Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.8K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Secret Admirer?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!

Flirtatious conversations?

676 35 0
By sihle0071

Amukelani's POV

"This shit is way bigger than i thought but I knew it couldn't just be a coincidence that your motives are the same." I say. "Mmm. And its about to be rollercoaster cause this is just the beginning. Thank you for telling me I'll let my dad know." says Manqoba. "We have to be ahead of the player so I couldn't just keep this to myself." He chuckles.

"So you got a game plan on how to prove that she is lying?" he asks. "Since we bringing the boyfriend and your brother to the stand we will show the court that she is lying." I say. "This better work." "I need to be strategic about this whole plan." "This mysterious guy could be dangerous." "Not could be, he is dangerous."

He sighs. "I'll see you in the next meeting." he says. "Sharp. Make sure you look nice for the gala." I say and he chuckles. "Okay. I can't wait to see your outfit." "I'm bringing my A game." We chuckle and he leaves.

I take my keys and walk to Jessica's office. I knock on the door and she says come in. "Are you ready to go?" I ask. "You done with the meeting?" she asks. "Yes." "Okay then let me take my stuff and we can leave." She takes her stuff and we walk to my car.

We get inside and i drive to our destination. I shuffle my playlist and the song You don't know me by Summer Walker starts playing. We sing along and she starts to sniffle a bit.

"You know i gave this relationship my all." she says. I actually feel bad for her. This is why you should be the player in the relationship. "Let it all out." I say. "I loved him and i thought he loved me. The way he treated me was so different from my past relationships." "That's what guys that are wearing a mask do." "And i feel stupid for falling for him."

"Falling for him might be your biggest mistake but your biggest blessing is the baby you are carrying." I say. "I know and I'm so excited to become a mother but i thought i would be happy and married by the time I have a kid." she says. "We all plan our lives but then the universe has other plans. I even told myself that i would be married by 25 but look many years later I'm still the biggest player." She laughs.

"You still young and fresh." she says. "That I know boo." I say and we laugh. "Don't cry over him, he is not worth it." "Yeah he isn't." "Can I start laughing at your relationship." "Nope." "I'll laugh behind your back then." "Mxm." "Don't cry over him he is just a stupid ass bomblaclaat that lost a rare gem."

"He is one." she says. "And that wife is a cow for staying with a man that uses his stick to think and not his brain." I say. "Okay you taking it too far with the insults." "And you were blind to fall for him. What the hell were you doing with a married man?" "I didn't know he was married he never wore his ring." "That stupid cow nje must stay out of your way otherwise I'll strangle him myself." "Okay that's enough."

We get to our destination and we go inside the restuarant. "I'll sit here and just signal me when you need help." I say. "Ngiyabonga." she says. (Thank you.) I sit down and the waiter comes to take my order. I order a glass of wine. I wasn't planning to eat here. I use my phone to not raise any suspicion that he is being watched. After a while they were done talking she stands up and leaves. I signal the waiter to bring the bill. I pay my bill and stand up and catch up to her.

"How did it go?" I ask. "Better than i expected." she says. "He should have fucked up so i can beat him up." "You have a strong hate for that guy neh." "Men in general." She laughs. "He is willing to be apart of our child's life without anything in return. He will tell his family and wife soon."

"If that woman lays a hand on you its chai for her." I say. "Okay big sister." she says. I roll my eyes and laugh. We get inside the car and i drive back to work.

I get inside my office and continue with my work. While working I get a knock on the door and i tell the person to come in. "Surprise bitch!" says a familiar voice. I look up and i see my best friend. We both scream and i stand up to hug her.

"I missed you so much." I say. "I missed you too cow." she says. "When did you get here?" "I got here yesterday but since i was jetlagged I rested at a hotel." "I'm so happy you here my friend." "And I'm so glad I'm here because I'm admiring the view in front of me." "You know i try to look presentable since I'm the boss." "Turn around." I do a little twirl and she smacks my ass. "Turn around too." She does the same and i smack her big bottom.

"To what do i owe this special visit." I say. "I missed you and i knew you won't come soon due to your busy schedule so I decided to visit you." she says. "Thank you but i was going to come for the birth of Aphiwe's child and an event I'm forced to attend next month." "Forced." "Yes."

"What event is this?" she asks. "I haven't asked my dad but you know how he is." I say. "Poor you." "Anyways how are your parents?" "They okay they just miss my twin sister." "And i miss them too." "You must visit them when you go that side." "I will."

I need to tell Jessica to clear my schedule for that weekend before I forget and they want to see me that time. "Now that I'm here we need to paint the city red." she says. "I finally get to spend my salary properly." I say. "I'm sure your savings are filled with continuous digits." "It sure is." "Wrap up your work and let's go."

I stand up and I pack my stuff. "Let's go get ready." I say. "Let's go." she says. I walk past Jessica's office to ask if she wants to join us and she says yes. I go ask Michelle and she is down. I go tell Kuhle that I'm heading out and he tells me to stay safe.

We drive back to the mansion and get ready for the party. I put a bit of make up and tie my hair. I kept the same outfit cause its suitable for partying. I just took off the blazer. "Let's go then." I say. "Jessica then you will drive us back safely." says Michelle. "Fine." "Are you a non alcoholic?" asks Mihlali. "Pregnant." "Congratulation love." Thank you."

