I'll break you (Dottore X Fem...

Por 12thFatui

113K 4K 9.5K

TW- Swearing, Violence, Graphic Imagery When Y/N, a genius scientist, is sought after by the Fatui for discov... Más

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Por 12thFatui

The week went by agonisingly slowly and I almost regretted not blowing up the facility on my first visit. I resorted to letting my anger out on the many poor souls that happened to leave the underground city and were captured as ordered. Getting a little creative, I made all sorts of terrifying corpses and sent them right back to where they came from everyday.

Some were bodies with limbs so warped and twisted you would have to angle your head in a particular way to recognise their once human form. Other times, I broke their minds before implanting bombs in their heads that would explode upon returning back to the elevator in the desert.

Despite all the many bodies and the blood that marked my hands as a murderer, they never went back into lock down. It was strange to me. I wanted to know what Bones was thinking but at the same time it was irrelevant. I was only doing my part of the plan.

My spies reported that the number of people trying to leave the facility permanently was increasing as they tried to escape the madness going on down there. The plan was working effectively. By sending in mauled, atrocities that were once their comrades along with the blackhole marbles swallowing people up, I created the perfect mix of a nightmare come true down there. Don't even get me started on the melted bodies that would have already appeared after drinking my poison tablets.

Morally speaking, it was wrong to torture them physically and mentally but morals had lost their meaning long ago when I became a scientist. Sometimes you need to sacrifice a part of yourself to get what you want. I was alright with that fact. Besides, I was way past asking for forgiveness now.

I'm a bad person. I know that. I've never tried to be good because I just don't care. People's opinions of me don't matter because I've never had permanent figures in my life that have gained value in my eyes. My opinion of myself is something I don't like to think about because I know that it's not very nice. As far as I was concerned, the only opinion I remotely cared about was Dottore's. I'm not sure what he'd think of my methods but it's known that he has little regard for human life so I hardly doubt he'll shed a tear over it.

I only want this nightmare to be over. And the only way to achieve that is by becoming the worst. I can do that. I'm willing to do it. Dottore means too much for me to let go and whilst some may find my actions extreme, I think I'm doing what's right. Besides, those people down there were treating the prisoners like homeless animals. I'd be doing the world a favour by eliminating them.

The day of my planned attack was slowly approaching and so I ensured to spend the entire week working tirelessly to prepare all that I would need. My subordinates were debriefed on the full plan and all the major details were taken care of.

All I would be doing is entering the building beneath the ground, killing the two guards in the elevator and sending it back up for reinforcements to enter and blow the place up. In the meantime, I would head to the prison - killing anyone that gets in my way - and help Dottore out but not without putting Bones through hell and back. Once Dottore was out of his cell, we would take a portal back to his clone room where I could help him transfer his soul to the clone prepared for him.

I'd specifically concocted an anti-serum for the one they were using on him to get rid of his strength internally. After some research, I figured out what they were using on him and even got some information from a seller of the serum about the ingredients. That way, the anti-serum would directly counter the one they used and hopefully allow Dottore to easily conjure up the strength to switch bodies.

The plan was fairly simple and it was to happen the day after tomorrow. I was severely anxious however I spent my free time in the training room with some new guns I'd ordered in. One of which I specifically requested from Sandrone who happily obliged with excitement. She'd called this gun an assault rifle because it could be set for automatic fire, meaning that it would shoot continuously with little effort.

The gun was terrifying. The strength of the bullets was lowered in comparison to a shotgun or sniper however the speed and rate of shooting was heart stopping. It would make eliminating stray targets way too easy and with a few attachments, the recoil could be stabilised and the sound could be muffled.

I was almost unstoppable with these weapons. It felt a little like cheating but it hardly mattered to me. I only needed to get my revenge and retrieve Dottore. The minor details were unimportant.

People all over the palace had learned of my plan and soon the pressure was on to succeed. Harbingers that walked by would look me up and down before wishing me good luck. It was a strange sentiment and did little to ease my nerves but I suppose I was grateful. Nobody was standing in my way and it made it all the more easier to prepare without a hassle.

I prayed Dottore had read the note I slipped to him and would follow the plan meticulously. If he slipped up, it would all be for nothing. We needed to finish this once and for all.

