Legends Are Made

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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The small town of Storybrooke, Maine just can't seem to get a break. From a snow queen to a god to countless... More

Season Four
Season Five


37 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


"Until we're together, no one leaves this town," Elsa said, using her powers and an ice wall grew at the border of Storybrooke. "Anna, I will find out what happened to you."


Anna was walking to a farm. She knocked on the door.

David opened the door and asked, "Can I help you?"

"I hope so," Anna replied. "Are you David?"

"Yes. Yes, I am."

"So, anyway, I got your name from an old friend of yours... From Arendelle."

"Arendelle? You know Kristoff?"

"What makes you think it's Kristoff?"

"He's the only person from Arendelle I know."

"Okay. He didn't tell me that. Hard to be on a secret mission when you don't have all the facts."

"What's the mission?"

"I just told you it's secret. But he told me I could trust you... Just not with the mission."

"Okay. What's your name?"


"Your name's not Joan."

"You're smart, too. That's good. See, I have to give a false name for your safety."

"You're wanted?"

"Look, I don't know if I can be more clear... Secret mission, your safety. Let me start over. I'm Joan. Can I sleep in your barn?"

"Sure, Joan. Anything for Kristoff's fiancée. The ring. Congratulations."


"Well, I guess I'll find out your name at the wedding. Uh, the barn's out back. You can stay the night. You should hurry and get inside. This is a bad time." Somebody was coming.

"Who's that?"

"That is someone you don't want to mess with. They call her Bo Peep."


"Here you go, sweetheart," Mary Margaret said. "I'll see you in three hours for your midnight shrieking. Yes, I will. Ohh. Sweet dreams."

"What do you suppose babies dream about?" Henry wondered.

"Bullfighting," David replied.

"Laser tag," Emma added.

"That's not true," Mary Margaret told them.

"I think they're joking," Henry guessed.

"Right," Mary Margaret noted. "I'll recognize funny again when he's three and I've had some sleep."

"Three?" David repeated. "I see the optimism returning."

"Okay, chocolate, DVDs, ice cream," Emma noted, looking at what Henry had. "Red wine? That's one heck of a late-night snack, kid."

"It's for my mom," Henry explained.

"I don't drink and sheriff."

"My other mom. I googled "how to get over a breakup." It didn't talk about your boyfriend's wife time-travelling back from the past, but close enough."

"That's really sweet."

A raven knocked on the window.

"What the..." David began.

"It's a message," Mary Margaret said. "It's for Henry. It's from your mother."

Henry looked at the message and said in a shaky voice, "She doesn't want to see me."


Henry was thinking.

Emma and Jackie entered and the former said, "You know, that is not exactly what she said. I read the note. She said for right now, while she's dealing with things."

"She doesn't want to see me," Henry replied.

"She's in a lot of pain over Robin Hood well, forever. Things have been tough on her and you. She's trying to fix them so that you two can be together... Because she cares about you."

"So why'd she tell me to stay away?"

"Because she thinks she's making things better," Jackie told her.

"She's not," he retorted as the power turned off.

"What the hell?" Emma and Jackie said.

"Emma, I-I'm getting calls from all over," David told her. "It's a town-wide blackout."

"Yeah, copy that," Emma replied. "Jackie and I are looking at it."

"I'll swing by to get you. We can check this out."

"Hey, kid. You want to come along on this one? We can call it operation... Nightshade or, uh, blackthorn or..."

"That's okay," Henry replied, shying away from a hug.


"He wouldn't even let me hug him," Emma said. "It killed me."

"Sounds familiar," David noted.

"'Cause I do that. Great. I've passed it along."

"Not just you. Henry has two moms who both put up walls. Sounds like he's taking after the both of you."

"It's not like him to pass up on operation anything. I'm worried."

"Well, kids have extreme reactions. They get over it fast. Just stay strong and roll with it. There's always people in this world who want you to give up. Don't make their jobs any easier. What the hell?"

