Fly Away

By adeenix

263K 6.2K 3.7K

Love Rejection Heartbreak -------------------------------------------------------- Mia has spent her life liv... More

01 - what's the difference?
02 - you're the only one
03 - maybe i should just run
04 - get your bitch away
05 - i would never do it otherwise
06 - all of a sudden, I wish i wasn't here
07 - nerves and nerves and nerves
08 - just follow my lead
09 - entertaining delusions
10 - it seems you got lost
11 - hard-to-breathe syndrome
13 - i dont want to feel alone anymore
14 - i'm a coward
15 - unraveling the truth
16 - not.attractive.
17 - fireworks and a goddamn zoo
18 - i want cherries
19 - death wish
20 - cherries aren't a meal
21 - anticipation
22 - it's tempting
23 - things that shouldn't happen in an office
24 - echoes and bursts
25 - two innocent souls
26 - you're the only one who remembered
27 - daddy issues
28 - garfield 2.0
29 - the sound of a flat line
30 - moth to a flame
31 - mumbling and grumbling
32 - asserting dominance
33 - hysterics and kisses
34 - memories and the sound of ringing
35 - panic attack
36 - home?
37 - entertainer
38 - giving in
39 - flying away from reality
40 - anything for you
42 - cold fire
42 - glass proofing
43 - am i dreaming?
44 - savour me
45 - pretty boy
46 - moving on
47 - cherries and wine
48 - i love you
49 - reminders of her
The Hijabi and The Streetfighter

12 - woah, tattoos

5.5K 144 76
By adeenix

Song: Chase Atlantic - Cassie (Slowed Down)


I want another box of cherries.

Tonight I'm going to my first party, even if it's at the place I live, but still, I've never really been to one before, if you're discounting those boring, long Mafia events that my dad literally had to drag me and my brothers to so he could, and I quote, 'tighten new bonds'.

What bullshit.

Anyway, I'm currently helping Ren organise the sofa's in the corner of living room number one, so there's a massive dance floor. I have no idea how many people are actually going to dance, because I sure as hell wasn't.

Especially in front of people I don't even know.

"I have a few snacks being delivered here in about two hours, and then everything should be sorted. Rocco has a stupid selection of alcohol that he never, and I repeat, never drinks, so we'll just steal that for the night. Oh, also I invited Gia so you at least have someone you know apart from me at the party. Trust me, I know what it's like to stand around watching people have fun all night." He lets out a laugh, and it makes me smile.

He has this way of lifting the mood so easily, and I'm already comfortable around him, even if it's been less than twenty four hours since we've met.

He doesn't make me feel like a loner, and that's saying something because with my sorely lacking friends, I feel like I've made maybe more than one within the past few days.

I pull out my phone from my hoodie pocket, checking the time. We have three hours until people start to arrive, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear.

Lucky for me, with all the spare, boring time I had cooped up in my bedroom back home, avoiding the rest of my house, and pointedly, my father, I spent a lot of the money my mum sent me, one of the only signs that show she gives a shit, on dresses. So I do have options.

Maybe I'll ask Ren for help, or Gianna.

I hope she was okay. I hadn't seen her since that failed dinner yesterday night, and I know she was more effected by it than she let on.

Ren's bubbly voice breaks me out of my reverie, and I look up at him. "What did you say?" He shakes his head slightly at me before throwing up what seems like a tinsel ball in the air, catching it.

"Have you ever gotten drunk before?" His voice is curious, and he's still throwing that tinsel ball in the air as he walks over to me, slumping on one of the couches. I follow suit beside him.

"Nope, never." I reply. I've always wondered what alcohol tasted like, but I guess I never had any strong inclination to get drunk.

"Well, tonight's going to change that big time. You're going to be pissed by the end of it." At my uncertain face, he reassures me. "Don't worry, you won't be the only one. When I party, I party. I'm basically like a different person with a different dick, so yeah, be prepared." I let out an involuntary laugh at his words, and slap the side of his shoulder lightly.

He only rubs it in a joking way, pretending he's hurt.

"Fine, I'll get drunk. But you better not leave me, because I have no idea how stuff like that goes down. I only have an idea from all those TV shows I watch, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't amount to much when it comes to real life." He places his hand on my shoulder, and one on my cheek. "Don't worry your highness, I will take care of thou." My shoulders are shaking from laughter, but I try to keep up with his act.

"Good servant. Now, go get me some cherries. Off with it, horsie." We both burst out laughing, unable to control the situation.

I'm clutching my stomach, my body racking, my eyes watering, and I realise then, that I've never laughed this hard in my entire life. And it feels so good.