I am tired. I am just exhausted. I just want it all to go away, leaving Dottore and I to be together in peace. To achieve that future, I will do whatever it takes. The short experience of being with him had made me happier than I've ever been and the fact that I could still have my science and experimenting along with it made it twice as good.

And so, everything was set and ready for the day of the 'sale'. I took the next day or so to mentally prepare myself, making sure I had eaten a full meal and slept over ten hours. I was ready for this. This day was long overdue.

I woke up with a heart of steel and a fist of iron. Nothing will remain down there.

My first step was getting into my new battle suit. A full black bodysuit with layered metal shoulder panels. It was covered in leather straps from the chest downwards and the thigh high boots resembled knight armour. It was perfect from head to toe. The red scarf wrapped around my neck that flowed behind me like a cape and the black mask that wrapped around my throat, stopping to cover only the bottom half of my face would surely be memorable for the many that would die today.

The assault rifle was attached to my back and on the various leather straps, I ensured to have an abundance of bullets. Daggers were tucked into other straps nicely and I pulled off my blade ring to complete the fit. There was no need to bottle up my anger anymore.

I stormed through the corridors to the designated gathering point on the first floor of the palace, specifically the main landing. People flinched at the sight of me and hurried in the opposite direction. Most knew about what I intended to do today and anyone that got in my way would meet a measly end.

Upon arriving at the top of the stairs, I ran my gaze over the landing to view the people I'd gathered. Dozens of Fatui Pyro Agents, Electro Cicin Mages and Mirror Maidens awaited my orders below me. They all glanced up to acknowledge my arrival and kneeled to one knee with a hand on their hearts. I felt the power of it all surging through my veins. Right now, they viewed me as the 4th Fatui Harbinger's replacement. I wonder how Dottore would react to that.

Making my way down, I uttered one word.


Simultaneously, everyone stood and waited with bated breath to hear my orders.

"You all know why we are gathered here today. Our 4th Harbinger was taken from us and for too long we have searched to bring him back. Now that we know where to look, all the efforts we have put into gathering information will be used efficiently as we bring down the perpetrators of this treacherous crime against the Fatui. You have been briefed on your objectives, so carry them out as if it were your last day on Teyvat, soldiers. Do I have your pledge that you will fight with honour by my side?" My voice ricocheted off the crystalline walls with a temperature so low the Tsaritsa would have been proud.

"Yes Ma'am!" Their promise to me was reassuring.

It may be true that much of the Fatui's army isn't terrifically strong but their sense of duty and loyalty is stronger than any you'll find. This is what the nation of Snezhnaya is about. So, although I cannot rely on them to have my back the entire way, I know they'll do their job to the best of their abilities. That's all I needed. After all, I'll be the one doing the most damage.

"Good. Ready the portals and begin your departure. Maintain a good distance until you receive the signal. Dismissed."

They turned and the lieutenants of each squad threw the portal rings, allowing them to enter the target location. They would remain on the outskirts of the coordinates until the elevator came back up for them.

I was patting my pocket to check for the ID card when someone tapped my shoulder. Turning around, I was met with dull, navy eyes. My own eyes widened a little at the unexpected visitor.

"Lord Tartaglia. I wasn't expecting to see you today," was all I could think to say.

He watched me intently with a cold glare before averting his gaze and sighing. "Well, I wanted to wish you good luck, I suppose. Evidently, you won't need it after that speech... I guess I also wanted to... Apologize."

"Apologize? Whatever way you think you have wronged me, you haven't my Lord. I need no apology from you. Your gesture of good luck is all I require. Thank you," I responded.

"No. I told you that Dottore was dead and that you should give up. If you had listened to me, this wouldn't be happening today. You wouldn't be standing here with such a strong presence ordering a small army to entrust their honour to you. I'm sorry for the insensitive words I said to you," he huffed.

I pursed my lips before shaking my head. "I won't accept your apology Childe. The fact still remains, you have nothing to apologize for. Everything you said came from a good place and that's all that matters. It is me who should be apologising. What I said was horrible and senseless. I can't exaggerate how much I regret what I said and for that, I will always be available should you ever need my help."