"Well, there you go," Jackie said with a gesture. "Whatever happened to these power lines happened after the bloody snow monster. Let's go find whoever did this."

Emma, Jackie and David got out off the car. Elsa was hiding in the wall.


Leroy, Granny and Happy knocked on Mary Margaret's door.

Mary Margaret opened the door and asked, "Why? Well, just come on in, I guess."

"Oh, look at the baby..." Leroy began.


"Is what I'd say if I could look at the baby. But I can't. Why? 'Cause it's dark."

"Know what else we can't look at?" Happy shot back. "The Internet, TV, my clock."

"Happy's right. Power's out. So what are you gonna do about it, sister?"

"Me? I think you mean Regina, the mayor," Mary Margaret said.

"She doesn't want the job anymore," Granny told her. "This is your curse. You are the mayor now."

"I am?"

"We helped you take your kingdom back... Remember?" Leroy reminded her. "So you could rule. Well, this is your kingdom now. So rule it."


"In case you were wondering, it goes the whole way 'round," Hook said.

"Hook, I didn't know you and Matthew were joining us," David replied.

"Matthew and I get a distress call from two fair maidens, and we're on the spot."

"I was not distressed, and you're saying this wall goes around what.." Emma shot back, changing the subject. "The whole town?"

Matthew nodded. "And that it does."

"So, once again, we can't leave Storybrooke." David noted.

"Doing more than keeping us inside, by the looks of that. Guess that's what caused the loss of power."

"Look at you and Hook becoming 21st-century men. Yeah. It looks to me like whoever was putting up the wall wasn't trying to take out the lights. They were just putting up the wall."

"To keep us in... Why?" David asked.

"Kill us all one by one. It's what I'd do," Hook commented as David left. He smiled at Jackie. "Oh. I should have brought the champagne."

"What?" Jackie questioned.

"To celebrate our second date, as well as Matthew and Emma's. And because we've got the world's largest ice bucket."

"Second date? Did Emma and I miss the first?"

"Aye. The snow monster's the first. Ice wall's the second. After all, if Matthew and I only count the quiet dinners, we wouldn't even get one."

"I think I see something by the wall," Emma said. "You and Matthew wait here with your ice bucket while Jackie and I check that out."

Emma and Jackie left and David came back before saying to Matthew, "I think it's time. You and I have a little talk about your intentions with my daughter."

"That's a little old-fashioned, even by my standards, and I still pay with doubloons," Matthew said. "As does Hook."

"Oh, remember, I know your reputation. Emma is not some conquest."

"I wouldn't risk my life for someone I see as loot. Whatever we become, it's up to her as much as me. As it is for my sister and Killian."


"Hey. Who are you?" Emma asked.

"My name is Elsa," Elsa replied.

"Okay, Elsa. It's okay. I'm Emma. This is Jackie. You want to tell me what you're doing out here? You have something to do with this... Wall?"

"I'm looking for someone... My sister. I can't find her. This was hers. I found it in the store filled with things. Where is she?"

"She and I have no idea, but if you want us to help you, you have to help us. What's her name?"



""Do you want a glass of tea, Bo Peep?" Ruth asked.

"How about a cookie, Bo Peep?" Bo Peep taunted.

"You're not here for tea," David said.

"Well, the boy's got that right. Who's that?"

"My name is Joan," Anna replied.

"Adorable. You know me, Ruth. You know what I want. My payment."

"Your extortion," David shot back.

"Call it what you like, but you and your flock are safe as long as you pay me what's due."

"It's... It's been a slow month."

"How about this... You just figure out how to pay me what you owe me by tomorrow at noon."

"We... You've got to give us more time."

"I don't give anything. But perhaps if you hand over your steed, I'll allow another day."

"No. No deal. That... That horse never leaves my side."

"Then tomorrow, when I come back, if there's no payment, you keep the horse, and I take your farm. And you can work off your debts as my slaves."

