
By JugniAnokhiTheFightr

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Hi guys, it's an another story write-up which is also inspired from K-dramas. In this book, I will add two s... More

EPISODE 1: "Pinocchio"
EPISODE 2: "Ugly duckling"
EPISODE 3: "Snow queen"
EPISODE 4: "Romeo and Juliet"
EPISODE 5: "The king's ears are donkey ears"
"Adventures of 15-year-old boys" (aka Two Years' Vacation by Jules Verne)
EPISODE 7: "The frog in the well"
EPISODE 8: "A Lucky Day"
EPISODE 9: "The Pied Piper of Hamelin"
EPISODE 10: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"
EPISODE 11: "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
EPISODE 12: "The Magic Flute"
EPISODE 13 : "The Gift of the Magi"
EPISODE 14: "Hansel and Gretel"
EPISODE 15: "Don Quixote"
EPISODE 16: "The Emperor's New Clothes"
EPISODE 17: "The Scarlet Letter"
EPISODE 18: "The Red Shoes"
EPISODE 19: "The North Wind and the Sun"
EPISODE 20: "Peter Pan"


77 2 0
By JugniAnokhiTheFightr

Anokhi shows Dr.Singh CCTV footage of the new alter, "Mr. X," which shows a caped figure enter her room. She tells him how Arjun Krishnamurthi left for good, and Dr.Singh replies that it's possible the new alter arose in response.

He says that Mr. X could either be a helper personality who will facilitate the treatment, or the opposite.

Shaurya stops short when he finds his office occupied. In a magician's cape and top hat, the new alter invites Shaurya to open a briefcase. Shaurya looks away in confusion, but when he looks back, the room is empty. Shaurya, eyes wide, tells Chief Makkhan that he thinks he saw Mr. X, in a bout of co-consciousness.

His head rings sharply, and the chief anxiously takes him home. Now recovered, Shaurya works from home, and his diligence surprises Chief Makkhan. The chief has other news for Shaurya. He reveals that Sridevi's driver, who was new that day, got the job under the auspices of Shaurya's dad.

The shock of the news brings on the telltale ringing. Fighting the pain, Shaurya tells the chief to secure the driver's testimony immediately - he needs to know the truth. Alone, he remembers little Anokhi showing him her locket. The pain, insistent, takes him again. Anokhi catches "Princess Nicky" sneaking out to Oppa, decked in her new pink headband.

They scuffle and Nicky calls out, "Mr X!" which gets Anokhi's attention quick. Just for lols, Nicky hawks a gobbet of gum right into Anokhi's face. Laughing her head off, she refuses to divulge the secret for free...Anokhi bursts into Pawan's room and rattles off a profuse apology, promising to spend her whole life atoning.

Horrified understanding dawns on him when Nicky bounds in. Anokhi shuts the door ("I'm sorry Pawan bhalla, forgive me Pawan bhalla, I love you Pawan bhalla") but Nicky locks them in.

Oh my days.

She tackles him onto the bed. Trapped, he wails and flails while she toys with him, a cat preying on a mouse.

Poor molested Pawan, I'm (not) sorry you're suffering for my lols!

She makes him sit still, and sings him "Oppa, Cheer up," the Nicky version (based on children's song "Cheer Up, Dad") but HAHAHA, "Oppa, cheer up! Nicky's going to... give you a kiss~!" Pawan desperately blurts that he's leaving for army service.

She sobs - for about two seconds, and threateningly holds up a copy of his 2010 discharge papers, the evidence of his lie. She proceeds to take a million selcas of herself with Oppa, and you can't blame him if his smile is more of a grimace.

No fight left in him, he submits to her kisses. Anokhi still has her ear to the door when Nicky whips it open, waving a prize photo of Oppa. Anokhi gasps at her brother's kiss-covered face while he flails and sobs even more, convinced he's ruined for life.

Anokhi, are you laughing at Oppa?
Anokhi comes to collect on her promise from Nicky: What does she know about Mr. X?
Nicky cryptically tells her to smile brightly: "Mr. X disappears when you become happy." But that's all she'll say.