I bowed to him with a hand on my heart and hoped he would at least acknowledge my apology. I didn't need him to forgive me or accept the apology. I only needed him to know how sorry I am.

"General, what are you doing?! Don't be silly! Please stand up," said Childe anxiously. He sighed before speaking again. "Look, we were both in the wrong. I'll accept your apology if you accept mine."

Standing up straight, I studied him with surprise.

"Well if that's what you want then alright. I accept your apology," I nodded.

"Great! Likewise," he smiled. The gesture had my nerves settle just a little bit. "By the way, you look totally badass right now. I don't suppose you might like some extra help from me? To be honest, I'm feeling a little restless today."

"I appreciate it Childe, but I want to be the one to finish this. I will surely invite you along if I ever choose to terrorise another building again," I smiled beneath the mask, making my eyes crease.

His eyes softened. "This is the Y/N I remember. I guess the Doctor really did make a good impression on you. I'm happy for you Y/N. Go get that madman back."

A full fledged smile broke on my face and a small laugh left my lips. It felt good to be more like myself. This conversation with Childe was something I never thought would be necessary. I always planned to apologize, it just so happens to have taken place at a very convenient time. Nodding to him with gratitude, I turned and prepared my own portal ring as the last squad exited the landing.

I chucked the ring into the air before it fizzled and exploded into a swirling, circular storm. Clenching my fists and straightening my spine, I walked through with my held high.

Today, the desert had chosen to be a steaming oven and the sand was baking. Us humans were merely the toppings. We wouldn't be out here for much longer but it was certainly uncomfortable. Especially in a skin tight black bodysuit.

Motioning with my hands, I signalled to everyone to take their positions as I marched through the sands till I reached the rock. I swallowed. My heart was lurching out of my chest but soon, I would be free of these shackles holding me down. Dottore would be too.

With this thought in mind, I lifted the rock and scanned my new ID card. As planned, I signalled to my reinforcements to stand by. The sound of rattling and rumbling come from below my feet. The lift was on its way. The vibrations it caused hardly eased my nerves however, I was entirely confident in this mission. We would come out on top.

Once more, I raised a hand to motion for the first small squad to join behind me. They remained invisible as the doors began to pull themselves open and the two familiar guards took in my attire as I stepped forward.

Not leaving a single second to spare, I pulled the trigger allowing two bullets to rip through their foreheads. They had hardly a miniscule opportunity to even move before their bodies were sprawled on the floor and their brains lay in a gruesome mess all over the elevator.

Wiping the suppressor and the barrel of the gun on my thigh, I ordered for the handful of agents to move the bodies. They swiftly removed their invisibility and proceeded to drag the bodies out, giving them enough space to ride the elevator with me. Once we were ready to descend, I gestured to the remaining squads to approach the elevator and wait for us to send it back up. They moved like shadows in the night or sand storms in the desert. It was nice to see them work efficiently. Dottore may have exaggerated when he complained about them being useless fools.

As the doors came to a screeching close, we stood in silence beneath the flickering light in the lift. The familiar sound of entertained yelling and the waft of a sour smell grew stronger as the seconds went by. Soon, we reached a wobbly halt.

Clenching my fists and exhaling out any anxiety in my system, I extended my hand out for the agent on my left to hand me the small explosives. They were clutched tightly in my hand as we watched the doors wrench open. Bones wasn't waiting for me this time. It was a pair of guards holding axes.

Their eyes blared with panic at the sight of me and my subordinates. Once again, I left no margin for them to attack as I blew bullets into their heads and hearts. Despite the suppressor muffling the sound, the sight of a woman dressed in black with dozens of weapons strapped to her body as well a squad of Fatui Agents behind her is simply something you can't miss.

"What the fuck did you just do?!"

"Hey! Get them!"

Well, you can certainly try.

I smirked as multiple men around us began approaching with large weapons or smashed glass. I wouldn't waste my time on such weak opponents of course, so I merely chucked a few explosives to my right and acid orbs to my left. Cries of pain and explosions sounded around us. It was music to my ears.

My explosives had successfully taken out a handful of men who now lay unmoving on the floor nearby. A fire had started at the pub opposite the lift we just exited and the faces of criminals on my left were melting off due to the acid.

