Known to you

By randxm_fanficz

406 15 3

Will Byers and Mike Wheeler are two kids from the 80s who are blearily surviving. Will they reunite? Or wil... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five

Chapter six

37 1 0
By randxm_fanficz

*Wills Pov*

Jonathan helped me pick out my outfit around noon on Saturday.

"What about this?" He holds up a grey hoodie.

"Maybe. It just seems basic." I shrug and pull out a light orange, long sleeve shirt. I showed it to him with a questioning look.

"That's the one." He says while hanging my grey hoodie back up. "Now I'm assuming you're planning on wearing jeans because you never wear anything else." He says while opening my pants drawer. I got changed into the green shirt quickly. Jonathan hands me a pair of grey jeans and faded blue jeans. I pick the faded blue ones and put them on quickly.

"Does it look alright?" I ask Jonathan as I put my black sneakers on. He nods.

"Perfect. Now go do your hair or whatever. Mom and Bob said that they'll drop you off. He smiles and ruffles up my hair. I laugh as he leaves my bed room. I follow after him but go into the bathroom instead of his room. I brush my hair, wash my face and brush my teeth.

By the time I was done with everything it was around one. I cleaned up my room a little bit and decided to sketch out a picture. I wasn't sure what it would be of yet but I knew I wanted it to be for Mike.

I wasn't sure how long it had been but there was a soft knock at my door.

"Come it." I call. Bob opens the door slowly and smiles at me.

"Time to go." He says. I jump up from my seat, grab my bag and we walk down the hallway and out of the house.

We both get into the car where mom is already waiting. Bob starts the car and we make our way down the road to Mikes house.

Once we pulled up I saw Mike, Max, and Lucas all in the front yard. I instantly had a sense of daja vu. I took a deep breath.

"We'll be back tomorrow around noon. If you need anything just use their phone and call the house. Alright?" Mom asks. I smile and nod.

"Thanks mom." I say and got out of the car. I walked over to the group and everyone greeted me.

"I'll go with you to put your stuff downstairs." Mike says to me. Then he turns back to the group. "Stay out here in case Dustin comes."

He leads me inside and to the basement. Nothing seemed to have change except the decorations on the walls. I recognized a few of my drawings and smiled.

The couch had a bunch of pillows and blankets on it. So did the floor in front of the couch. I'm assuming that's where we're sleeping.

"You can put your bag over there." He motioned to where everyone else's bags where. I set my bag down next to Max's and we went back outside.

We saw Dustin pull into the driveway on his bike. He put it against the garage as Mike and I got to the group. He walked over and we all sat down in the middle of the yard.

"So this definitely has never happened before." Max laughs while breaking the awkward silence.

"Do you guys want to go to the park or something?" Mike asks the group. Everyone agrees and goes to get their bikes.

"You can ride on the back of mine." Mike smiles to me as we all walk around to the back of Mikes house to get his bike.

"Thanks." I say and he pulls his bike off of the ground.

We all get onto the bikes. I held onto Mikes waist and we left Mikes lawn. We biked for about seven minutes before we approached a park that looked abandoned. I haven't been here before.

We got off the bikes and put them against a bench. We all went over to the swings. There were just enough for everyone in our group.

We swing for a few minutes before everyone started to get bored. There really was no point in coming to the park with everyone's short intention spans.

"Should we go to the arcade and then we can go to Burger King for dinner?" Dustin suggests. Everyone agrees and we leave the park.

I held onto Mikes waist as we bike back to Mikes house to get our money. Everyone brought about twenty bucks with them so we would definitely have enough for the arcade and dinner.

We got back to Mikes house in six minutes. Everyone runs inside through the back door and grab their money out of their bags. I brought $22 with me. I had two bucks but Bob gave me twenty more.

We all got back outside quickly and biked to the arcade. It took a while. Probably around twelve minutes.

We got off the bikes and chained them up on the bike rack. We got inside the arcade. There was a lot of noise, and people, and everything to spark my anxiety. I tried to push down that feeling and enjoy my time with my friends.

We went to an arcade machine and Dustin had been trying to get the top score in.

We each took a turn playing it. No one won besides Max. She made fun of all of us before we moved onto the next game.

Because everyone else was laughing and talking, I decided to think about the situation with Mike. I want to be with him but I'm to introverted to ask him! What do I do? Ugh.

"Will?" Mike grabs my shoulder, breaking me out of my trance.