Nicky claims the bed for the night, and this time Anokhi lets her. They settle down to sleep. In her tough-girl way, Nicky speaks: "For treating me like a friend, thank you. And for treating me like a sister, thank you. For granting my wish today, thank you. Just... thanks for everything."

Anokhi sits up, recognizing it's a goodbye. Eyes full, Nicky tells her she was the first girl she met who could fight. She tells Anokhi to be well, and closes her eyes. Anokhi watches over her. Sameer calls Nicky to him. Anokhi is at Shaurya brother's side now, he tells her. They have to go so the couple can be at ease.
Nicky runs past him crying, and dissolves in a spray of pink.

There's something in my eye.

Sameer quotes French poet Paul Valéry: "The wind is rising. We must try to live." He adds, "Goodbye, Anokhi. Thank you." Then he, too, dissolves into the breeze.

Shaurya wakes up with Nicky's headband in his hand. He knows what it means, and carefully folds away her pink blazer for the last time. Anokhi sniffles in front of her mirror, hands over her face. She tells him Nicky left, "After doing this" - and shows him her face.
Nicky gets the last penultimate laugh after all, because across Anokhi's forehead, thoroughly misspelled, she's scribbled "vicious chick."

Anokhi bawls that she fell asleep for just a moment, and that's when Nicky left. Shaurya consoles her by calling her "Sister" in Nicky's voice, telling her she'll mess up her makeup.

In the hospital, Shaurya's dad opens his eyes. Shaurya gets the news from Chief Makkhan, who adds that Dad wants to atone for the past, and so wants to see Anokhi and his son together. Shaurya hurries from Anokhi's house, saying he'll see her at his house later.

While he drives, he clutches his ringing head, roiling with suspicions of Dad's involvement in Sridevi's death.
At Shaurya's house, Anokhi finds a lump hiding under the covers in her room. She peels the cover back and is greeted by Ronny's giant teddy bear. From behind it, Shaurya peeks out. He gazes at her with limpid eyes, and waves the bear's paw. Realization dawns, and Anokhi tentatively asks, "Rohit?"

She says the bear's name is Rohit, and Anokhi finishes - her name is Shaurya, isn't it? We see the little girl now, and Anokhi tells her she knows, "Because you... are me." She explains that she's little Shaurya's adult self, and little Shaurya is her child-self. She lovingly tells her younger self how happy and loved she is now, "So much that it overflows."

She wants to say one more thing : Back then, when that uncle was angry, it wasn't because she did anything wrong. Telling her not to be scared or hurt anymore, she reassures the little girl that it's okay for her to go now. She'll look after Shaurya Shreeman. But little Shaurya can't go alone because she doesn't know the way. She asks Anokhi to call Mr. X. But who is Mr. X? "My daddy," the little girl replies.

A memory. The two children draw pictures on the basement floor, and little Anokhi looks longingly towards the door. If her dad were there, she says, they could get out. Shaurya tells her he heard her dad was dead, which makes her cry.

Shaurya, you heartbreaker.

He quickly takes it back - of course he'll come. He paints a comforting promise of her father watching over her from the heavens. Shaurya jolts awake, bear in hand, while Anokhi watches over him. He asks if Rohit was there, and she wordlessly pulls him into a hug. "For your mind splintering again because of me, I'm sorry, and sorry again. But thank you," she says.

At last, she grasps the extent of his pain, she tells him, and how much hope he gave her - he really did save her. She cries into his shoulder, grateful that they got to meet again, so she could say those words. Shaurya is still tortured by the fear that his father killed Anokhi's mother.

In his bathroom, co-consciousness strikes once again as Mr. X appears in the mirror. Once again, he invites Shaurya to open the box. This time, Shaurya steels himself and opens it. There's only a teddy bear inside, and it's not frightening at all (unless you're the bear). Mr. X proves his point that until Shaurya looks for himself, he won't know whether what's inside is gold or a bomb.

