Known to you

By randxm_fanficz

394 15 3

Will Byers and Mike Wheeler are two kids from the 80s who are blearily surviving. Will they reunite? Or wil... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter six

Chapter five

30 2 0
By randxm_fanficz

*Mikes Pov*

My alarm clock went off on the early Tuesday morning.  I sit up without thinking.  I didn't get a lot of deep sleep last night.  I was up and out all night. 

I decided to just get up and get dressed.  The faster this part of the day went by, the sooner I would be able to see Will.  I smiled and walked over to my closet.  I grabbed my navy blue hoodie.  I also grabbed a pair of faded black jeans and a white t-shirt.  I got dressed quickly and put on my black and white sneakers. 

I left my room and ran down the stairs.  Holly was still asleep in her bedroom, so was dad.  Mom made breakfast and Nancy was reading in the living room.  Nancy was finished with high school now but mom makes her drive me because she doesn't trust me riding my bike.  Occasionally she'll let me but it's not the same as it used to be.

I took the plate that mom made for me and ate quickly.  By the time Nancy and I left the house the sun was rising.

Nancy and I rode to the school in a comfortable silence.  I think that's the weird thing about us.  We're always there for each other and we love each other but we never show it unless it's a serious situation.  I wonder how Jonathan and Will act towards each other.  But then again that's a completely different situation. 

Nancy pulled into the parking lot after a few minutes.  There wasn't a lot of people here yet but then again there never is when I arrive.  I thanked Nancy and she tells me to have a good day as I shut my door with a small smile.  I walked over to the staircase where I usually wait for Will and sat down.  I played around with the straps on my backpack before I noticed a familiar green car pull into the parking lot. 

Will gets out of the car but talks to Jonathan for a minute before closing the door and walking over to me.  It doesn't take long before he walks up the steps and sits next to me.  He wore a black hoodie with blue jeans.  He looked anxious.  Really anxious.

"Hey are you okay?"  Was the first thing I ask him.  He just nods without answering me.  I sigh and he bites his lip.

"Well you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to.  But you can talk to me."  I assured him.  He gave me a grateful smile but didn't say anything. 

It was quiet until Max and Jane pulled up on their bikes.  They ran up the steps and sat below us. 

"What's up losers?"  Max smiles. 

"Wow you guys are actually early for once."  I reply sarcastically.

"Oh ha ha."  Jane says just as sarcastic.  Max laughs and I roll my eyes.

We talk about random things for about three minutes and then Lucas and Dustin show up.  They locked their bikes up and came to sit with us. 

"Can you guys settle an argument for us."  Dustin asks and Lucas rolls his eyes.

"Alright."  Max shrugs.

"Okay so we've been dating for around two years, right?  Well I want to start telling people like our parents but Lucas doesn't want to.  And I respect that but he's so rude about it."  Dustin explains.

"The way you explain it is such bullshit!"  Lucas argues. 

"It's not bullshit!  This is you're whole problem Lucas.  You always think I'm in the wrong and you only care about yourself!"  Dustin shouts and gets up.  He storms off into the building and Lucas is left there shocked. 

Will gets up and goes after Dustin.  I sit there not knowing what to do. 

"Lucas that kind of was bitchy."  Jane whispers.

"Well I'm sorry that I don't want to tell people.  That shouldn't be such a big deal!"  Lucas says annoyed.

"I understand where you're coming from but you didn't have to be so rude about it."  Max says.

"I know.  I know okay?!  I'm scared and I don't know how to tell him."  Lucas sighs. 

"Just talk to him about it.  I'm sure he'll understand where you're coming from.  But you can't get angry Lucas."  I suggest quietly. 

"I know.  Thanks guys."  He says.


*Wills Pov*

I chase after Dustin who went into the bathroom.  He was crying by now.  I felt bad for him.  I felt bad for both of them. 

"Dustin?"  I whisper.

"Yeah?"  He reply's in between sobs.

I walk closer to him.  He was in front of the sink. 

"I'm sorry about Lucas."  I say quietly.  He wipes his face off and laughs.

"It's fine.  Really.  I should have known how he would act in a relationship from the beginning."  He says while he try's to stop crying.

"That still doesn't make it right.  Besides, he should know how to treat the person he loves."  I say.

"I don't think he loves me."  He whispers and starts crying again. 

"I'm sure he does.  Maybe he just doesn't know how to express it?"  I suggest and pull him into a hug.  He hugs me tightly back and continues to sob.  It's quiet for a few minutes before we heard someone come into the bathroom.  Dustin pulled away from me and I turned around to see Lucas.  I give him a small smile and he returns it.

"Can we talk?"  Lucas whispers to Dustin.  Dustin let's put a sigh but nods.  He had stopped crying a little bit but you could definitely tell he had been crying.  I left the bathroom so they could talk in private.  Mike, Jane, and Max we're waiting in the hall.

"How is he?"  Max asks worriedly.

"He doesn't think Lucas loves him."  I sigh.

"That's crazy!"  Jane says.  I nod in agreement.


*Lucas Pov*

I walk over to Dustin who refuses to look at me.  I don't blame him.  He has every right to be mad at me right now. 

"I'm sorry Dustin.  Really, I'm sorry."  I whisper.  He doesn't say anything and I take a deep breath. 

"You say you're sorry and then you go and do the same thing.  I don't care if you don't want to tell people but your so rude about it, you're so rude about everything!"  He shouts at me.  My stomach twisted.  I knew he was right. 

"I know.  I know I am.  I'm trying to get better."  I reply as tears burned my eyes.

"Do you even love me?"  He mutters. 

"Of course I love you!  Where did this come from, what-"  He cuts me off.

"I need a break Lucas.  I'm sorry."  He leaves the bathroom quickly.  Leaving me there confused.

