π„ππˆπ†πŒπ€π“πˆπ‚ ; tom marv...


433K 12.7K 2.2K

π“πŽπŒ πŒπ€π‘π•πŽπ‹πŽ π‘πˆπƒπƒπ‹π„ : β–¬β–¬β–¬ β–¬β–¬ ❝ π—˜π—‘π—œπ—šπ— π—”π—§π—œπ—– β€§β‚ŠΛš ➀ Where the twin of Harry Potter stumble... More

I. The Zoo
II. The Letters
III. Hagrid
IV. Diagon Alley
V. Hogwarts Express
VI. The Sorting
VIII. Classes
IX. Flying Classes
X. 3rd Floor
XI. Troll In The Dungeon
XII. Qudditch Match
XIII. Yule Break
XIV. Forbidden Forest
XV. Quirrell
XVI. End Of Year 1
XVII. Dobby
XVIII. Weasleys
XIX. The Car
XX. Back At Hogwarts
XXI. Howler
XXII. Lockhart
XXIII. Quidditch Teams
XXIV. Basisilk And The Heir
XXV. Chamber Of Secrets
XXVI. Quidditch
XXVII. Exploring The Chamber
XXVIII. Dueling Club
XXIX. Parselmouth
XXX. Polyjuice
XXXI. Tom Riddle
XXXII. Luna Lovegood
XXXIII. His 'Death'
XXXIV. Hagrids Return
XXXV. An Eventful Summer
XXXVI. Marge
XXXVII. Runaways
XXXVIII. Sirius Black
XXXIX. Dementors
XL. 3rd Year
XLI. The Shaggy Black Dog
XLII. Trelawney's Predictions
XLIII. Buckbeak
XLIV. Sirius Black Sighted
XLV. Boggart
XLVI. Diadem & A Chat With Lupin
XLVI. The Animagus & The Truth
XLVII. Marauders Map
XLVIII. Shrieking Shack & Another Horcrux Found
XLIX. Peter Pettigrew On The Map
L. Buckbeak's Death
LI. Mistakes In The Shrieking Shack
LII. He's A Werewolf
LIII. Time Turner Adventures
LIV. Firebolt
LV. A dream...?
LVI. Quidditch World Cup
LVII. Train Ride Back To Hogwarts
LVIII. Beauxbatons & Durmstrang
LIX. Number 12 Grimmauld Place
LX. Not-Moody
LXI. Cedric
LXII. Goblet Of Fire
LXIII. The Five Champions
LXIV. Rita Skeeter
LXV. Firecall With Sirius
LXVI. Dragons
LXVII. Ferret
LXVIII. The First Task - Dragons
LXIX. Yule Ball
LXX. Golden Egg
LXXI. The Second Task - Lake
LXXII. Igor's Trial
LXXIII. Missing Supplies
LXXIV. The Third Task - The Maze
LXXV. The Graveyard
LXXVI. Goodbye's
LXVII. Explanations
LXVIII. Dementors & Getting Expelled
LXXIX. Number 12 Grimmauld Place
LXXX. The trial
LXXXI. Umbridge
LXXXII. I Must Not Tell Lies
LXXXIII. Thestrals
LXXXIV. Umbridges Madness
LXXXV. Inheritance Test
LXXXVI. Dumbledore's Army
LXXXVII. Training
LXXXVIII. The Vision & Occlumency
LXXXIX. Confessing The Truth To Sirius
XC. Bellatrix Lestrange
XCI. Death Eater Meeting & the resurrection
XCII. Found
XCIII. Grawp
XCIV. Healing
XCV. Umbridge Fucked Up
XCVI. Department Of Mysterys
XCVII. The Prophecy
XCVIII. Dumbledore's prophecy
XCIX. Sirius's Trial & Custody trial
C. Malfoy Manor
CI. Minature Death Eaters?
CII. Shadow Stepping, Animagus Forms, & Umbridge's Trial
CIII. Sirius is Back!

VII. Dumbledore

6.3K 199 30

"Headmaster Dumbledore would like you in his office." Snape monotonously says as I glance over at the professor.

*What does that fool want now?* Nyx asks as I shrug, nyx has taken a strong disliking towards dumbledore for whatever reason (and I can't say I disagree with her).

"Isn't that lovely." I remark distastefully before getting up, following snape out of common room.

He leads me to a statue of a gargoyle as he glances around before saying the password.

"Sherbet lemons." He says as I snicker, causing snape to glare at me.

"How sophisticated." I mutter with a grin as snape sneers before walking up the stairs, me following close behind.

"So... any idea what he wants?" I ask as snape ignores me and continues to walk up the stairs. "Rude..."

He scoffs as we reach the top, he knocks on a door as a muffled voice says "come in."

Snape opens the door as he walks in, me following behind as I notice the old man smiling at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Thank you Severus, you may go now." Dumbledore says as snape pauses hesitantly before walking out with a (dramatic) swish of his cape.

"Y/n, my child, have a seat will you?" Dumbledore asks as i grimace at the man's fake grandfatherly tone but silently nod, sitting down.

"Lemon drop?" He asks as I glance at the lemon drops which seem to be coated in some type of green liquid which was barely noticeable before shaking my head. "Alright then."

"Do you know why I called you in here today, miss potter?" He questions me as I shake my head, glancing over at the phoenix behind him before turning towards the papers scattered on the desk.

"No sir."

"Well, I've had a thought, I just don't think you belong in... well, the Slytherin house." Dumbledore explains as I raise an eyebrow at the man. "So, I think it would be an excellent idea to resort you!"

I glance towards the hat who layed on the shelf as the hat seems to glare at the old man.

"Albus I stay firm with my decision, she belongs in the Slytherin house and I refuse to put her with the Gryffindors!" The hat snaps as the paintings in the room glance at us, now paying attention to what was going on.

"This must be a misunderstanding, there isn't anyway that she is meant to be in Slytherin." Dumbledore tries to reason as the hat shakes its 'head.'

"Albus, I will not resort her." Is all the hat says before closing its eyes, adjusting back into a normal hat.

"Well, we can always resort you the other way." Dumbledore suggests as I raise an eyebrow, does the old man really think I want to be resorted?

"I do apologize sir, but I do not wish to be restored." I interrupt the man as he raises an eyebrow.

"Are you sure my child? There isn't any need to be shy—" he gets cut off as I shake my head.

"If this is all you called me in here for, I will be taking my leave since I do not wish to be resorted." I say before standing up and dusting off my clothes.

I take my leave as the man has a bewildered look on his face, leaving the paintings snickering.

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