"The extent of my imagination decides the size of my fear," says Mr. X.
Shaurya realizes that means he has to go check the facts himself.
Mr. X encourages Shaurya to confront his past, and spend his imagination on his future. From Rohit's memories, he now knows who Mr. X is.
Mr. X says he took on this form because that's how Shaurya made him. As for why he looks like a magician, Mr. X says that must be how a kid imagines a dad.

He quips that Shaurya has no idea how glad he is that he's not Superman. Eyes full of conviction, Shaurya tells Mr. X that he will protect Anokhi from now on, and get stronger. Shaurya tells him he can rest easy now, and Mr. X agrees.
A moment later, Shaurya is alone - surprised, but content. Shaurya stands by his father's bedside. Dad sits up and asks if he's Karanvir. He marvels that he's completely grown up, and wants to see him better.

Wasting no words, Shaurya tells Dad that being in a coma for so long didn't erase his sins and turn him into a victim. He's only here to find out if Dad was responsible for Grandpa's and Sridevi's deaths.

In a private meeting between the family execs, Yash begins a speech to Grandma about Shaurya's job capability. Unfazed, Shaurya interrupts to ask if it's about his DID. Uncle and son look smug, but Shaurya counters with his own concerns about Uncle.

His father revealed that Uncle had bribed the driver to delay the two from leaving the country that day. The accident that killed them was pure misfortune. Dad admits that he covered up his findings at the time because he coveted the chairman's seat. Shaurya tells his uncle that Dad kept a recording of an incriminating conversation between the two of them.

The transcript Grandma has in front of her is that conversation, he says. She looks at Uncle with horror. Uncle scoffs that that won't stop Shaurya's secret coming out. But Shaurya has more dirt on him - reams of documents prove he embezzled company money, as well as laundering money via his wife's gallery.

Even Yash looks shocked now. Shaurya rejects Uncle's offer to compromise by hiding each other's flaws. His secret won't land him in jail, whereas Uncle's definitely will. Yash is stricken and Grandma steps in. To protect the company, she offers to cede Sabherwal to Shaurya. Uncle sweeps out, defeated and indignant, and Yash follows.

Grandma says that Shaurya was right - he's not a monster. The monsters were other people. She almost smiles at him, in what must be the first time in 21 years. She urges him to get treatment and recover: She'll protect Sabherwal for him until he comes back.

Chief Makkhan tells Shaurya that Anokhi went to see his father. As he's about to run out, he's struck by the pain in his head again.

Anokhi steps into the room, and Dad is affected by her resemblance to her mother. He kneels at her feet. Eyes brimming, he thanks her for being alive. He knows his sins against her were too great to carelessly ask forgiveness, but he woke up, he says, out of his earnest wish to atone to her.

Shaurya bursts in, except he's Ronny, and he's livid. Does Dad want forgiveness? Crouching to be eye-level with him, Ronny grabs Dad in a choke and spits at him to die - to disappear from the world as quickly as possible. Looking into Ronny's face, Dad's mind goes back to the fire, and the memory of little Karanvir/Ronny's face then. He seems to realize something.

Anokhi urges Ronny to stop, and finally pulls him away. Standing between father and son, she tells Dad that his forgiveness will have to wait. If she tries to forgive him, it will be for the sake of this person, she says, indicating Ronny. This person, who, instead of Dad, spent his whole life protecting her and being in apology to her.

To Ronny, she says the words he last said to her, to run away anywhere - away from their scary memories. She tugs him out with her. Alone, Dad is racked with sobs.

Ronny and Anokhi ride away on a motorbike, and in a voiceover, she asks him what present she can get him. His answer is simple : "You."
They light sparklers together in the twilight. Full of sad bravado, Ronny tells her he's thinking about how he can make time stop, or somehow stay with her forever.
Eyeing her suspiciously, he turns away, convinced she wants him to disappear.

She coaxes him to look at her. With a steady gaze, she tells him that he was the first person to say her word was law. He hangs on the word "person," noting that she finally came to see him as his own person, not just an alter. But until she sees him as a man, he doesn't think he can go.

