If Only

By ChonkeyMonkey01

1.7K 30 1

Y/n is the daughter of mother gothel; her and her mother do not get along well for many reasons. One of those... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21

79 1 0
By ChonkeyMonkey01


I wake up bright and early ready for Ben's orientation

His orientation starts at 1:00 pm.

I look at the clock and see its 7:00 am

Harry facetimes me and I answer.

"Morning beautiful"

I smile

"Well your up early" I say

"Well I have to get ready to see you in, oh 10 minutes" He says looking at his wrist that doesnt have a watch

"That's right I have to go in the car so I'll be there okay?"

"Okay see you there" Harry says.

"See you there"

We hang up the phone and I head outside not bothering to change my clothes.

I'm waiting on the limo and see everyone staring at me.

"Are you guys going to keep staring at me like you want somsthing!" I shout out to them

"Because I'll give you something"

And everyone runs away

I shake my head. This is so stupid.

I see the limo and get in the back.

I see Harry through the window. I jump out of the car and hug him.

"Its been to long" I say

"I know, but we got to go" He says.

Harry sets me down and grabs his bag, we go into the limo and sit.

He sees all the snacks that they keep in here.

"Arent these the chocolate strawberries" He asks.

"Yes, and take as many as you want."

"So they just keep this stuff in here?" He asks with his mouth full

"Yes" I say in a laugh.

We get out of the car and Harry is in awe.

"Its something huh?" I say.

He looks down at me amd kisses me on the lips, "Its perfect because your here with me"

I smile.

"You always know how to put a smile on my face, let's go to my room I'll give you a tour along the way"

"Alright then"

"And now we're at my room" I say

Harry picks me up over his shoulder, "Put me down you goof" I say.

"Okay" He says, he slams me on the bed and gets on top of me, kissing me with much passion.

I kiss him back with the same amount of passion.

He trails down to my neck biting and kissing

"Harry" I say in a moaning tone

"Harry I have to get rea-" I was cut off by him slipping his tongue in my mouth.

I pull his face away and he gives me a smirk, "Okay just 5 minutes" I say.

"5 minutes?"

"Yes now let's carry on" I say with a giggle.


I get out of the shower and see harry in his suit.

I cant help but smile at him

"I think your drooling" He says.

I roll me eyes, "Oh stop"

I then remeber I'm still in my towel.

I already have my hair done, it's in a updo with fluffed out braids on each side of my head, and a couple of butterfly clips all around.

"Turn around" I tell him

He squints his eyes, "What?"

"You heard me now turn around" I put on a serious face

He rolls his eyes and turns around.

I start to put on my dress

"I've seen every inch of your body, why is it now I cant see it" He asks.

"Well I just wanted to suprise you, you can turn around now" I say.

My dress is a light blue ballgown with butterfly's in my skirt.

Butterfly's have been my new favorite thing since I've been here.

He turns around with his jaw dropped

"I think your drooling" I say mocking what he said earlier.

"Oh haha" He comes over to me and spins me around.

"You're so beautiful" He says.

I smile and kiss him on the lips, "Thank you, you're not bad yourself"

He looks up at the clock, "I think we have a orientation to get too"


We're inside the building waiting for Ben to walk down

As I get to a spot someone bumps into me.

"Watch where you're going" I say.

"Sorry" She says.

She looks familiar

"Oh my god, you're gothels daughter!" She says.

"And I'm guessing you're Rose? Rapunzels daughter?" I say

"You're mother put mine through hell"

"Oh stop she was only in a tower for 18 years, she had food on her plate, had walls to paint, and a pet to keep her company" I say

I know kidnapping is bad but if you think about it she didnt go through as much as the other princesses.

"You're mother was a manipulate kidnapping bitch" She says

"Listen that was all my mothers dirty work but if your going to take your anger out on me fine I can show you that I'm just as capable of doing bad as my mother or maybe even worse so I suggest you keep your mouth shut" I say with anger.

I can feel my mothers flower striking power in my body

"Alright alright let's go find somewhere else to be" Harry says calming me down.

We find somewhere else next to Carlos, Jay, and Evie.

I stand in between Carlos and Harry and Carlos looks at me with concern.

"Y/n you look amazing!" Carlos says.

"Yes, stunning I may add" Jay says.

I dont respond thinking about that bitch Rose.

"What's wrong?" Carlos asks.

"Just some bitch trying to start something I guess to show how she thinks shes better then me" I say.

I start to get frustrated again just thinking about it.

"Uhm Y/n your eyes are glowing gold, and now you're hair is on fire" Carlos says.

I look at him, "What?" I say confused.

Evie hands me over a mirror.

Oh my god. Hes right.

