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๐“๐Ž๐Œ ๐Œ๐€๐‘๐•๐Ž๐‹๐Ž ๐‘๐ˆ๐ƒ๐ƒ๐‹๐„ : โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ โ–ฌโ–ฌ โ ๐—˜๐—ก๐—œ๐—š๐— ๐—”๐—ง๐—œ๐—– โ€งโ‚Šหš โžค Where the twin of Harry Potter stumble... More

I. The Zoo
II. The Letters
III. Hagrid
IV. Diagon Alley
V. Hogwarts Express
VI. The Sorting
VII. Dumbledore
VIII. Classes
IX. Flying Classes
X. 3rd Floor
XI. Troll In The Dungeon
XII. Qudditch Match
XIII. Yule Break
XIV. Forbidden Forest
XV. Quirrell
XVI. End Of Year 1
XVII. Dobby
XVIII. Weasleys
XIX. The Car
XX. Back At Hogwarts
XXI. Howler
XXII. Lockhart
XXIII. Quidditch Teams
XXIV. Basisilk And The Heir
XXV. Chamber Of Secrets
XXVI. Quidditch
XXVII. Exploring The Chamber
XXVIII. Dueling Club
XXIX. Parselmouth
XXX. Polyjuice
XXXI. Tom Riddle
XXXII. Luna Lovegood
XXXIII. His 'Death'
XXXIV. Hagrids Return
XXXV. An Eventful Summer
XXXVI. Marge
XXXVII. Runaways
XXXVIII. Sirius Black
XXXIX. Dementors
XL. 3rd Year
XLI. The Shaggy Black Dog
XLII. Trelawney's Predictions
XLIV. Sirius Black Sighted
XLV. Boggart
XLVI. Diadem & A Chat With Lupin
XLVI. The Animagus & The Truth
XLVII. Marauders Map
XLVIII. Shrieking Shack & Another Horcrux Found
XLIX. Peter Pettigrew On The Map
L. Buckbeak's Death
LI. Mistakes In The Shrieking Shack
LII. He's A Werewolf
LIII. Time Turner Adventures
LIV. Firebolt
LV. A dream...?
LVI. Quidditch World Cup
LVII. Train Ride Back To Hogwarts
LVIII. Beauxbatons & Durmstrang
LIX. Number 12 Grimmauld Place
LX. Not-Moody
LXI. Cedric
LXII. Goblet Of Fire
LXIII. The Five Champions
LXIV. Rita Skeeter
LXV. Firecall With Sirius
LXVI. Dragons
LXVII. Ferret
LXVIII. The First Task - Dragons
LXIX. Yule Ball
LXX. Golden Egg
LXXI. The Second Task - Lake
LXXII. Igor's Trial
LXXIII. Missing Supplies
LXXIV. The Third Task - The Maze
LXXV. The Graveyard
LXXVI. Goodbye's
LXVII. Explanations
LXVIII. Dementors & Getting Expelled
LXXIX. Number 12 Grimmauld Place
LXXX. The trial
LXXXI. Umbridge
LXXXII. I Must Not Tell Lies
LXXXIII. Thestrals
LXXXIV. Umbridges Madness
LXXXV. Inheritance Test
LXXXVI. Dumbledore's Army
LXXXVII. Training
LXXXVIII. The Vision & Occlumency
LXXXIX. Confessing The Truth To Sirius
XC. Bellatrix Lestrange
XCI. Death Eater Meeting & the resurrection
XCII. Found
XCIII. Grawp
XCIV. Healing
XCV. Umbridge Fucked Up
XCVI. Department Of Mysterys
XCVII. The Prophecy
XCVIII. Dumbledore's prophecy
XCIX. Sirius's Trial & Custody trial
C. Malfoy Manor
CI. Minature Death Eaters?
CII. Shadow Stepping, Animagus Forms, & Umbridge's Trial
CIII. Sirius is Back!

XLIII. Buckbeak

3.6K 123 13

"You don't think that grim thing's got anything to do with Sirius black, do you?" Draco asks as as Hermione scoffs, walking behind us as we walk down to Hagrids.

"Oh, honestly, Draco! If you ask me, divinations a very woolly discipline. Now, ancient runes, that's a fascinating subject." Hermione hits him on the back of the head playfully as he rolls his eyes.

"Jeez, How many classes are you taking this term?" Draco says as I shake my head at the twos antics.

"Only a few." She replies with a slight grin as Draco suddenly pauses.

"Wait. That's not possible. Ancient runes is in the same time as divination. You would have to be in two classes at once." He relizes as Hermione grins and brushed past him, now walking ahead of us.

"Don't be silly, Draco. How could anyone be in two classes at once?" Hermione laughs as I chuckle and run after her, leaving Draco behind as he sighs and runs up to us.

We walk down to Hagrids shack as I Harry and Weasley up at the front.

"That's it. Come on, now. Come closer! Less talking, if ye' don't mind!" Hagrid announces as she gryffindors shush each other.

"I got a real treat for ye' today. A Great lesson! So 'ollow me!" Hagrid announces as most of the gryffindors nod.


We walk to a clearing I. The forest as we step over a stone wall.

"Right, you lot. Less chattering. Form a group over there! And open ye' books t' page forty-nine." Hagrid demands as Draco rolls his eyes.

"And how are we supposed to do that, exactly?" Draco scoffs as Hermione sighs disappointedly.

"Well, just stroke th' spine, of course. Goodness me..." Hagrid answers as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Draco strokes the spine of the book as nothing happens, he glares suspiciously at the idiotic teacher as we walk over to where everyone else was heading.