He asks for his present. She steps up to him, and kisses him. For everything he did for her, this was the only present she could think of, she says. Gruff, he tells her it was a good choice - unsurpassable. He pulls her in again for a deeper kiss.

We get a montage of Ronny's memories with Anokhi : There's their first kiss in the pumpkin-carriage; then, when he asked Anokhi to run away with him, and just now, when Anokhi asks him to run away with her.

Entreating Anokhi not to kill him is overlapped by the memory of her taking his hand. Face to face in their mental ether, Shaurya asks Ronny why he's leaving if he doesn't want to. Ronny shrugs that he isn't needed anymore. He calls him "Shaurya Shreeman," and threatens to come back and take over Shaurya's body and time if he becomes a weakling again, "So it would be good if you lived well."

They share crooked half-smiles, although Shaurya is sniffing back tears. He extends his fist to Ronny for a bump, and for a second, Ronny flexes his fingers and you think he's going to leave him hanging.

Oh Ronny, you make me laugh at the same time as you make me cry.

They touch knuckles, and Ronny charges him again to live well. But Shaurya has one more thing to say : "Ronny Shreeman. You're... me."
"I'm... you," he replies, "So live with style." They hold each other's eyes, and the tattoo fades. Shaurya releases Anokhi. Tears stream down her face, and Shaurya smiles at her through his own tears.

Holding her face between his hands, he wipes her cheeks. This time as himself, he kisses her again, wrapping his arms around her.

One year later.
Anokhi takes a break from work in the hospital staffroom. She reads an ad for Omega's new bestseller, "Kill Me, Heal Me." Her eyes widen at the tagline, "A romance between a DID chaebol and a female doctor."
She remembers when Pawan asked her if he seemed like the type to profit from another's misfortune. "Yes! That's exactly what it looks like," she growls, cursing out her absent brother.

Pawan's busy scoping out how his book is doing - incognito, of course. Another customer snatches up the copy he was reaching for, and cajoles Pawan to let her have it - it's a copy with a hidden message from the author inside.

He perks up at her fangirling, and offers her a pen dug out from his pocket. It was a gift from Writer Omega, he says, and claims to be a distant relative. She immediately asks him out for coffee, and he introduces himself as "Oh Hui" (his ladies' man persona).
"I'm Nicky," she says.
Horrified Pawan can't run away fast enough. The girl gives chase, calling for Oppa.

Shaurya splits wood and Anokhi's dad complains he's making tinder of it. Dad grumbles to Mom, but she's firmly on Shaurya's side - he's so handsome, the (female) customers just come rolling in. She wonders if it's time to matchmake "Arjun" and their daughter, but Dad protests - that guy's been unemployed for a year!

That unemployed guy is on the phone right now, talking shop with Executive Director Makkhan (ha, what is your hair?).

The director tells him Grandma is waiting for him to come back, but Shaurya is satisfied with his present life. "Here, each day is new and happy," he tells him.

Shaurya lies in the sun, eyes closed, when Anokhi's shadow falls across him - the opposite of the shadow that haunted their childhood memories. She joins him, and they lie side by side. She playfully scolds him for being carefree by himself when it's his girlfriend's day off.

He produces a box, and shows her a pair of couple rings. Although she plays hard to get (again, lol), she happily submits when Shaurya puts one on her. She does the same for him, and they hold up their hands to admire them.

"Couple rings are the sweetest handcuffs in the world!" Anokhi squees. The rings glint in the sun, and they twine their pinkies together in a wordless promise.

Shaurya narrates in voiceover: "Within each person's heart is a dark basement. If you look away or stand by, that darkness thickens. You must summon your courage to go down and turn on the light. If you're scared to go alone, you can hold someone's hand."

Little Shaurya and Anokhi hold hands. Laughing and smiling, the children walk together into a brightly lit room, as adult Shaurya's narration continues : "If I'm with you, I'm not afraid."
The couple lie together on the grass, hands entwined and eyes closed, smiling.

The end.

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