We get inside the car and i drive to our destination. We take a bunch of videos and photos. We get to the club and go to the VIP section. We order food and drinks and start partying. "Who is paying?" asks Jessica. "The person that suggested to paint the city red." I say. "I can't wait to spend my money." says Mihlali and we laugh.

The song Cheers (Drink to that) by Rihanna starts playing and me and Mihlali stand up and start dancing and singing.

Cheers to the freaking weekend
Let's drink to that, yeah yeah
Oh let the Jameson sink in
Let's drink to that, yeah yeah
Don't let the bastards get you down
Turn it around with another round
There's a party at the bar
Everybody put your glasses up and let's drink to that

I feel a pair of eyes staring at us and i turn to see who it is and its Sthembiso and his brothers. They not looking at me which is the best part but they looking at Mihlali. I think somebody caught feelings. I just need to figure out who is that one.

"Somebody is staring at us." I say. "Who is it?" asks Mihlali. "Look behind you but don't make it obvious." She turns a little and she waves at them. I roll my eyes. Talk about not making things obvious.

"They look hot." she says. "That's Sthembiso and his brothers." says Jessica. "So that's thee Sthembiso and friends." "Yes thats them." I say. "Are they single?" "Lucky for you they all are except Sthembiso." says Michelle. Dating a girl that betrayed him. I wanted to laugh but i held it in.

I see Sbongakonke approaching us and he greets us. "Hey. Can i talk to little miss gorgeous in private." he says. "Sure just make sure she comes back alive." I say. Mihlali stands up and follows him to their table.

"What do you think it is about?" asks Michelle. "Somebody caught feelings." I answer. "At least they all hot." says Jessica. "Agreed." "First night here and she has dick potential." says Michelle. "That's nice and let's all be happy." I say.

"It's just that dry season got me feeling jealous." says Michelle. "Don't worry it will end soon just as long as you look out for potential." I say. "I will." "Just don't make it look like your desperate." says Jessica.

After a few minutes she comes back smiling. "Dick potential." I say. "Probably we just exchanged numbers. His voice guys," She starts giggling and we chuckle. "Is so amazing. Nice and manly which I like." says Mihlali. "Which one?" asks Jessica. "SimphiweyiNkosi." "The first born." "I have a thing for older guys either way." "And younger ones." I say. "But never your age mates." says Michelle. We laugh.

We continue partying and i tell them I'm going to the bar to get myself a cocktail. They nod and i stand up and walk to the bar. "How can i help you nkosazana?" asks the bartender.  "Can I please have 5 shots of vodka." I answer. "Coming right up." He leaves and Sthembiso sits next to me.

The bartender brings the shots and Sthembiso takes one and downs it. I slap his hand and he says ouch. "Who said you must take my shot?" I ask. "Sorry I'm really stressed out." he says.

"Have you seen her yet?" I ask. "Not yet and i don't want to see her anytime soon." he says. "At some point you have to." "I know but for now i just want to distress and forget about the 3 million problems waiting for me." "Bring another 5." The bartender nods. "Have you talked to Langa?" "I did and we'll get the devices soon." "Okay. Let me not talk about the case since you here to distress." "You would be helping me." I chuckle.

"What did your brother want with my friend?" I ask. "Feelings are brewing." he says. "This is about to be interesting." "It sure is. What brings you here?" "I'm here to paint the city red with my friends."

"Do you have any clue about the person thats after us?" he asks. "If i did i would have told you but I'm stressing that he might come after my family. I think he is targeting the ones that are powerful and has connections." "Yoh."

The bartender brings the shots and i thank him. We down them together and lick the salt. "This is supposed to make me feel better but its not working quickly." he says. "Patience is key." I say. Maybe this is the time where i can start being flirtatious in a subtle way.

"Did i compliment your outfit today?" he asks. "No, why?" I ask. "It's really nice I like it. Your fashion is on point." "Thank you. Let's thank my sister for upgrading me." We chuckle.

"Please bring two glasses of whiskey." he says. "Sure." says the bartender. "Quick question." "Shoot." I say. "Why you single?" "Why am i single?" "Yes." "Being a player is really nice, my job is really demanding and i don't want to get played like the way they playing you." He chuckles. "Ouch that hurt."

"I don't want to sugarcoat it." I say. "I know." he says and we chuckle. "So you going on a celibacy trip after getting what you want?" "Yes i am." "Take a very long break and in the meantime be the player." "I'm taking notes." I laugh.

"You have nice eyes." he says. "Thank you. Yours are nice too." I say and he smiles. His smile ladies and gentlemen..melts. I didn't expect that compliment but anyways. We talk about random things and he keeps on asking questions about my personal life but i keep the answers plain and simple vice versa.

"Why you being flirtatious tonight?" I ask. "Because I'm trying to get over her." he says. "You using me as a rebound." "It's not like that. I'm just trying to enjoy myself and you the perfect person to enjoy it with." "Should i say cheers to flirtatious conversations?" "Cheers to flirtatious conversations." he says. We clink our glasses together and i giggle...

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