"Y-you called m-me horsie- no stop that's the end of it, I'm officially going to die." At this point, no sound is coming out of our mouths, and Ren just starts smacking my back, making me shove forward into the side of the sofa, still clutching my stomach. I try to breathe in, but my lungs seem to be suffocated, and I'm just shaking like a spas, half falling off the sofa like a madwoman.

This could never get old.


I'm currently standing in front of the floor length mirror in my bedroom, fully dressed and partied up with Gianna by my side.

She arrived about an hour ago, and I pulled her aside to talk to her and ask her if she's okay.

She played it off, and acted like nothing happened, and I didn't want to push her because there was an obvious reason she was hiding her feelings. So I left it.

She then insisted on finding the 'perfect outfit for my first ever party', and I let her drag me into the process of picking a dress and glamming up.

The whole process felt a bit like a blur to be honest, because the adrenaline from anticipation was running through my blood, making me feel all sorts of nervous, and it hasn't settled down one bit.

I'm wearing a back dress, not mine, with long sleeves and kinda poofy shoulders. Actually, not poofy at all, It just looks like it. I've never really worn anything like this, because I've never needed to, but this dress literally feels like a second skin on my body.

I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.

I'm leaving my phone in my bedroom, locked away because I don't want to worry about it getting stolen and lost.

"I knew you would look like a sext mommy. Come here." Gianna waves me over towards the window, her phone held up in a selfie position.

I sidle up to her and smile into the camera as she snaps the picture.

"Whatever, you look like so beautiful." It's true. She really does stand out with her white silk slip dress.

I feel honestly feel fancy with these outfits.

"Yeah yeah. Let's get going because I need shots already." She drags me out of my room, and I make sure it's locked before catching up to her.

All the lights are off on this side of the house because no-one is allowed back here, but in the main living area, in other words living room one, there's a makeshift disco ball hanging from a light fixture in the middle of the ceiling. Colourful lights, especially red and purple and blue, are shining from spotlights in each corner of the room.

The whole dance floor and hallway is packed with bodies, dancing, drinking, laughing, kissing, everything.

I didn't realise it would be this, sweaty or clustered in here, and music is playing impossibly loud I can literally feel it in my bones.

I spot a familiar head of raven hair, and smile at Ren as he walks towards us with what looks like a tequila bottle in his hands.

He chugs for a second as he makes his way towards us and then laughs, shaking his head, nearly stumbling on his feet.

He throws his arm around both our shoulders, kissing both our cheeks, one hand still wrapped around the tequila bottle.

"Shots. I promised I would get you," he points at my eye,"drunk. So drink this shit up."

He shoves the bottle in my face and I reluctantly take it, watching as he whispers something into Gianna's ear. Her cheeks take on a faint colour, and a small smile graces her lips. way. Yes.

Ren turns towards me again, letting the arm that was around me drop, but still keeping his other one firmly planted around Gianna. "Come on, pretty girl. Look at me, already wasted as fuck out here. Hell, half these people already are and It's only been fifteen minutes, so get on it." I sigh, and decide to just go with it because, what's the harm right?

Plus, I've always wanted to experience something fun like this, with potential new friends, and now's my chance so I'm going to take it.

I lift the bottle to my lips, forcing the liquid down my throat, and nearly spit it out in the process.

It's burning a path down my throat, but I force myself to swallow and loosen up a bit.

I grimace, shutting my eyes as a shiver passes through me, before a newfound burst of energy spouts, and I'm drinking more and more.

I hear whoops coming from Ren and Gianna, and I throw the bottle down on the floor, grasping their shoulders in my hands.

"Party's on bitches."


I stumble into the kitchen, my head dizzy and legs wobble.

Oh my goodies gosh like hellfire right now damn. There is a plate of brownies on the table and they just look like sexy beasts sitting there in all their glory.

I hear my stomach grumble, and reach towards one.

"Naughty tummy, always making weird sounds without my permission. What will I do with you. But, you seem to have been a good little girl because now I'm going to feed you and you better shut THE FUCK UP WHEN I DO." I don't know how I manage to scream that last part, but it seems anything is possible today.

I grab a brownie, shoving it into my mouth, and moan in delight.


It seems my stomach agrees with me, little shit that it is.

I look around me, trying to see if anyone is around to spot me stealing these amazing, tastegasm brownies, but it's empty on this side of the house save a few red solo cups.

I grab two more and begin my trek back onto the dance floor, shoving the remaining crumbs into my mouth.

The alcohol is still buzzing in my veins, but now it seems there's a new mixture of high and fun that's growing inside me.

