Still Falling | ✓

By ThePenPrincess

41.8K 1.5K 189

❝I was afraid of losing you. Now, I'm afraid you'll never look at me the same way.❞ * Amanda Reed returns to... More

00 | foreword
0.5 | prologue
01 | home
02 | storm
03 | low
04 | fall
05 | stare
06 | déjà vu
07 | keeper
08 | delicate
09 | chance
10 | try
11 | confess
13 | ring
14 | forget
15 | elude
16 | commune
17 | loss
18 | stay
19 | drift
20 | favor
21 | only
22 | green
23 | away
24 | serene
25 | moonlight
26 | fireworks
27 | desire

12 | move

1.5K 61 2
By ThePenPrincess



"Hey, I got held up a bit by my professor, I'm just about to grab the balloons and head to your place."

"It's fine, Amanda," Nate said over the phone. "Sienna and I just finished putting up the decorations anyway. We're not expecting visitors for another hour so take your time, don't trip."

"That's a relief," I laughed nervously as I typed in my passcode and got into my apartment. "See you in a few."


Immediately the call ended I discarded my bag like a hot potato and hurried to get changed. Today was the gender reveal and after planning a small, low-key gathering which Sienna preferred, we set today, a Wednesday, for the occasion. I had classes until early afternoon so Nate was tasked with helping Sienna decorate and put out the food and desserts. If my memory served me well, they were expecting Sienna's sister and some of their coworkers and friends in attendance.

The one part of the plan that was exclusive to me was the balloons- I'd ordered a big golden one with the baby's colour inside. That part had to be known by me alone until I popped the big one. And I had to pick it up in the next twenty minutes.

Hurriedly, I got out of my jeans and hoodie and grabbed the first dress my hands could find in my closet. I pulled the black puffy sleeved babydoll dress over my head and nearly tripped putting on a pair of tan sandals. My phone rang and I spared a second to glance at the name of the screen. It was an unknown number, and knowing I didn't have much time for unknown numbers, I ignored it and rushed to apply some concealer and eyeliner.

While I applied some lipstick it began to ring again. I grabbed it as I exited my room and swiped the screen.


"Hi, Amanda. It's Dominic."

I halted when I realized I'd forgotten to grab a purse. "Dominic? Hey! It's been a while. How did you get my number?"

His voice sounded very relaxed while he spoke, and I feared I sounded like a meth addict with my panting and frenzied talking.

"Natalie. I had to do a little coercing to get it out of her. She was fiercely protective."

I laughed as I grabbed a black purse and hurried out again. "Protective? That's believable. I wonder why, though."

"I wonder too. How are you doing?"

"I'm great, thanks," was my go-to response. I wasn't exactly sure how I felt these days, especially since Finn showed up at my door days ago. Sometimes I wished I would run into him again, but it never happened, so I resumed my usual routine that offered it's own little highs now and then. "Very nice of you to go that far to get my number."

There was a brief pause on the line. "I was left with few options as you were the one who took my number, and not the other way around."

I halted with my hand on the front doorknob. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You don't remember? You asked for my number back at the wedding. I was under the impression we were on our way to becoming more than acquaintances."

My eyebrows pinched in heavy confusion as I wracked my brain. "I don't remember any of that, I'm so sorry. I was a little shit-faced that night."

"I suspected that, which is why I didn't hold it against you."

"Ha. You think very highly of yourself."

"As everyone should of themselves."

I got out of my apartment and stopped at the sight of movers hauling furniture into the apartment opposite mine. I knew it would be sooner or later, considering how prime the apartments here were, but I was still surprised at the sight.

"But wait- if I have your number, why is it an unknown number calling?"

"That's because I gave you my work one. Mere force of habit. My personal number is very... personal."

I got into the elevator. "Interesting. What line of work are you into?"

"Architecture. We can talk more about that and more later, if you'll be free this evening."

Was this... was he asking me out on a date? I hadn't been on one in ages. No had been my response for a while now, but Dominic was hardly a bad choice of company. He was really good looking too, so the idea of an evening with him wasn't bad at all. He was a good distraction from my routine too.

