainty. But first of all she actually has to find where she needs to go.

 She walked down some stairs, only to find some pigs hanging upside down. Vivian gives it a distasteful look, quickly retreating back upstairs.

Feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed by the constant movement of people around her, she contemplated asking someone for directions. Before she could gather the courage, though, a blonde girl called out her name. "Vivian! Over here!" The voice was friendly and inviting, cutting through the chaotic atmosphere of the kitchen.

Turning towards the source of the voice, Vivian spotted the girl standing in the middle of the bustling kitchen. She made her way over."Hi," Vivian replied with a small smile, feeling a bit relieved to have someone to guide her through the chaos.

"Hi! My name is Cathy. I guess you're looking for diner, huh?" Vivian accepts her hand and shows a shy smile. "Yeah, I am. Sorry that I am so late. It is such a huge house, I can't even count how many times I got lost today," she admitted with a hint of embarrassment. 

Cathy let out a genuine laugh, putting Vivian at ease. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it soon enough," she reassured, guiding Vivian down a flight of stairs on the other side of the kitchen. Oh, she thought this was just a cabinet. 

When they walk downstairs she sees a handful of maids sitting around the table. Francis notices her, stands up and knocks against her glass. "Everyone! Meet Vivian. Our newest colleague!" Francis announced, her warm smile and welcoming demeanor putting Vivian at ease. 

Warm greetings and smiles were extended to Vivian, making her feel welcomed into the close-knit group. She couldn't help but smile back at each of her new colleagues, grateful for their warm reception. 

Vivian is placed at the table and gets a plate with potato salad in front of her nose. "Eat up girl, tomorrow is a big day." Francis encouraged and she winks at Vivian.

The food on her plate surpassed anything she had tasted at home. Cooking had never been her strong suit; it was her mother who was the culinary artist. In the field hospitals, good food was a rare luxury. But this meal before her was exceptional. She savored every bite, as though trying to etch the flavors into her memory. 

Glancing around the room, she noticed the other women with their posh accents and refined manners. Clearly, they came from well-bred backgrounds, now finding themselves in the real world, taking care of themselves. Some spoke with the same Brummie accent she had heard from the brothers earlier. It made her wonder if Mister Shelby hailed from this area as well. How did he achieve his wealth? Were his parents already well-off, or had he worked his way up?

With her plate now resting beside Vivian's, Cathy eased herself into a seat and initiated a warm conversation, "Are you settling in well?"

Vivian replied, her tone tinged with a touch of uncertainty, "I think so. I hope the next few days will bring clarity about my responsibilities here."

Cathy offered reassurance, placing a comforting hand on Vivian's shoulder, "Of course it will! And the best part is, you'll be working with me!" Vivian couldn't help but smile at the unexpected delight. Cathy's genuine sweetness and sincerity were evident, and Vivian felt an immediate desire to forge a deeper connection with her new colleague.

"Oh, that reminds me!" Cathy rose from her seat, strode gracefully toward a nearby cabinet and reached for a book from the higher shelf. With care, she brought the book to the table, setting it down gently before Vivian. The cover bore an air of elegance, hinting at the secrets hidden within its pages.

 "Francis told me to teach you the names of the people who are important to you, now that you'll be working here!"  She opened the book before Vivian, revealing a beautifully illustrated family tree that spanned across two pages. Its artistic details spoke of cherished history and cherished memories. 

And there, at the heart of the intricate tapestry, stood the enigmatic man with the icy stare she had encountered in the lobby – Thomas. Vivian's memory of that moment flashed before her like a passing storm, his cold gaze etched into her mind.

"Thomas? I thought it was Tom! His brothers called him Tom," Vivian chuckled, feeling a mix of surprise and amusement at the discovery.

"Oh good, then you have already met the three important names on here!"Cathy grinned, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

As Cathy continued to traverse the pages of the family tree, she offered vivid descriptions and anecdotes about some individuals, while others she dismissed with a passing mention. Among the figures she highlighted was a stunning woman named Polly, whose captivating portrait emitted an aura of mystery and allure. Vivian couldn't help but notice the subtle undercurrent of menace in Polly's intense gaze, giving her a shiver down her spine. Cathy revealed that Polly was the aunt of the four brothers: Arthur, the eldest; Thomas, the enigmatic boss; John; and the youngest, Finn.

The brothers seemed to occupy their own unique spheres, each radiating a distinct aura of power and charisma. Arthur, the senior of the clan, commanded an air of authority that demanded respect. Thomas, the leader of the organization, exuded an icy composure that suggested a man with secrets veiled beneath his stoic facade. John's countenance appeared more amiable, yet there was a hint of mischief that hinted at a complexity hidden beneath the surface. And then there was Finn, the youngest, whose youthful exuberance seemed to breathe life into the family dynamic.

But it was Ada, the stunning sister, who truly captivated Vivian's attention. The portrait depicted a woman of grace and beauty, her charm unmistakable. Cathy, however, sounded a note of caution, warning Vivian not to get too entangled with the Shelby family and to limit her interactions with Ada as much as possible. Evidently, the entire family possessed a temper not to be trifled with, and treading too close to their affairs might invoke their wrath.

Vivian's confusion lingered as she recalled the encounter with the Shelby brothers earlier that day, "Hmm, they seemed pretty nice this afternoon" she muses aloud. 

Cathy chuckled heartily at Vivian's naivety, "Oh, darling, don't be fooled. Men will always be men. And with a beauty like yours, they can't help but be charmed." Vivian blushed and shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, feeling a mix of flattery and discomfort at Cathy's compliment.

Her gaze returned to the family tree, and she couldn't help but wonder about the wives of the Shelby brothers. "They have wives, though, right?" she inquired.

