Assassin Love ✓

By sihle0071

71.9K 3.3K 432

[COMPLETELY EDITED AND FINISHED] What happens when you fall in love with your enemy? Well you do know what ha... More

Phone call?
One night stand?
Big Case?
Old friend?
Heartbreak Anniversary?
That's a wrap?
Why her?
Why me?
I need your help?
Retail therapy?
New boss?
Yah neh life?
Virtual meeting?
Roles reversed?
Shoot now ask later?
Moving out?
Surprise shawty?
The Mole?
Annual Mafia Gala?
Way bigger than we thought?
Flirtatious conversations?
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Baby daddy?
Your type?
Sorry not Sorry?
Non-paid actor?
Justice was served?
Huge thunderstorm?
Family reunion?
Made life easier?
Miss me already?
Step two?
Remember where home is?
Special Treatment?
Body party?
After glow?
Beg for it?
Kiss and Make up?
Tension and Anger?
Free man?
Final Verdict?
Getaway Trip?
Late night conversations?
Appreciation date?
Bonnie and Clyde?
Lights out?
Death bed?
Unwanted visitor?
Snoop Around?
Role model?
Critical Piece?
Alternative plan?
Shake the world?
Special Delivery?
Let the games begin?
Spare my life?
Innocent boyfriend?
Small world?
Thinking about him?
Block them out?
Trust fund?
We need to talk?
One step closer?
Regret your desicion?
Clear message?
Meant to be?
Source of happiness?
Lines blurred?
One last time?
Revenge? (part 1)
Revenge? (part 2)
Assassin Love?
Out Now!

Secret Admirer?

683 39 2
By sihle0071

Sthembiso's POV

We get out of her office and walk to the parking lot. I don't know how to feel right now. Happy, sad or angry? One thing i know is she has to pay for what she did. And the fact that I had fallen for her makes  everything worse. I'm just glad my smart mouth decided not to tell her yet and postpone the matter because look where we are now.

"Sthembiso Khoza." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "What?" I ask. "Don't bite me bite your girlfriend." "Mxm." "Are you okay?" "Do i look okay to you?" "And he is not okay." We get inside the car and start driving to my dad's workplace. I'm in desperate need of the gym so i can release the pain and anger I'm feeling inside of me. I don't want to burst on the wrong people.

"I can't believe Siyanda betrayed you like that." says Sbongakonke. "I predicted it after what mama said but i just kept quiet." says SimphiweyiNkosi. I can hear their voices but i can't hear what they saying. I am leaving relationships to the experts cause hai its not for me.

"Sthembiso.." says Sbongakonke. "Yeah." I say. "We going to ubaba." "Fine. Let me connect I need to listen to some music." I need the music to temporarily calm me down before I get to the gym. I shuffle my playlist and the song Nobody knows by August Alsina starts playing.

"Siyaxolisa bafo ngalento obhekane nayo manje." says SimphiweyiNkosi. (We are sorry for what you are going through now.) "Its fine you can laugh and say I told you so." I say. "We not going to laugh at your demise no matter what." "You called it and now it has happened you should be rejoicing." "We can't be rejoicing when you are this heartbroken." "Mmm."

We get to my dad's workplace and we go inside his office using the back entrance. We get inside the elevator and go up to the 55th floor. The elevator opens and we walk to his office. We sit down and wait for him to finish his phone call. "What happened?" he asks. "A lot happened." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "How bad is it from a scale of one to ten?" "100." "Start talking." "Whose doing the talking cause i ain't the one to break the news?"

"Fine I'll do it. So we went to the meeting and she told us the prosecutor is bringing the forensic scientist that examined the crime scene and the detective that investigated the murder. The detective is a rookie one so we hoping he brings nonsense to the table. We going to be a witness that will confirm Sthembiso's alibi." says Sbongakonke.

"Is that it?" asks my dad. "No there is more I just need to breathe." says Sbongakonke. "Continue." "We found out that Sipho is Siyanda's brother." "So she was playing two teams?" "She is not playing two teams, she is playing one." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "And who is that one she is playing for?" "Her brother of course."

"But here is the worst part..." says Sbongakonke. "Yeah.." says dad. "She is the mole." "How sure are we?" "Amu overheard the conversation between her and her brother. Siyanda was busy telling Sipho to stick to the script and everything will be fine. Sipho is afraid of Amu cause he wanted to back out but Siyanda reassured him. Plus she has been meeting up with Nthabiseng behind our backs. Why would she do that if she is team Sthembiso all the way."

"I did not expect this bombshell." says dad. "Neither of us did." I say. "We playing along with her." "That's what Amu said and we need Sthembiso to play stalker vibes and record her conversations." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "Uright?"(Are you okay?) "I could be better." I answer. "Don't worry she will pay for what she did." I nod. I'm not in the mood of words that are consoling.

"But then there is another thing." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "Are you dying?" asks dad. "I'm not you are." We all chuckle. "Talk then." "There is a mastermind behind the cases Amu is working on." I say. "What do you mean by that?" "She is also representing Vilakazi." "What does that have to do with us?"

"The witness that testified against him is Siyanda's sister." I answer. "So you think there is someone after us?" asks dad. "I don't think, there is someone coming after us and is trying to take over our territory." "Not only do we have the Mngomezulu's after us but this unknown person."