"You know your orders, agents. Go. Wreak havoc as you wish," I stated.

They nodded and swiftly sprinted in various directions, slicing at the throats of oncoming bandits and lighting fires in the surrounding stores. Already it was looking just as how I imagined it.

"I've got you know little bitch," growled an Eremite.

He was sprinting towards me at full speed with a dozen men following close behind.

Time to test this rifle on real targets. I hope this gun won't let me down, Sandrone.

I moved faster than ever as I wrenched the gun from my back and aimed. The assault rifle I'd been practicing with for the past week had never done such a good job before. Bullet shells littered the floor as I riddled oncoming enemies with bullets in every direction.

I laughed at their pathetic attempts to attack me but it was short lived as I witnessed a set of thick skinned, muscle decked soldiers storm their way towards me.

I'd hardly moved away from the elevator yet and they were already coming at me like an army. The soldiers paired with the many still standing criminals rushed in my direction. It didn't deter me however because the sound of the lift stopping at this floor had just reached my ears and a new squad of Electro Cicin Mages laughed cruelly, sending their little buzzing creatures at anyone attempting to take me down.

"They'll be many more coming soon. Keep sending the elevator up and remain stationed around here to ensure the next squad are protected upon their arrival. Im going to retrieve the Doctor," I stated coldly.

They nodded as I reattached the rifle to my back and summoned my pistols back into my hands. I ran right at the soldiers advancing towards me. Many of them had begun to break off formation as they battled the Cicin Mages and invisible Agents however the few that had their eyes trained on me, looked enraged. Unfortunately for them, their anger couldn't even amount to a third of mine.

Any emotions and useless thoughts were banished from my mind as I switched into full offensive mode. My eyes were like scopes and my fingers pulled the trigger countless times, never missing a single target. Bodies continued to crumple to the ground as I dodged flying daggers and arrows.

Whilst I knew all the training I had done for the past two months was useful, I never ever thought it could put me at such a high level. I was passing through these enemies as if they were harmless flowers in a field. My legs have never carried me so fast, my mind has never been so focused and sharp. Any cuts or bruises that somehow found their way onto my body were completely painless as I skidded below huge claymores and leaped out of the line of arrows.

Soon, I was nearing the prison and all that could be heard was the sound of explosions and screams. As I rounded another corner, a fist collided with my stomach sending me stumbling back and gasping for air.

The level of anger I felt heightened as I faced a man twice as tall as I, who appeared to be protecting me from someone. Clenching my teeth and standing up straight, I forced my breathing back into a steady pattern. My head cocked to the side as I viewed the wretched coward that stood behind the guard.

Of course it was Bones.

In that moment, I couldn't help but laugh. The action caused the muscles in my stomach to ache but it was irrelevant compared to the glowing delight I felt within me.

"Bones! I am simply overjoyed you decided to meet me halfway. I don't suppose Dottore's ready to be collected? Lady Fleur won't be coming," I spat.

Bones's eyes widened at the sight of me. Once his gaze met mine, it clicked instantly. He recognised me as the supposed buyer of Dottore however this time, the greed that once stained his eyes was replaced with pure fright.

"So you were that Y/N after all huh? I guess the Doctor wasn't half as deranged as we thought he was. You won't be able to get further than this bitch. Jacques is the Grim Reaper of the Pyro nation. You'll never leave here alive," said Bones with evident fear in his voice.

"You know, I hoped you might make it a little hard for me. That way, once I get my hands on you, it would feel even better to see the way the life drains from your eyes. Listen to me Bones, all those bodies I gifted to you are nothing in comparison to what I'll do to you once I'm finished here. It is you who will never leave this place alive, my friend. Send a whole battalion of warriors if you so wish. As far as your concerned, I am a debt collector sent by Death himself," my voice was an incarnation of hellfire.

Bones whimpered before taking a step back and yelling at his personal guard to attack. Glancing behind his shoulder, I registered the army of soldiers heading over from the prison.

The sight of dead bodies and blood splattered over the walls was satisfactory. My agents worked to lower the number of the approaching army as I set my sights on the so called Grim Reaper before me.