Those brownies were really really good. Maybe I should go back and get some-

"Miaaaaahhh, just the one I was looking for." There's a guy with black hair standing in front of me. Ray? Roger? Rel? Ren. Yes, Ren.

"Hello, Riley. Wanna dance?" My voice comes out in a bit of a slur, but I manage to force the words out anyway. He doesn't even respond before I'm pulling him towards the still swarming mass of bodies, jumping up and down, moving their bodies to the beat.

There's a song I recognise that's playing, and I hold onto Riley's, wait Roger's hands as I twirl around to the music.

Tonight has been like wayy fun and I don't want it to end because oh wait, I want cherries, and where's that animal I keep?

Oh my god this is such a good song.

I bump into a body behind me and nearly stumble forward into the sweaty mass of bodies, but I'm caught around the waist by a pair of very, very lovely arms and hands. Woah, tattoos, I've never seen them before.

Maybe if I touch them they will smudge. Do they hurt.

I'm being dragged off somewhere and through a door, then suddenly the music seems like a dull beat in the background.

It's really bright in here and I shade my eyes with the back of my hands, whining ot.

"Hey, who are you weird tattoo man. I want cherries and that animal and to dance. Hey, let's dance. Wanna dance. yay, becausue I do, I really want to dancee. I start to move myself to the beat that is still faintly ringing in the background, but a pair of warm, big hands pick my up and place me on something hard.

And wooden?


A desk.

What's a desk.

I look up at the person who adult-napped me. Wait, maybe kidnapped?


He has these, like, really nice eyes. What's the colour again. Something beginning with the letter H.

And his hair is really nice and dark and wavy, and his lips are so nice. I want those lips.

"Woah. Who are you." He opens his mouth to speak but I put my hand up.

"Waitt, let me guess. Sit down right there." I point to something that looks a lot like a black chair, and when he doesn't move I jump off the desk and push his very hard and muscly and nice and warm back towards the chair.

He reluctantly walks over to it and sits down.

I try to get back up on the desk but fail, then he's picking me up and placing me in his lap.

"You have a very nice lap, kind sir. Now let me think. WAIT, are you.. my dad? Wait, no maybe not."

He frowns so deep I almost laugh.

I think I actually do.

He looks so pretty, because the moon is shining through the window, and even though the lights are on, it's creating this white glow across his face.

"You're so pretty." I pinch his cheeks. So soft.

He seems stunned.

Who was he again. He seems nice.

"Mia. What the fuck did you take?" His voice is so masculine and deep and low and sexy-

"What do you mean? I didn't take anything. I live here. Why would I steal?" My voice still sounds a bit hazy to my ears, but coherent enough.

What does speak mean?


Tony jeezuz chreest.

The mystery man let's out a huff. He seem's to look me up and down once, his gaze zeroing in on something below my neck.

"Heyy, no peeking mystery man. These are being saved." I pat my boobs protectively, with a proud look on my face, and the look on the guy's face nearly makes me fall off his lap.

His legs are so nice and comfortable and muscly.


I look at his face again, familiarity washing over me in a small wave.

"Waitt, you're the guy who I'm what's it now to. The M word. I forgot. You have such a pretty eye." He raises his eyebrows, and it looks like he's going to smile, but he doesn't and then he looks really serious and I'm suddenly scared his tattoos are going to jump at me from out of his skin.

What soft skin.

"Husband." I frown in confusion.

"Huh." I don't think I'm really paying attention.

He doesn't say anything else, but just sighs and shakes his head, leaning back against the seat.

I touch his cheek with my finger, running it across his forehead and nose and lips. Woah, his lips are so soft.

He seems to tense underneath me but doesn't stop me from touching his face.

"Your lips are so nice."

I jump up suddenly, a newfound energy inside me.

"Let's dance. Wait, I want cherries. Pleaseee. Wait, can I go outside and sit on the moon? It looks so close." I walk over to the window, but don't get very far because a hand is tugging me back to the chair.

I stand in front of the H word guy and smile.

He doesn't.

"Please, with nice juicy cherries on top can you take me to the moon and then can I sleep but actually I'm not really that tired but I want to dance so maybe I can have another brownie. Oh I didn't tell you, Mr H guy, my stomach was rumbling and I had to make it stop so I had a nice brownie. Wait, Two. No three? I don't know but they were soo good and I mean amazing because I nearly had an orgasm-"

A hand comes and clamps over my mouth, and I'm being tugged back into H's lap.

I snuggle up, shuffling around to get myself more comfortable.

He lets out a really weird noise.



"You're a bear. I like bears."

He sighs again.

So, I literally love drunk and high Mia, because like she's just cute and whatever.

Anyway, tell me what you all think about this.


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