Belial of Hallownest: A Hollo...

By hauntershunter02

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When he first reached the top of that dark Abyss, he was cast aside by the being that shone like a beacon in... More

Chapter 1: The Meaning of a Name
Chapter 2: A Troupe Most Grimm
Chapter 3: Life in the Troupe
Chapter 4: The Lantern Has Been Lit
Chapter 6: A Dance Between Siblings
Chapter 7: Sibling Bonding
Chapter 8: Dream No More

Chapter 5: A Family Reunion

118 2 2
By hauntershunter02

Belial stepped over the corpse of another mantis he had slain, orange infected goo spilling out of its fat carcass. Belial wondered why there were so many infected mantises in The Queens' Garden as from what he learned from Grimm's teachings, the mantis of Hallownest were a proud warrior race that saw the infection as a disgusting and dishonourable way to achieve greater strength. These must be outliers then, Belial thought as the strength offered by the infection would be rather tempting to anyone with a warrior's mindset, given the fact that it can grant an ordinary citizen whom has never seen combat the strength to rip a bug to shreds with their bear hands. Moving past his musings Belial stopped at what appeared to be a grave, covered in beautiful glowing white blooms that he recognized as Delicate Flowers. These blooms, not native to the kingdom have an odd power to them, and as their name suggests, are extremely delicate. One bad hit and the flower is ruined, and stripped of its power and beauty. The stone itself read "Here sleeps the Traitor's child", the words illuminated by the flowers glow. Belial, in respect knelt in front of the grave as the dream spirits filled his head with their knowledge of the child.

"For the crime of loving an outsider, the father murdered the daughter." Belial let a few tears slip as he reminisced on how similar they were. "I too, was condemned by my father for something beyond my control. I am sorry. I will make sure this place is not desecrated by my kin when I leave. You deserve the uninterrupted peace you currently have with your lover in the realm beyond." Belial then stood up after insuring his kin would not approach this location. He then turned, and left the grave, not noticing the spirit of a young mantis girl and a tall, gray moth looking bug bowing in thanks, before departing to be with each other in the other world.

Wiping his tears, Belial continued deeper into The Gardens, slaying the mantis there with an increased zeal after learning of their terrible sins. He eventually stumbled upon a geyser spewing Void. Confused on why the stuff he was birthed from was all the way up here in The Gardens and what was beyond it as it blocked the path, preventing safe access to what was behind it to those without some means to bypass it. Belial decided to simply walk through the geyser, using his innate knowledge on Void manipulation to walk through it instead of being corrupted by it like one without Void in their makeup would be or just bounced back if they did have it. Past the geyser, Belial found a sort of observatory, with multiple corpses strewn across the ground. One of which was a large bug with a cloth bag on their head and a large, heavy looking club, while another was a massive mantis with multiple cut along their body, a crushed head and their arm pierced through the body of the other bug. His sibling must have fought what was most likely The Traitor Lord with this other bug and the two killed each other. Kicking the Traitor Lord's corpse as he walked past, he stumbled upon the ruins of a fierce battle that clearly happened long before the Traitor Lord was killed. Numerous mantis corpses riddled the ground as he approached a large spherical structure with glowing roots emerging from it's walls. Pulling himself away from looking at the roots that seem so familiar to him, Belial looked at one final corpse, but it was not that of a mantis. The corpse belonged to a female knight, with brilliant white armour, bearing a head that looks similar to a tree's twisting branches. Walking past the knight's corpse, Belial found a small entrance to the spherical structure, the feeling that something was calling out to him increasing as he entered the structure. Once inside, Belial started to regret entering. It was dark and claustrophobic, the passageways far narrower than anything he had previously explored in the kingdom. Alas, he had already committed enough to get this far, he might as well see the journey through. Navigating the cramped tunnels, Belial saw more and more glowing roots, eventually culminating in a vertical drop down into a much more open chamber with a single occupant. They were tall and feminine looking, with tight wrappings all around her body. The only part not covered was her head, which glowed with a pale white light. The roots that grew all throughout the structure came from within the bindings, as some peaked out and entered the ground. As Belial entered the room, the being seemingly noticed his presence and opened her eyes, which were a brilliant blue. However, Belial noticed they were also incredibly cloudy and unclear. This being was blind.

"Oh? Someone new approaches me? But for what purpose could this meeting serve?" The root-like being pondered to itself aloud, its voice confirming Belial's previous assumption that it was female. Despite her bindings and failing vision, Belial cold sense great power and authority emanating from her. He almost felt compelled to bow and worship her, but held himself back. Instead, he simply chuckled and bowed in greetings to the lady of root before him.

"I am sorry if I am intruding upon your space. I was simply exploring my old home when I felt a calling coming from The Gardens which lead me hear." Belial answered the lady. She felt so familiar to him, like Hornet did before, but different. Almost as if this connection was far closer than the one he shared with his half sister.