He was enormous. His arms were bulging with muscle and his face was scowling angrily. I steeled myself and prepared to shoot with the pistols in my hands but he was fast. Faster than I anticipated for a man of his size. Jacques had wacked my hands out of the way, sending the pistols flying out of my grip. My fingers pulsed with pain and suddenly the pistols refused to appear back into my hands.

Glancing up, I dodged hastily as he prepared to slam another meaty hand into my face. Slipping a few daggers between my fingers, I launched myself at the guard and attempted to slice at his throat however it was to no avail. His towering height gave him an almighty advantage and the moment I was inches from his neck, his fist collided with my ribs.

My back hit the nearby wall as I spat blood from my mouth and wiped at the trickling red from my nose. I saw stars in my vision and standing up sent a nauseating pang of pain through my legs but the adrenaline pushed me forward.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the sight of my agents loosing their battles. Soldiers advanced towards us as I sprinted towards Jacques. He prepared himself to counter however I knew better. Dropping to the floor, I skidded past his feet and sliced deep gashes into his legs.

The rifle on my back was back into my hands, as I pulled the trigger with my sights set on his heart. Unfortunately, the bleeding knife wounds in his shins hardly dettered him. His hand wrapped around the sleek black metal of my rifle and wrenched it out of my grip.

He threw it at the nearby wall and clutched my throat with ease. A grim smile rose on his face as I heard Bones bark out a laugh behind him. A line of soldiers were now standing protectively in front of him.

"Little bitch, don't think you can cut me and get away with it. You want the Doctor? I'll send you both to hell," Jacques gritted out.

"Don't kill her just yet, idiot. I want a chance to break her just like how she did with my buddies," smirked Bones.

Jacques squeezed at my throat threateningly making my vision go black. Of course, I don't intend to die anytime soon. If I can just reach the acid orb in the pouch at my hip.

Jacques laughed before turning us around and throwing me at Bones's feet. My vision cleared slowly and I prepared to reach for the remaining daggers attached to my body however I was intercepted. Two soldiers gripped my arms tightly as the ground shook with more explosions. Bones stumbled a little, but the smirk on his face never faltered. The guards at my sides dug their hands into my arms and wrenched them behind my back.

"What was it that Dottore had said? Something about Y/N being able to take us all down? Evidently, you're useless, lady. And you were so confident in yourself too! Haha, a disappointment as expected," laughed Bones.

He approached me with a pocket knife flicked out. I focused my blurry vision on him as he stalked towards me, waving the knife about and spewing some nonsense I wasn't listening to. I knew I wouldn't die here. My gut told me so. And I believed it. Because there was still one trick left up my sleeve.

"How dare you kill my men and mutilate their bodies as if they were objects on display in a freak show? Do you know how inconvenient it was to clean up the melted flesh of the men that had somehow managed to acidify themselves from the inside out?" Bones was right in front of me, breathing heavily with blood shot eyes.

As I struggled against the grip of the soldiers holding me, I laughed in his face like a maniac.

"I had such fun when I was destroying your little friends. You brought this upon yourself Bones. Did you think the Fatui would just let you take a Harbinger with no consequences? You must be completed stupid haha! If you think you've won right now, you are the deranged one," I said spitting in his face.

He retorted back in disgust with an enraged expression on his face. The soldiers holding me sent a fist into my stomach and shoved me down to my knees.

"Hold her as still as possible. This is going to hurt Y/N," Bones said in a low tone.

I made sure to make as much fuss and trouble for the soldiers as possible. The guards standing before Bones merely snickered at my pathetic attempts to escape. The smell of coppery blood and burning bodies snuck into my nose.

"Get off me! I'm going to mash your body to pieces Bones!" My voice was hoarse and bold.

"Are you now? Did you hear that boys?" He laughed grossly. "What do you think you could possibly do in your position, Y/N?"

I exhaled and gathered every ounce of my will power and strength.

"I'll break you."

Suddenly everything moved in slow motion. I felt my senses heighten strangely as Bones lifted the knife up high and brought it down to my eye. His hand never made it unfortunately.

It happened too fast. Speed of light fast. I felt it so strongly in my veins. My hidden wild card.