Longbottom tries to open the book as it growls and starts biting at him, causing him to fall over.

"Don't be such a wimp, longbottom."  Draco says as I hit the side of his arm and give him a disapproving glare.

I never had necessarily felt joy in making fun of longbottom, he was the outsider of the gryffindorks, even they didn't like him.

I truly pitied the boy as I pause to look back at him.

"I'm okay! Okay!" He says before the book attacks him again, I quickly grab the book and force it shut as I help longbottom up.

"Sorry about Draco, he didn't mean it..." I apologize to longbottom as he stares in shock at me for a moment before grabbing my hand and standing up.

"It's alright..." he mutters as I give him a playful grin before running back over to Hermione and Draco.

"I think they're funny." Ron says as Harry turns towards him. Draco laughs mockingly at the Weasley.

"Oh, yeah. Terribly funny! Really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs!" Draco says as he leans against the stone wall. I sit up against the wall with my legs crossed as I grin at them.

"Wait until my father hears that dumbledores got this oaf teaching classes!" Draco laughs as I roll my eyes with a grin on my lips. Crabbe and goyle, Draco's so called 'bodyguards' laugh along as I finally notice their presence.

"Can't you be quiet for once, malfoy?" Harry remarks as he glares at Draco.

Draco grins as he steps forward, Hermione following with an annoyed sigh as I shake my head.

Draco stands over Harry, about an inch or two taller as Harry glares up at him with his arms crossed in annoyance.

Draco then fakes fear as he staggers backwards, Harry looking at him confused.

"D-dementor! Dementor!" Draco exclaims mockingly as Harry flinches and turns around along with many of the other students.

Draco laughs as I snicker slightly at my brothers face. He pulls up his hood as Harry turns around, mockingly acting as a dementor.

Hermione sighs as she leans against the stone fence with a slightly annoyed look on her face as I shake my head and stand next to her.

"Don't pay attention to them, mate." Ron says as he drags Harry away.

Draco grin falters slightly as he pulls his hood off and stands next to me and Hermione.

"If you want his attention, that's not the best way to get it." I mutters to Draco he simply leans against the wall.

"How else am I going to get him to even glance at me? He hates me...!" I mutters back, clearly frustrated.

"It will all work itself out. I would start with an apology though." I suggest with a wink before turning back towards Harry.

"Da-da-da-da!" Hagrid clears his throat as I look over at the hippogriff which stands infront of everyone.

"Isn't he beautiful? Say hello to buckbeak!" Hagrid introduces the animal as Draco looks at it suspiciously.

"Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron asks as buckbeak looks around.

"That, Ron, is a hippogriff! First thing you want to know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do." Hagrid warns as me and Hermione share a look before looking back at Hagrid.

"Now... who'd like to come and say hello?" Hagrid asks as everyone backs away, I quickly jump up and walk to the front, Harry glances at me before backing up aswell.

"Well done, y/n. Well done." Hagrid says as I simply nod and look at the hippogriff.

I step forward slowly, walking towards the hippogriff as it looks at me.

"Excellent work y/n! Now just wait if he bows back, if he does, ye' can go and touch 'im! And if not... well, we'll get t' that later." Hagrid says as I dramatically bow to the hippogriff.

It looks at me blankly before slowly bowing aswell.

"Well done y/n, he never be taking a liking to anyone this quickly!" Hagrid says as I stand up straight once the hippogriff does aswell.

"Right. Now you should go and pat him now." Hagrid instrucks as I approach the hippogriff who stares back at me.

Suddenly, Weasley pushes his way to the front along with Draco and Hermione.

Draco takes a bite of a green apple as I roll my eyes.

I hold my hand out towards the hippogriff, showing no signs of fear or nervousness in order to not annoy the hippogriff.

I pause once I was close enough and watch as the hippogriff approach's me.

He rubs his head against my palm as I grin up at the creature.

"Excellent work y/n!" Hagrid announces clapping as Weasley scoffs.

"I think he may let you ride him now." Hagrid says as my eyes widen.

"What?!" I exclaim before Hagrid puts me on the hippogriff.

"Don't pull out any of his feathers, cause he won't thank ye' for that!" Hagrid says before hitting buckbeak, making him run across before flying off. All I hear are some students yelling before the wind fills my ears.

I wrap my arms around the hippogriffs neck as he flies up and around hogwarts.

I grin as I look down at the water of the lake. His claws grazing the water as I grin excitedly.

Hagrid then whistles as we return down to the ground.

"Well done y/n! And we'll done buckbeak!" Hagrid announces as I run my hand across the hippogriff feathers happily.

I swing my legs over to one side before hopping off and grinning proudly.

Draco smirks as he pushes through everyone, walking towards the hippogriff.

"Yes. You're not dangerous at all, are you?" Draco grins as buckbeak flaps his wings warningly at the boy.

"Malfoy!" Hagrid exclaims as buckbeak attacks the boy, making him fall to the ground with nothing but a graze on his arm.

"Buckbeak!" Hagrid says as he forces buckbeak to back down.

He throws some meat at the hippogriff walks over to it.

"It's killed me! It's killed me!" Draco whines as I roll my eyes and kneel beside the boy, Hermione hurrying over aswell.

"Calm down! It's— it's just a scratch!" Hagrid says as Draco stays on the ground, clutching his arm in fake pain.

"I'll accompany him to the hospital wing." I state as Hermione walks over to him aswell.

"Me aswell." Hermione says as I help Draco up, making him lean against my side for support.

"You're going to regret this! You and your bloodily chicken!" Draco yells back dramatically as I glare at the male.

"Stop being such a baby." Hermione states as the students snicker slightly but quickly hide it.

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