Cathy shrugged nonchalantly, "Well, that's never stopped them before. You see, dear, there's not much that maids like us don't notice between these walls." She emphasized her point with a playful wink, hinting at the secrets and indiscretions that might unfold within the confines of their workplace.

As Cathy's words hung in the air, Vivian found herself grappling with the complexities of the Shelby family and the world she had stepped into. The veil of civility that masked the brothers' true nature seemed to conceal a realm of intrigue and forbidden desires, an undercurrent that she now understood might challenge her principles and boundaries.

John has a whole bunch of kids, Arthur has two and now she noticed that Thomas has two children as well, Ruby and Charles, but not from the same wife. Vivian's heart sank as she read the name "Grace", "Oh my.. she died?" She spoke softly, feeling a pang of sympathy for Charles who lost his mother.

Cathy nodded solemnly. her expression tinged with sadness. "Yes, such a shame, lovely lady she was.. If you know what's good for you, never drop her name in front of mister Shelby, he'll most likely cut you." 

It only added to the mounting warnings and unfavorable tales she had heard about him. The enigmatic figure of Thomas Shelby seemed to be veiled in shadows and secrets, and Vivian felt a mix of apprehension and curiosity about this man who commanded such respect and fear.

Speaking of her encounter with Thomas earlier that afternoon, she shared with Cathy that he had not spoken to her. Cathy scoffed softly in response, "He's a man of few words, that one. He won't introduce himself, but rest assured, he knows who you are when he needs you."

Vivian flipped the page and is met by a whole list signed with 'guests'. Some of these names include a man called Johnny Dogs, with his tribe of gypsy's; A peculiar looking man called Alfie Solomons; Another beautiful lady going under the name of May Carleton; and some cavalry men that give her the shudders. She noticed some of the names on the list are crossed out. "Why's that?" Vivian asked. "Well, they died, honey. Can't be guests anymore, huh." she chuckled.

Vivian's disbelief was evident in her wide-eyed expression. Cathy's words were both unsettling and intriguing, leaving her mind whirling with questions. As the room gradually emptied of most of the staff, the atmosphere turned quieter, allowing the gravity of the conversation to sink in.

Cathy took a moment, as if grappling with her own hesitations, before proceeding to disclose something that deepened the enigma surrounding the Shelby family. "Vivian, there's one more thing you need to know. Working here means no questions. You follow orders without hesitation, and whatever happens within these walls stays within these walls. We don't involve the police or any external authorities without Mister Shelby's approval."

Vivian's eyebrow raised even higher in bewilderment. What on earth was she talking about? The cryptic instruction left her feeling both intrigued and wary, as though she had stumbled into a clandestine world she was ill-prepared for.

Breaking the brief silence, Cathy peered at Vivian with a puzzled expression. "You're not from here, are you?" she inquired. Vivian shook her head, feeling like an outsider in this labyrinth of secrets.

Cathy's confusion only deepened, and she continued, "Have you never heard of the Shelby's?" Vivian's response was candid, "All I know is what was in the job advertisement in the paper. A friend of mine showed it to me, and that's why I moved here."

With a serious expression, Cathy moved to sit directly in front of Vivian, locking their gazes. "Honey, how do I put this?" Cathy began, her voice tinged with concern. "The Shelby's are criminals darling. They got so rich by illegal trading deals and gambling dens. A lot happens within these walls that could spell great trouble if it were ever revealed to anyone outside of this place. Do you understand?" Vivian swallows a lump in her throat.

Vivian's throat tightened, the lump within making it hard to speak. Oswald's warnings now rang clear in her mind. "Vivian, I need a clear answer from you. Do you understand?" she asked, needing to know if Vivian comprehended the risks involved. 

She nods her head and with a hoarse voice she finds the courage to respond, "uhm, yeah I do."

"Good.. good. 'Cause I have to mention. If you don't, and you do decide to step out with any information regarding the businesses of the Shelby company Ltd. or anything about mister Shelby's personal matters, you will not get out of here in one piece." The room got silent, as if everyone is waiting for her answer. Headmaid Francis is watching over the conversation like an eagle. "I understand." she spoke with a soft voice, but filled with determination. 

Cathy's expression softened slightly, her demeanor returning to a more reassuring tone. "Good!" she declared, as if a burden had been lifted. She closed the book and returned it to the cupboard, as if locking away the secrets it held. "Then I suggest you get a good night's sleep because tomorrow will be a long day!" she added with a cheerful note.

As Vivian ascended the stairs to her bedroom, her mind was a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. The encounter with Cathy had left her feeling disoriented and on edge. "What the hell just happened?" she wondered, trying to make sense of the startling revelations and the gravity of her new reality.

As Vivian lay in bed, the weight of the evening's revelations pressed upon her like a heavy burden. The realization that the Shelby family was involved in criminal activities left her with a sense of unease and disbelief. She had entered a world of secrets and shadows, where the allure of wealth and power was now tainted by the knowledge of their unlawful ways.

Her mind raced with questions and uncertainties, trying to make sense of this new reality. What exactly did the Shelby family do that was illegal? How deep did their criminal activities run? And why did they operate in such secrecy?

Outside the walls of this enigmatic place, the world remained oblivious to the true nature of the Shelby family. Vivian understood that people chose to keep their distance, avoiding any probing into the family's affairs. They were aware that the Shelby's were not to be trifled with, and digging too deep into their affairs might lead to dangerous consequences.

The rules are easy enough to remember, besides she doesn't really have anyone to share anything with. She just wants food, a roof over her head and a stable income, and that she sure has now.


Heya thank you so much for reading! I know the writing level is probably pretty bad, and I have to be honest, I have no idea how to write a story whatsoever. If you want to share any tips on how I do things, or any feedback, feel very free to! I am open to learn :)

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