"Mother, we don't need this. Let's go. We can leave this place and start over..."

Bo Peep used her magic on David and Ruth. "You can't go anywhere. You're branded now. This stick is how I find my flock, and you're now one of my sheep. And if you don't like it, pay me what you owe me, or this farm and your lives are mine." She left.


David was working when Anna interrupted him and said, "You're not seriously going to actually work the farm for that... That bully."

"That bully is the most powerful warlord in the region," David told her.

"So you're okay being her slaves?"

"Until we work it off. What choice do we have?"

"You could fight."

"She has an army. I'm sorry, but why fight a battle you can't win?"

"Those are exactly the battles you should fight. If you know you could win, it's not a fight. If it's impossible, you have to fight to achieve it."

"Spoken like a naive young girl."

"Right. I am a young girl, and I'm missing my own wedding to go to a strange land and track down... Some secret-mission things. And you're a great, big grown man who doesn't even have to leave his own home to tackle some random bully."

"I'm a shepherd, Joan. Sure, if someone picks a fight with me in a tavern, I can hold my own. This is a warlord with a private army. What good are my fists against that?"

"Maybe try a sword."

"I don't know what Arendelle is like, but here in the Enchanted Forest, most farmers don't do a lot of sword-fighting."

"Well, if it's help with a sword you need, that I can do."

"How? Kristoff show you? 'Cause using an ice pick to shave cubes for cool beverages is pretty different."

"He didn't teach me. I learned from my soldiers. M-my family's sold... Some soldiers I met at a place one time, and I can teach you. What do you have to lose? You can always give up tomorrow."


Emma and Jackie were speaking with Elsa. Hook, Matthew and David came.

"Emma! Jackie!" Hook and Matthew called.

"Stay back," Emma and Jackie warned.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" David yelled.

"No, no, no. Stay back. It's okay. She's just trying to find..."

Elsa lost control of her powers. An ice-wall grew again.

"Emma! Jackie!" Matthew called again as snow and ice fell. David, Hook, Matthew, Emma, Jackie and Elsa were separated by a wall. "The device... Call one of them."

"Emma, are you in there?" David asked.

"We're getting them out."

"What if we lift?"

"Don't!" Hook yelled. "We're not giving up."

"We won't, but this is not getting us anywhere."

"Well, Matthew and I are open to suggestions."

"Magic made this thing. I think we're gonna need magic to unmake it. And I'm not gonna stop fighting until we do."


Anna was teaching fencing to David and she encouraged, "You're doing great."

"All right," David said. "All right."

"You're getting there. Let's go again."

"No. We're done. I'm sorry, but if I can't beat you, how am I gonna beat her army?"

"Wow. You really like to give up."

"I know you think you know more, but I have my share of experience, too. I know about battles that can't be won. And right now, the best hope for me... And, more importantly, my mother... Is survival."

"Wow. I was wrong. You really, really like to give up."

"I like to survive."

"It isn't living."

"It's actually the definition of living."

"Now who's naive? I went through this with my sister. Scary things happened, and she did what you're doing. She hid. But the way she hid was by running away. She thought that was the solution to her problem, but it wasn't. She needed a push, like you, to see that surviving isn't living."

"And you gave her that push?"

"I almost died doing it, but, yeah, I did. And if you become Bo Peep's slave, you'll be doing the same thing."

"I'll lose everything if we fight."

"You'll lose more if you don't."

"Let me be the judge of what loss I can take."

"Stop being so stubborn. You don't know anything about loss. You're just afraid of it."

"Oh, I don't, do I?"

"If you did, you wouldn't act this way."

"Loss is exactly why I'm acting this way."

"I think it's cowardice. I mean... Well, yeah, I mean that."