"I've got somewhere to be in the next thirty minutes and if I don't feel too tired from that I'll give you a call."

"I'm looking forward to it. Have a great evening, Amanda."

"Bye, Dominic."


The moment my car came to a halt on the driveway, Nate was already outside, headed my way. He helped me out, then grabbed the large balloon from the back seat. Holding it with both hands, he brought it up to his face and squinted his eyes to see through.

"Not going to work, buddy," I chuckled, grabbing a gift bag before locking my car. He wasn't deterred though, and held it up, perhaps hoping sunlight would help reveal what was inside. "It's as opaque as a brick, genius."

"Jessica and I made a bet. Sienna doesn't know about it, but I've got fifty bucks on the line."

I took a second to respond. "You made a bet?"

"Jessica is very competitive, even as far as to stake money on the gender of a baby. She's also very persuasive. I was talked into it."

"Good thing Sienna doesn't know about it. I don't think she would approve of it."

"Exactly," he resigned to his fate and drew his gaze to me instead. "You look nice. Cute dress."

He walked inside his apartment building, while I looked down at the dress I barely put any thought into, before catching up with him.

"Really? I thought I looked like roadkill."

We got into the elevator and Nate looked my way. "A break from the norm."

I slapped his arm. He didn't even flinch.

"Which did you bet on anyway?"

He rocked on his heels as we got higher and higher. "A girl."

"Really? I thought you would want a boy. You've been surrounded by women all your life," I said with a small laugh. "Your mother, your aunties, me, Jo, your many, many ex girlfriends. We've been your closest circle at different points."

"True, true, but it's not about what I want, is it? Whatever will be, will be, and I have a feeling it's going to remain women for a while. Care to tell me if I'm correct or not?"

"Nope. You'll find out soon enough. But regardless, I know you'll be a great dad." I said with a pat on his shoulders. He looked at me, an appreciative smile on his lips as the doors parted open.

Sienna was sat on the couch when we got into the apartment, with her sister Jessica sipping on a glass of champagne. Her eyes zeroed in on the balloon in Nate's hold. He wasn't kidding when he said she was competitive. This was more than the money to her, it was the need to come out the victor, and fuck, I knew she already was and it rattled me.

"Hey, Amanda," Sienna got up and hugged me. Her bump was so much more prominent, and our chests barely touched enough for her to make contact with me comfortably.

"Hi, Sienna. How are you feeling today?"

She gave a slight shrug. "It's one of the better days of my week. My mood swings have been merciful, good thing for Nathaniel. He's been at the receiving end of my moments."

"Poor him," I said, glancing over to where he stood with Jessica who helped set the balloon aside. It kinda looked like she was doing the same thing he was doing earlier with the way she scrutinized the golden ball with so much focus, like she was trying to discern the content. An idea crept into my head, one that was perhaps a little wicked, but I found myself liking it.

I returned my attention back to Sienna and felt her firm stomach. "Five months, now?"

She nodded. "Twenty-two weeks."

"You're doing great. And glowing too."

She'd put on a few pounds, unsurprisingly, and her face had assumed a supple look. Nate told me she hated staying in one place and had enrolled in prenatal yoga. He even had to talk her into going on maternity leave early.

She held my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. In her other one, she nursed a glass of lemon flavored water. "Thank you, Amanda. Really."

"Here," I handed her my gift. "You've probably read enough books to fill a small bookstore since the pregnancy, I hope mine makes a difference. For you and Nate."

"Aw, you're so sweet."

The doorbell rang and while she went to get it, I took the time to admire the little decorations they'd put up. Their large, sparsely furnished living room had little blue and pink pieces hung around and spread on the surfaces. I counted half a dozen clutter of balloons on white stands.

I gravitated to a tray of champagne flutes and picked one up.


Nate broke from Jessica's company and joined Sienna at the door to welcome their guest, a dark haired man with a full beard. Jessica walked over to me and blocked my view of the door.

"Hey. Amanda, right? You're Nathaniel's best friend."