"Oh? This being is a gentleman. It feels so nice to have a conversation with another. My last visitor did not speak, but it is probably for the best it does not. The kingdom's fate rests upon them after all." The lady muses to herself. This statement gets Belial thinking, realizing that his sibling had already been here before. But why is it for the better if their sibling does not talk? That only matters if one is looking for a pure vessel, one who is completely hollow. These pieces start filling in the puzzle in his mind but what the lady says next puts the last piece in place. "Strange, you feel so similar to that small visitor, but there is a another feeling to you. I feel the burn of that scarlet clan, permanently marking your body and soul." That confirmed it, Belial knew who this being in front of him was.

"Of course, I would feel similar to that visitor. I am their sibling after all. I'm just ashamed you don't recognize another one of your children, mother." When that last word left Belial, the lady looked incredibly shocked. Belial mused as he had finally figured out who this is before him. This was The White Lady, queen of Hallownest and his mother. "I was one of the first vessels created by you and father. I escaped The Abyss and joined The Grimm Troupe, binding myself to The Nightmare Heart which now fills my shell." The White Lady looked disturbed by this news.

"So, that flame has claimed one of my spawn as its own." The White Lady yelled in rage. "Its ritual has come to take place in our once fair kingdom once again. Do you seek your father's throne in its name? Because the kingdom will not accept a king foreign! Not even if it possesses one of royal blood!" Belial simply waits for his mother to calm down, the air is tense with the power of the higher being before him.

"You need not worry, we have no desire for the throne of a corpse." Belial states, channeling his power to show some form of authority over the being that birthed him. "We simply wish to complete our ritual and we shall leave the kingdom's corpse to fester once we are done." The White Lady narrowed her eyes in his general direction. However, due to her poor vision, her direct line of sight actually staring at the ground to Belial's left.

"I shall not trust you completely, but I shall drop this topic for now. Tell me, after all this time, has my scarlet child been granted a title as to which I may refer to them?" Her question confused Belial for a moment before he realized she wanted his name. This would be so much easier if she just talked normally, but he wasn't going to say that out loud to the queen, much less his mother. Despite everything, Belial still felt the instinctual fear that all children have of making their mother angry at them, or even worse, being disappointed with them.

"My name is Belial, and I am male. That is what I identify as, and it is what my body has changed to become through magic. Hornet is no longer the only gendered child." After this statement, The White Lady's face changes to one of a being in deep thought which confused her son before she spoke again.

"You are known as worthless? Pray tell what cruel being in that god's farce of a circus gave you that name?" The Pale Lady genuinely questions her son out of concern for his well being. She may not have raised him, but she still cares for her child. Her remorse over her part of the vessel's creation being the reason she isolated herself in her gardens in the first place. However, she is unprepared for her son's laughter at her question.

"The one who gave me that name was father, your husband, the king. I just changed it so I wasn't greeting other bugs with the direct translation. It just sounds better." Belial stated after his laughter ceased. His face then adopted one of deadly seriousness before he spoke again. "And for your information, that circus has treated me better than any of my blood family ever have! They are my true family!" Belial yelled at his mother, no longer giving a damn about the consequences. No one insults his family, no one!

"Your father named you worthless?" The White Lady questioned surprised. "That does not seem like him at all." Belial scoffs at his mother's delusions surrounding his father.

"That is what father called me after I passed his little test. After I spoke, he deemed me worthless and left me to die with the rest of my siblings." As Belial told his mother the truth, her face shifted to one of intense shame.

"I am sorry. Perhaps if I had been there I could have convinced him to let you stay at the palace with us. Instead I wallowed in grief over the children I had to sacrifice." The White Lady apologized to her son as tears trickled out of her clouded eyes. Belial sighed before speaking again.

"No cost to great. The motto you and father lived by at the time. There is no need to apologize. I hold no blame over you and I made peace with father the last time I returned to the kingdom." Belial stated as he began to reminisce on the time. His mother on the other hand, looked confused.

"Made peace? Last time? What do you mean?" The White Lady asked her son as he began to chuckle.

"You wish to know? Very well then. Let the Grimm Troupe's Belial tell you a tale of the past that none have heard until now." Belial stated with a flourish to his audience as he dove into his memories.

"Five years had passed since I left our falling kingdom with the troupe. It was like any other day as I trained and bonded with the troupe within the nightmare realm, simply waiting to be summoned." Belial stated as the room they were standing in seemingly shifting to the world of his story. "However, when I went to bed that night, or day, there isn't really a day/night cycle in The Nightmare Realm, I felt an odd pulling sensation. It didn't feel like a normal summoning, and the next thing I knew, I was standing within a blindingly bright place. The entire building was a bright white, with light grays mixed in and a blinding light that permeated from every wall. Once my eyes adjusted, I could see the dream essence floating about the place, denoting that I was within a dream. I also noticed the insane obstacle course filled with buzz saws that was the only way forward. However, as I saw no other way to leave I decided to brave forward, continually wondering what maniac decided that this was acceptable architecture? After making it through the course with all of my limbs attached, and definitely no injuries whatsoever, I'm definitely not lying, don't question it! I came across a figure sitting on a throne. It was The Pale King, my father, in all of his fork like glory."

