Kim's Life In a Frame ( bangt...

By Jennifer_GB

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Some family drama at Kim's mansion, about the Bangtan brothers growing up with their parents. This series wi... More

CHAPTER - Two (Secret about me ?🙄)
CHAPTER - Three (Beach Fun 🏖️😁)
CHAPTER- Four (From Rivalry to Romance)🥰

CHAPTER - One ( Vibrant Cooking😌)

718 12 7
By Jennifer_GB

"Boys?!" Ae-Cha called for her sons.

"Yes, Eomma?" six boys said in unison, except Yoongi as he was sleeping (oo...this boy 😑).

"Me and your appa are going to the market, okay? We will be back within 30 minutes. So don't do anything stupid, alright?"

All nodded at her.

"And Jin, honey!"

"Yes, Eomma?"

"You are in charge, so don't let them do anything stupid or create a mess, hmm, and take care of everyone and yourself, alright?"

"Jagi, we are only going for 30 minutes, not for 30 days. You are saying it like...." Shihyuk said.

She glared at her husband, which made him shut his mouth.

"Don't worry, Eomma, I will handle everything; you enjoy shopping with appa," Jin said gently, smiling.

"Alright then, we shall get going. See you guys, love you all."

"Love you, Eomma, love you, appa."

With this, the Kim couple went for marketing.

"You hear that, right? I am in charge, so I don't need any mess around or dangerous stunts! You all got it!?" Jin said with his bossy voice.

But it seems like no one was paying attention to him.

"Hello? Am I talking to the air, huh? You're not responding to your eldest hyung, huh? Is this how you treat your hyung?" Jin started his rap, as we all know 😅.

"Hyung!!!" Yoongi said lazily. "Can you please slow down? I am in the middle of my sleep!"

"Yoongi!!..... Is sleep more important than your brothers? Just stop being a lazy cat and help me with the kids," Jin said, glaring at Yoongi.

"Oh, come on, hyung, they are old enough to take care of themselves. Like, look at Jungkook, he is twelve, old enough to sleep alone," Yoongi said.

"I am thirteen!" Jungkook shouted.

"Yeah, yeah," Yoongi said.

"Alright then... I am going to the kitchen," Jin said.

In the kitchen:

Jin was cooking Bibimbap.

"Alright, let's make some fried egg then...."

"Hyung, can I help too?" Namjoon asked while entering the kitchen.

"Nope," Jin simply said.

"But I promise I won't do anything out of order."

"Still nope.... Remember, you are not allowed here, Joonie."

"But I wanna help."

"Joonie... we don't want the kitchen to turn into a bomb destroyed place, right?"

Namjoon pouted. "Alright, just order me, and I will bring the ingredients. How does that sound?" He asked hopefully.

"Uhmmm.... 🤔🤔, Alright then. Do one thing, Namjoon-ah, can you bring some meat from the storage room?"

Namjoon nodded excitedly. "Alright, I will be back soon," he said as he went from the kitchen.

"He is helpful," Jin smiled. "But I hope he doesn't mess in the storage."


Jin turned around to meet his youngest brother.

"Yes, Jungkook, what do you want?"

"I am hungry!!!" he said, pouting.

"Yes, baby, dinner is almost ready. When appa and eomma return from the market, we can have dinner, alright?" Jin said, patting his head.

"But I am really hungry; I can't wait," Jungkook's pout grew bigger.

"You can have it, Kooki," Taehyung said, handing him a plate.

"Oh, gomawoyo (Thank you), hyung," Jungkook said, taking the plate.

"It's fried egg!! Tae, did you make it?" Jin asked, raising his brows!

"Ani (No), I found it on the frying pan," Taehyung said, pointing to the empty frying pan on the stove.

Jin's eyes widened with disbelief. "Tae!!! That was not on it; I was cooking 🤦🏼‍♂️."

"Oh!!! 😅 I didn't notice," Taehyung said, smiling awkwardly.

Jin gave him a look of "Really 😑".

"It was for Bibimbap," Jin sighed.

" Mianhae (sorry), hyung. I will help you," Taehyung said.

"No need, Tae. I will do it; I have to finish it before eomma and appa come."

"That's why we will help you, hyung," Jungkook said after finishing the egg. "By the way, it was delicious."

Jin gave him a sleepy smile.

"Alright, you can fry the egg, and Tae, can you chop the vegetables here?" Jin asked his two young siblings.

"Aye aye, captain," Taekook said together.

"Alright, then I will be back soon, so be careful with chopping, and Kooki, you too while cooking, and please don't create any mess, you got it!?" Jin asked.

"Yes, hyung, we will be careful and will not make a mess or something," Taehyung said.

At the storage room:

"Namjoon-ah?? Yah, where are you?" Jin said after entering the storage room.

"Oh, hyung?!" Namjoon said, coming up behind Jin as he was holding cabbage.

Jin flinched at the sudden appearance of Namjoon from behind.

"Ahhh...." Jin caught his breath. "Yah, Kim Namjoon!! Don't scare me like that!!!"

"Sorry, hyung, I didn't mean to," Namjoon said, apologizing.