The electricity charged my blood and sent bolts of energy through my neurones. The power that surged in me was enormous. So huge that moments before the knife sliced through my left eye, my body turned into pure electro energy and teleported me out of their strong grip.

The shock I left behind me sent the soldiers bounding back and Bones toppling over. My electro vision had appeared in a flash of purple at my waist as I teleported from corner to corner, bouncing off the walls to slice through throats and cut off heads.

Bones's hand had been ripped off his wrist and toppled to the floor, still clutching the knife. He was paralysed to the spot. To me, they moved liked sloths. My view at the moment was all too fast for them to keep up with as the speed that my electro vision pushed my with was too far ahead of them. My eyes glowed as I watched the soldiers clutch at their wounds gushing with blood.

Bones glanced in every direction trying to comprehend what on earth was taking place at this very second but it was useless. Because I was ahead of them all by seconds. Every member of his little army was assaulted by a flash of purple and soon limitless bodies littered the dirty path beneath us.

Jacques was panicked as he warily looked around. A pair of swords had ended up in both his hands as he prepared himself for an attack. However, nothing came. I disappeared completely out of sight, leaving the scene utterly silent. The only noise that could be heard was Bones's frantic orders to protect him and Jacques's pants of anger as he held the swords in front of him and his master protectively.

"Bones~" I taunted.

My voice was everywhere but nowhere. I knew I was running late to retrieving Dottore but I couldn't help myself. I wanted Bones to experience the agony he put me through in the past two months. He needed to bleed in the way I did, in the way Dottore did.

"Show yourself, bitch," yelled Jacques.

"Do you really want that Grim Reaper? Are you prepared to face my wrath?" My voice was whispered in his ear before I once again teleported out of sight.

He whipped around impossibly fast but was faced with nothing but dust and air. His eyes were wild and scanned his surroundings like an eagle.

"Do something Jacques! She's just a stupid woman! We shouldn't even be standing here. She should be dead!" Bones was angry and shaking.

He clutched his handless arm tightly as blood splashed the floor beneath them. His skin was ashen pale and his complexion looked awfully sickening. I needed him awake and conscious when I began my mind prickling torture. To speed things up, I appeared in front of them.

Jacques wasted no time charging at me with a battle cry that made me cringe. I stood still as a statue with a smug smile. It only angered him further as he closed the distance between us.

I sighed boredly before pulling back my hands in a way that imitated the actions of shooting an arrow. A lavish, purple bow made of electro materialised in my hands and buzzed with pure electro energy. Similarly, a purple arrow also created itself in my grip. The arrow seemed to billow purple sparks and stars. Letting go, the arrow zipped through the air with the sound of an earth shattering lightning bolt.

It ripped directly through Jacques's chest, leaving a gaping hole where his heart and lungs once pulsed. The ragged edges of his rib bones were visible as well as the blood that flooded out dangerously. His eyes were wide as he glanced down at the damage I'd done. I could see Bones on the other side of the hole. He didn't waste a second when he turned his back to me and sprinted as fast as his metal leg could take him.

Having already forgotten Jacques, I strolled past him calmly as his swords clanged upon impact with the ground. The quietest groan of pain left his lips before he thudded lifelessly to the floor. How dull. I truly hoped he would put up a better fight. The damage he'd done to my rib and fingers irritated me to no end and I would've liked to return the gesture but I think the choice I chose to follow worked well too.

Bones was still running like a silly little man when I appeared in front of him. My hand wrapped around his throat. He wriggled like a worm in my vice like grip. He spewed pathetic begs and wails for mercy but my vision was drenched in red and my mind screamed:


"I warned you," I whispered.

His eyes streamed tears that couldn't seem to end and his hand still dribbled with crimson liquid. The sight of his bone sticking out of the amputated limb would have been nauseating for some but it didn't hinder me.

"P-please... Please... I'm- I'm sorry... I don't want to die.... Don't..."

"You're voice makes me gag. Nothing you say will change your fate," I decided.

I'd wasted enough time here as it is and so I made the decision to finish it all. Whilst I would have loved to torture him till his eyes popped out, Dottore was waiting for me.