"Yeah. Hi."

She was perhaps around my age, petite and very neurotic. She stuck close to my side, looped arms with me like we were long lost friends and leaned in.

"Look at them," she said, referring to Nate and Sienna who were welcoming in another pair of guests. "I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl. I know Nathaniel would love a boy."

Wasn't her bet on a boy? Her body was a little too close for comfort, and the tone of her voice felt like an invitation for my input. Like she was expecting me to say otherwise. Or slip.

I turned to look her in her startling blue eyes. "Nate wouldn't love his child any different based on gender," I stated firmly. "He thinks it's a girl. And he's happy about that. And I'm happy too. Oop-" I cut myself off and brought my index finger and thumb up to the corner of my pursed lips. I dragged it all the way to the other end, making sure she followed my every move, and faked a muffled giggle before walking away.

I sat on a leather chair and brought out my phone. Risking it, I snuck a glance her way and saw her staring into space with her eyebrows tightly drawn together. It was small, but she was desperate enough to latch on to the seed of doubt. If she was as competitive as Nate claimed, she was minutes away from making sure she didn't loose money, or the title of the victor.

Over the next hour, more people arrived, and I tried my best to mingle a little. Two of Sienna's friends who arrived were also photographers and belonged to the same clique. Nate had three of his co-workers pop in too, and after the last person arrived, our small chat circles merged into one large group shepherded by Nate.

When it was time to pop the golden balloon, Nate handed me a pin.

"Guess what?" He whispered to me. "Jessica withdrew her bet. I guess she changed her mind."

I pretended to be surprised. "Wow. Maybe she wasn't so confident with her guess."


Sienna joined Nate at the other side of the balloon. I held the pin in one hand and the balloon in the other in front of everyone. Some got out their phones, including Nate who had a small camera aimed at me. I realized videos of this moment would be played in the future, decades from now even, and I would always be there for everyone to see, this present me. I smiled for the cameras.

"Ready? In three, two, one!"

I popped it, revealing an explosive mix of smaller blue balloons and blue confetti. Sienna's hands cupped her mouth and Nate let out a laugh I knew was plain surprise. Everyone cheered, and Nate pulled Sienna in for a hug. When I looked over to where Jessica was stood, she had a blank face on, and it irked me how caught up she was with her lost bet that she couldn't cheer her sister and brother in-law, and future nephew. Weird.

I tried to dust off some golden tinsel that clung to my dress and everyone hung around a bit before they started to head home. I got out my phone and sent a text.

7:13 PM
hey, my evening's all free now :)

I put my phone down but it vibrated immediately after.

7:13 PM
Held my breath all through. Is 8:00 fine by you?

I sent a confirmation message followed by my address and got up to rush home to get ready on time. I said my goodbyes to Sienna and Nate, and rode the elevator down.

When I got to my apartment, I decided to leave the dress on and substituted my sandals for heels. The makeup I had on was slightly worn and greasy so I washed my face clean before redoing it. I sat in the living room a minute to eight. The doorbell rang immediately after. He was right on time.

I opened the front door to reveal a bouquet of roses, carnations and orchids. They lowered to reveal Dominic, dressed in a white button down and dress pants. Seeing his attractive face was like a refresher since the wedding weeks ago.

He handed the flowers to me with a small smile. "I got these for you."

"They're so beautiful, thank you." I grabbed them and stuck out a finger. "One minute."

I hurried to my kitchen, got out a vase and filled it up with water. I unravelled the ribbon that held the wrapping paper around it and arranged the flowers into the vase. Dominic was where I left him when I returned. He rose an eyebrow.

"Everything okay?"


From over his shoulder I saw the door across the corridor open. My focus temporarily shifted from Dominic to my new neighbor, a little eager to see them. Finn stepped out, his eyes meeting mine in an instant. I was too stunned to blink, or speak, or move. Or even breathe. I didn't think I was dreaming, because it felt all too real- him.





a/n: me and writing have a love/hate relationship. we're currently fighting, and I'm loosing :|

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