"Okay, fine. But what are you doing with the cabbage?"

"Well..." Namjoon rubbed his nape with a nervous smile. "I was passing through the cabbage shelf and saw the cabbage were not kept properly, so I just wanted to arrange it and...."

"Alright, I got it, what would have happened...." Jin said, sighed.

Namjoon smiled awkwardly.

"Here's the meat!" Hoseok said as he came out from the meat storage room. "Oh, hey, hyung."

"Hey?!" Jin said, confused. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Namjoon got into trouble and couldn't handle it all alone, so I came here to help him," Hoseok said.

"Alright, I get it," Jin sighed. "Let's go then."

He was about to go, but Namjoon stopped him.

"Now what?"

"Ahh...the tomato and pumpkin shelves also...." Namjoon said nervously.

"Seriously!!!" Jin sighed heavily.

At the same time, in the kitchen:

Jimin entered the kitchen and was met with a strange smell and a messy stove.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"We are cooking, hyung!" Jungkook said, smiling at him.

"And what are you cooking?" He raised one eyebrow.

"I am making my own special creation for eomma," Jungkook said, grinning.

"But your special creations will leave the kitchen with a greater mess, Kooki! Look at the stove," Jimin said.

"No!!! I will not make a mess, hyung, and will clean it later," he pointed towards the stove. "Right, Taehyungi hyung?"

"Yes," he simply said.

"Tae!!" Jimin said, crossing his arms. "And what are you making there?"

"Oh, I am making strawberry custard?" Taehyung simply said.

"Uhmm? Then where is the milk? And why are you using baking soda?!" Jimin said, confused.

"Well, it's said that here!" He showed him the phone.

"Tae, it's strawberry cake's recipe!" Jimin facepalmed.

"So now what shall I do?" Taehyung asked, with a pout.

"You can make strawberry cake, hyung," Jungkook said, as he was decorating his so-called own special creation.

"Yah, that's a good idea, Kook. Jimin, come on, help me, bro," Tae said, playfully hitting him.

"Okay, fine," Jimin said, sighed.

"What's it called, Kooki? Your special creation?" Taehyung asked.

"It's called yellow border white middle Frittata," He said.

"It's just an omelet," Jimin said.

"Um... you can say that," Jin replied.

Jimin sighed. "So what are we gonna do?"

"Cake baking!!" Taekook cheered.

"So now we have to wait for 10 minutes," Jimin said as he switched on the microwave.

Meanwhile, Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok entered the kitchen only to be met with a large mess.

"Was there a storm here?" Hoseok asked, looking around the kitchen.

"Ah... Who did this? You?" Jin yelled, glaring at the Maknae line. "I told you not to do this... aish!!"

"Sorry, hyung, we had no idea it would be this messy, sorry," Jimin said.

"What?! You too, Jimin!" Jin asked, surprised.

"Um... sorry, hyung."

"Ok, fine... Now just help me clean the mess and prepare the food before eomma comes and cooks you three," Jin warned. (Well, Ae-Cha gets furious if her precious kitchen gets messy.)

"Yes, hyung!" the Maknae line said.

"So Kooki, can you bring the broom and Hobi, can you bring the garbage bags, please?" Jin asked.

"Yes, hyung!" They both said and went to get the items.

"Now you two, Jimin, put the messy utensils in the sink, Tae, bring the floor wiper, and Joon, just stand there."

"What? But why?" Namjoon asked.

"We already have enough mess in the kitchen, and we don't want any broken glasses or plates, hmm!"

"Fine," Namjoon pouted and crossed his arms.

Jin went towards the stove and started to clean it.

In that time, Taehyung and Hoseok came running towards the kitchen and unfortunately bumped into each other, falling to the floor. The floor wiper, which was in Taehyung's hand, flew towards the glasses on the kitchen table. In no time, there were only breaking pieces of glasses on the floor.

Everyone's eyes widened with shock and horror.

"Oh my God? What happened? Are you guys alright?" Jungkook asked as he entered the kitchen. "And what happened to the...?" Before he could complete the sentence, a "crack" sound was heard.

They looked to the side where the sound was coming from and saw Yoongi had just opened the refrigerator door.

"What?" He asked as he felt everyone's eyes on him.

"You're asking 'what'? Can't you see what kind of situation we're in? You should have asked us if we're fine or not, or at least helped us!" Jin yelled at Yoongi (obviously in his rap manner 😅).

"Fine! Eomma and appa are coming home within 5 minutes, so it would be better if you all clean the mess before they come," Yoongi said.

As he was about to go, Jin grabbed him by his hoodie's hood.

"Where do you think you're going, Mr.? You're helping us; come here."

"But I just did, by telling you the information."

"That's not going to work, Yoons!"


They all started to clean the mess as fast as they could.

"Hey, did you hear that?" Hoseok asked.

"What?" Namjoon asked, confused.

"Is something burning?" Yoongi asked.

"Oh my God!!!" Taeminkook said together as they looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

"What happened?" Jin asked.

"Hyung, the microwave!!!" Hoseok shouted.

Smoke was coming out of the microwave.

"Oh no!!!" Jin panicked as he ran towards the microwave and switched it off.