I laced my hand with electro and stuck it through his chest. He made an 'umph' sound as my hand penetrated the skin, the bones, the tissue and wrapped around the round shape of his heart. Pulling back, I wrenched the organ he didn't deserve to own from his body and stood rigid as the blood spurted everywhere around us. His face was dripping with his own blood as his eyes glazed over and his body went limp in my grip.

I knew he deserved a much slower, painful death however the sound of explosions were dwindling and not a single living soul remained around us. Everyone had been slaughtered and a fire was spreading rapidly around me. Black smoke began to mist the atmosphere as I threw the corpse at the wall, letting the blood paint it like an abstract piece of art.

I exhaled. Not a drop of energy or anger was left within me. Everything inside of me was spent just as how I intended it to be and now all that was left was finding him.

I wiped the revolting blood of my enemies off my face and stepped over their bloodied bodies.

My sights were set on the prison. I decided to expend the little energy I had left to jog my way there and was greeted with  a black charred metal door. The sound of panicked screams coming from the other side was giving me a headache.

I whistled once and immediately three Pyro Agents zipped around the corner and appeared behind me.

"Unlock the prisoner's cells and lead them out through a portal. Leave them be after that," I ordered weakly.

The Agents got to work instantly, sliding past me like shadows and working to unlock the metal bars.

I passed the prisoners, ignoring them entirely and forcing one foot in front of the other. Nearly there.

"Ah... I'm spent," I muttered underneath my breath.

Please Dottore. Tell me you understood the plan.

Turning the corner, he was there. In all his beautiful glory, Dottore was pacing back and forth in the prison cell.

The sight of him had me running as fast as my legs could carry me. I rounded the cage and found a control panel. With the last couple of daggers still clinging onto my thighs, I stabbed at the panel and a large spark flashed before the screen flickered away.

With one final exhale, I wasted no time racing towards Dottore and throwing my arms around him until we toppled over and fell to the floor together.

"You fucking idiot," I whispered weakly.

He chuckled into my hair as he always used to and the gesture gave me a second heart beat. It was almost as if he'd never left. Almost

"I missed you too, darling."

I started laughing. I laughed so hard, tears fell from my eyes and my stomach hurt like no other pain I've ever experienced.

"I love you too, Dottore. Now that I've said it, you're not allowed to leave me ever again. Ok?"

He pulled back to see my face, and I noticed they'd cleaned him up. His hair was washed - still lacking the soft curls but clean - and his skin was no longer dirtied with blood and filth. His face was was set in an expression of bewilderment with eyes that couldn't believe the words I'd just spoken.

"You... Love me?" His voice was weak and quiet.

"Tch, of course I do," I mumbled into his shoulder.

He pulled me back into a tight hug and placed soft kisses into my hair. I felt as if I was falling apart in his arms. I didn't want to move.

"We have so much to catch up on. You need to tell me everything, ok?" His mumbles were quiet and I could tell his eyes were shut as he stroked the back of my head.

"Yes, I agree. But first we need to-"

Dottore's body tensed and before I could understand what was happening, he shifted quickly till we swapped places and his entire body was covering mine. His eyes were wild and scared but that wasn't what I was focused on. A small groan of pain left his lips as I stared at the sword now sticking through his chest.


The sword was pulled out. Dottore's body collapsed forward. Onto me. He's on me. He's bleeding. There's a hole in his chest. He's hugging me. His breathing is shallow.

Why? What's happening? How did this happen?

My eyes flickered up to the severely injured soldier who now stood above us. The sword he clutched in his hand was dripping with Dottore's blood and he was swaying dangerously as red stained his left abdomen.

He fell. The sword clattered to the floor. The man stopped moving.

"Y/N... F-focus, please. Remember the plan? We need to... We need to get back," forced out Dottore who was visibly convulsing as crimson dribbled down his chest.

It's happening again. Why is it happening again? Why does everyone want to take him away from him?

"Y/N! Please!" With the last of his strength, he shook me lightly.

It might as well have been my chest that were stabbed for in that moment I was just as frozen as the day he shoved me through the portal and left me behind.

No. Don't let it repeat. We have a chance now Y/N. Open the damn portal and save him.

I was jerked back into reality and immediately sprung into action. My mind remained blank as I forced myself to move.