Did he just break up with me?


*Dustins Pov*

I went to my first class numbly.  Did I just break up with Lucas?  I didn't mean to.  I didn't want to be without him.  But what was I supposed to do?  What if he doesn't like me. 

I had Max in my first class so she talked to me about it.  She told me what Lucas had said outside after I left.  The truth was, I knew he was trying to get better.  But it feels like no progress has been made. 

"I just don't know what to do Max.  I broke up with him!"  I whisper to her.  I was on the verge of crying again. 

"You said you needed a break.  I'm sure he understands Dustin."  She whispers back.

"What if he finds someone else."  I whisper.

"He won't Dustin."  She says supportively.

"Thanks."  I smile.


*Wills Pov*

Mike and I sat in class.  It was the class before lunch but I wasn't paying attention.  I was thinking about Dustin and Lucas.  I was thinking about my dad.  I was thinking about Mike.  I was thinking about what Jonathan had told me.  Everyone seemed to hit me at once and I started to feel overwhelmed. 

"You okay?"  Mike whispers to me.  I nod and smile.

I hadn't talked directly to Mike all day.  I wasn't mad at him or anything but I've been thinking a lot about everything.

"You sure?"  He asks.

"Of course."  I smile.  He nods and turns his attention back to the teacher. 


*Mikes Pov*

Will and I walk into the cafeteria together.  Jane and Dustin were there already.  Will and I sat down next to each other.  Lucas and Max had the class before this together so the teacher must have let them out late.

Around three minutes of talking Max walked up to us.  She let out a sigh and turned to Dustin. 

"Lucas asked me to ask you if you could meet him in the bathroom."  She says as she sits down next to Jane.  Dustin hesitates for a minute before getting up and leaving the cafeteria. 

"Do you think they'll make up?"  Will asks Max.

"Lucas was crying in Science so I think so."  She shrugs and holds James hand. 

"Dustin seemed really upset in History."  Jane adds.


*Dustins Pov*

I walk to the bathroom at a good pace.  I didn't want to see Lucas right now but I also did.  I was nervous. 

I slowly push open the bathroom door and see Lucas leaning against the wall next to the sinks.  He looks at me and I walk over to him. 

"You wanted to talk?"  I ask quietly.

"Yeah I did.  I um..."  He goes quiet. 

"What do you want Lucas?"  I ask annoyed.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry okay?  I know I was a jerk.  I want to make it up to you."  He admits.  I look at him confused. 

"How?"  I ask intrigued.

"I want to go on a date.  This Sunday night.  If you want to I mean?"  He asks.  I hesitated for a minute.

"Sure!"  I finally say with a soft smile.  He pulls me into a hug and lets out a sigh.  I hug him back and smile brighter. 

"Are we still together?"  He mutters quietly.

"Yeah.  I mean if you want to be of course."  I say quickly.

"Yeah I do."  He says while hugging me tighter.


*Mikes Pov*

Will and I sit in our last class of the day.  There was only five minutes of class left so the teacher let us all talk to one another. 

"You've been acting off all day."  I note to Will without looking at him.  I felt him look at me.

"What?"  He asks.

"You've been acting off all day."  I repeat.

"Right.  Yeah I've just been thinking a lot."  He mutters.

"About?"  I ask.  He let out a sigh.

"Everything."  He says.

"That's a lot."  I say while turning my head to look at him.

"Yeah well."  He shrugs with a smile. 

"Are you going to tell me?"  I ask him with a smile.

"Not right now.  I will soon though."  He says softly.  I nod.  It was quiet for a minute before he started talking again.

"Do you think Lucas and Dustin made up?"  He asks.

"I'm sure they did.  Or if they haven't then they will."  I say supportively.

"They should go to couples therapy."  He laughs.  I laugh with him in agreement.

"I think my parents should go as well."  I laugh and he continues to laugh.  Our laughing dies down and we both look at each other.

"I've really missed you."  I admit to him quietly.

"I missed you too Mike."  He smiles.  My heart skips a beat and I pull my eyes away from him. The bell went off a few seconds later and we both get up and leave the classroom. 

We went to our lockers quickly and then we both went out to the front of the building to wait for the rest of the party.  Max was already outside so we went over to her.

"What's up guys?"  She says as she picks her skateboard back up.

"Hey."  I greet her back.

We talk about how much we each got on our math test and Jane join us.  Her and Max held hands as we continued talking.  A few minutes later we saw Dustin and Lucas talking as they walked over to us.

"Hey guys!"  Dustin smiles.  He seems to be in a much better mood then this morning.

"Hi!"  Will says with a smile. 

Everyone talks about random things before Jane brings up a topic. 

"Hey do you guys all want to have a sleepover this weekend?"  She asks the group.  Everyone agrees on this Saturday into Sunday. 

"Who's house?"  Max asks.

"We could do it at mine.  My parents are going out of town for a business trip.  My little sister is going to my aunts house and my older sister is going to her friends house."  I suggest.  Everyone agrees and we plan for everyone to get to my house at 2:00 on Saturday.  We would go to the park and then go to the arcade then go to get ice cream and then we would have a movie marathon before bed.  It would be perfect. 

We heard a car beep from behind us and saw Bob and Mrs. Byers.  Will said goodbye to the party and ran to the car.  I watch him get into the car safely and drive away before I turn back to the group. 



I'm just not realizing how stupid it was to continue this story.  There was really no point.

The rest of this story is going to be rushed so I'm sorry about that!  The next chapter will be a time slip to Saturday.  I'm really sorry about how much this book has turned out to suck.  It was decent in the beginning and now it just seems to rushed and stupid. 

Anyway I hoped you guys enjoyed up to this part at least.

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