"Yeah. Sorry. What happened?" I ask him. He looks at me worriedly but drops the subject.

"It's you're turn." He smiles softly. I walk up to the machine, put the money inside the slot and play the game. Everyone laughs and claps as I try to beat the game. I lose on the last level.

"Fucking overpriced bullshit." I mutter as I move out of the way so Lucas could have a turn. Everyone laughs at me as Lucas put his money in the machine.

Lucas loses the game and everyone laughs at him. We play around ten more games before we decided to leave at go to dinner. We unchained our bikes and biked across the street to Burger King.

We chained the bikes up outside and walk into the small, crowded building. I pick at my fingers as I look around at all the people.

"Are you okay?" Mike asks me. I nod without saying anything else. He looks at me for a minute.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks.

"I was just gonna get a 4 piece chicken nuggets." I whisper without looking at him.

"Okay." He turns back to the group and whispers something to Dustin. Dustin smiles and nods and Mike grabs my arm and leads me out of the building.

"What's going on?" I ask him as we walk over to the outside bench's.

"We're gonna wait out here." He explains as we sit down on the bench.

"Thank you." I sigh and pick at my fingers again.

"Are you okay?" He asks while looking at me.

"Yeah I just got nervous I don't know." I admit.

"That's fine! I told Dustin what you were ordering so you'll still get dinner." He says quietly.

I don't deserve Mike. He's so caring and sweet. I really don't deserve him. I just make peoples lives miserable and he doesn't deserve that.

"Thank you Mike. Really. For everything." I whisper.

"You don't have to thank me Will." Was all he said before the party walked over to us.

"Hey lovebirds." Dustin laughs. My face heats up at the familiar nickname. Mike rolls his eyes as Dustin hands him his dinner and then he hands me mine.

"Thanks Dustin." I smile and he nods.

Everyone eats their dinners and chatter floats around the table. I wasn't a part of a lot of the conversation. Mainly because I was thinking. About Mike. Ugh. I couldn't stop!

"Will watcha' thinkin' about?" Max smirks.

"Nothing." I lie through my teeth.

How do I start that conversation with Mike? I mean I could ask Lucas. He did it. Kind of.

My head started to hurt from thinking about it to much. I eventually finished my food before everyone else. Although I didn't really want to eat it, Dustin had paid for it and I would have felt bad if I didn't eat it.

I heard everyone talking and laughing but I was so far gone in my thoughts that I couldn't pull myself back to reality. This has been happening a lot. It was a coping mechanism I did for the past two years. When I didn't want to be somewhere then I would go into my thoughts and I would be pulled away from reality. I'm not sure if this is healthy or not. I haven't told anyone. I'm starting to think that it's not because sometimes it'll happen randomly.

"Is everyone done?" I heard someone ask from a distance. I vaguely heard people say yes and everyone got up. I felt like I couldn't move. Like I was stuck here. My breathing started to quicken. I felt like I couldn't breath. My chest hurt more than it ever has. My head was pounding.

"Will?" Someone shook me but I closed my eyes. I didn't feel right. My ears where ringing and I couldn't breath.

Everything went numb before I knew what was happening.

*Mikes Pov*

Will passed out. Luckily I was behind him so he didn't fall backwards. My heart starts pounding. Was this normal? Does he pass out often?

I look at the group, unsure of what to do. Everyone looks at one another. Well their all no help. I thought to myself.

I held Wills body up with my body. I wonder what happened. He wasn't acting right the whole day but he didn't say anything to me. Why wouldn't he say anything?

"What happened?" Dustin asks and walks over to us.

"I don't know." I say annoyed.

"Is be okay?" Max walks over to us.

"I don't know." I say with more annoyance in my voice.

"What should we do?" Jane asks from behind me.

"I don't know." I say trying to calm down.

"Will?" Dustin calls. I roll my eyes.

"He's passed out, stupid." I snap.

"Sometimes it works." Dustin shrugs.

I wasn't sure what to do. I checked him pulse just to make sure he was alive. Obviously he was.

"Do we just wait until he wakes up?" Lucas asks.

"I guess." I say unsure.

"You have to lay him on his back." Max says and helps me lay him down on the bench.

"Why is this important?" I ask her while putting Wills head on my arm so his head wouldn't hit the bench. Max sat down on the ground next to me.

"It helps him wake up faster, trust me." She says as the group came over and hovered over us.

"What now?" Lucas asks Max.