"When I was six years old, one morning, I woke up hearing my father and mother go at it. They fought a lot... Usually over the same thing... His drinking. But this time, something was different, and I heard my father not yelling, but crying... And through the tears, he said to my mother words I would never forget... "I will beat this." He said to her, "I have to be better for the boy. I have to be different. I have to stop." And he promised he would. Every few months, we needed supplies. It was a two-week journey... Usually one that was a two-week bender. But he said he was leaving this time, and he wouldn't touch a drop, and in two weeks, he would be back home, himself again... Her husband, my father. We'd be a family. My mother kept this secret from me, but I knew. And every morning for two weeks, I woke with a smile on my face knowing my father would be back. So... On the 14th day, I arose, and I heard a knock at the door, and I ran to open it, ready to hug my father... And I was greeted by the local constable. Yeah, my father fought his battle... And for 13 days, he won. But on the 14th, he spent his last night in a tavern... And they found his body in the wreckage of our cart at the bottom of a ravine. Some battles can't be won. Some forces are too strong."

"You had a lousy father. I mean he was weak. I-I mean you are not. I-I mean you're strong."

"You don't know that."

"I hope it. Look... I just need a night here before I continue my journey, but I'll stay tomorrow and help, if that's what you want. Just meet me in the morning at the barn, and we can continue training. But if you don't... Then I'll just be on my way."


"Wow," Emma said. "I got to give it to you, you put on quite a show. You want to tell us what this is about?"

"No," Elsa replied. "Just that I'm very powerful, and you and your people... You need to be more careful. Keep your distance."

"I think she and I can guarantee that, so if you want to, you know, hit "undo" on that, then... We'll get right on it."

"I... Not right away. Bring me what I want, and then I'll consider freeing you."

"Your sister, right?" Jackie said. "Emma and I can't really look for her from in here."

"Emma!" David called. "Can you and Jackie hear me?"

"What is that?" Elsa questioned, pointing to the walkie-talkie.

"Uh... It's a..." Emma began.

"Emma, Jackie, are you okay?" David asked. "Say something."

"Allows me to talk to my father, who's on the other side of that wall, but if you want to melt that, we can all talk."

"Tell him to go get Anna," Elsa told her.

"Dad, can you hear me?"

"Emma," Matthew called. "Say again."

"Jackie and I are in here with this woman. She's looking for her sister, Anna. She thinks that Anna is in town because she found a necklace of hers in gold's shop. She wants us to try to find her before..."

"Before I freeze this town and everyone in it," Elsa warned.


"Is she fixing it?" Leroy asked.

"I've got a fridge full of iffy clams," Granny said. "Just read the manual."

"The manual's in Japanese." Happy noted.

"Well, just do something."

"Maybe Marco should be helping with the power. He's the handyman."

"Geppetto? You think? I mean, I'm not sure handcrafted Tuscan wood carvings are really gonna save the day," Leroy said.

"Dr. Whale?" Granny suggested.

"He's a doctor, not electrician."

"We don't need help!" Mary Margaret cried.

"You think? I mean, I'm grumpy now. Imagine me in the morning without a coffee maker."

"Or a computer or stop lights, TV, DVD, CD, DVR, DVD," Happy added.

"Stop saying letters!" Mary Margaret yelled. "Look, I am not magic. I have had eight hours of sleep in the last week, I am breastfeeding, and I am exhausted! I don't need this. I may have cast a little curse, but I did not ask to maintain a metropolitan electrical grid. Oh, and get this... I'm starting to get why Regina was evil. It wasn't her! It was you! You have survived your entire lives without light bulbs! Buy a flashlight!"


"Aren't you cold?" Emma asked. "I'm freezing."

Jackie sat, trying to warm her hands. "As am I."

"It's never bothered me," Elsa replied.

"The other day, there was something here... We called it a snow monster. I assume that's something you made?"

"I'll do whatever it takes to get my sister back."

"Jackie and I can tell you care about her a lot," Emma said. "I'm sorry about her necklace."

"Where is it?"