The first thing I need to do is use the anti serum. I rifled through my pockets as Dottore coughed blood and panted with agony. Looking away, my hand wrapped around the syringe and I instantly injected the contents into Dottore's neck who was holding onto me for dear life. His arms were wrapped around beneath my arms and his blood was transferring to my suit.

"Good girl. It's nearly over now, love. Please, hurry," his voice broke towards the end.

I almost didn't hear him with the roaring arguments of intrusive thoughts in my head. I merely nodded and threw the portal ring behind us. The view of the clone storage room appeared along with the tiniest glimmer of hope.

"D-dottore? Can you... Can you walk with my help?" The effort I put in to forcing my tongue to move was enormous.

"Mhm. Just... Just help me stand," he spoke through gritted teeth.

His hand was pressed rigidly against his wound, the knuckles on his scarred hand were deathly white.

The sight of it had my lips trembling and tears flowed from my eyes freely. I helped him up as we trudged through the portal as fast as we could with his injured state.

It dawned on me. Dottore was dying. He was dying right beside me and we were so close to the clone body that his life was virtually in my hands but something in my gut was adding piles of weight onto my shoulders.

As we neared the body lying on the floor nearby, Dottore collapsed.

"No. No no no no. Please, Dottore. Come on, you need to keep your eyes open," I said to him as I worked to pull his clone towards us.

He wasn't responding. Why isn't he talking?

"Dottore?" I choked out through a full fledged sob.

I fell to my knees beside his body that breathed so shallowly he was almost not breathing at all.

My hands reached out to check his pulse however his own hand grabbed mine. The heart in my chest pounded so loud I could hear it in my ears.

"Stay with me, please. You just... You just need to transfer your soul to this body Dottore. The anti-serum. It worked. It worked right?" My hands shook as he held them tightly.

"It worked," he nodded, opening his eyes a crack.

"Then- then why... Why haven't you switched to that body? Dottore?"

He shook his head the tiniest bit before exhaling with a grimace.

My eyes widened at the sight of the pool of blood I now sat in. The blood that had come from his body. The blood that had drained so much from him that his skin was pale and his lips were turning blue. It set my lungs on fire to see his dazzling eyes still stare at me with such a bright spark.

"I can't anymore, Y/N. There's no strength left. These... These past two months took it all out of me," he wheezed out.

I tried to form words as he reached up to cup my cheek. He finger ran over my lip for what weirdly felt like the last time but I could only watch him with a confused stare. The tears had almost entirely obscured my vision.

"You said you loved me right? Good. That's... That's all I need. You shouldn't have said that to me Y/N because... Because now I know that if I die, you will keep going with a memory of me. I've left my mark on the world through you. Now I have no reason to stick around," he whispered.

I shook my head at his words. There's no way. There is no fucking way he was saying what I think he was saying. After all of that? I can't let him slip through my fingers. He's right here.

So why can't I save him? Is this my punishment? Do I deserve this? Is this a way of telling me that I never deserved him so they're taking him away from me?

"Please. Don't do this to me. Don't leave me! I need you, Dottore. Please," I sobbed. "You can't... You can't go. You said that I was stuck with you for eternity. So why are you leaving me?"

I laid my head on his chest and cried. If I thought I'd shed all the tears possible, I was sorely mistaken because I'd never felt such agonising pain in my life. It felt as if someone had stuck a piping hot iron rod right into my heart.

At the same time, I vaguely recalled the sound of the door to the room bursting open; however, I couldn't bring myself to care about anything else. Someone called my name from behind but my eyes were trained on the tired face before me and my ears were strained to hear the words Dottore was trying to convey.

Despite all this, Dottore only smiled with the energy he had left and whispered one final thing that destroyed whatever life that was left in me.

"I never thought I deserved to be loved in the way you loved me, Y/N. I thought you'd broken me but I think you fixed me. Thank you for fixing me," his voice trailed off quietly as the hand that tenderly stroked my hair went limp.

I was paralysed. His eyes were staring at mine but he wasn't behind them. There was nothing behind them. Glancing over at the clone, that lay virtually three feet away, I felt like my life had just been stepped on and crushed.

It was over. Finally. It was all over.


Its over. But not in the way you might think.

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