"Well there's a few options." Max starts. "First we can try calling his name. If that doesn't work then we can try shaking him. Another thing that could work is pinching him. Or we can wait until he comes around on his own." She says.

We call try calling his name. He doesn't wake up. Then I try shaking him slightly. He still doesn't wake up. Max tried pinching him and I slapped her hand.

"What the hell dude." She complains as she shakes her hand.

"I didn't even hit you that hard." I roll my eyes. "I'm not letting you hurt him."

"We aren't hurting him Mike." Jane says quietly. As if she could change my mind.

I call for Will a few more times before his eyes start to flutter. I let out a sigh as he opens his eyes.

*Wills Pov*

I open my eyes slowly to find the sky above me. My head hurts like hell.

What happened?

I felt someone's grip on my arm. I slowly sit up. Whoever was grabbing my arm released their grip so I could sit up. The whole party was starting at me.


"Are you okay?" Mike asks me worriedly. I nod. I feel like I can't open my mouth to respond.

"Can you stand?" Max asks me.

I stand up. Mike and Max stand up in front of me. My legs felt weak but I could stand.

"Can you walk?" Mike asks me. I nod. I was fully confident in my ability to walk at the moment but I didn't want to look like a loser.

"Come on let's get back to Mikes house." Dustin suggests. We all walk back to the front of the building to grab our bikes. It was difficult to walk but I pushed through so I wasn't the center of attention anymore.

Mike grabs our bike and gets on. I get on carefully and we all leave the parking lot.


*Wills Pov*

We all sit on the couch and floor and begin our last movie of the night. It was somewhere around one in the morning. Everyone else was dosing off to sleep but I was wide awake.

Dustin falls asleep on Lucas's shoulder half way through the movie. I wish I could do that with Mike without making it weird.

Jane was the next one to fall asleep. She fell asleep holding Max's hand. Max kissed the top of Janes head before she fell asleep.

Lucas fell asleep five minutes before the movie ended. Knowing that just Mike and I were awake made me nervous.

The movie ends and Mike takes the disk out of the machine. He puts it back in the case and walks back over to me and sits on the floor back in his spot.

I didn't know what to say at first. It was awkward.

"Are you feeling any better from earlier?" He asks without looking at me.

"Yeah a little bit." I lie. I didn't feel better. My head still pounded and I felt dizzy.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asks me.

"Sure!" I say excitedly. He smiles and we both sneak out the back door, trying not to wake anyone.

We decided not to ride the bike and to just walk. We walked in the direction of the woods and I Immediately knew where he was taking me.

"Well this definitely hasn't happened before." I grin and he laughs lightly.

"Definitely not." He says sarcastically with a grin.

We walk through the woods quickly and into the opening. It's the same as it was before I left. I smile at the memories Mike and I have here.

"Will?" He asks me. I turn my attention from the view to him.

"I'm really happy you're back." He smiles.

"Me too." I smile back at him. He turns away from me and lets out a breath.

I debate on if I should ask him now or not. I don't want to start that conversation but I want to be with him. Ugh.

Just do it.

I can't.

Fuck it.

"Hey Mike?" I ask quietly. He turns back to look at me and my head goes crazy. I can't do this. What was I thinking?

"Yes?" Was all he said. I drew out a long breath as I tried to collect my thoughts.

"I um...I've been thinking." I mutter in the darkness. Although it was dark the moon was shinning brightly through the top of the opening.

"About?" He asks confused.

"Um..." My mind goes blank again as I try to think of what words to say. He looks at me intensely. I draw out another breath. "About like us?" I say in a question. He nods.

"Okay. What about us?" He asks. It was quiet for a few minutes while I decided what to say.

"I um..." ugh why did I do this. "I want to be together. I mean if you still want to obviously." I say quickly and quietly. I pick at my fingers nervously as I say it.

"Yeah! Yeah we can be together. But only if your sure your ready, I don't want to force you or anything." He says just as quickly as I did.

"Yeah. I've thought a lot about it, I think I'm ready. I just want everything to go back to normal." I admit. He smiles softly and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back instantly.

"I'm never going to let anything hurt you." He whispers. I smile at his words.

"Thank you Mike." I mutter as I close my eyes. He kisses the top of my head.

I felt safe. I felt like I was home. For the first time in so long I felt complete. I didn't have to be scared of anything anymore. I suddenly knew what it felt like to be happy. To be a whole person and not just numbly go through your life. 

I was happy to be alive.

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