"The Mngomezulu's are a piece of cake so don't stress to much. We should worry about this unknown person." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "We shouldn't put too much focus on it cause we will forget about the Mngomezulu's and they will come after us." says dad. "Yeah." says Sbongakonke. "How far are you with your seduction?" asks SimphiweyiNkosi.

"I haven't began yet." I answer. "And why is that?" asks dad. "I don't know. I'll start on it once I have gotten over this Siyanda situation." "And when is that?" "In a couple of day's time." "You better get over it soon. Things are getting heated." "And I'm getting heated sitting over here."

"One thing I'm going to credit Amu for is catching the mole while its still early." says dad. "Yeah. The power of eavesdropping." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "So we need to get ahold of Langa so he can give us tracking devices." says Sbongakonke. "Yeah. Do you have his number?" asks dad. "Yes i got it I'll call him now." Sbonga dials his number and puts him on loudspeaker.

"Langelihle Zulu speaking." he says. "Hi. Langa its Sbongakonke." says Sbongakonke. "Khoza?" "Yes." "To what do i owe this special  call." "We need your help with something." "I'm listening." "Can you get us tracking devices that are untraceable." "Of course. I am the king of this so I'll get it for you." "Okay Mr. King. How fast can you get it delivered to us?" "Give me until next week Wednesday." "Okay no problem we'll be waiting on you." "Okay sharp." "Sharp." Sbongakonke drops  the phone.

"Okay that's done. Sthembiso will you be able to two time two women?" asks dad. "Siyanda will be easy but Amu I'm not sure." I say. "Just tell her you broke up with Siyanda." "She won't believe me because she is the one that said I must pretend." "Oh well you have to make a plan and convince her fast." "Yeah I will."

"We need to go to the annual mafia gala." says dad. "Of course we need to." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "Have you told mah and Siphelele?" asks Sbongakonke. "Yes. It's on the 25 th next month so start prepping your suits and dates." "When you say date you mean the one on the calender right?" asks SimphiweyiNkosi.

"Nope the human form." says dad. "I guess we'll all play man version of polygamy." says SimphiweyiNkosi. We chuckle. "You need to settle down soon I also want grandkids." "Women are problems." "I agree. After this fiasco thats about to go down I am sticking to celibacy." I say.

"I saw from Sthembiso that women are beasts so honestly I'm okay." says Sbongakonke. "Try finding one that's like your mom." says dad. "Where will you find her amongst billions of moneysuckers?" asks SimphiweyiNkosi. "Somewhere out there."

"Is there anything else you would like to tell me?" asks dad. "Nope that will be it." I say. "Meeting dismissed." "You can't dismiss us like that we are your kids." says Sbongakonke. "Your mom is coming." "Okay." I stand up and leave .

I walk to the parking lot and wait outside the car. I'm so drained right now. I would do anything to get a good meal and sleep. They unlock the car and i get inside and close my eyes.

Physically I'm okay, emotionally I'm drained. It does hurt that I had to fall for her and i defended her to my family when they didn't like her and now here she is betraying me heck even Amukelani had her own opinion and i defended her but here we are. That shit wasn't worth it at all. Mentally I'm finished, i have to two time people now just to get what i want out of them.

"We dropping you off at your house." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "Why don't we go to a club." I say. "Not you living a little." says Sbongakonke. "I'm trying to distract myself and its not like anybody is going to comfort me when i get home so why not hit the club." "Yeah let's go change."

"This thing of having clothes at each and everyone's houses is very convenient." I say. "This is real brotherhood right there." says Sbongakonke and we chuckle. We drive back to our offices first and pack our stuff.

We drive back to my penthouse and change into more comfortable clothes. We called Siphelele to join us and the minute he heard club he said he was on his way. He arrived looking nice and tells us to take pictures.

"That's for women." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "And we were once women before we became men in our mom's womb." says Siphelele. "Fine." We take a few pictures and when we were done we locked the house and headed to our destination.

We get to the club and go straight to the VIP section. The waitress was flirting with us and we laughed when she left. "What's the occasion?" asks Siphelele. "Your brother is going through a lot so we thought coming here will cheer him up." says Sbongakonke. "Who is paying?" "The lovely Sthembiso Khoza." "Man you rich now." "Yes i am." We chuckle.

The food comes and we start eating and drinking. Our conversation was flowing and i even forgot that a nigga has two million problems waiting for him when I go back home.

"So SimphiweyiNkosi.." says Sbongakonke. It looks like he zoned out on us. Who does that while we having fun? "Bafo." I say. (Brother.) He still didn't answer. I nudge his shoulder and he steps out of his trance. "What?" he asks. "Don't you what me, we talking to you." We laugh.

He clears his throat. "What did you want to say?" he asks. "Who got you stuck in a trance like that?" asks Siphelele. "Is that what you wanted to ask?" "Yes we are concerned." We laugh. "It's not funny." He was looking at a certain someone so we looked at where he was looking.

"I knew you loved Amu!" shouts Siphelele. "What! No." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "So why you staring at her direction?" "I'm looking at the friend she's dancing with." "What happened to I'm going to be single till the day i die?" I ask. "Who said I like her I was just admiring her drip?" We laugh.

"Let me go tell her there is a secret admirer looking at you." I say. "You wouldn't dare." says SimphiweyiNkosi. "It's either that or you go talk to her yourself." says Siphelele. "Neither of the above." "Choose. Neither of the above wasn't an option." says Sbongakonke. "These boys." We laugh. She looks back at us and waves.

"She even waved at us so choose." I say...

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