The Crystal Golem: Steven Uni...

By Dat_Dorito

62.5K 1.2K 307

This is my first story so feedback (both negative and positive) is welcome. This story starts when the Crysta... More

Beesechurger Packback
Together Breakfast
Feline phalanges
Effervescence companions
Semi-serious Steven
Tiger millionaire
Mirrored oceans
Trust and promises


5.6K 107 10
By Dat_Dorito

3rd POV

Steven: huh?

To say he was confused would be an understatement. This thing that just wiped the floor with his friends just freezes when he yelled "stop"?

Steven: umm, get back ?

Just like before the creature followed the command and leaped back from Steven and Garnet's gems.

Steven: wha? Um, get down on the floor!

Again the creature obeys the order and started to kneel. Then Amethyst started to get up.

Amethyst: ugh, that hurt. Wait! Where did-

She then looks at the scene before her.

Amethyst: umm, what happened?

Steven then looks at her with a face of confusion.

Steven: I don't know? When it was going to shatter Garnet I just told it to stop and it did.

Pearl then stumbles through the hole in the wall that she made.

Pearl: Steven? What's happening?

Amethyst: Apparently that thing obeys him?

Pearl: huh? Why wold this thing-

Her eyes then go wide with realization.

Pearl: unless, oh my stars, it all makes sense now! The box sticking to Steven's hand, the pink diamond mural, it was made for-

She then clasps her hands over her mouth hiding what she was about to say.

Amethyst: made for who Pearl?

Pearl: uhhhm, it must have been made by the rebels as a prototype made to help Rose?

Amethyst: oh, that explains why it listens to Steven!

Steven: Cool! I got a big robot I can control!

Pearl then notices the two gems on the floor.

Pearl: i-is that?

Steven: yea thats Garnet, she'll be ok right?

Pearl then sighs as she picks up the two gems.

Pearl: yes, but it will take a while for her to reform. We should return to the house.

Steven: can I bring it with us?

Pearl then stops and looks at the kneeling behemoth and shudders.

Pearl: yes, just be careful with it. It's obvious that it was built for battle.

Steven then jumps up in the air raising his fists.

Steven: Woooooooo! Big battle bot!

Amethyst: we could play so many pranks that we couldn't before!

Pearl just sighs as she looks away feeling guilty for lying to them.


Welp that's another chapter done.
Hope y'all enjoyed reading it, to be honest it's been a bit hard to put this down and take a break I just have so many ideas for this book and I can't wait to share them.
But for now, have a good one!

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