The top of my head was blowing blue flames and my eyes are golden.

I calm down to see it all go away.

I've never noticed this happen before.

Everyone turns to see Ben walk down the hall and we all bow down.

He was about to become king when someone takes the wand.

"YES" I yell out.

"Uhm Y/n you need to look again" Carlos says.

I see


All of us VKs head down to get that wand from her.

"Jane hand that over now" I say about to grab it from her.

She pulls back amd I almost hit her before Harry pulls me back.

I squint my eyes at him and he just rolls his eyes.

"Jane you dont need that" Mal says.

"I just want to be as beautiful as you guys" She says

"You are beautiful" Mal says.

I almost barf. Mal being nice?

"Stop with the act Mal. Just give us the wand Jane" I say.

"I'm not putting on an act. I want to be good" She says giving me such a realistic serious face I almost believed her.

"Nice try you're a great actor though" I say.

I put my hand up and the wand is in my hands.

I guess my mothers flower did that. It gives me a lot of power.

"Put that down" Evie says.

I look over at her, "Oh so what you want to he good too?" I say.

I scoff and point the wand at Carlos because he tried to take it from me

"Y/n I know you love it here, the way your face lit up seeing the flowers planted and the butterflies flying" Evie says.

"Dont turn this into some sort of lesson" I say.

"Come on love one swipe could get rid of them all" Harry whispers in my ear.

"If you think I belong here whatever everyone else just wants me back where I came from" I say.

"Who cares what people say, they can kiss your ass" Mal says.

"Oh so what one of the most evil kids are now one of the nicest?" I say.

"I may not be the nicest but people change, I know you've changed" She says.

I start pointing the wand down until someone comes in the middle of the place.

Or 2 people.

"Mother?" Me and Mal both say at the same time.

"You know it hehehe" Maleficent says.

"Oh my darling daughter how is it being here" She asks coming closer to me.

"Dont" I point the wand to her.

"That's it use it child" Malificent says.

Without a thought I throw the wand to Fairy god mother.

"Bippity Boppiy-"

"Boo" Malifent mocks the fairy god mother and her staff makes everyone stiff as concrete.

She made Harry part of that.

"What the hell is going on" I say

"Well me and Maleficent teamed up and figured we could get here to take that wand" My mother says.

"But you guys hate each other" Mal says

I nod in agreement

"Oh yes but we actually were the best of friends back then" Maleficent says.

"Weird how you guys both have the same dad" Maleficent says.

"Yeah that is weird.... Wait WHAT!?" I say in realization of what she said.

I look over to Mal and she has her head down, I see Evie looking around trying not to make eye contact.

"You guys new?" I say almsot in tears.

My mother told me about how Haydes was Mals dad and that not many people knew. I cant believe hes mine too.

I shake my head, "No" I look at my mother who has a smirk on her face probably thinking this is all funny.

"Oh cut it out child god you're so emotional" Mother says.

I start to feel power in me from anger, maybe it wasnt my mothers flower.

It was my fathers genes.

"Oh little girl did you think you're the only one with powers?" Maleficent says.

Next thing I know she turns into a dragon

"Run!" Mal says.

Me, Evie, Mal, Jay and Carlos all split up and run everywhere.

After awhile we all catch up with each other and stop

"This is between me and my mom" Mal says.

I see my mother right behind Maleficent with a knife.

"Guys look out!" I say.

My mother throws the knife and I catch it with telekinesis, the knife aiming right at my face.

"I'm going to have to get used to this" I say.

I turn the knife around and it goes straight to mymother, stabbing her

"Oh my god" I realized what I had done.

It seems that Maleficent is now a lizard.

I run over to my mother along with Jay and Carlos right behind me.

"You always looked like your father" She said

Those were her last words.

"I just killed my mom" I said.

Carlos holds me in a hug while I cry in his shoulder.

Everyone is back to normal and Harry comes running over to me.

I stand up and run over to him at the same time.

I hug him and he holds me in his arms, I officially break down.

"I missed a lot didnt I" He said

All I can do is nod my head.

"Y/n we need to talk" Evie says walking over.

"No" I say.


"No! You want to keep secrets from me that's not what a friend does Evie" I say.

My sadness starts to turn into frustration.

"I had to do it because I wouldve lost my friendship with Mal"

"I knew it! All along you've always said you can't choose between me and Mal, well you just said it"

"Dont act like you care about me more then Harry, he was always your number 1"

"Yeah you're right he was, he was always there for me, he didnt have anyone else and sometimes I felt like neither did I but he was there" I say.

I turn around and drag Harry with me before I say to much.

"What are we doing" He asks.

"We're going home" I say.

And to stay.

1993 words

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