"Do not compare your father to a common eating utensil." The White Lady demanded, cutting out of the story abruptly as scene changed back to the room they were in. This of course, annoyed Belial.

"You cannot deny he looked like a fork and we are moving on!" Belial stated angrily before sighing and recomposing himself. "Now, where was I? Oh yes! I found father sitting on his throne looking confused and concerned by my presence." Belial said as the scene changed back to the world of his story.

""Who are you? How did you get here?" father asked angrily. Given all he had done to my siblings and I and definitely not because I was exhausted and injured from the death trap I just went through, I decided to be cheeky with him.

"I'm hurt you don't recognize me father! Though given the number of Vessels you went through, I'm not exactly surprised." I said feigning shock and pain. "As for your second question, it should be obvious how I got to you! Through that death trap filled with buzz saws I just went through. Shouldn't be surprised you were the one who designed that. You seem like the type of bug who would. As for how I got into this dream, I'm not entirely sure myself." I said to him, before I noticed an all too familiar presence surround us. "Although I think they have something to do with it." As I said that, Void emerged from the shadows around us, the inky blackness illuminated with the white glowing eyes from the shades of my many angry siblings.

"What is this?!?" father shouted in rage, though I could easily tell it was to hide the tremendous amount of fear he held at that moment.

"If I had to guess, I'd say my siblings pulled me in here to give them a voice. I guess I'm not worthless after all if they can find a use for me." I stated as father's eyes dawned in realization.

"You're that vessel! The one that spoke when it reached the top!" father exclaimed in horror when he when remembered who I was. If I had a mouth, my smile at that moment would have been terrifying.

"Oh, you do remember me! You even remember the name you gave me! WORTHLESS!" I shouted the last word at him as he recoiled in shock. "But I changed it. My name is Belial now. It has the same meaning but it's a different word. We can't have the king's son going around saying his name is literally Worthless, now can we?" I said with a smug tone. Father further sunk into his throne as I slowly approached him. "After I escaped, I was taken in by the Grimm Troupe. They have been a great family to me, something I was denied of by you." Father further shrunk into his throne out of shame and fear.

"I am sor-" he attempted to apologize but I cut him off before he could finish.

"Don't bother. I've moved past what happened long ago." I said as I turned away, my back now facing him. "I see now that you are no villain, you are not evil. Simply a man despite to save his kingdom and people. However, I was brought here to explain the truth of the Void that you so recklessly used in an attempt to save your kingdom." I said as I walked away from his throne, not even bothering to view his expression. "You see, Void does have a will of its own. It is simply buried deep within, with no hope of you ever reaching that far or giving it enough power to manifest itself in all of its extremities or even notice its existence. That will spoke to me, and told me the truth when I was lost and confused within The Abyss." I paused to let father absorb this information before I continued. "However, the outer portions of the Void, the stuff you worked with, has no will of its own and is easily manipulated and filled with thoughts and emotions. That is why your plan failed in the end, because you implanted a thought into your Hollow Knight. Despite everything, it was still your child and you loved it, and it loved you. It was just very good at hiding this fact from you." I turned to look at my father's face, it was one of rueful regret. Like he had known that was why his plan failed.

"Is that all? Why tell me all this?" Father's voice sounded so empty and exhausted. It spoke volumes that he had truly lost everything and it was partially his own fault. I almost felt bad for him, so I decided to get to the point.

"The reason I say this, is because in the Void's current state, that outer layer is filled with thought and emotion. It's filled with the shades of my siblings. Who are very, very angry." If I had bothered to look back, father's face would probably be dawning in horror. "Guess who they are angry at? I'll answer that for you. It's you." I turned around to see and feel the utter terror exuding off of father. "Despite not being evil, actions have consequences. What did you always say? No cost to great? Eventually you have to pay the price. Well my price was a simple chance to talk with you and get some things off my chest. My siblings' price however, is much steeper, and far less merciful. Goodbye father, it was nice to talk with you. But I'm afraid my siblings have come to collect." With that final statement, I turned away from father as my siblings rapidly descended upon him. He did not utter a sound as it happened, but the fear he exuded told me all I needed to know. After that, I woke up in my bed and continued on with my life with some much-needed closure."

When Belial finished his story, his mother was in tears from the news of what had happened to her husband.

"I thank you for telling me the fate of my beloved Wyrm." The White Lady said in between her sobs. Sensing he would get no more conversation from his mother in her current state, Belial turned to leave the room.

"As I said to father, I hold no ill will towards you. However, I must return to the troupe." Belial then left the chamber, before pausing as he passed a shadow in the hall outside of it. "It's rude to listen in on other people's conversations, Hornet." He said as his sister emerged from the shadows.

"Is it true?" She asked her brother as he continued down the hall.

"Every word." He said solemnly as he continued into the hall. He then turned to look at her, his crimson eyes illuminated in the darkness. "Including the part about needing to return to the troupe so I unfortunately cannot continue this conversation with you. Goodbye Hornet." Belial then turned, and disappeared into the blackness, leaving his mother and sister stewing in the uncomfortable feeling the truth had left behind.

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