"It fell into the ice here. You can melt down to get it back. Keep going, and we could take this whole conversation somewhere warmer. You can't control it, can you? What you said to David on the walkie... It wasn't a threat. It was a warning, because you can't control what you're doing."

"What makes you think you know me?"

"Because I know me, and I have powers, too, and I am not great at controlling them. And it looks to me like you're the same way."

"You... You have magic?"


"Anna helps. She... Helps me control it. So if I can find her, she can help me undo this. We can get rid of all this... The whole wall... When she's here."

"Well, I'm afraid she's not."

"Maybe your magic could help get us out of here."

"I've been trying... Even just trying to warm myself up. I can't really feel my hands or my feet. Okay. See? I-I don't have control o-over mine, either. Oh, God. I'm just tired."

"Oh, no."

"If we could just... Lay down for a minute," Jackie mumbled as she started falling asleep.

"Emma. Jackie. Emma, Jackie, talk to me. Tell me more. Uh, were you born with magic or cursed? How long have you been a pirate, given your particular choice of clothing?"

"So, those are my two options? Um, I don't know. I... I was raised in a place without magic, and, um... I didn't know I had these powers until recently, and I didn't have any parents around to help me with them."

Jackie smiled tiredly. "Since the Jewel of the Realm took on a new moniker. The Jolly Roger. Then I got my own ship after a doomed quest. The Black Pearl. Also a bar in town."

"Parents don't always help," Elsa said. "I ended up queen of a large land, unprepared."

Emma nodded. "I hear you with "unprepared." I'm... Get this... A savior. I'm still not sure what the hell that means."

"Sometimes, it all feels like too much, doesn't it? And even trying to just shut it out... That ends up hurting people, too. And part of it is I'm the only one I've ever heard of with powers like mine."

"That has to be very lonely."

"I'm very sorry Jackie and I trapped us here. We didn't mean it."

"I know."

Jackie and Emma closed their eyes.

"Emma? Jackie? Emma? Jackie?"


David, Matthew and Hook entered Mr. Gold's shop.

"It appears our honeymoon is over," Mr. Gold said.

"Yeah, there's an emergency," David told him. "Emma and Jackie are trapped under ice by a woman with some kind of ice magic."

"And this involves me because?"

"You're the bloody dark one," Hook retorted. "Do something."

"Well, I could melt the ice and destroy it with a thought, but that would also destroy Matthew's and your girlfriends. Is that what you want?"

"No one's destroying anyone," David said. "Now, the woman who has Emma and Jackie trapped is in there with them, and she's looking for her sister... name of Anna. They think she's in town because of something of hers she found in your shop... A necklace."

"Is that it?" Belle asked, pointing to a necklace in a case.

"Wait. I know this. I know exactly who Anna is."


David entered the barn looking for Joan. "Joan? Joan, I'm sorry, but we can't win this. You have to go before Bo Peep returns. I-I brought some provisions. Get out of here. You can save yourself."

"No, she can't," Bo Peep said.

"Where's Joan?"

"I have her where she can't get out... And get herself in trouble. And even if she does, she's been branded. I can find her... Always and forever. So, now all that's left is for you and your mommy to pay me... Or hand over your farm."


"Emma, Jackie, don't sleep," Elsa said.

"Right," Emma noted. "Right. I'm here."

Jackie nodded. "Me too."

"Tell me more about your son, her friend," Elsa told them.

"Oh, you only want to know more because you know if Jackie and I sleep, we'll die," Emma said.

"Emma. Jackie. Emma, Jackie, stay with me."


"Sorry, lambkins," Bo Peep said. "We're closed."

"I need your help," David told her.

"You and me... We ain't friends. I'm not interested. Get out."

"You don't have your helpers here with you anymore, Peep."

"Right. I just have one. Say hello."

"Don't do it."

"Now, my daughter's in trouble, and I need to find the person that can help her... Someone you branded."

"I branded a lot of people."

