Perfectly Deceived

By GingeAsh22

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My life had been nothing but a lie, a picture painted from the hands of my monster. One man decided my fate a... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty-One

169 17 0
By GingeAsh22


"Get some rest I will tell the king to come and get you after "

"Thanks jackson"

She paused briefly before turning her head towards me. A soft smile on her lips as she spoke.

"Thankyou for everything"

Guilt ate at me daily but that right there gratitude, appreciation near consumes me with it. She dosnt and shouldn't feel greatful towards me. After everything I've put her through her heart is still open to me. Dont get me wrong it fills me with hope that maybe one day I might deserve her forgiveness that I might one day earn it.

I don't think I will ever be ready to accept how effortlessly she did. Nodding in response she finally stepped inside her room. I didnt trust my voice to speak I felt like I'd been hit in the gut.

As her door closed I allowed myself to let go of the mask on my face, my body slumped as I felt the beating of shame and guilt.

I wasn't sure who I was, living most of my life under the control of him meant I never had the chance to figure out what it is I stood for or believed in. I was never given the chance to find what person or wolf I was.

Shaking my head trying to rid the thoughts of that monster I focused on what really mattered. That was breya. Helping her find out the truth and supporting her through the challenges ahead. I don't think any of us are truly ready or sure of what's going to happen but I can feel it inside of me its not going to be easy.

I just hope we can do it. Help make this journey abit easier for her even just a little.

Knocking on the door of Rowens office I let myself in. The tension was thick as I looked at all the angry faces. Erin, beta colby , alpha Rowen and an older women sat around the desk. All eyes trained on me all seemed displeased by my interruption. Clearing my throat before I spoke I gently closed the door behind me.

"Sorry for uh interrupting but you asked to see me? "

"Yes jackson please join us "

Rowen seemed irritated as I sat myself down next to the old women.

"Before we continue allow me to fill you in, meet Dr Elaine she is the dr working with breya I believe you've met everyone else?"

Nodding I waited for rowen to continue

"Were currently discussing our trip to the human town unfortunately not everyone agrees it's the right time or that breya is ready"

Annoyance bubbled inside of me how was it that even now no one was considering what breya wanted or better yet asking her. As soon as Rowen stopped speaking everyone was debating again aggressively without a thought given to the woman  this was about.

"Everyone needs to listen "

My voice boomed more than I had intended but it got everyone's attention Standing up I looked into all of their eyes  before letchuring them.

" I understand everyone's concerns I do but your ignoring one crucial detail this isn't about any of you, your views on the matter are irrelevant. This is breyas choice and she wants to do this I know because I asked her. She has had every choice in her life taken away believe me I understand that torture"

My voice shook with emotion the truth of that statement more painful than I realised.

" If we truly hope to help her come through all of this she has to have the freedom to do it her way"

Dr. Elaine spoke first her voice firm and scolding.

"Forgive me jackson but you do not decide  the physical implications this journey could cause. resulting in her having quite the set back I assume your not of a medical background ? "

" I'm not but your wrong she is so much stronger than any of us realise and with all due respect it is still her decision to make"

The room went silent for a moment everyone looking to one another everyone looked beyond concerned and deep in thought. Apart from erin she seemed agitated. I watched her carefully as she bounced her leg furiously. Her eyes were everywhere whilst her lips sank beneath her teeth.

Before I could analyse her further Rowen rescued us from the silence.

"Jackson is right we will not take her choices away, this is something she asked of me so I will be the one to take her. She will be safe and well cared for..

Before he could finish Erin interrupted him the sound of her wolf present as she struggled for control.

"None of you are considering her mental well being she is not ready for this, you will force her back into isolation by sheer ignorance"

Her frame was almost engulfed by the shadow of Rowen, every hair on my body rose in anticipation. I no longer had my wolf but the power from him was overwhelming.

"I suggest you sit back down and remember who your talking to. I will not accept disrespect do I make my self clear!?"

Erin was practically shrinking back into her seat as she murmured a quick "Yes alpha"

Rowen sat back down as he addressed us all again.

" we will not be responsible for destroying the hope she finally has, we are all here to simply put right what so many got wrong. Starting with listening to what she wants. Even if its a mistake. Dr. Elaine please ensure we have all of her medication enough for four weeks. Colby you will brief James and fin they will take over our duties while jackson and us take breya. Erin you will also be joining us to make sure breya has someone to talk to"

"We will need a few warriors and trackers both in wolf and human form"

Colby added after a few moments.

Before long we had a full plan in motion. The king will travel in wolf form to the nearest human town along with warriors and trackers he will be with breya. Myself and cloby will drive down with supplies and extra back up incase we run into any problems.

"Jackson can we talk?"

Nodding I took a seat facing Rowen. Everyone had left for the night so it was only us.

" are you sure we're doing the right thing"

I sat and thought for a moment I knew the answer but I wanted Rowen to understand completely.

" Imagine you feel the cold as a human would. Imagine being in a wooden box in the middle of a field. Its winter and theirs a storm its winds are beating again the frail walls. The Icey drafts are stinging your skin. The only person you can ask for something to keep warm is a monster. You will suffer beyond belief if you dare ask for just a blanket or you face the endless cold and hope somehow you will survive"

I watched as his whole body clenched in anger. I shook my head as sadness filled  me.

"She asked for a blanket she risked it she chose to do it but what was her alternative. That was the night I decided to take her Blankets, pillows, dry wood and leave it outside her door. I could smell her blood and hear her sobs"


I watched as he felt every word I said to him but I wouldn't stop he needed to understand.

" the only choices she has ever had have been impossible with nothing but horror as a result. This needs to be her way every single step even when we cant or don't understand. She needs this she needs to have control back and maybe just maybe a better outcome. So yes it is the right decision its the harder one but its the right one "

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