Everyone sighed in relief.

Jin slowly opened the microwave (but I wish he wouldn't have).

Suddenly, the substance in the microwave burst and painted the wall.

"What the F***!!!" Yoongi yelled.

"Yoongi, language."

"Yummy? It's strawberry," Hoseok said as he tested the substance with his fingertips, which was on his cheek.

"What shall we do now? What if..." Jimin couldn't complete his sentence as they heard a car horn sound.

"Oh no! Eomma and appa are here!" Taehyung panicked, looking at his brothers.

"We can't clean that fast!" Jimin panicked.


"Alright, I have an idea 💡!" Namjoon said as his brothers looked at him. "Let's not let eomma in here. We have to think of some excuses to stop her from entering the kitchen. When they go to bed, we can clean the mess. How does that sound?"



"Alright, let's go with the plan!" Jin said as he went to open the door.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim entered their house with groceries.

"We brought fish and everyone's favorite candy," Ae-Cha said, smiling.

"Candy!!!" Jungkook cheered.

"Yes, baby, come on, everyone take one candy," she said, starting to walk towards the kitchen.

"Eomma!!" Jimin called.

"Yes, sweetie!" She turned around.

"Can't we eat candy together?" he asked.

"No, baby, I don't want to eat now. You enjoy it. I'll make the last dish, and then we can enjoy dinner. And yes, you can only eat one candy because you have to eat dinner, got it?" she said.

"Yes," the boys said.

"Alright," she said as she started to walk.

"Eomma!!" Hoseok said.

"Yes, Hobi, do you need something?" she asked.

"You just came now; don't you think you need to rest?" he said.

"Aww... so sweet of you, but I am fine," she said as she turned around.

"Eomma??" Taehyung called this time.

She turned around and sighed. "Yes, Tae?"

"Can I have a glass of water?" he asked.

All the brothers' heads snapped towards Taehyung in disbelief. Yoongi facepalmed himself.

"Alright, I shall bring it." With this, she went to the kitchen.

Ae-Cha went to the kitchen, and...

"YAH !!!!!!!!! WHO THE HELL DID THIS ??????"


Seven kids were standing in front of their parents, heads hanging down.

"Jin, explain!" Ae-Cha asked with a stern voice.

"Well, after you both went to the market, I..." Jin started to explain everything.

Their parents sighed listening to the total story.

"What do you have to say about this?" Ae-Cha said, looking at the Maknaes.

"We didn't mean to mess up the kitchen," Taehyung said, looking down.

"We just wanted to make something for you and appa, but... it didn't happen," Jungkook said, pouting.

"I'm sorry, eomma. I was there and tried not to make the kitchen messy, but it happened anyway. I'm sorry," Jimin said, looking down.

"We're sorry, eomma," they said.

Ae-Cha and Shihyuk looked at each other.

"Awww, my babies, how can I stay mad at you, hmm?" Ae-Cha said.

Their eyes lit up.

"That means we're forgiven!!" Jungkook said.

"Sorry, baby, not that fast," Ae-Cha said.

"But you said you can't stay mad at us," Taehyung said.

"Yes, I said that, but I didn't say that you're not getting punishment!"

"What?!" the three said, shocked.

"I told you not to create a mess in the house, and Jin told you the same thing about the kitchen. But you ended up messing up the kitchen, isn't it?" Ae-Cha asked gently, not scolding them, just letting them know where they went wrong.

"Yes, eomma," they said, heads lowering.

"Good! And you know how much I love my kitchen!! So you are getting punishment, alright."

They nodded.

"Words, boys," Ae-Cha said.

"Yes, eomma."

"Alright then, go to the kitchen, clean up all the mess you made, and after that, 'stand at the corner with your hands up,' got it!?"

"But why to the corner? We're already getting our punishment through cleaning the kitchen," Jungkook protested.

"It's because, in the future, you will think about the punishment for ignoring the elders' words," Ae-Cha said.

"Fine," they all said as they went toward the kitchen.

"And you four, you're also getting punishment!" Ae-Cha said, looking at the hyung line.

"But what have we done?" Hoseok protested.

"You all were covering up their mistakes by not letting me know about the kitchen's condition, and it's not a good thing to do, right?" This time Shihyuk said.

They all looked down.

"If you keep covering up their mistakes like that, they will never learn from their mistakes, and in the future, they will repeat those mistakes again and again without thinking twice," Shihyuk said gently.

"We're sorry, appa. We shouldn't have done that. We didn't think about it straight," Namjoon said.

"We're sorry, appa, eomma," they all said.

"Awww, my sweet corns, you're all forgiven, but you're also getting punishment."

"Yes," they said slowly.

"So you're grounded for two days."

"What?!... But..."

"If you protest, then I'll increase the days."

"No, no, it's fine."


1 hour 30 minutes later:

"It looks delicious," Jungkook said.

"So what are you all waiting for? Let's start!" Shihyuk said.

"Yes!" All cheered and started to eat while enjoying each other's company with happy chit-chat.

Well... yes, it's not at zero o'clock but at 1:30 AM.

But still, they are enjoying, because rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life. (Right?)


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