"Her name was Anna. She went by "Joan" back then."

"Do I look like I keep a record book? 'Cause I don't."

"Then you know what I need. Hook, back room. She won't keep it far from her. You're looking for a shepherd's crook."

"Hey. Hey! That's my personal property. Give it up!"


"Ah, so, in this world, you're a hero?"

"In this world, I don't have to answer to you. Let's go find Anna. Hook? Matthew? Hook? Matthew?"

"It's that woman, Elsa," Hook informed. "She said Emma and Jacqueline have passed out. They're freezing to death."


"High noon," Bo Peep said. "Right on time. I hope you got my money."

"Sorry," David apologized.

"You're not actually considering fighting. You know you can't win. Boys." David fought against the two men and won. Bo Peep took a sword. "Guess mama's got to get her hands dirty now." Bo Peep and David fought. "See? Told you you can't win."

"Actually... Maybe I can. Where is Joan?"

"I don't owe you any answers."

"Then I'll find her myself. You're gonna help me whether you'd like to or not. Okay." David entered a barn. Anna attacked him.

"Oops," Anna said. "I thought you were them."

"Got your necklace back."

"You did it. You fought, and... You won."

"Well, don't be so surprised. It was your idea. Yeah, I just didn't think we had the time."

"I mean, I hoped we did, and I had faith in you."

"Okay. You were right. It was an impossible battle... Which is why I had to fight it."

"What changed your mind? It didn't get more impossible."

"When she took you."

"You barely know me."

"I was starting to. And what you said about your sister, uh... I might be able to survive, but... I also have to be able to live with myself, and I... I can't do that if I'm trapped in a life I don't want. Now, I think it's time we get you on your way."

"Thank you."


David, Matthew and Hook returned to the ice wall and David said, "Elsa? Elsa? How's Emma and Jackie?"

"They're freezing... Turning blue," Elsa told him.

"No. Emma!" Matthew cried.

"Jacqueline!" Hook exclaimed.

The two tried hacking at the ice.

"It's not gonna help," David told them. "Elsa... Listen to me. I need you to find a way out."

"I need Anna," Elsa said.

"Well, we don't have her right now, but we have a way to find her, and we will, but right now, you're gonna have to do this on your own."

"I can't control this."

"I know how you feel. You're trapped. It's a battle you can't win, but it's exactly the kind of battle you have to fight, or you'll die."

"No, I won't. I'll survive. But Emma..."

"Survival isn't enough. You have to live."

"Where did you hear that?"

"You know where."

"Anna? You knew her?"

"Yeah, I did. She helped me once, a long time ago, become who I am. She saved my life and yours, and now I need you to save Emma's. I didn't know much about Anna, but... She wouldn't want you to live alone in an ice cave, which is where you'll be if you don't melt that ice. Now do it!" Elsa used her powers to free Emma, Jackie and herself.

"It's working," Hook noted. "I can see them. Emma! Jacqueline!" Elsa helped Emma and Jackie to get out off the cave. "Emma! Jacqueline!"

"Let's get them home, warmed up," David suggested.

Hook and Jackie hugged and the former asked, "Are you okay?"

Jackie nodded tiredly and collapsed in Book's arms. He easily swept her up.

Matthew hugged Emma and asked, "Are you all right?"

Emma nodded as she began to fall and Matthew also carried her.

"You did it," David said. "You saved them."

"Yes, I did," Elsa replied. "But I also endangered them. You owe me nothing."

"I owe your sister everything, and what I said was true. She helped me, and now I'm gonna help you. This isn't over. We're gonna find Anna."


"Still can't read Japanese, but I can do this," Mary Margaret said as she tried to start the power and failed. "It should start!" Neal cried. "I know, honey. I know you're hungry. I'm sorry. I will feed you in just a second. Hungry. It's hungry, too. Fuel. Fuel! That's right. It's feeding time. Oh! Aah! Yes!" The power turned on. "Baby high five! Who wants some milk from mama mayor?"


"Emma, Jackie..." David called.

"Hmm," Emma and Jackie hummed.

"You okay?"

"She's so cold," Hook said as the lights turned on.


Matthew brought a radiator.

"Oh, that's good," Emma said.

Jackie let out a tired, relieved sigh.

"I'll go make some hot cocoa," Henry offered.

"Wait," Emma said.

"I know. With cinnamon. And some rum for Jackie."

"I'm sorry if Jackie and I weren't much help earlier, kid."

"I'm just glad you're okay. I was already down to one mother, and could've been down a friend and I won't go lower than that."

"Elsa... You okay?" Jackie asked.

"Not only have I lost my sister, I've lost her necklace, too," Elsa replied. "Now I have nothing of hers."

"Then let's find her," David suggested as he gave Elsa the shepherd's crook.


"I hope I'll see both of you at the wedding," Anna said.

"Consider this an early present in case you get hungry on your journey," Ruth stated, handing Anna a plate of food.

"I love sandwiches."

"You've changed him, you know?"

"David? Nah. He was always this way. He just didn't know it."

"Thank you."

"I'm glad I helped. Can I ask you about the magic? Like, with Bo Peep's staff... Is that usual around here?"

"Well, there's always a bit of magic around these parts."

"Uh, my parents... They had a problem with magic. Really powerful stuff. Would there be someone who could help them with that kind of a thing?"

"I'm no expert, but there is one man... A very powerful wizard who's well-versed in all magics."

"Perhaps he can help me. What's his name?"

"I don't like to say such a name out loud. He's... A bit dangerous. But I'll write it down for you."

"Thank you." David came with his horse. "What's this?"

"He's yours... To help you on your way," David told her.

"I thought he was something you could never give up."

"Uh, he's a reminder... One I don't need or want anymore. He was my father's."

"Look at you... All heroic now."

"Eh, still just a shepherd."

"We'll see." Ruth gave Anna a note then she left. ""Rumple... Rumpelstiltskin." "

Rumpelstiltskin was watching Anna through his crystal ball and hummed, "Mm. Hmm!"


"I don't see anything," Elsa said.

"It should work," David told her.

"Is it broken?" Hook and Matthew asked.

"Or does it mean something happened to her?" Elsa wondered.

"Wait," Emma said. "What's that sound?"

"Is that a heartbeat?"

"It is," David confirmed.

"We might not know where your sister is... But we know the most important thing," Jackie reassured.

"She's alive," Elsa said.

Mary Margaret entered and asked, "Who's alive? Oh. Who are you?"

"Uh, this is Elsa," David told her. "We're gonna find her sister. That's what this family does. We find people. We always do, because we really... Really don't like to give up."


Henry knocked on Regina's door and said, "I know you're in there! You can give up on yourself, but I'm not gonna give up on you! And I'm not gonna go away just because you told me to! I belong here, and I'm gonna come back every day, because this is my house, too! And I miss my room!"

Regina opened the door and said, "Henry."

"Mom," Henry replied and they hugged.


"You did this," Emma said. "You might not totally control it, but this is amazing and... Unique, and you said you're the only one who has this power."

"That's probably a good thing for everyone," Elsa stated.

"And you," Jackie added with a small smile. "I mean, this is kind of... Cool. Pun intended."

"Well, regardless, there's no need for a barrier anymore. Let me take it down." Elsa used her powers on the wall but nothing happen. "Why can't I bring it down? There's no reason this thing should be staying frozen. I'm the only one with this power. I should be able to undo it."

"So, what's keeping this thing up?" Emma wondered.


Leroy was buying an ice-cream and said, "Thanks. Power outage must be your worst nightmare. Lose a lot of merchandise?"

"No," the woman replied. "I didn't lose anything. Just lucky, I guess." The woman used her power to freeze a juice bucket and a part of the room.

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